Ford Taurus - No A/C

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alright folks you've seen it 2006 Ford Taurus pushrod flex fuel engine with a complaint of no a/c and it's supposed to be hot so we got to get it fixed ASAP otherwise we're not going to get the job so I totally bring it right down through the gauges on here real quick so I kind of get a idea as to what we're going to be dealing with whether it's empty system or mechanical problem electrical performance issue whatever hook the gauge is up and it appeared to have a you know a good static charge on it given the cold temperatures this morning I reached in with the old screwdriver like we've done in other videos hit the clutch and there was dust and dirt and squawking and stuff carrying on at first the clutch is pretty wobbly on there like the clutch face isn't you know parallel with the hub I don't know if it's broke a rivet or what the deal is but it's pretty weak you know the magnet feels kind of weak the more I've clicked it on the better it seems to be working but I think this is just your classic clutch problem something going on there presser seems to work I don't think we need to get too excited and go toss in a compressor at it but I'll see if I get us a new clutch clutch hub bearing that kind of stuff see what it takes to fix this old beast I will first thing first we got to pull the refrigerant out of it I'm not a hundred percent sure but the compressor but in case we do holy frig around that way went on to screw wrong with that I'm pretty sure we got to take the whole thing off it's about this far away from the frame so I don't think there's any way to get in there and just remove the compressor too much like through the wheel well you know the wheel opening or anything like that it appears that perhaps if we pull the cooling fans out we might be able to unhook the compressor and fidgets it around enough to do what we have to do or maybe what a stereo das we can do it on adventure probably the most sensible thing let's get at it first thing first we want to put on some gloves nobody wants car cooties it's like it's done recover and took out a pound 13 elseis so know what just hold but it gave me much more net let's say here holds 0.96 kilograms whatever that converts to 2 pounds I don't know not a mathematician folks all right next we'll uh things they're gonna yank a fan out of the say I go to ripping stuff off see if I can just slide this slow fuse box up off here come on you jerk there um that exposes some kiddin me I don't know if you can trust the guy who can these box come around here well they say they're okay thread us again looks like maybe just one bolt holding these fans on these old Ford speak it ends over there yup not sure how you get the fan connector off well then so when I grab an eight-millimeter it looks like only one bolt on that fan at least one that we can see there's pulse got my backup air ratchet here the other one is a that's way too California my little Astro till it broke it was he my fault - oh good fit if this one screw humming ah now let's pick your own hair on the car staring down its room see you I'll get that connector I'm done you'll pick stuff come on little song well a little bit with difficult times one here folks so Christmas tree faster here can't win on when in doubt just wiggle it yeah I got the proper tool for the job go monkey just gonna cry can't grab the right tool first time best monkey voice I push it okay all right so just real quick just take your fan out okay just slip right out PC cake that's I gotta get a Moultrie boys they're losing stuff here um so looks like we're just gonna do the same thing here well days you have food when we call it we got to do sedation I move these little plastic clips worked out of there see if we do that without breaking them all for the fan you don't wanna break come on where's that on the wiring clip get our big meat nuggets on there we got to get a big pack my hands feel weak today one of those days we can today you got to push in on a release tab get out so you'll see this little guy through the fan it's the only opening they give me reach in and push down on the contrary what you would think this pull up towards always said that funky connector it says push um so I've got that got the bolt we can't get to right far steering lines in a way which we tweets out so we'll leave that tweaked down we have eight short season come on there sing it's got like a hair trigger on it that just like the ash I think got a hair trigger okay thank what will slip this one in the side that's why we took the other one out so we can get this one out there she is she can tell you this fusebox back on all the weights me tugging on it hold on pop the belt up I got a wrench on the belt tension here let's see we can't just flick it off AC compressor this is a sink through here pretty good on everything else so you just loosen it up off this AC compressor leave it on everything else go something we've got enough slack down there now that felt loose we can get that out of there and then we've got to take the they call AC manifold I guess it would be that works out your high and your low pressure your suction in your discharge and the back of the compressor I suppose we can take cut that loose looks like a ten millimeter