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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/puppet_steve 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Laughter] [Applause] [Music] yo let me tell you something i feel like a virgin that just lost her just got her chair popped right now man i have never i have never out of all these years man out of all these years of making fun of this company and their productions i've never seen an asylum movie oh but y'all might have heard of things like snakes on a plane and they're like oh you know what that sounds cool man you mean maybe maybe somebody would be dumb enough to confuse it with our movie snakes on a train goddamn angry venomous snakes [Music] so bad hey kid you love the transformers well i hope your grandma walks in walmart and reaches to the bottom of the barrel and gets for you transmorphers [Laughter] i was like damn your brother's everywhere [Laughter] asylum is amazing man because like i said asylum they got no shame got no at all man they that i i got to tell you they got no shame and no game oh i think they got plenty of game though that's that's the thing martin i looked at i looked at all this [ __ ] that they were doing snakes you were looking something like this the snakes on a train you know normally was cheap somebody would look at some cheap [ __ ] like that and be like this company whoever whoever made this this is the worst company i've ever seen you sir have no shame you have no respect for art or cinema but then i watched something today or actually a couple of days ago i watched something this weekend and i got to tell you and i mean it i have never seen an asylum movie and maybe that's the problem you know i i just i didn't say it in the beginning but now that they made all these movies and i'm watching this right now i think they are an incredible company i think they they yes they are shitty they are shameless but they are cold and calculating about that [ __ ] to a teeth there is that do i have never seen somebody do rip-offs as carefully and as brilliant as they do again they calculate everything out a lot of times they ain't even got to move it they just know it's wait i'm looking at cnn business it says this studio never loses money well i can believe that and i hope they never will you know a lot of people they heard that we were going to be doing uh this movie homeward they're like man didn't you already do that movie y'all removed me i reviewed that movie about two weeks ago didn't you morning mom hey birthday boy by the laws of your i must dub thee a man today kneel before me that's okay i have a gift from your dad no dumbass that's that we're talking onward today let me see if i can find it right here the movie that we talking about today and i'll find a box for you i can understand how you can be confused we're talking about homework [Laughter] and i saw this today this being my first one i'm going to show you just how cold and calculating they are point by point of course you can see right there that yes this is a rip-off of the movie onward but you can clearly see in the trailer that they put out like i said they we don't care we ain't got nothing to hide [Music] [Applause] that's one of the things about about asylum even as cheap as they are you're surprised to know that they even got d-less talents i was like they got joey right joey lawrence i'm not kidding i went oh that's joey wait what the [ __ ] do i care to get into this movie right here let me see if i can uh get to one of my my screens here so to get into the movie right here uh even before the movie starts it's already doing the world of service by telling you burning questions you know the answers to burning questions that you may have we already learned one about joy lawrence where is he he's doing homework that's what he's doing when he's not doing poor dude is joey lawrence in rehab he wishes yeah i know he's doing this all he's holding [ __ ] he's like i gotta get drug problems i get out of this yeah no he's at the asylum no like no the asylum not asylum d asylum he'd be better off with a straitjacket right now but they also you know like i said they answered some burning questions out there like uh like this one during the opening credits you see hey what happened to tom green oh tom green is he's making asylum movies right now he's one of the stars in homework there he is right there oh jesus yeah for those of you who don't recognize this man right here i know some people which is everybody some people who's talking dad is that yeah you don't recognize this guy including who are you what happened to me in case you're wondering yeah who the dad is that you look like he's like some daddy just came to pick them up from like high school or something you ready to go son your mom said it's my weekend it's my weekend he's he's got that look where he's like wait so you're you're transitioning now for those who don't remember tom green this might be a a harsh refresher for you [Music] oh that guy oh jesus yeah right when they start to show characters in the film they want to make sure that these kids are stay confused you know like i said this is something that you your grandma got for you thinking that she was picking up the latest pixar movie they want the kids to like not ask any questions because the first character that you see in the movie is a purple elf and at that moment the kid you know if you're like a six-year-old you don't know what the [ __ ] happened you like you might be like well i i i guess it's one of those characters from the movie i i don't i don't know what's real anymore right it looks close enough it looks close enough you immediately see how bad the animation is they don't try to hide they don't try to fool you with good animation in the beginning no it's one way to see this [ __ ] copy and paste and their feet are not touching the ground can't not