Homosexuality | Alex Wilson

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lgbt is what we're talking about today we're gonna go up to the mountains of our island because that's our favorite place and it's just a beautiful place to talk about a topic as heavy as this amen we just went to try to get breakfast and it was open the place we went to and they only had coffee and so the we can only find mcdonald's to be open right now and so we're gonna eat mcdonald's but what else happened amis and auggie woke up at 3 40 a.m and we already kind of went to bed a little later than we usually do um but yeah amos had to go poop i guess and so he woke up his brother how's your egg mcmuffin it's good i like it fun fact egg mcmuffins have like fresh eggs but the ones that are like folded and you can't see the white that's powder so like mine oh wait i don't oh they gave me a sausage mcgriddle oh i told her egg and cheese remember what is going on i cannot eat this supposed to have an egg and cheese mcgriddle because right now we're not doing meat because alex has a very messed up tummy and they gave me meat so i'm gonna eat my hash brown [Music] crunchy warm salty [Music] has a little bit of a sour taste for some reason we're going to talk about his homosexuality the same at our favorite spot but first we wanted to get breakfast the only place to get breakfast up here besides killing a random pig or goats is this restaurant and they're closed and so you don't know what we're going to do but we're very i didn't eat my sausage mcgriddle she's pregnant and so we're just dying to eat food right now but i guess we'll just go anyway and we'll just go talk about what we're going gonna talk about on the way to our destination and we're caught behind a tractor-type vehicle i don't really know what that actually is yeah it's it's illegal to go around right yeah it's a double line remember that kids i don't break rules very easily like these kind of rules hopefully you don't break any rules unless they're unless they're going against what god tells us to do right look at another view switching over to the better camera i want to start by saying as when i was a kid i was about eight or nine years old i went to my friend's house for a sleepover and he put on the television and then some like porn came on the television and i could tell he'd seen it before and i didn't really know what to do i felt paralyzed i knew right away that there was a part of me that liked it and i wanted to watch more of it and it quickly became an addiction uh that night i didn't choose to see that i didn't choose for my body to react that way it just did and i didn't know it was going to happen i did choose of course to look for porn magazines and pamphlets on the ground for prostitution like that was the porn that we grew up looking for because it was everywhere it was not on smartphones that was the way that we found him so i did choose to actively go out and find that stuff but i didn't choose to see that for the first time and i think our our neighbors that are homosexual or in the lgbt community a lot of these feelings they've had since they were little boys and girls and when the church first reaches out to them it's in a way that is very judgmental and rude and mean and it immediately rejects the idea that uh this is something that they have had a part of their life and dealt with for a very long time so i want to start by saying that i as we look for a place to park our car and film this i just want to start in a compassionate way and saying that i see you guys and i love you guys and i want to make sure that i'm helping as much as i can when it comes to this conversation [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right where are we we're in cocaine sorry it's early so we're at like one of our favorite places to come locolani went to go get another sweatshirt because it's freezing out here and the sun is finally up and i was just thinking sexuality touches every part of our lives as a heterosexual male that affects the way that i dress the type of music i listen to what i watch on television uh who i hang out with if i'm being honest most of my friends are straight i have gay friends but it affects our communities our relationships and so how we respond to lgbt neighbors is very important because when we tell them what the bible says about this thing we're also telling them that you know what how it's going to affect the rest of their lives because it'll affect their how they dress it'll affect their relationships and so homosexuality it touches all of our identity and it can be a place where we find our ultimate identity and i don't think that our identity needs to be found in our sexuality i think we're more than that god has more for us than that and so let's sit down and let's talk about this but look at how beautiful sunrise is [Music] alex and loch here with our bible what we define as the ultimate authority it's god's word that's what we believe and this bible says what sin is is homosexuality a sin well we first have to define what sin is sin is simply missing the mark there's a target we miss the target we're born missing the target because we're born sinful and what's that mark it's god's standard yes yeah god's standard god's holiness and what he defines as abundant living with real you know purpose and joy and joy and that's what he defines it as in you don't have to teach a kid how to lie you know they still cookies from the cookie jar they lie about it five years old that's just we're born doing that even babies they come into the world crying saying give me give me give me give me give me give me you know babies are very selfish little beans we've had four we're gonna have four soon