that holds that on 13 or so on the other stuff there let's see if we can get this much wiring off here I'm just reach down you push maybe just a tab on the bottom all the way that that was easy that's off so now we've got looks like four volts can't see this action something wearing down here that white hand away obviously we've got the drive belt alright let's see if we get them bolts off it appears that this o2 sensor should be moved also in my opinion I just think it's gonna be in our way when we try to get that compressor off let's see if we get this thing loose pinched back here and right side yeah it'll come loose easy we'll take it out I think gotta buy us some room Wow I better get some bigger tools try this she got long he did crack these suckers loosen a lot spinner it up hand and I'd be the case here there I shall spin right out now let's compress your busted loose due out of farm feel that Oh look here's a bracket oh okay the o2 sensor bracket Oh what you guys ain't got a clue you can see down there but it appears this bolt for this forward bolt has AC there has the o2 sensor harness bracket on it so we got one more bolt up here at the top but okay get the air ratchet on it go right after don't the old old old-fashioned way like they did back in the days got to use a ratchet maybe got a training cooler liner something away one broke loose I'll spin that out by hand I'll see if I can weasel this thing up out of here that one looks like it has a bracket on it two to the wiring all right let's keep that in mind we're gonna have to pull it out a little bit here get it off the block it's probably uh kind of dull pin or something I imagine most professors do a little screwdriver here we happen she's loose we're got to pull it back a little bit to get that wiring harness off that top bolt we did I think like extremely shaky today so now I got to pull the bolo oh forget that again sit come on Oh wires all up on the bottom of it here always the driver side and then up and out easy all right well they sent us up a brand brand new clutch at a magnet got our idler looks about the same connector looks the same snap ring the bolt we got some shims we've got our new clutch space so the thing that has to be concerned about this is the air gap on this obviously it's an air gap issue we know that because we can push it everybody's happy but it's not even all the way around so I have a fear that this clutch face you know just it just isn't even I don't know if the spring tension on it's wearing whatever so we're not just going to pull this one off and shim it we're just going to pull it off and replace it these parts are pretty inexpensive in the big picture compared to compressors we grab a hose let me get some hoes oh there's that sides that little guy there it's not that size that's the size and eight came right off got a little blue octagon ooh crusty crusty crusty I've got a snap ring oh I got some new snapping tools where are they Marlin well fellas yeah this tour review right now here got these babies from Astro imagine that oh my gosh can't even open them yet there's our warranty sure don't forget to fill that out send it in port notice blah blah blah we read this stuff where we got any little bag lady pretty nice ones we're gonna need them see I need to squeeze our opener once hello's all right see if they work let's see if they claim they do everything they say they do yep they take snap rings up just like they claimed look at me shake one cup of tea today get up here hammer this man up so there there's our two clutch things this double cross knees and then we've got this little guy which I believe I mean I'm not an expert here that that is just Prasad I mean does it tell us in the direction that I believe so I don't know probably separate electrical connections if applicable remove clutter move field coil snapped ring retaining the field coil well I think this is a generic construction because we have no field coil retaining a snap ring number thirteen in our diagram what those are about useless so this one is a press fit I really kind of want to use the air hammer for something here we could probably give that a little to that'll cover it off chef steel looks good I don't see any goo round that so I say we give this a little book and she'll pop it off on that towards anything will pop off when you're using big man stir me to sing around let's give her a little to hear see if that comes off I don't want to hit my AC machine to submit some bad things happen in here ya know that nothing to it flat babies off there's your old field coil there's all that I don't know if there's a right shim up in there take that out and say that put that our arsenal of shims case we ever need to just reach in one we've got them in our little kit usually we're not adding shadows to probably one thing you should know is the field coil can go on one of four directions so don't just go willy-nilly it's got it oops great now it says void it is voided all the warranties think it's got to go into one of these notches so you have to know which way it was facing so I hope you guys pay attention because I didn't actually I did because we know that this goes on like this we know our connector was in the front we're spilling oil everywhere so ours goes on like so so when it sits down in