touch they're exploding what do you say martin said he's not touching the ground copy and paste look at this so bad ain't making no contact with that ground whatsoever no gravity whatsoever none no what they do is man they uh they they they they want to show you just how bad this [ __ ] looks but they are smart about it because the moment that your kid starts to record even a kid can understand like okay this ain't no pixar disney [ __ ] this this okay yeah this is garbage i ain't stupid all right i may be five but i ain't stupid that's when a kid goes and tells them look you would slap me if you want to but you tell grandma you tell that [ __ ] i ain't stupid okay i'm bringing that [ __ ] over here again i ain't dumb [ __ ] i might be six-year-old but i ain't stupid back with grandma i'll call her [ __ ] dang dumb i know there's some [ __ ] here i know you paid five dollars for this i ask you for pixar not asylum but the moment that you start to probably get mad about it they know what to do they know how to throw they know how to throw things at kids to make them go like man there's some oh because right when animation starts getting shitty they'd be like you know what superheroes they make these [ __ ] fly look at this they know kids love superheroes man they turn these elves into iron man yeah we're gonna throw some avengers [ __ ] in there look at that they know exactly what they're doing yes asylum asylum a symbol those orcs are still floating they still floating they just still running they just want to cash in lure people in on the box with well with the box art they want to fool people they want to give a false premise out there making making them think it was going to be a an onward rip-off but they're kind of doing their own thing they got these battles going on okay this is going to be uh a medieval fantasy they're not gonna go anywhere near that it's kind of wrong to lure people in like that but at least you're doing your own thing asylum said [ __ ] do you know who we are we we don't do our own thing we do your thing here your thing is some of you yeah don't hide we go your thing up completely since you're trying to run we don't do this five minutes into the movie they went to the modern world i was like oh okay here we go all right all right on high school that's the asylum i heard about right there got you all right i rather you got me the movie the story actually opens up in a gym and [ __ ] give a list they use they use all the basic shapes in that 3d program right there but you're in line i they they use every free model that you can find on the internet for this ain't no texture oh anything it's like home depot just set all that brand new equipment up today boy hey no corrode in here they they sterilized like a muffin ain't no dust or nothing ain't nothing in the middle of a gym in the middle of nowhere it already existed pristine they don't care and and and look down in the corner where they there they had they expect the kids to sit on lawn chairs plastic lawn chairs plastic ass chairs man we got some chairs like that outside yeah so this this is where we get introduced to is where we get introduced to uh our main character here our main character of barlow and borrow yeah now remember remember hold on i'll say because i know you're gonna say hold on i'm gonna say that hold on ball ball is a orc who goes to an elf high school apparently he was uh adopted or something they don't give you no backstory you know they say it in the trailer i guess it's not let's get something they know yeah they just say he's a he's a orc going to elf high school and the thing when he hangs out with some goth chick they don't really explain why because he ain't cool you know ain't nothing you know he's not he's not like in fact people seem to not even like him but he's hanging out with the hottest chicks the god chick at the school but the thing with uh the thing with barl oh let me see if i can find it here the thing with barley is that barley he's uh he wants to pull a prank on his brother but i'll get to that in a little bit it's [ __ ] it's fun it's real it's real but before you even get to this part here you look at you're looking at barling you saying hey man don't i know you from somewhere i've seen you before no no no no wait a minute you in record ralph what happened to you man oh that's right asylum said you know what while i'm up here robbing pixar disney's right next door i'm gonna take your [ __ ] too that's right i'm gonna crawl through your window and steal your [ __ ] too martin is that what you gonna mention right here no i wasn't gonna mention that uh i mean that's a good point because the the the voice actor sounds like like a like a discount john c reilly bring up the fact that okay yeah he's he's wrecking ralph but he's also clearly modeled on the character from onward whose name is barley i didn't even i didn't even remember that martin yeah the character he's ripped off from his name barley and they just went well let's just take the y off what's that lazy [ __ ] they wouldn't even they don't do nothing original they'd even try to get an original name they said hey you all we know is y'all heard the name barley in the trailer and we gonna take that [ __ ] why cause we dick ridin hard and thing with barrel is that ball is funny man boss i talked about he looked like wreck-it ralph barlow is a bigger [ __ ] than ralph ball's supposed to be the sympathetic character he's the one having a hard time because you know he's the orc in the elves land but the thing with barlow is that barr wants to play a prank on his brother brother didn't do [ __ ] to him and now you think a prank is just kind of like you know i'm gonna you know i don't know man i'm gonna jump out of a corner and say boo i'm gonna you know maybe take a kick me sign the back everything no borrow wants to dump slime on his brother and not just regular slime