Homemade Mayo that's NOT GROSS!! Tastes Like Best Foods!

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hello you guys it's Karen from love your land and today we're going to make something the world does not need except it does and that is another homemade mayonnaise video and the reason I'm doing it a homemade mayonnaise video is because and the whole mayonnaise video industry is pissing me off at this point because I've tried so many and that they're gross I throw them in the trash I mean I wanna like them and I definitely don't wanna waste food but I can't manis is something you're putting you know you're kind of using a lot of and I'm just not into it so best foods let's just face it that is in my opinion that is the best mayonnaise on the planet the problem with it is is it's made from primarily I mean the main ingredient is soybean oil which is terrible for women's health and probably everybody's plus you know it's GMO so that's not good so I I'm trying really hard look it I'm gonna show you something just to show you how hard I'm trying this is my beloved oh it's actually Hellmann's which i think are the same things i don't know why they have two different labels but whatever this is empty normally I wouldn't even let myself get low on mayonnaise like this kind I'm serious people who know me know me a manís is like life to me so but I don't want to keep ingesting this especially because I eat a lot of mayonnaise a lot and like I make egg salad every single day of my life everyday I know isn't that weird but anyway so I'm just gonna jump in here I'm going to show you how I'm making mayonnaise now and I think that if you try this this to me this is as close to this as possible I think really the only difference is that this homemade is gonna be more yellow because you're you know they're not there's no like I don't know how they get it like this but I don't know maybe they bleachers okay I'm kidding I maybe they do you never know okay so let's let's do this I'm gonna use my stems well maybe I'll edit that out maybe I won't I'm gonna use my stand mixer because I have it and it's obviously gonna be the easiest method so let me plug it in now that I have that thing on I hope I don't get electric here you know lightning um okay we're gonna start with two eggs I have tried recipes hello where they put whole eggs in and that's gross because it gets like fluffy and I don't know about you but I do not want fluffy mayonnaise that's disgusting so we're not doing that you can do whatever you want but I'm just saying this is as close as I got to have best foods and that's my goal in life so you're just gonna separate your eggs and get the whites out of there and if you can get that a little umbilical cord crap off there I would recommend it because that's just gross - all right we don't know why they put them in there okay so there's 100 more I got the thing in there that's as good as I'm gonna get it two egg yolks alright so now to this two egg yolks are gonna add 1/2 a teaspoon of whatever mayonnaise you have it doesn't have to be Dijon that's just what I have in my fridge next you're gonna want to add white wine vinegar you get a half a teaspoon I feel like I'm yelling if I wasn't yelling and I'm really sorry I'm like I'm really hungry so I kill a little more when I'm hungry and then Himalayan pink salt 2 egg yolks 1/2 a teaspoon of mustard 1/2 a teaspoon of white wine vinegar all right and some salt pepper however much you want to start with now we're going to take 1 cup of this is the this is the whole reason I'm doing this video so there are a million recipes out there for avocado oil mayonnaise if you like that go for it I think it's disgusting I love avocados I use all of akkad oil and cooking all the time it's right there but Tim with making a mayonnaise out of it is just gross look like I have thrown out my exiled and my mayonnaise because I kept trying to do with avocado oil I don't like it I also did it with extra-virgin olive oil I've used extra-virgin olive oil gross extra virgin olive oil has a very strong taste you don't want that so what I'm using instead is extra light olive oil for now we're gonna go with the Bertolli extra light you're going to need one cup got glasses would be real helpful but it's fine whoa that's not enough good thing I got more I've gone through so much oil in the last three weeks you guys I'm serious again I don't like wasting food but it's important to me to find a manís recipe that does not contain soy so that I can eat it without being scared what I'm tuned to my body so anyway and I'll tell you one more thing about oil yesterday I made it with this this is canola oil tonight what is it on me did I know it was not good for me pretty much but I wanted to at least get the ball rolling so I was on a trajectory towards yummy mayonnaise and I'm not gonna lie this was fantastic it was spot-on it was perfect the problem is is this is poison canola oil is poison it's it's toxic it's not made from canola's that's a made-up word for one thing there's no such thing as a canola it's made from rapeseed which is then turned into oil and then heavily manufactured look it up you'll be floored you'll be astounded so if you have this in your cupboard throw it away honestly don't even give it away it's bad for people it's like not it's not just like mmm you're okay with that no it's terrible for you so yeah I'll be throwing that mayonnaise in the trash too even though it was really good baby reading okay so I'm gonna go ahead and get started what you're gonna want to do with mayonnaise if you haven't made it before is you're gonna want to mix up these ingredients first I have a little mustard situation on the side we need that in there what the mustard does by the way that's obviously it's a good flavor but it also helps stabilize this mixture when you get the oil in there so it doesn't break and what what that means the term break when you're