NEVER Recharge Your Car's AC System Until Watching This!

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hi guys Paul here okay what I'd like to show you today is how to uh put refrigerant into the air conditioning system of your car all right um the first thing that you're going to need to know is what type of refrigerant does your vehicle take all right now that's either going to be um let me take the camera tripod here that's either going to be somewhere down you know along here on the vehicle or it's going to be up on the Hood okay and mine is right here and I don't know if you can I don't know if you can see this but uh this takes 134a okay and it'll tell you here how much it takes this takes like 1 and2 LBS or 24 o but that's the that's the total amount okay so um basically there's a couple things you need to know the first is when you uh fill your vehicle up with the refrigerant you need to find the low Port okay like on this vehicle here's the high Port okay and then here is the low Port right here and it'll usually say like this one here the high Port I don't know if you can see that it's got a h on it and this one has it's got a l on it for low port and just so you know if it's not marked on the cap um you'll be able to figure it out real easy because the filling hose will only fit on the low side okay it's not going to fit it will not fit on the high side another thing that vehicles have that's really nice is uh some actually quite a few I found have what's called a sight glass that's right here okay and uh just follow your air conditioning lines and you know you may have it you may not but when the system when the vehicle's running and the air conditioning system is turned on you just stand here and you watch this glass eye and if you see any bubbles in it that usually means you need a can or refrigerant okay if it stays nice and clear that means you're good um the other thing that is uh good to know is where your compressor's at now this vehicle here the compressor is right down at the bottom here and you can see the belt that turns the pulley okay now that turns all the time when the engine's running whether the air conditioner is on or not that's turning of course all the time but when the air conditioner is turned on when you call for cold air on the inside of the vehicle when the compressor kicks on right here there's a piece on the uh outside and you'll see this that's your clutch and that will actually kick on and spin when it uh tells the system to turn on and circulate refrigerant so that's something that you're going to want to also watch when you check your pressure at the end so to do this it's really simple um it's going to save you a lot of money it's not rocket science I've been doing this probably 25 years you don't need any expensive gauges um I have this is typically what a can of refrigerant looks like there's there's 12 O in it this is the 134a there's another type of refrigerant in the older vehicles I believe it was a I think it was a a12 um but that's why you got to know what kind of refrigerant to add to your system okay you want to make sure you put the right stuff in and to actually um to do this the this is my this is my filler hose right here okay and I want to show you this gauge this is the pressure gauge and what you when you buy a hose you've got to buy one that has a pressure gauge on it okay you have to know what the pressure is in the system and these are cheap you can get these on eBay with I've seen these on eBay with free shipping from $10 to $20 okay okay and all you do to to work this is this is the end that will go on the port itself but all you do is if you can see there's like there's a needle right on the inside there okay well that needle is going to actually puncture your can okay so what you're going to do is you're going to take you're going to spin this counterclockwise that's going to make this needle retract back in okay so just turn that till it stops then what you're going to do is now this can that I'm using right now it's already been used but I'm going to I'm going to go through everything and show you you know how you how you do it but all you do is you just take and screw your can onto the end there and you know just snug it down by hand till it stops then what you're going to do is you're going to you're going to turn this in clockwise and what that's going to do is that's going to puncture that's going to puncture the can okay so the it stops so the can would now be punctured so now what you're going to do next is you're going to hold the can upside down and you're going to start opening this real slow okay and all of a sudden you'll start to hear it come out and you want to purge you want to purge the line here and get all the air out of it wait until you actually see you'll see like uh like foggy refrigerant coming out okay once that happens then turn it back off screw it back in okay and then you're all set to go okay so the next thing we're going to do is I'm set my can down here next thing we're going to do is we're going to go inside the vehicle so just go ahead start your vehicle up what you're going to do is we're going to put our air conditioning okay we're going to turn make sure your air conditioning is turned on put it on the maximum position or the full cold okay and turn your blower up on high okay that's all you have to do on the inside of the [Applause] vehicle okay now what we're going to do next is we're going to just take our cap off to our low side discharge or low I'm sorry low side intake you can see that see it says it's got it's marked L on it make sure you don't lose that cap and when you