but boiling slime you hear that [ __ ] cooking yeah so he wants to pull a carry on him yeah yeah yeah he was black exactly and the thing is he didn't want to just do it like any day of the week he wants to wait till his brother is on stage in front of everybody giving his valedictorians on his graduation his graduation [ __ ] and that's the and and that's the [ __ ] that you do boy boiling slime you hear that [ __ ] like it was like a cauldron does he explain why he wants to do it because he's an [ __ ] he just says i like playing pranks on my brother and the [ __ ] yeah you're right that's the that's the kind of [ __ ] that you do to carry man yeah they did that [ __ ] though yeah and you see what happened to them and see what happened to her yeah it didn't work out too well for them and it's funny too because the characters in the movie like they even they know that [ __ ] is [ __ ] up they just kind of like because what you do is man pouring boiling slime on somebody they do to somebody you hate not just somebody you love right because borrow says i love my brother this this chick even says wait a minute i thought i thought you loved your brother it's the best prank ever what boiling his ass alive with slime she's like it pranks on him and it's a shitty thing to do and yeah it's your point this is his big day i'll graduate you're playing you stupid gothic [ __ ] whatever your funeral yes my milk yeah i mean it already establishes something that that barle has one friend and it's a girl that clearly has nothing but contempt for him right exactly and you wonder why she couldn't care less for him you know he's an orc and even people are saying uh you know i like like this tilda swinton looking [ __ ] ready she said here oh oh gosh she says here this this elf chick she says you know i thought if elks if if elves and orcs are supposed to get along with each other then then where is uh where is where's barlow why is never doing what yeah yeah why is borrow never why is he never doing what what people supposed to do in school if orcs and elves get along so well then why is the only orc that goes to this school not here doing what all arcs do getting into trouble you know um you know they they they they call they call ball a [ __ ] behind his back basically doing all all lazy ass orcs dude you're doing what those people do you know what's that martin well even when she asked that question i was like in the real question is that if elves and orcs are supposed to get along why do we only have one orc at this school yeah they never answer like is he adopted why is he with his family then i'm saying like their integration program is a fail because they only got one orc separate but equal but no but um do they have orcs in the land yet they know they got their own land the elves are there oh the orcs are there ain't no orcs in this in this land but ball and ball is [ __ ] up but they're not supposed to get along then they no they're they're fine you know [Laughter] i mean clearly the government the governor forced them to have an orc at that school and they like all right check the box we got one see right here oh oh that's some good magic man yeah that looks a little creepy that whole that's because and it's funny that is principal tom green right there oh geez get it for one he's green yeah and god and he and it's funny because it doesn't sound like tom green for anybody who actually remembers tom green if you don't then hey cool good okay yeah good for you good for you but for those who know tom green it's funny because they have him with big eyes like tom green they have him acting like tom green but he ain't telling a joke so imagine if tom green wasn't trying to be funny he was still doing things that tom green do he's out of all the out of all the lazy animation in here this mother the most animated croon university i'm so proud you know i was a graduate of croone university you know you hear me yeah yeah you heard me say something say something about my college [ __ ] look at it i dare you eventually lloyd finds out about this prank that's about to happen and he's tired he is sick and tired of borrowed [ __ ] tired of it and he says listen man he's like you know we we can't we can't do this no more yeah he came with you no more but he actually tells me like but he doesn't he said i can't tell him that cause you know he's gonna if i tell him that you know i'm about to kill his ass and he's gonna he's gonna run or something no he tells them he just says hey look he says look man he says how can i get i love my brother i don't know i i gotta deal with his ass you know we we uh we've been raised together you know i i i love my my big orc brother but he says i got to do something with him and he's going to destroy my one day my one day my one my graduation day he said listen uh hey let's uh let's go for a ride bar i'll tell you what you you drive almost in the back seat i think about the thing about all the pretty bunnies and the bastards and what's that lenny it is like it's a lot like when you drive a dog out to the woods and let them go and then the car and drive off and now we the thing is we're joking but as cool as lloyd's trying to be located lloyd can't hide that [ __ ] and you it look for a while you're thinking is lloyd actually about to go kill this [ __ ] so this is super yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] i'll kill this just just just keep having a good time that bar oh yeah in this movie man you gonna learn that copy and paste is their best friend first thing you see is those [ __ ] up eyebrows copied pasted and flipped oh [ __ ] copy paste flip is the three commands that are there that is their best friend for this movie right here smack it up flip it copy it copy your facebook flip it right rub it down they copy and paste every goddamn thing in this movie man starting with these eyebrows that's the first thing