Easy Homemade Toffee in 15 minutes!

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hi there and welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple today we are going to make some delicious buttery toffee right in the ninja foodie now how we're going to make this super simple really fast and then we put it into a bar pan and let it cool down and it's just like a score or a heath bar oh yeah we're gonna top it with chocolate too so super easy recipe and let's get started so i'm going to go ahead and open up the ninja foodie you can use either the stainless steel pot or you can use the ceramic coated either one is fine here you can also do this on the stove the instructions would be exactly the same or in your instant pot with the sear saute we have one cup of sugar and one cup or two sticks of butter now i use salted butter but you could use unsalted in this recipe we do add a little bit of salt at the end as well so either one would be fine all right so we're going to add that in now we are going to put the sear saute on high and let this start to melt we also have two teaspoons of vanilla which i'm not going to use right now that goes in at the end and then a quarter teaspoon of salt now if you were using unsalted butter you might want to add in a little bit extra salt but that's certainly up to you and we have about a cup to a cup and a half of milk chocolate chips now of course you could use any type of chocolate that you want but i think it's pretty traditional on a heath or a score bar that it's milk chocolate but you could use dark chocolate if you prefer all right so i've got a little bit of oil here i'm going to show you what i'm going to use that for and then let's talk about our parchment and our pan that we want to use so this is a 9 by 13 pan the measurements are 9 inches wide from edge to edge and 13 from edge to edge so really the inside is about 8 inches by maybe 11 11 and a half inches so any pan that's about this size will work fine it doesn't have to be this one this is a bar pan from pampered chef it could certainly be a metal pan it could even be plastic pan it really makes no difference what you use the the size of it though does make a difference because this this amount of ingredients in this size pan gives you the perfect thickness for your toffee if you used a smaller pan it's going to be a lot thicker and it's going to be a little bit harder to bite and just a different experience so just keep that in mind when you're choosing a pan choose one that is as close to the 9x13 as you can alright now i'm going to line this with parchment paper but before i do that i'm just going to spritz the pan with a little bit of oil here not too much just a little bit the only reason why i do that sometimes i'll use butter you know but oil's a little bit less expensive is to have it sit down and stay that's the only reason why i do that so then i just spread it out so that it's lining the pan and it and it just sticks to it a little bit easier so that's just a little trick there then while this is still heating up because this this takes the longest part once it starts heating and boiling and we start stirring it goes so super fast so definitely have your pan ready have your chocolate chips out have your vanilla measured have your salt out have everything ready to go because once this starts heating up to the hard crack stage it is it goes really fast and if you don't pay enough attention you will burn it so that's the only thing you don't even need a thermometer for this recipe we're going to go by color we're going to go by the looks of it and it turns out perfect every time [Music] all right so i'm starting to hear a little bit going on here the butter is starting to melt a little bit so i'm just going to go ahead and move everything around [Music] so this is similar to the caramel that i make in a few of my recipes but of course we have this big addition of butter and that's what gives the toffee that just buttery flavor oh my gosh it's so delicious [Music] all right so all the butter has melted and the sugar is now dissolving and it's starting to boil now this is not a recipe that you walk away from just constantly stir it goes really fast if you have a candy thermometer and you want to use it you certainly can you want to take it up to the hard crack stage which is right around 305 or so fahrenheit but i found that when i tried to make it with a thermometer i was so busy trying to get the temperature right that i almost burned it because i i wasn't paying attention to the color and i was just looking at the thermometer i think this recipe it's easier if you just pay attention to the color because now you can see it's a real pale buttery color it's gonna darken and darken and darken but it is a fine line between the perfect toffee and burnt sugar and once it's burnt you pretty much have to throw it away there's no you can't get past that it really doesn't taste very good all right you can see here now that our mixture is changing it's actually lightening up right well it'll do that just for a minute before it starts to darken we're also getting much bigger bubbles on the top that is exactly what we want so just keep stirring it smells so good all right i'm starting to see a little bit of change in the color it's very subtle right now all right it's starting to darken up some some more now but we're still not there yet [Music] i'm starting to see some really dark parts on the bottom it's darkening up [Music] all right i'm going to go ahead and turn the ninja foodie off so that's about the color that we want now we want to quickly add in our vanilla and our salt and give it another stir here you can take it a little bit darker too if you want the darker it gets the harder it's going to be so this is about the color that i like to stop it at it is oh gosh like a lightened coffee color probably like if you put some cream in some coffee all right that looks so good but you can take it a little bit further too you just have to stir constantly