the car you know the connector faces us if that makes sense so now we'll get a big hammer just give her the beans that really will push it on gingerly I'm thinking probably this is that's a flat surface we can use this use our old hub to give that just a little press in our food ralick press I want to make sure she's lined up nice and pretty I don't think we want to take this one back off all right let's go back to the press so I've got it set up in the press I just slip in there and a couple press blocks got our old klutz and then top for new clutch I've confirmed 100% I believe the way it should be facing now here just a slight pressure should go on that hard there she is that's it stop when you hear the crunching that's it I just looked up realize you're not even recording you ever have that moment so I'll recap got to do a recap again just we give her a little spritz of some fluid film here and then I stuck the whole bit simply on which is a very precise spin I had to take it back off for the sake of video that's on spinning nicely just look at the camera once in a while make sure little red lights on I guess take our snap right make sure she clicks I'm gonna hear that little click shirts in the groove gotta mean groove folks always paranoid about these things it's a pretty shallow groove that one goes in okay so here's where the moment I realized we're not recording waiting somewhere smudgy prints off the clutch so now we have to shim it no shims is too tight I don't know what spec is we're going to have to look that up we'll see what we have in here are shim pad and I'll just take a guess we'll grab the we'll grab this little skinny fella stick him in there line up okay thunder let's find a speck and we'll check this but it's still a little too tight by my old eyeball let's look up a speck Oh 35 Oh 75 mm it says so we need to find an oath 35 mm oh 3 5 so it's 14,000 14 15 somewheres narrow see what we got loosey-goosey so that's a 3/8 1 let's see where she falls here that's to him it's very easy now don't be say anything like there yeah that's what I knew there was - I was doing a double stack measurement everybody does that let's see where we at so so so what so for what just get one that wants to be like oh that's good we'll look at our Tower Oh thirty point three five you know but I'm trying to look for a thicker one one that just fits them in life and then if it's within its tolerance you ask too many questions so that one is 0.50 eight what's 508 plus let's see it's kept are 75 so that's 500 and two five two seven five right let's I looked that one's all freaking bent up then we have other few T's I've got a tool to hear what you do to those ones I didn't walk Airy only leave your Bo's got some big uns oh yeah 610 there's a six ten millimeter whoo the scat might be too much let's see us to go to our maximum point seven five this is a seven six we can't get that one in there so you must be within the time but we really need some 37 7 36 we'll go crazy if we don't hear 711 yeah that one ain't fit Don we're within tolerances plaintiff down which probably checking on the whole state sorry like maybe one start the video oh not record oh why a little second Lord in heaven ah well you just said they were a checking on the bolts are tight so you're checking again new bolt washer besides right there miss no I put it there hey did you see I got some new tools I wrote a check form oh hey you got another tool again oh yes got burned doing a great job a brake job of all the things they get doesn't let me torque this that's right yeah you torque this the factory specs you Oh don't spill it torque that spec will go back and check the we didn't use that one we determined that already five five Niner five five Niner that's got little drag yeah 610 can you just test the smallest and the biggest and if it's somewhere in between then you've got a little starting vinca now for my own well-being so 7/7/11 does not fit its within specs now you're gonna know you did all that for nothing summers between yeah you gonna show me which rules maybe we want okay oh wow nice huh mmm-hmm I'll show the people you didn't have these already no I do actually what I got I have a lot to lean up people want to buy so this is my old Edison so if you use all these tools do this things damn near war you'll see all the tools right I only had three four five I was I suppose I can't help the guy even do it right now this stuff anymore I mean how don't you have that and didn't need anymore till today till yesterday no when did you get that sterilize it guys 50 30 years ago man right yeah so yesterday I got burned I was doing that Ford Escape a new one I needed this little booger to put the rear caliper I didn't have it however I improvised snap ring pliers cover this replace that yes I'm going to train the dinners what picture the tools when that runs out of room well just buy no toolbox I don't get rid of tool severed yes you're still working I'm sorry where were we I always seemed pretty good see that leeward now they were by the hand more ok so put these back ah the got me put these in the Amazon store if they're there and anybody's looking for some snapper employers say I need the people there are people oh yeah little be spot on you imagine hey you got about Oh grace huh Oh your girls do