but we don't have to teach people how to miss the mark they already do it and i've been missing the mark my whole life and i was addicted to porn and drugs and for years and years and years even when i became a christian i still struggled with it as a christian you experience something called regeneration and it means god changes your desires your desires literally change where i used to go from watching porn every single day to as a christian years and years ago trying to watch porn and having this thought in my head like i should not be doing that i should not be doing this so much so that my desires changed that it's been years since i watched any of that kind of stuff same thing with doing drugs i didn't have the desire i don't have the desire to to do them anymore because of regeneration that is something that we just don't talk about in the church and it's available for anyone and anyone that's missing the mark that's available through christ and christ never mentions the term homosexuality and that's one of the big arguments so it's like if jesus doesn't mention it then all of us christians just need to mind our own business and stop hurting people you know because if jesus didn't mention it then you guys don't need to mention it and he doesn't but he does have a stance on sexuality he's not neutral when it comes to sexuality and that's all sexuality and he tells us that and how he defines marriage he talks about marriage quite a bit because the implications of marriage have implications on the lgbt community because what jesus says about marriage is how we are to understand what the bible says about all sexuality because the bible says jesus is the word of god and this is the word of god you know the whole bible all the words in here are jesus's words not just the red letters uh it's all inspired by the holy spirit and it's all spoken by jesus and so it's his words and so yeah i think when he says marriage is between a man and a woman he's defining what his father created marriage to be yeah because his father god created marriage and when he created it he called it marriage it's not that a it's not that gay people can't get married that's not that's not what the bible is saying it's saying that when gay people that's not marriage when they're when homosexuals come together in a relationship put a ring on it have a ceremony it's not marriage because what you would be doing is be changing the definition the biblical definition of marriage and we can't do that because when god created marriage he defined it as this and so to change that means to change what god has defined as marriage and so i can you know take a hat and call it a baseball bat it doesn't make it a baseball bat it's a hat and i can't def change the definition of what the creator calls it as we have to understand jesus defines marriage as a relationship under god between a man and a woman one man one one man one woman if that is what marriage is then in first corinthians six where is verse nine it says do not know that the unrighteous will not inherit god's kingdom do not be deceived no sexually immoral people idolatry adulterers it goes on and on and it shows a list of people who will not get into heaven enlists people who are so sinful they will not be welcomed into god's kingdom i'm on this list more than once and so i'm double not getting into heaven unless there is some type of hope for us but that word sexual immorality that's talking about anything outside of what god defines as marriage which we know is between sexually moral yes which is marriage exactly and i know that's hard to understand but the guy created marriage it's up to him to define what it is because he made it he made it and we can't change what he defined what he is saying that it is and so and he made it for why did he make it our good and his glory yes he's not a cosmic killjoy trying to steal our fun he's doing this because he knows it's best for us it's the it's the sex is so powerful it's so powerful to take sex out of its context in which is in marriage between one man and one woman to take that out is highly dangerous you know fire is okay when you take a fire out of a fireplace and throw it in the middle of a living room all of a sudden now it's bad sex is not bad it's good it's great but there's a purpose for it reproduction is one of those things another purpose is becoming one you know every time uh we are intimate as a married couple we are renewing our vows we're becoming we're already one but we're renewing the idea and the vows that we made to each other that we are one the vows that god spoke over us in his word we are renewing that that's what sex is intended for that's great dandy and awesome but if we take sex out of the fireplace that is marriage between a man and a woman it can cause a lot of damage and we've seen there's been irreparable damage in in men and women who are transitioning men and women who have been in and out of relationships that are homosexual in nature there's a lot of damage being done we don't want to talk about the damage we want to talk about you know freedom let them do what they want to do um and i hear that and i respect that because they are dealing with something that they've been dealing with their whole life but god is not trying to kill our joy he made all of this you know yet he calls you his most prized possession he cherishes you as if you are a member of his body you know and francis chan was saying like i love my arm i don't want my arm to be cut off i don't would you would you exchange your eyeball for a million dollars no would you exchange two eyeballs for 100 million dollars no of course not we love our eyes we cherish him god cherishes you as a member of his own body he