How to make Mayonnaise ( 3 METHODS ) | Recipes Are Simple

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hi guys today we're taking a look at how to make mayonnaise right at home you don't need to buy it you can make fresh egg mayonnaise right at home it's very simple the main thing that worries most people when they think of making homemade mayonnaise is the emulsification an emulsion is when the egg and the oil come together to make that creamy sauce that we all love in our sandwiches so sometimes the emulsification process can go wrong and the mayonnaise splits but if you follow the simple steps you can make a perfect mayonnaise right at home I'm also showing you how to make mayonnaise in a blender or the canister jar that comes with your handheld immersion blender or the immersion blender itself they're all very simple let's take a look at each method but first let's take a look at the blender method now we're using a regular blender you need a blender with a lid like this with a hole on the top of the lid so in our recipe we're using one egg for our mayonnaise although the classic real mayonnaise uses only egg yolk using a whole egg actually helps the emulsification process and gives you a fail proof mayonnaise that tastes great so you want to add one large egg to your blender and try to use good large pasteurized eggs pastries eggs are always better when you're making any recipe that involves raw eggs make sure the blender is sterile and dry a dry blender always gives the best results and make sure that the blender and the blender jar is not overheated from a previous session it should be cool once you start to make the mayonnaise for best results once we add our egg we're also going to add vinegar you can use any type of vinegar you like you can use dirt white sweet balsamic vinegar here I'm using a regular vinegar one tablespoon of vinegar although when I make mayonnaise I usually use just about 3/4 of a tablespoon and just a quarter teaspoon of salt you can always add salt later now I'm also adding quarter teaspoon of mustard powder that's dry mustard powder and a quarter teaspoon of paprika I'm also adding a dash of cayenne pepper using a funnel like this helps me to pour it the oil into the blender jar so I'm going to place it on top like that and you want to turn on your blender on a high speed once the egg and the vinegar combines and gets a little creamy on the bottom like this we can start to drizzle in our oil this is one cup of oil that we're using that's 240 No this process takes a little bit of patience you need to pour the oil in at a steady stream the emulsification process is most important in the initial 30 seconds of blending so you need to really concentrate and pour in the oil in the steady thread-like stream now you'll see the mayonnaise starting to get première and thicker once there's just around a quarter cup of the oil remaining in the cup I'm going to add a teaspoon of lemon juice this adds flavor and helps in the emulsification process once again so we're just going to continue drizzling in the remaining quarter cup of oil you will notice that the sound of the blender changes when the mayonnaise is nice and thick it sounds like it's having trouble blending it's like a chopping noise I set my blender on the highest speed and you can see the texture of our mayonnaise it's a very creamy mayonnaise now if you like if you are used to that slight bit of sweetness in store-bought mayonnaise you can always add a little bit of sugar I tend to add a little bit to my mayonnaise and a dash of pepper as well that's nice so this mayonnaise thickens a little bit once you refrigerate it the yellow color comes from that new mustard powder a very tasty homemade fresh mayonnaise next we're using the mini processor or the small canister blender that comes with your immersion blender this is very handy and I do use sunflower oil you can use other forms of oil some people like to use ground nut oil or soybean oil I prefer to use sunflower oil so we add the egg and the same as before for 1/4 TSP of mustard powder for a thicker and more strong flavored mayonnaise you can also use up to a tablespoon of Dijon mustard some people love that flavor I use that in gourmet style burgers but today I'm just using the mustard powder and again 1 tablespoon or 3/4 of a tablespoon here of vinegar now we add a little bit of oil just to get it going in the beginning and give that a mix again I have this set on the highest speed first you can see the egg in the oil has mixed it has not split it's very thin and in consistency but the oil has not split so now we can add another quarter part of the oil and continue again till the mixture thickens again you can see the color changing and becoming lighter it's thickened a little bit I can pour another quarter pot of the oil again and continue you can see it starts to get thicker and creamier so at now we're going to season with salt Recorder teaspoon of salt to begin with you can add more later and pepper this time I'm not adding paprika or cayenne pepper I'm just adding black pepper and we add the remainder of the oil and continues till our sauce is nice and thick now sometimes you might notice that the oil themes didn't come to the surface so you get an oily looking mayonnaise this is not a problem just to add a tablespoon of cool water and you will see the effect water actually helps in the emulsification process as well just add a tiny bit so you can see how perfect the mayonnaise turned out nice and creamy and fake I like to add a little bit of lemon juice just for flavor but and that's our second batch of mayonnaise you can see how creamy it is it's also quite tasty and it has the texture of store-bought mayonnaise with that's like to go to it and our third method the immersion blender method if you don't have an immersion blender at home I really do recommend it I find it useful for so many things in my kitchen it's also so easy to clean up afterwards so once again we're using the one egg one cup of oil recipe one large egg goes into this jar one tablespoon of vinegar 1/4 teaspoon of salt pepper here I'm only adding pepper no mustard add a little bit of the oil to begin with give it a blend till it thickens and becomes light in color now you can keep on adding oil as you keep blending on a high speed and lift and lower your immersion blender as you do so this helps to make the sauce nice and smooth and creamy and thick [Music] [Music] add just a tablespoon of water at the end to remove that oily layer if there is any and you can see the mayonnaise is turning out quite perfectly [Music] let's take a look at the picture you see it's very thick just like store-bought mayonnaise and of course if you like that little bit of sugar as I mentioned before just add a quarter teaspoon just to give it a slight tinge of sweetness some people tend to like that so we have made Maine is very simply very quickly in three different methods personally I like them all I like mustard sometimes when I like that bit of extra flavor and creaminess but the mayonnaise without any mustard is just fine as well I also find the immersion blender method the easiest it gives a really good texture the mayonnaise without mustard gives a wider color mayonnaise I found the immersion blender method the easiest overall because it's so easy to clean up afterwards the blender on the other hand you need to wash it thoroughly afterwards and it can be a little tricky sometimes so which of these methods would you prefer and what additions do you like to Europe mayonnaise and how did your first attempt at making mayonnaise go please let us know in the comments section below hope you enjoyed this quick video recipe thanks a lot for watching see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Recipes are Simple
Views: 632,860
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Keywords: How to make Mayonnaise, Recipe, Different ways to make Mayyonaise, homemade mayo
Id: nHHrGTUtm_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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