you're gonna notice billy i want you to look at this monitor over here all right and tell me what you see all right right now yeah i see disney's pixar's onward march 6th what was that march 6th march 6th now i want you to be whole right here homeward when did that come out february 20th they got the jump on those [ __ ] man guess what they hadn't finished they're like guys the only way this works is if we can beat them to market yeah they beat them nobody leaves this room about two weeks right yeah nobody leaves this room until this [ __ ] is done here's some pizza a couple of drinks and y'all get y'all gonna do this i'll go to sleep this ladies and gentlemen is why i want to come in and point out the brilliance of asylum when asylum ain't even got a full movie to work with they find a way they find a way around that [ __ ] man i want y'all this is where i went through and just started like pinpointing taking notes because i looked at how they did it they had a trailer to work with they didn't have a movie so they can't rip the whole movie off so what did they do they noticed certain things in the trailer first of all they looked at the trailer for onward they said all right you know what it's obvious that these two dudes right here these these brothers these brother elves over here they are going on a heartfelt road trip and let me see here silence sam you know what that's funny we go on a road trip too they did they did the same exact thing did they start uh uh onward in like the olden times too yep yeah yep because that's what it looked like in the trailer they should did uh there's a part in the trailer where they uh they have uh car trouble they run out of gas that doesn't work you can remember the scene where they play with the gas container to make it bigger and oh yeah yeah yeah you know this so this right here y'all remember this part so i i didn't have the sound though because i don't think i needed it at first but i'm like you know what let me let y'all get very re-uh familiarized with this growth spell we grow the can and then the gas inside will grow with it now they say you know what uh and onward they say hey you know we uh i think we have a little car trouble too ain't that cool ain't that a coincidence don't go she's going to kill you i didn't think this through hi are you okay get your big round record rob rip off looking ass who's he talking to you so they had i'll tell you they talking too so did you notice this so they they they uh let me see man i didn't have a clip up but i want to show you something here just so you can see how much they really are trying to get people to be confused with this when i was talking about the road trip notice how they try to actually as safe as possible let me pull this out here as safely as possible they are trying to do the same thing so notice that how they showed those two brothers going off into the distance uh when we watched it here you know uh i wanna show it to you one more time you can see it right here so you saw in the original trailer where they went up to the distance on their great road trip the people the people that are having car trouble in this are actually car driving frogs yay the big monster is going to help us except they're not frogs that's that's a goddamn lizard yeah yeah that that yeah i didn't get that i didn't that's a oh excuse her my daughter has the manner of a tadpole that's not that is not a frog so i can say that's a chameleon or a lizard yeah uh the geico lizard you know that's the only thing i could assume that y'all are just ripping off everything because that makes no sense right he even has like the fingers like the sticky fingers like lizards do yeah look at the fingers they have those those those things on there the the the ones in the homework they sure do yeah they know that it's weird and they have a way to just one-up you they they keep it weirder than everything that you're thinking of they asylum is always one step ahead of you bye mr monster smile later [Music] whatever so i guess if you're a frog maybe they are frogs if you're a frog you drive a car i guess the car jumps too bye mr monster smile later bye [Laughter] go back just a little bit okay when it dries off okay [Applause] look at the cholo hydraulics on this car oh yeah well what happened was they gave it some magic so they gave it they gave they they gave it magic to blow up the tires so i guess they gave it they gave they gave it too much oh [ __ ] did they explain that he well they show them blowing up the car and other tires and it just and but they don't they they don't show the animation the tires actually getting big right you just see the car kind of rise up and then the uh lloyd the elf is like well i guess i used too much magic and so you know what i'm saying once it goes does it does it follow up no okay this goes away now again people like i said they looked at that trailer they went through that [ __ ] with a fine toothed comb and said what can we take from it everything everything just from that trailer onward they got a convenience store you know and this movie said hey you know what pull up we need to get some gas and snacks too they also got a convenience store oh jesus that's the worst that looks so bad that looks so good of course it's a convenience store that conveniently has bikers yeah i know hey they knock the bikes over no they don't do that oh wow at least they had enough originality to not do that but they did take of little girls they had like witches over there yeah yeah they said you know except our our bikers are gonna be regular-sized because we don't we don't want to get sued right orcs orcs yeah or bikers if they you know if they got a convenience store we got a convenience store if they go on a road trip we go on a road trip if they got bikers we got bikers and they they don't give a [ __ ] man and it's at this point too oh that's another