How to make Avocado Oil Mayo | Save money | Its super easy

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what's up family how you doing my name is Joe and I am one half of two crazy kiddos today I'm gonna show you how you can make your own avocado oil mayonnaise for a fraction of the cost of this store-bought stuff and it only takes a couple minutes we'll get into it right after this [Music] [Applause] severe new to our channel welcome like I said my name is Joe and I'm one half of two crazy kiddos and the other half is my wife Rachel who's not with us today now on our channel we do product reviews we do recipe videos like we're gonna do today we talked about different keto topics and once a week we sit down on the couch for a keto on the couch where we just kind of talk about what's going on in our lives during the week now we do upload at least five new videos every single week so make sure you're subscribed to our Channel and if you are hit that little bell icon so that you're notified every time we upload a new video we also have all kinds of social media we have Instagram Twitter and Facebook as well as a website which is too crazy Kito's calm now Rachel and I love avocado oil mayonnaise we really try to stay away from the traditional mayonnaises that you can buy in the stores because they're made with things like canola oil or sunflower oil or different types of vegetable oils and those oils just really aren't good for us those trans fats can increase inflammation in your body and they're just not really healthy so whether you're keto or you're not keto this is a great recipe for you because you're gonna start using a healthy oil to make your mayonnaise now you can go to the store and buy avocado oil mayonnaise something like this primal kitchen but it tends to be really expensive running at about $10 a jar and if you want to make something like a blue cheese dressing which is what I like to do it could become very cost prohibitive so today I'm gonna show you how you can make your own avocado oil mayonnaise for just a couple of dollars and it only takes one or two minutes so here's what you're gonna need to do this the first thing you're gonna need is one egg then you're gonna need some salt you're gonna need some Dijon mustard or any kind of mustard you can even use powdered mustard you'll need some apple cider vinegar you're gonna need some lemon juice and then you're gonna need some avocado oil now you can also use olive oil but the avocado oil has a much milder flavor so you're better off with that then you're also going to need a mason jar or some kind of tall glass and the final thing you're gonna need is an immersion blender now if you don't have an immersion blender that's okay you can still make this recipe in a traditional blender you just have to change one thing and we'll get into that when we get to that step so let me go ahead and plug this in I'll set up my mason jar and I'll show you exactly how to make this mayonnaise so this recipe is so easy to make it's almost foolproof honestly I probably should have waited and had Rachel done this one for our series so easy even Rachel could cook it but she wasn't around she's probably gonna kill me for that when she sees this but it's really easy to make this and there's very little cleanup because we're gonna make it in the jar we store it in so the first thing you need is a mason jar and you need a wide mouth mason jar one that can fit your emerging blender kind of like this now if you don't have one that's okay you can just use the container that your immersion blender came with or any like tall glass so long as the immersion blender fits in it you just don't want to use a bowl so that you can do it in the right order so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna take our egg and we're going to crack it right into the bottom of the jar and we're gonna try to not break the yolk or at least not disturb it then on top of that we're gonna add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and we're gonna put one teaspoon of lemon juice which I've already pre-mixed and put it in here now you can also just use two teaspoons of either one of these it's up to you I really like the apple cider vinegar in it it gives it a nice taste but I kind of like to also go along with that and give it a little bit of lemon juice the whole point is you need some acid in here so a total of two teaspoons of acid whether it's one of each one or two of one of them the next thing is gonna need is just a teaspoon of Dijon mustard now you can use any kind of mustard I just like Dijon mustard now if you have powdered mustard like mustard powder you can also use that and for if you're gonna use powdered mustard you're gonna use about a half a teaspoon of it then we're gonna put in just a little bit of salt it's kind of to taste I'm not even I don't even measure it probably about a quarter of a teaspoon or so and the last thing we're gonna do is we're in a port or poorer oil right in here but what you want to do is kind of like let it layer you don't want it to like completely mix so just kind of pour it in slowly and let it sit up on top of the eggs and so this is what you should have here see how the egg is sitting on the bottom and then you can see how the lemon juice and the vinegar and then the oil is on top now like I said you can do this in a traditional blender what you're gonna do if you're using a traditional blender is you're gonna put the egg and your vinegar and your lemon juice at the mustard into your blender you're gonna blend that and then out of low speed you're going to keep the blender going and then you're gonna just