put that cap back on make sure you get it back on nice and snug I'm going to stick that in my pocket so this is all set to go now okay so what you would do is this has a compression fitting okay see how that moves in and out you're going to pull back on that and then push it on to the port and then release it it'll lock on is pull back okay and pull on it it's locked on then what we're going to do is you're going to open you're going to open this up and as it opens up you're going to feel you'll feel it you know the can's going to get cold you'll start feeling it flowing in and as it as it's going in you want to like agitate the can you want to hold it okay okay one thing I told you that's wrong don't hold it upside down if you hold it upside down they say if you hold it upside down that by sending it directly as a liquid to the compressor can cause harm to the compressor keep it keep it up once you open it up keep it up and as it's spilling you're going to agitate it you know like so from 12:00 to 9:00 and just keep like shaking it and you'll see as as that's happening you're going to see the pressure go up as it's filling okay and uh that's about all there is to it um I mean I mean basically the next thing is what you want to do is you want to take your gauge here and it's got the it's got temperature on it and fair height and like right now it's 80° outside so I would point this dial here on 80° all right and right now I want to just show you the compressors if you can see down [Music] there that compressor clutch is engaged right now okay okay it's running see it spinning so that means refrigerant is flowing and because of that that means we're going to get our least amount of pressure which right now we've got about we got about you know 28 28 lbs I found kind of the sweet number is like around 25 to 28 lb when the compressor is engage when the clutch is engaged in the compressor I want to show you something here okay what I just did was I just turned the air conditioner uh down and I turned the the fan blower down and you can see the clutch this is what I wanted to show you see the clutch it stopped see the pressure on the can let me see if I can get in here the pressure on the okay right now the clutch is turning so it's engaged system's [Music] running okay see how the pressure is building up there [Music] that pressure should not build up any more than what it shows within those two within within those arrows okay now the clutch is engaged it's going down to like 25 like I said around 25 28 seems to be around the sweet spot but see how it's see how it's doing that see how it's going up right now okay clutch is off okay clutch is engaged so down it goes okay and yes you can overfill these and if you overfill them what'll happen is your clutch will not engage at all and uh you could actually blow out O-rings and that would be really bad so one more thing I want to show you here is if you got two too much refrigerant in the system okay if your pressure is too high then what you're going to do is once you know you you filled that emptied that can what you're going to do is you're going to hold your gauge here and you will turn this gauge counterclockwise so in other words it'll allow refrigerate to flow back out on the end of this so you'll open it a little bit and the pressure will slowly bleed down and I mean real slow it'll bleed down and then just bleed a little Out close it back just keep monitoring it and see what it's doing okay but that's all you've got to do [Music] turn it counterclockwise to bleed some more out turn it clockwise to close it and monitor and see what it's doing and if for some reason you find that you see it's running and it's down here we're down in about the 25 psi spot again that's that's what I found uh kind of The Sweet Spot for getting the maximum amount of cold out coming out into your car and if for some reason and then that just I just pop that back on if for some reason um you charge the system and you lose refrigerant in other words if you lose the cold coming out in a month or two the best thing to do would be to buy a can of uh leak sealer usually comes in like a 3 o can it's this type of can that you puncture you're going to put it in the same way but it's just a 3oz can you'll circulate that in the system just follow the the directions and that will seal any leaks that are in the system now after doing that if it's if you then go to charge it up and it leaks again then more than likely you've got a problem with your compressor and it's going to need to be replaced and which isn't good but you need to know what's going on and that's probably going to be a pretty IND pretty good indication after going through all that of what's going on so um that's uh that's all I can think of right now if I think of anything else I'll put it in the comments but this is really easy to do and I hope I hope this helps somebody out there uh God bless you have a great day bye for now
Channel: proclaimliberty2000
Views: 1,182,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 134a Refrigerant, Refrigerant 134a, How to recharge car A/C, How to re- charge your cars air conditioner, A/C compressor, Auto A/C compressor, Auto A/C compressor re-charge, air conditioning, ac recharge, ac refill car, how to put freon in your car, how to add freon to a car air conditioner, how to add freon to car, adding freon to car air conditioner, add freon to car, how to recharge your car's air conditioner, how to add refrigerant to car ac, adding refrigerant to car ac
Id: CHxOe4cK_Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2016
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