all right so we're going to get that out and you can see right here right on the top here there's a darker spot right here that's where it was sitting on the bottom and you could take it all to that color if you wanted i just always get nervous that i'm gonna burn it and i don't want to go through all this and then burn my toffee so i take it off when it's this color it it will be um well you'll see when i taste it but it will be like you can crunch it it will bite through cleanly it's wonderful there's just a slight shoe but not too much it's really delicious and sorry you can't see exactly what i'm doing i've got to do this pretty quickly and my paper is a little bit high but you'll you'll see i'll turn it around just a second so i'm just spreading it over the pan before it starts to cool too much to get it kind of even that's the one thing about candy is it's a quick process you got to work fast okay that's good now we're gonna put on the chocolate chip so here i'll turn it around hopefully you can see that and i'm just gonna just put them on now there's another way you could do this you could let it cool a little bit until you could cut it and you could actually make little bars but this is just so much easier in my opinion and then i just break it up and put it on a tray for people to snack on all right now we're going to put the foil on that is going to trap in the heat and melt that chocolate so we're just going to put the foil on and let it sit for about 10 minutes and then i'll take my offset spatula here and smooth it over and then it goes into the refrigerator for two hours all right so it's been about 10 minutes and hopefully the chocolate has melted enough it's not going to look like it's melted at all though just so you know when you pull it off you're like oh it's not even ready but it it will spread and sometimes you need to do it a little bit leave it there a little bit longer but hopefully this will work so then spread the chocolate over top see how as i mash it down it's spreading and try to get it evenly you could make little cute designs if you wanted but i don't usually worry i just try to get it evenly spread i'm putting a little bit more of more chocolate on than i did in yesterday's batch so this will be thicker so when i when i show you the one that i'm going to taste for you it uh won't have as much chocolate on it as this one does which i kind of like just a thin thin layer because you really get the buttery flavor without too much of the chocolate all right this is going pretty well all right there we go so we are all done this is what it looks like and now it can go in the refrigerator for about two hours now i said to you before that you could do something uh with it before you put the chocolate on let's say you wanted to make individual dipped type of toffee you can do that let it cool just a few minutes don't put your chocolate on top let it cool about five or ten minutes and then lift the parchment with the toffee out onto the cutting board and it is right now let me just grab a little knife and i'll do it even though i'll get chocolate all over it it'll be fine so you can still cut it at this point so let's say you want to make little squares you can cut through the toffee at this point dip it in the chocolate let it set up and cool and then you'll have little like toffee bars all right let's go ahead and taste this right now right let's see it cut really nice it should be oh it looks beautiful on the inside well it's gonna be chewy so it's still a little chewy oh it's so good though oh my gosh so good messy and chewy as it sets up it's gonna get crunchier and i'm gonna show you that right now oh my gosh this is so good all right that's from my oil on the bottom that's fine i want it to there we go [Music] so good but you see i'm still chewing it all right so you can see half of this is gone now because um i didn't eat it all i mean i ate some of it jeff ate some of it but i made a toffee coffee ice cream in the ninja foodie blender the other night and i'm still perfecting that recipe but as soon as it is done you guys will hear about it because it stands up to the ben and jerry's coffee heath bar crunch ice cream trust me it's delicious one thing i will say about that is usually like a heath bar i think even the score bars they do have almonds in them i left that out but you could certainly add almonds you would want to crush them up pretty fine make sure they're toasted because that's going to add a nice flavor put them down on your parchment before you pour over your toffee and then you'll have some nuts in there and that's fine too but i decided to leave it without nuts all right so you can see now this is i made this yesterday so it is completely cool and now it will just break up so you could break it up into pieces and serve it now it's a little bit wet on the bottom and the reason is because i kept it in the refrigerator too long once it sets up for two hours i would take it back out of the refrigerator because the humidity in the refrigerator will melt sugar all right so then you just break it up all right let's give it a taste [Music] it is so good it is buttery mmm [Music] oh my gosh it is so so delicious and so easy to make [Music] oh it's just simply perfect so if you were a fan of the score bar or the heath bar this recipe is for you make up a batch and you are going to love it add nuts don't add nuts use dark chocolate milk chocolate white chocolate whatever kind of chocolate you want or skip the chocolate as always make it yours and make it delicious
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 927,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, homemade toffee candy, homemade toffee with chocolate, easy toffee recipe, Ninja Foodi toffee recipe, food gift ideas, Instant Pot toffee recipe, Ninja Foodi Pressure Cooker, how to make toffee without a thermometer, easy homemade toffee
Id: CoFm3EK8ny8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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