drizzle the oil in literally like drop by drop until it starts to thicken up and then you can start putting a little bit more of a stream but the key is doing it's super super slow but if you have the immersion blender this is absolutely the best way to do it so now that we've done that what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our immersion blender and we're just gonna kind of very gently put it into the bottom and try to trap the egg underneath and let it sit on the bottom just like this then we're gonna turn it on and we're not going to move the immersion blender we're just going to let it sit there and it's going to start to emulsify you can see how it's already starting to a multiply it by now we're going to just turn it up just a little bit and once it starts thickening up what we're going to do is just kind of pull it up just a little bit but you don't want to take it out of the liquid you want to let the oil get pulled down into it okay now I'm just going to go back down and kind of like to bring some of the oil back down and bring it up again and just very slowly up and down until you can get all that oil mixed in now what I'll do is I'll just turn it off bring it up to let that oil fall down to the bottom and then I'll turn it on but make sure the blades are covered with the mayonnaise before you turn it back on and that's it you're all done if you can do if you want you can do it maybe one more time to if there's any remaining oil on top and we're done let me go ahead and grab a spatula and I'll show you this we're just gonna get the whatever's left underneath these I don't want to get rid of any of this good mayonnaise so take a look at this mayonnaise look at that look at how thick that is look at that not even falling off of my spatula let's go ahead and try this Wow wow that is so creamy it is so delicious it just I think it's the best mayonnaise I've ever made probably the best meeting is the river had period but this one just came out absolutely perfect if you have a friend or a family member who doesn't usually use like the avocado oil mayonnaises or if they you know they use like Hellmann's or one of those other ones or maybe they've tried Alva coddle mayonnaise and they didn't like it try giving them this I promise you they won't even know the difference they won't know that this is a homemade mayonnaise it comes out so rich and creamy and when you use like half lemon juice and a half apple cider vinegar it just gives it the perfect perfect taste now one thing about this when you make it at your home usually it's not gonna last quite as long as the store-bought ones because there's usually some preservatives in here it's the best thing to do is just put the lid on it and it's gonna last in your refrigerator for about seven to ten days so that's why this is a perfect size because it's probably enough to last you those few days and you don't have to deal with a big giant jar like this and you can double it triple it whatever you want if you even have the smaller pint sized mason jars this will make in there perfectly I just don't have any that are the wide mouth on top as far as nutrition it's kind of hard to figure out how much it is per serving because you're going to take everything out of the jar measure out how much you have and then invite it into servings but this entire batch is 2,000 calories it's two hundred and twenty three grams of fat six grams of protein and point three carbs for the whole batch now cost this batch cost less than two dollars to make I think I paid six dollars for this bottle of avocado oil and there's 35 ounces in this so you would get at least four batches of the mayonnaise out of it I use vital farms eggs so even at full price that's 50 cents an egg so we're less than 2 dollars for this jar and that's a lot cheaper than buying something like this primal kitchen now Rachel and I still buy this primal kitchen once in a while just for convenience sake you know we don't feel like making up a batch or like we only need a little bit and this is gonna last a lot longer than this because of the preservatives they put in this but any time you want to make like a chicken salad or like an egg salad you know maybe you want to make a nice blue cheese dressing like we do that requires like mayonnaise this is the way to go because it's much cheaper can you imagine like using a $10 jar of mayonnaise to make a batch of blue cheese dressing that'd be kind of ridiculous so that is our video for today hopefully I've helped you out hopefully I've helped you save just a little bit of money now the recipe for this will be on our website and there'll be a link to that down in the description if you like what you saw do stay or hit the like button down below make sure you subscribe to our channel with the little bell icon check so that you're notified every time we upload a new video and don't forget to check out all of our social media on Instagram Twitter and Facebook until next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: 2krazyketos
Views: 16,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keto lifestyle, ketogenic diet, ketogenic lifestyle, low carb, low carb diet, keto diet, high fat low carb, Keto Krate, primal Kitchen, intermittent fasting, how to do Keto, what is the Keto diet, net carbs, total carbs, net vs total carbs, exogenous ketones, homeade avocado oil mayo, how to make avocado oil mayo, keto mayo, how to make mayonaise, immersion blender mayo, how to make mayonnaise, keto mayonnaise, avocado mayonnaise
Id: O3xnjpXlbFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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