loves you and so for him he's not just saying like well i'm a dictator dad and i'm going to do an arranged marriage for you you're going to marry who i'm going to marry that's not what he's saying he's saying i have an understanding of what marriage is because i made it and i have understanding of what life is because i made life in me and i have an understanding of who you are because i made you i know you i know how many do you know how many hairs you have in your head right now god does he knows it's better than we do do you know how many tears you've dropped no but god does why would he take what a weird thing for him to do why would he take the time to bottle up our tears because every tear that comes out of your eye in our eye is precious to him he cherishes it he doesn't want that moment to pass so he keeps it because it's so you're so precious and beautiful to him and he's not trying to hurt you he's not trying to harm you he knows what he's asking you to do is hard but the crazy thing is the bible says jesus says why do you call me master why do you call me lord lord if you don't do what i command if you're gonna call jesus lord you're gonna call him master then you gotta do what he's asking you to do and that can be hard yeah and i think that goes into another argument that we see as christians just well i think we saw it a lot most recently was like yes you can be homosexual and christian because christianity is all about loving your neighbor and that's part of what we're called to do absolutely but the first command is love the lord your god with all your heart mind and strength and so like you were saying why do you call me lord lord but you don't keep my commands part of loving the lord is keeping his commands because he knows what's best for us and he's a loving father he he puts these commands into place or he puts he has a purpose and plan for how we live because he loves us and he wants what's best for us it's not that he just knows he wants that for us and i like in my own life when i finally surrendered to what he wanted for me i have found a joy that i couldn't get anywhere else that i was searching for for 20 years in my life yes and totally and he if he is our lord he's lord over our sexuality lord over our life he's lord over everything when a person is lord they're lord over everything they get to call the shots and that's what it means to be if he can create all of this that we see and yet he loves me he has a purpose for me i'm not gonna go against that if he is this powerful i don't believe i don't believe my my sweatshirt hit a sewing machine and turn into a sweatshirt i don't believe in the big bang i don't believe in any of that i believe in creation i believe someone created this and if there's other life outside of this planet so be it he created that too he created everything and if that's who he is and if he says he loves me and he says that he has a plan for me and he says that i can be one with him that's what he offers to be one with him i would love to meet lebron james i would love to meet i don't know john mayer he's a art i don't know most you guys know who john mary is i would love to meet him i'd love to be buddies with him close to him you know talk about music talk about basketball lebron i would love that but god is saying i can be one with him not just friends with him he's saying i can be one with him united with him the most powerful being in the universe in all the universes that exist he is the most powerful being he offers the ability for me to be one with him who cares about who i date and who i'm married to who i mean i love my wife but she comes so far lower on the totem pole of my relationship with god there's god way up here and then my wife and my family are so low in comparison to my relationship with god because i can be one with him i i can be his he can be mine that's what he offers us that's possible i want to make sure i can do everything i can to live my life according to what he says real true life is and i want to make sure to go against anything that he might say is missing the mark yeah because i want to be one with him and i don't want to be on this list the way to get off this list is through jesus he says i am telling you you're on this list but i'm also telling you you can't get off and i'm also telling you the only way to get off is if i help you get off yeah that's the beauty of the gospel and with christianity we say you're a sinner you're going to hell and we stop there yep we don't realize you're a sinner but you don't have to go to hell actually hell's not even for you it's not even made for you it's made for the devil and his demons yeah it's not made for you jesus says i will give you the power and as you mess up and reject the power i'm giving you i'm gonna forgive you i'm gonna give you grace on top of grace even as you abuse my grace i'm going to give you more that's not right but it comes with maturity in christ it comes with sanctification it comes with becoming more like christ we're becoming like that every single day the bible says the outer body is wasting away but the inner body is being renewed day by day the bible says for by grace you've been saved through faith it is not of yourselves is a gift from god lest any man should boast we can't brag about how we're going to go to heaven and be christian and be awesome and be in heaven and doing all these crazy cool things we can't brag about that because we didn't earn it for us to go in front of a homosexual person and say hey man sorry about it but you're going to hell and i'm going to heaven so see you in the afterlife not you know we can't do that because there's nothing that we've done to get into heaven there's no video that i've