thing oh well you know at least they didn't have a diner in there no i'm sorry the the convenience store actually has a dynamic it actually yeah it actually functions as a diner too well you know one has a mana core this one has a cyclops yeah exactly so there you go yeah they got they they combined the two you saw cyclops is in there you got a manicore they just combined the two and we got that [ __ ] covered right there they looked at everything and said we don't have a full movie we got a trailer what can we do to sell this to unsuspecting customers and they did it it is brilliant it is i'm telling you it's amazing so what happens when they no longer have any more trailer to work with oh [ __ ] you mean we got to make up a story on our own that's when that's when their weakness really shows martin martin can tell you because they ain't got [ __ ] oh no yes they did when they ran out of trailer they went back to avengers end game because because if you go back to where it started to the very beginning i will show you something that's so blatant you'll be like oh how did i miss this before oh you gotta tell me what that is in a little while because the story that they come up with because they don't have any story all they had was a trailer they just had a trailer to work with well they got they got the the big guy the big bad who wants to get an infinity stone sorry uh some a glowing jewel can have all the power that is that is true he has to find two stones instead of six because we ain't got that much time that much money that is they got two stones they got to get and but after that the story is it don't so it turns out that borrow takes for some forgive forget the even reason the reason even why they do it borrow takes lloyd's magic bag of tricks and and then the bikers realize like oh my god oh he he's magical oh he can help us do our crimes or whatever they're doing our r we can take him back to the big boss [Laughter] [Applause] oh my god so he wants to create a uh an army of zombie orcs so he can take over elftown because at one time orcs used to run [ __ ] and that those damn elves took they've taken out taking all our [ __ ] now i don't know you know there's hardly any story so at this point you ain't paying attention to the story you just you're just pretty much just sitting back and just looking at how shitty the rest of this movie is just looking at the at the shitty animation and again they know they know it's bad so they they use it to their advantage i've never seen somebody take shitty animation and turn it around and try to turn it into something they they make it a part of the story so they so so uh they when when the bikers realize that borrow has powers this is the power that amazes them i think he's talking gibberish should i call a doctor whoa he's going through metal that's just bad rendering he just look yeah man this there's bad clipping throughout this movie but the fact that they make it part of the story you almost have to applaud them for that it's dead we can't get around this guys let's make this make it a part of it there's so many there's so much bad clipping in the movie man there's a oh we don't even have it there's a part where he's wait let me see if i can find it no let me find this [ __ ] do you notice how the slime like some of it pours off and some of it gets absorbed into the skin yes man like like this right here [Laughter] they they're mad they're amazed when his hand can go through metal when they've missed all the other times that his hand has gone through all the other [ __ ] oh that's bad so all the bad clipping in it they just said we recognize it just make it part of the story i want you to notice something right here okay i'm just going i'll just see if you can tell what's wrong with this scene i'll play it for you again he just disappeared here let me do one more time just do it again okay one more time okay i'll tell you washington on the on the bill yes it's supposed to be this elf world and that's a that's a human that's an earth georgetown right there not to mention there's no candy in there ain't no candy in there they ain't putting no candidate how hard would it been just to put pointy ears on george washington they're probably thinking like oh well no they're behind his hair the united states of america itself not elfdale not healthland not in new york city now you the united states of america with george washington the founder of elf damn [Laughter] right there oh and by the way that vending machine with no with no food in it uh you know barlow's dumbass can't see it and so when he gets mad about it and treats us to another piece of terrible animation this [ __ ] just stays up there he's like how now is he always that strong or does that cause the magic that's that's nothing that's bad animation it just stayed it's you know what it is they don't want to animate the [ __ ] crashing that's what that's what that was even fast and furiously look at this and be like goddamn no physics at all how can we do that somebody somebody taking notes could be family now take notes [Laughter] uh there's scenes in here where martin did you notice this okay watch this see if you can see what's wrong with this scene i know this seems really bad but did you see those littles yeah the letters are floating on top of her jacket i look at this [ __ ] i know this seems really bad magic y'all the magical floating letters right there there's a part in here where it's some the animation is so bad that sometimes it just gets downright disturbing there's a part in here they scared one of these bikers so bad they gave his ass a seizure look at this trying to fix anything else it's so bad i'm gone right and that one you don't have to go like hey can you picture what's wrong with this it's right there it's right right there for you it's right there uh his his head left his eyes it took a while for his eyeballs