Laurie Figone: Homemade Ravioli

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hi I'm Laurie Pagani from Petaluma I'm 53 years young and I am a coca-cola and what I'm sharing with you today is my signature dish homemade raviolis it all begins with the dough now this dough is going to be rolled out to cover this entire board I learned how to make raviolis 25 years ago from my grandmother nobody in the family had learned how to make them and she was more than thrilled to teach me so she also didn't have a recipe written down so I took it upon myself after learning from her to write down the recipe you cover your board with the dough then you take your ravioli rolling pin and you're going to mark down the center I'm marking the dough so I don't waste any of my wonderful filling that I have made here and here is my filling and today I'm using beef turkey spinach and Parmesan cheese you want to spread this out in a very even thin layer the original recipe called for veal and pork and it also included beef brains growing up on 1,100 acre ranch we raised most of all of our own food we had cows chickens pigs and at one time I even had a barn filled with meat rabbits we always had venison wild duck and we would even catch the French frogs out of the pond and eat those so once your filling is spread out evenly here put another dab on here like so take your dough fold it over and then you need your ravioli rolling pin start at the end lining it up put some pressure on it and you roll then do you need your ravioli cutter and you follow the lines that were left from your rolling pin cutting all of your raviolis and they will end up looking like this now I already have some in the pot behind me that are just about to float to the top and going on top of my raviolis is my family's secret sauce there's no meat in here but there are mushrooms and I like to use the dried filled mushrooms and growing up that was another thing that my grandmother taught me how to pick the wild filled mushrooms after a rain and the weather warmed up we would go hiking through the hills picking mushrooms so I'm going to put a little of my delicious sauce right into the bottom of my plate my raviolis have floated to the top of the water and into my plate they go and we'll put a little more of this wonderful sauce right on to the top and on top of the raviolis is going some Parmesan cheese it doesn't get any better than this you
Channel: Laurie Figone
Views: 114,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pasta, cooking, homemade, sonoma county, Ravioli (Dish), Laurie Figone, Kitchen, Recipe, Food, Cook
Id: kCCjdw6cwTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2012
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