How to Beat Lust | Alex Wilson

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how to defeat lust i'm going to share with you a story about something that happened to me recently that was really crazy and unexpected but first i want to talk about what lust is and what the culture says about lust winning the war against lust is just that a war it's not a battle you're not going to win every battle i'm not going to be naive and say that but when you win most of the battles you will win the war when you lose most of the battles you will lose the war the devil's plan is to destroy you with lust so what is it really well when the bible talks about lust it doesn't talk about a one-sided uh action it talks about having the desire and the intention to make that person lust back after you so your heart and your mind is computing the feelings of lust as i want to do whatever everything in my power to make that person lust back after me it's not just one-sided that's why it's so deadly because it's a full out fantasy that your mind is understanding as real your heart is understanding it as real and that's why it's so messed up also it's a perverted way of your mind thinking that it can find comfort from fear at the root of all sin is fear when eve was in the garden and the serpent came up to her and said you will not surely die what eve's heart understood in her mind understood was does god really love me is god holding out on me by saying not eat this fruit can i trust god am i really god's daughter and he knows what is going on i'm just going to eat it to find out what happens it started with fear the root of every single sin you ever commit is fear um fear of death fear of not being accepted fear of rejection fear of um the future worry and all of it is worry is just fear right stress is just fear all it's all of it out at the root is fear and when i was a kid seven or eight years old when i was introduced to pornographic material at a young age at a friend's house at a sleepover it was fear again the chemicals in my body reacting to the lust and the tv and whatever i was seeing it was all fearful because i hadn't experienced it before and i felt dark i felt evil i felt like what is going on where's my parents it was fear fear fear fear fear i experienced a lot of um stuff happening in our neighborhood in our family that made me think that oh my gosh maybe my parents are going to stop loving me maybe i am going to be in trouble maybe my safety isn't my parents number one priority all lies you know of course it was but they were lies because of what i was experiencing in my life that were rooted in fear that kept me going back to lust because lust it makes you feel like you're being comforted it makes you feel like um there's comfort there's an answer there to your stress to your problems to your fear but it's not it's just a chemical reaction of numbing yourself into what's going on and it it kills your ability to love your ability to trust people it makes you more self-centered and more selfish than we already are when we're born into this world it's a negative negative effect and it has huge effects across our whole life and that's why we're doing this video because the culture says it's okay the culture says it's self-love it's body positivity it's uh it's in every movie it's in every song and it's just a part of our culture and we act like it's just okay but even in some pg movies or g movies there's innuendos that are rooted in lust underlined with lust and when you you can't unsee or unhear stuff and so it just it fills our mind up with evil thoughts and it's all the setup by the enemy by the devil by the world to get us to trust in ourselves and to trust in lust instead of trusting in god so with making sure no one's behind me because i'm going to share this story with you real quick when my wife and i and my friend we're going to a waterfall i show up at the waterfall and there's this girl there and i look over after looking in the waterfall to make sure there's no like dead pigs or trees or limbs in the water before we jumped in i saw this girl i looked over at her and she looked back at me and she smiled but it kind of was like a mischievous smile and so i was upset because i didn't want anyone to be there so i turned away right away because i didn't want it to start a conversation because i didn't want to talk to anyone i just wanted to jump in and swim with my friends uh but the the smile like threw me off guard so much that um as my wife was walking up behind me i looked back and when i looked back is when i realized that girl was completely naked and my wife was walking up around the same time and when she did we both like saw her at the same time and we both looked at each other like whoa what's going on like we should get out of here we should leave and so luckily that lady ended up leaving and um when sorry there's some kids riding their skateboards and i don't want to like let them hear the story they're really really young so she end up leaving and probably because she was ashamed and later that night after we swam had a good time i was in bed and my flesh started asking questions like what if your wife wasn't there what if your friend wasn't there what would happen and am i my temptation to lust i wanted to answer those questions i wanted to fantasize about oh what if my wife wasn't there what if i was alone and i walked up here and this girl was just naked but i learned something from pastor john piper that helped me defeat lust in that moment and win that battle and ultimately will help me win the war which is resist when you go to the gym you lift your you lift the muscles you lift the weights and the lifting of the weights is a resistance on your muscles that makes your muscles stronger and stronger that is so important but if you don't go back and refill on water and meat or protein if you're if you're vegetarian your muscles won't grow you won't you'll waste that workout you have to resist and you have to refill you can't just do one of the other you can't just refill because then you're just going to get overweight you're not going to have any muscles you've got to resist and refill the word of god is the word of god and prayer is your water and your protein that's how you refill you resist by saying no to the temptation you don't give in to it in that moment i say you know what no that is a that's evil you know that is it was all set up by the devil by the world by the by my flesh i'm not going to think about that i'm going to resist right now because that feeling of lust is going to destroy me ultimately and if i lose battle after battle after battle after battle after battle eventually i'm gonna lose the war i'm gonna lose my family i'm gonna lose my ministry and lose my platform i have to resist jesus says if you love me you'll keep my commandments the bible tells us all the time the people of israel that if they obeyed god god would bless them if we want god to bless us if we want to get stronger as a believer if we want to love jesus more we got to resist and then we have to refill refill by the word of god and prayer i hope this helps guys if you uh wanna check out a video about porn hit the card right there and um yeah but i hope this gets to the root of your porn addiction or your struggle with lust because everything in this video will help you with porn but we're going to specifically talk about porn and what it is and what the bible says about it in the card above so hope this helps guys this is a hard video to make very serious video but i hope it helps you i love you and we'll see you in the next one amen
Channel: Alex Wilson
Views: 779,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amen alex, alex dion wilson, amen, how to defeat lust, lust, sexual sin, sin, overcoming lust, what does lusting over someone, beating lust, how to quit lusting, how to stop lusting, how to stop lusting after hot, how to stop lusting for guys, how to stop lusting for hot, how to stop lusting after guys, how to stop lusting after men, how to stop lusting for women, how to stop lusting for girls, how to stop lusting after girls, how to stop lusting for men, addiction, lusting
Id: lYk46BGbff4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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