trying not to fix anything else if they didn't make the eyes go with the head they just said five it's good enough hey man you said you said we had to have this [ __ ] out by the 26th scared me i'm out [Laughter] yeah man i told you guys already like you saw like those two those two bald dudes that you saw yeah the mirror in the mirror you already saw the scene but they they weren't even characters in the movie before and by the time that the movie is about to get to his midpoint and about to wind up they they just figured we'll just make a whole army on them copy and paste copy and paste yeah because that gang was only three people the gang yeah the gang yeah the game's only three people and then all of a sudden they just know me and then all of us in the middle of the movie that that ball character came up and they just we love that dude we go we're going to make an army of them we got plenty of them by the time you get to the end you're like god damn it all right you got me you almost have to admire the film right when you about to give up on it you gotta admire it because when they get to the end credits that's when you realize this whole thing was animated by one person michael johnson um yeah all animated all animation created just designed and animated by like michael johnson one dude sitting in his bedroom doing all of this he's doing this in his drawings in a very short period of time in a very short period of time at one point you're thinking like at one point you're laughing like you're like of course it was it's [ __ ] yeah it was and then another point you're thinking like but no i admire it because work ethic and then other yeah yeah and then the other part of it is what [ __ ] should i feel for this guy do they have him chained up in a basement somewhere i mean like just take out food just pile it up yeah and two guys outside the door won't let them leave to finish yeah well they could wait you know what he couldn't see the sunlight to finish yeah yeah exactly y'all gotta listen to the the these these are the most generic ass lyrics i've ever heard [Music] [Music] i went to sleep last night i woke up this morning yeah man this is uh you know it it almost feels wrong to pick on this in as much as the fact you bring up this one guy doing all the animation and yeah he couldn't have had a lot of time um it's it's a it's a travesty but at the same time you look at it and you go you know there's no touches of brilliance like even by time you see something bad or rushed you can still see something in it where you go like well you know what this could have been something a little bit more time this could have been something a little bit more money yeah this never had a shot at being anything no not at all no i i i think you could have gave this guy two years in a crew and this would have only been about 10 percent better yeah there's yeah this yeah you're right this was still boring it never had a chance i do want to be a writer on this though just how bad can i make this [ __ ] oh sure because because all you need is a stack of cocktail napkins and a couple of martinis and a pen yeah and in the afternoon to yourself and then boom there you go you can write on the napkins that your drink was on right you know they probably turn it all over to that michael god he's looking at him he's like well a lot of these are smeared i know man but you know just make something up you you're the artist here just you know whatever you do i'm sure is good all right all right you got it baby all right we love you yeah yeah though don't forget that hey better than the last stack of cocktail knackers i turned in right that was had pee on them i had a i was amazed i had a fun time watching this i am in utter resp i have utter respect for asylum man i know it's hard to say but let me listen it's hard to have disrespect for somebody who don't give a [ __ ] about your disrespect right that's true that's true you can't make fun of why you don't give a [ __ ] yeah they're like we don't care we know yeah it's like if you if you went to somebody and you said like man that movie you did that was a piece of [ __ ] and it went uh-huh yeah it really sucked yeah okay yeah okay um well all right well have a good day then i got another shitty one on the way yeah i just well uh good job yeah people homeward if not to be confused not to become not to be confused even he's confused like wait a minute what movie wait a minute huh if your grandmama is telling you that she's getting you that latest pixar movie with those blue ass elves look for the h make sure because if you see that h that means you got the wrong film the funny thing is is that uh uh wait i'm getting them confused onward wasn't even a big success but they didn't but you know what they made this before own was released no i know because they they they have visions of that being huge and them riding the coattails oh right right you thought that was gonna be yeah they thought that was gonna be amazing you know what'd be funny armor tanked yeah you you know be funny though be funny if if if if home homework made more money then [Laughter] oh i love that they certainly spend less they should did probably make them over profit yeah all right [Music]
Channel: Double Toasted
Views: 135,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homeward Review, Homeward movie review, Homeward 2020 review, Homeward review 2020, Homeward 2020, Homeward movie, Homeward movie 2020, Homeward or Onward, Homeward animated movie, Homeward asylum movie, Asylum movies, Asylum movies 2020, Bad Asylum movie, Bad movie, Bad movies, Bad movie review, Bad movie reviews, Homeward trailer, Onward ripoff, Onward Asylum movie, Onward review, Onward movie review, Funny video, Double toasted, Doubletoasted.com, Homeward
Id: U5j4WL9Hijo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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