everybody kisses give them all kisses no yeah big kiss it oh we're good deal Oh tell you this wish we could snuggle puppies all day Gaga's I'd be out there and serving office pull this baby back in well before we get too far let's give her a quick check here I'll make sure she clicks all right looks good move crap and writer alright well the fact is putting it back together is just like taking that apart we're gonna slip our a/c compressor down and don't forget to put the bracket on that top bolt remember said I was going to forget we're not gonna and gonna slip that in get the bracket on the bottom bolt also but that can be done after the compressors up in place when you put the last bolt in the lower left-hand corner of that compressor so I'm going to record that whole process just going back together basically I've taken a Ragan you know cleaned off all of our AC ports on the back of the compressor before I stuck it in there wipe them off on the lines I've got our old hole rings here that we took off the compressor I replace them with some new ones because they look like they've got some funk going on there so we're going to swap those out get the lines hooked up basically just you know screw our Oh to Center back and put the fans back in that stuff's pretty easy pretty straightforward you guys seen you know seeing how it comes apart so in an effort to make a timely video I'm going to skip that part unless I come across something interesting but that should be all nuts and bolts stuff we'll throw a vacuum back on the system charge it back up and see how this new clutch works well that's it guys everything's all bad together it doesn't take that long throwing it together I mean it literally it goes very very quickly so don't forget to you know put all your wiring you know clips back into the fan shroud take your power-steering line and get back a little tweak back up put your fuse box back and I think that was it it's pretty pretty straightforward job pretty pretty easy not really much there I took him through the serpentine belt back on waiting for the vacuum to get done I put about a 10-minute God's excuse me I put about a 10-minute vacuum on is there so looks good down there make sure you plug it in when I get all done it I have it plugged in so really no no advise going back together quite simple I'll put your o2 sensor back in almost forgot that that's a lot better see ya don't play get them just about freezin about 30 degrees out of the - I don't think we can complain about that there you have it folks oh six tourists with the classic FS ten five piston swashplate compressor it's probably too much information but that's how you put the clutch on one or how you diagnose their how I diagnose it anyways it was obvious to me that this clutch had some malfunction other than you know perhaps an electrical problem if this clutch because some people are gonna probably own me why I didn't go down and test it electronically experience tells me these have a pretty high failure rate and too you could see of course I don't know if you guys could win this clutch sat in the car that it did not sit straight you know the air gap wasn't even it was all cattywampus and you know I didn't have any reason to believe that the compressor shaft was bent or anything like that what I feel is these uh you know obviously this clutch has to pull back under spring tension I think one of them is gone wild and just wasn't sitting even so you know we just ordered a you know clutch kit for it they're super cheap you know a hundred dollars at a local parts store and I believe the compressor is several hundred dollars and when we reach down to engage it with a screwdriver I can see that obviously there's you know the system had a charge on it it was blowing cold so that's why we went the route we did save the customer a bunch of money we're kind of like Geico saving customers money every day what else it took a good charge works good it blows just above freezing of course it's only like 72 in here right now so it's a pretty you know mild day as far as testing a/c performance we really should pull it out put a good Sun load on it but I'm confident that it's going to work as if it sitting here idle and blowing 32 degrees and certain we're not going to have any issues what else can I tell you I can't really tell you much of anything else oh you got to see some new tools got a little snap ring players from a stroll wanted to check those out they seem to work pretty good they're pretty inexpensive throw them into Amazon store as long as they've got them on there so you guys can check them out and you've seen our new brake caliper kit I hate getting stuck without the right tool and yesterday I almost got burned on the job fortunately we were able to work around it but I didn't want to be in that situation again so I guess that's it I think that's all I can tell you I can tell you to check us out on Facebook Google+ subscribe to our channel if you haven't done that I don't know why you haven't but I wish you would and remember viewers if I can do it you can do it thanks for watching
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 508,367
Rating: 4.9259772 out of 5
Id: AfHmgM-GRo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2016
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