made that is so good god is like wow and the angels were like wow we got to let this guy in god could care less about my videos and how many views i get he cares about me he cares about my relationship with god and he of course is happy and proud of me but it's because everything that i've been able to do that's good on this earth i've been able to do through the power of his holy spirit because that's been made possible for me by the sacrifice of jesus dying for my sins and raising from the grave his resurrection proves that the power of god is not only powerful enough to raise jesus from the dead but it's also powerful enough to regenerate me and change me into something more changed me from who i was to who i am now yeah that is the the promise and the hope of the gospel and it's available to absolutely everyone in the meantime if you feel like you're not ready for that god is saying i'm not willing for anyone to perish you know i'm patient he's kind he's loving he's waiting he's reaching out to you and you know what i'm sorry christians do not do a good job of pointing that out yeah they don't do a good job of explaining that you know it we just don't and that's why we're having this conversation and this is going to be a very long conversation that we have till the end of time yeah we've been having it for hundreds and hundreds and thousands of years we're just we're gonna have it for a long time and it's because the the lgbt community is so uh it's so not simple it's very deep it's very complicated because it's an identity it's tentacles of the implications of lgbt community plus it involves everything it touches every part of our lives and that's why we got to keep having this conversation but we have to remember that there's always hope and that god's not trying to kill him i mean that's right here yeah it says flee sexual immorality every other sin is a person commits outside outside of the body but the person who is sexually immoral sins against his own body so that's like an identity thing yes not as easy to reverse but it is a hundred percent possible through the blood of jesus yep oh i think when like last thing we wanted to kind of mention was i just think a way for me to effectively love someone who is either an unbeliever and is gay or a christian who is struggling with the sin of homosexuality um not necessarily doing it but struggling is i have to really think of my sin of myself as the worst of sinners like paul says and when i'm focusing on combating my own sin then i think that's when we can effectively help others in theirs would i want someone in my face telling me you're going to hell you're going to hell you're going to hell because you struggle with comparing yourself or you struggle with um evil thoughts or you struggle with xyz or would i want someone to walk alongside beside me and to actually like enter a relationship with me and talk to me and show me a better way of living um and i think that's where we fail kind of as the church like we just pretty much ostracize people who are unbelievers and who are gay when really what our mission here to do is to walk alongside these people and give them the hope of jesus christ and if they reject that then that's not something that we can control but um that doesn't mean that we don't enter into a relationship with them yep yeah exactly friendship and i know that friendship relationship i know there's people out there who are like alex you didn't answer the question is homosexuality a sin homosexuality is a sin sin is missing the mark meaning god has a plan for our sexuality he has a standard for how we are to live and not because he's mean but because he wants the best for us yes and that can be hard when we love someone or we desire something so much it can be hard to understand how not getting that thing is the best for us but my my children believe that eating sugar by the spoonful is best for them because they desire it but it's not good for them and through maturity and through understanding god's word and through regeneration god can start to help us see you know that we're spiritually blind to what his mark for life is and he can help us see that we're here at like our fourth place looking for food we feel pretty good about the video and how it went and uh we've been worried about it nervous about it but god helped us through it and finally gonna get some food we're gonna do a taste test this place is so good it's like one of our favorite places so let's get some breakfast finally we're starving guys i hate filming inside of stores or restaurants because i don't want to draw attention to myself but this thing is called a knuckle and it's like a cinnamon roll type thing like croissant kind of thing it's so cute and i'm eating all of it no kalani is eating all of it and i ordered it for myself but it's so good literally it's so good oh we're full and we've full finished the video now it's time to close out the vlog love you we're gonna go say hey to the boys they probably are gonna be stoked to see us boys did you miss us no what are you reading me he did what is it awesome lion what are you doing fine what are you doing let me see the book please people want to say hey to you nice tell us what it's about it's all about you electronic books amen you
Channel: Alex Wilson
Views: 130,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amen alex, homosexuality, gay, LGBTQ, sin, bible, says about, what, homo, scripture, wrong, bad, hell, heaven, verses, how to, know if, amen church, church, LBGT, Sexuality, Transgender, Queer, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Sinful
Id: 2jcHdxBb25U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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