Homemade Mayo - 2 Recipes, 2 Methods, Infinite Possibilities

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hey there it's Steve from serious Quito and in this video we are gonna make some mayonnaise or mayonnaise you know I have a feeling that regardless of how I pronounce it someone's gonna crawl up my butt in the comments section and tell me I'm doing it wrong so I'm just gonna call it Mayo I bet you right now you're saying it out loud mayonnaise mayonnaise mayonnaise mayonnaise am i right there was a time when I didn't like Mayo I know crazy right but now I love it and I'm pretty glad that it's on the menu for keto the problem is store-bought mayo generally is made from either soybean oil or canola oil and neither of those are high on the list of good for you now there is olive oil and avocado oil Mayo is out there that you can buy but you pay a pretty considerable premium forum and that's why we're gonna make our own now this video is gonna have a little bit more talking in it than a lot of my videos I'm gonna kind of go a little bit Alton Brown here and talk about the science the ingredients and the method of Mayo because I don't want to just give you a recipe I want you to understand it so that you can make your own recipe and tailor your own Mayo to your tastes first off Mayo is an emulsion it is getting oil and not oil to stick together so if you think about a vinaigrette when you've got the oil and the vinegar and you shake it up and it kind of blends but then it separates that's an unstable emulsion what makes Mayo stable is the lecithin that's in the egg yolk which brings us to the ingredients first we have the oil we're gonna do two different recipes one with olive oil and one with avocado oil if you really wanted to be super keto and create a really sort of neutral flavored Mayo you could use MCT oil too then we have the eggs and you can use either whole eggs or just the yolks I'm gonna use just the yolks in this recipe because I want to save the egg whites for another application you can use them on like some of those white bread chapels which I could link to up there or my candied pecans what I find typically in recipes is it's usually one egg or one yolk per half cup of oil that seems to be sort of the common ratio that I see in most recipes then you have some form of acid that could be lemon juice that could be vinegar and in terms of vinegar up to you it could be white vinegar it could be apple cider vinegar if you're feeling really classy I suppose you could do champagne vinegar and then we have just the couple of extra and some people might even consider them optional flavor enhancers mustard I typically see deshaun or brown mustard we're gonna use two Jean some salt and oftentimes a little bit of sweetener that's it in terms of methods there really seems to be about four if I counted them correctly and those are using a whisk just by hand whisking this together that requires considerably more patience and arm endurance than I have so we're not going to do that method the next two methods are very similar blender or food processor to me it's kind of a horse apiece on those we're gonna use a food processor as one of the two demonstrations here just because my Blendtec blender as much as I love it one of the things I don't like about it is when you're just blending at a steady speed it turns off after 50 seconds I think it's a safety feature and the speed at which you're drizzling in your oil is slow enough that it takes two or three power cycles on my Blendtec which is just sort of a pain not going to do it we're gonna use a food processor the final method which has become easily my favorite method is using an immersion blender one last thing before we start most recipes that you see for Mayo because you're using eggs want you to consume that batch of Mayo within a week well we're gonna do a little hack here to pasteurize our egg yolks I got this from America's Test Kitchen and this will let your Mayo stay nice and safe for about a month that's it for the talking let's get to makin some Mayo we're going to start with two large egg yolks twitch will add three tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of lemon juice whisk together until you don't see any orange streaks from the yolks now we're gonna pop this into the microwave for about 40 seconds stirring every 10 seconds we're also going to be using an insta read thermometer because we want our temperature to be somewhere between 160 and 165 degrees we do not want to go any higher than that because we don't want the eggs to start cooking ten seconds give it a stir right 93 degrees 118 degrees 137 154 and there we go 164 degrees at about 45 seconds we're gonna pour our egg mixture through a strainer into one of these pint mason jars and that catches any chunks that might be in there then I'm gonna add a half a teaspoon of salt sea salt half teaspoon of Dijon mustard I'm using Boca sweet it's really my favorite although it is kind of pricey so if you don't feel like using Boca sweet feel free to use swerve or whatever sweetener you want 1/4 teaspoon finally we're gonna add 1 cup of olive oil and I recommend for Olive Oil get the absolute latest like extra light variety otherwise it really kind of has sort of a well oily taste to it with the immersion blender method we don't need to drizzle this in we can just dump the whole cup of oil right into our jar insert your immersion blender and let her rip you may want to tilt your blender just so that it can suck air and oil down underneath and into the blades that's it we've got Mayo immediately after blending it may seem a little liquidy but this is gonna firm up nicely once I throw it into the fridge which is where it's going to go while we make our next recipe again we start with our two egg yolks three tablespoons of water this time though we're gonna use 1 tablespoon of distilled white vinegar instead of lemon juice for our acid whisk together until we see no more orange streaks and again we'll microwave for probably 40 to 45 seconds stirring every 10 seconds until we reach 160 to 165 degrees and then for this recipe we're gonna use a food processor again we are going to strain out our eggs just to get any chunks we have some curds here and once again a half teaspoon of salt about a half teaspoon of Dijon mustard and a quarter teaspoon of sweetener pop on the lid and yes this is a very old Cuisinart food processor I think we got it for our wedding it's literally held together with some marine glue right here it's not in great shape gonna be one of my next new purchases we'll remove the feed tube and we have one cup of avocado oil which we are going to add in a slow steady stream over the next minute or two [Music] turn it off and then scrape down the lid and sides and we'll run it for about another five seconds now this does look thinner than the immersion blender method sort of closer to an aioli than a mayonnaise but trust me this will thicken up in the fridge it's been about four hours that the Mayo has been in the fridge this is the immersion blender olive oil mayo and you can see nice and thick just like I promised the food processor avocado oil though that's still a little bit loose however here is some that I made also in a food processor also avocado oil is one of my test runs and you can see this is nice and thick it's been sitting in the fridge a little bit longer I guess now let's see how they taste first the olive oil all that is so good that is in my opinion so much better than Hellmann's oh wow that is good stuff I I like this recipe i I don't know that I would tweak this at all for my tastes I rinsed off the spoon so not double-dip in here now the avocado oil this I think with a little more sweetener and you've got something awfully close to Miracle Whip although not quite as thick I'm gonna taste the one that I made two days ago and it's a little firmer soon I think of that so original avocado food processor male yeah I think extra sweetener and this is practically Miracle Whip right here so once you start making Mayo at home and playing around with the recipes you're not gonna buy store-bought Mayo anymore you're gonna be done with that cuz this is so easy to make if you want a little sweeter add some more sweetener if you want a little bit more Tang add a little more mustard if you want to bump up the acidity play around with that lemon juice or vinegar try different combinations of this I kind of look at mail the way I look at nut butters or guacamole you play around with the ingredients you have some fun you experiment it's all good so if you think you've dialed in on a fantastic Mayo I'd love to hear what your recipe is throw it down in the comments below and share it with all of us and if you enjoyed this video hit that like button hit that subscribe button and if you want to be notified whenever I release a new video hit the bell next to it thanks for watching I guess you could say I'm putting on a Mayo Clinic [Applause] you
Channel: Serious Keto
Views: 241,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto diet, keto recipes, keto mayonnaise recipe, keto mayo recipe, keto mayo avocado oil, keto mayo immersion blender, keto mayonnaise olive oil, keto mayonnaise, homemade mayo, homemade mayonnaise, homemade mayonnaise recipe, homemade mayonnaise keto, homemade mayonnaise immersion blender, homemade mayonnaise with olive oil, homemade mayo recipe, how to make mayonnaise, serious keto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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