making mayonnaise is it it turns into curds basically it does not emulsify and that's gross it's not mayonnaise you won't want to eat it so first we're gonna mix this up and I'm not gonna talk I keep feeling things on your leg it's are flying I'm gonna mix this up give it just a second okay let's mix it up I didn't need to turn this off but I want to tell you what I'm doing so now I'm going to slowly drizzle this oil in like that teeny tiniest thinnest little line of drizzle that you can manage the whole way through until about the very very bottom and you can dump that little like eighth of a cup in there but it has to like be like maloca like mayonnaise already so I may edit this to shorten it so if it seems like it only took like 30 seconds just know it took a lot longer than that but I'm a I'm a edit it anyway I'm gonna get started mayonnaise I forget to put looks at your lemon juice in it but that's okay usually add lemon I usually add more of all of these things at the end once it's all emulsified you don't want to add too much liquid in there you want it to just be that first basic base of things put swagg yolks the half a teaspoon the half a teaspoon salt and pepper and then your cup of oil so but I do usually add a little lemon juice here before I just forgot so I'm gonna do that now max I'm gonna taste it first so it looks like that it's thick it's creamy like mayonnaise is meant to be like God wanted it except it's yellow but like who cares so taste it it's probably 95% of the population will want it exactly like this I'm gonna add more salt at this point I usually do add another half a teaspoon of mustard you don't have to do that you're not as in the mustard as I am but I really like it so one more mix okay that should be done it should be perfect we shall see it's just like it's so perfect I can't even believe there are so many videos out there that just don't seem to care about getting to this point again the point of this video is not really to show you how to make Manny but really this video is for people out there that have tried really hard to get away from the soybean stuff like me and keep trying I've tried to make mayonnaise and it's gross to them it's probably the oil you're using that again he wanted to say hi again I don't think he wants to have I think he wants my eggs I make as I said earlier I make excel at every single day and every single day I either I make eggs on and I print something and both of those things as soon as I make eggs on he's all over me he and and every time I print something he steals it on my printer runs away and I tell him every day he eats get his own eggs in his own printer I forgot to say a couple things number one there are you know really popular brands of healthier mayonnaise that's out there as you guys know you have them in your grocery stores you can order them you know thrive market has some I haven't tried through markets stuff but I think they have this particular brand that I'm thinking of and I was able to get from my market it's again a real popular one not gonna name names I was all excited to get it avocado base great I tried it and I was like that's the most disgusting thing early in my life it's not mayonnaise I mean it's mayonnaise but look and I but that was like a month ago and and now since I've been making my own homemade and especially now that I've kind of nailed it I thought last night I wondered if maybe I just wasn't used to any variation from best foods so I thought I would try it again so I tried it and just as disgusting as before maybe even more so and I realize why the oil tastes rancid now this is why I'm not naming names because I'm sure they're not using rancid oil but that's what it tastes like to me and it's gross so if you have bought one you know one of the popular brands like avocado oil mayonnaise and it's gross to you it's probably because you're tasting for whatever reason tastes like rancid oil that's that the other thing I forgot to mention in your mayonnaise if you want now you know you know there's sugar in here can't read it but you know there's sugar in here part of what makes it delicious right so I don't use sugar so I put two that's it you can put more but for myself two drops of liquid stevia into this and it just like la the Angels saying unicorns run across the floor but so you might want to try it I just don't go you can't take it out so I would go with just two so I'm gonna try this mayonnaise I just made which is not this hold on let me get it right here I have more mayonnaise than anybody anybody right now I'm gonna go ahead and add in what I would normally add that's roughly two tablespoons why don't I have a fork why don't you even get a spoon we're gonna get this little test taste test that's by the way how I make my exile eggs and mayonnaise and that's it and I eat it pretty much every day and there's a day or two here there I have you know if I do lick Oh mad which is one meal a day yeah I'm probably not gonna eat egg salad because that's just not quite enough food I gotta put my glasses I can't tell what I'm doing oh yes you look lovely all right let's give it a try I know people say this stuff all the time on YouTube oh my god that's most delicious thing in the whole entire world if you blindfolded me gave me what is this call exile with this or this I would not be able to tell the part and that's saying something because again I am a serious man a sob I think my brain is shifted into there's food in front of me and I can't talk so that's it please make it you'll love it alright talk to you later bye wait a minute give me that
Channel: Love Your Land
Views: 16,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mayo, mayonaise, homemade mayonaise, best foods mayonaise, best mayo, best foods, extra light olive oil mayo, love your land
Id: yO-5Ek7oY4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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