"Please Don't Die"

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I'm off the ranch I'm your host max hey how are you guys Andy nice good-looking shirt there we're all pretty gross I don't know funk you can Tom sweaty we've been doing yard work all morning but now it's time for fun right what do you want to do move to our chicken coop our chicken coop is ready for chickens we're gonna put chickens in our chicken coop I dropped the camera how many teeth you missing cuz I punched you in the mouth yeah yeah I punch to knock them all out hey mer you ready to do this thing are you excited about the chicken coop can you give Lincoln a piggyback ride yeah sit up patty so you can I'll help you up yeah squat like that and give me your hand okay stand up okay Eileen get on my back do you all know the hardest part about this chicken coop thing is is we're gonna have to get the chickens to the coop and they're not gonna just want to go they don't they kind of run from us unless they're starving and they're not starving right now because we fed them big mistake okay prepare to be amazed check out this chicken coop so they've got a little run out here what do you think daddy would you like to live in this little chicken hey chicken let me let me take you in the house this is like an MTV Cribs can we see your crib nice you put shaving second in the nesting boxes too I guess you would huh there's another chicken this is the inside we got screen on the windows nesting boxes nesting boxes this is just great what else do we need it we don't know anything but chicken so we need roost in here too I guess we would need roost in here right mer need like some hay do you need some eggs here here's some eggs I know that is what I'm most excited about being like hey kids go bring me some eggs it's about to rain we'll see if this thing's waterproof we have a nice roof on there little run - this is where we'll just lock Annie when we're mad at her we got the bedding all put in looks pretty comfy for chickens we need to figure out a better watering system but for now we're gonna keep using this yeah I think they can fly all the way up here and get on these perches maybe not yet but they will be able to soon maybe we should put some lower ones in there until they get bigger doesn't want to do what you want to do oh yeah yeah would you ring up a hook that's what I need to do hey think about that good point there we caught one chicken annie is carrying it over to the coop these chickens are not easy to catch I have my rake though come on chickens go that way nice catch mare good job I caught chickens ever he's got chickens they're kidding we have like three more to catch Lincoln's losing it it's slipping don't drop it link be strong be strong don't drop it whoo they barely made it with Lincoln's chicken job link who likes carrying chickens hold onto it tight we have all of them except the white one she's the crafty chicken she's super fast super agile she's also lighter and smaller than all of them so she's just hard to grab but I'm hard to be beat as well come here chickie chickie yeah go that way go get in the corner no no no you gotta get in quarter quarter I think I need you to help me get that girl she's just too fast there's two ways we can do this we can either try to corner it again and catch it with all of us going in closely but you can't be scared this time okay you need to be brave or or we can try to corral it all the way out there and just and once it sees its friends it's gonna want to be over there so let's I think we should try to let's let's try to catch her first and if not then we'll we'll just try to hurt her that way [Music] just go slow let her get to that corner that's where I wanted to be thank you so fast all right yep corner you know dad said that said I ink all right so much so much chicken meat Lincoln and family Oh chicken the chickens we're living in those who's old dog house but now look at this chicken mansion they have we don't ever take them anyway we always leave them here but they just never had very much room now they have lots of room I want them to go in the house good job Lincoln are you gonna be a youtuber when you grow up cool bye chickens you're welcome we just had lunch and we dropped off Mayer so it's just me and the kids we're heading back home now have I told you what I'm gonna do with the zip line I want to try to make our zip line go into the pool mayor is not too onboard this idea so I think now be a perfect time when mayor is not home we go turn the zip line into a pool zip line yeah so this is the zip line going down that way let me go up here and have a look so you can see it runs over there I want it to run that way I think if we can hook it to that tree there that'd probably be good that might be too far though so there's that tree there but then you're gonna be going in that little skinny part in the shallow if that if both those trees don't work we could just hook to the bottom of a post maybe just it would just drop you right into the pool I don't know I really want to talk to that one because you know dump you right there in the deep and it would be awesome you guys look so sure from up here y'all are so short you look a little ants so they just have these little cable clamps on them I'm just breaking them loose and taking them off so I'm just gonna make this hook onto the tree over there things gonna work addy look it looks long enough how long is it will it be long enough still good we're still good all right it's tight under the tree going across the pool from up there but I think it's too low I think I need to tie it higher on the tree because when there's weight on it it's gonna be about three feet off the water I want to be able to drop into this thing see here's where I had it right there I feel like I need to put it like there maybe yeah that's like it's like three and a half feet higher that'll pull it up a lot yeah it should work finished it mayor just got home hey babe what do you think so you like it so instead of being mad you're critiquing it love it I love it you know I was planning on taking the fence out anyway because I wouldn't want anyone going above that I don't have to take slack out it's so heavy so the problem is I can't get it tight enough just with me pulling tor doesn't sag down as soon as you get on it it's so long from this tree up to the house so I'm gonna get a come along this ratcheting thing that's made for tightening stuff see if I can use that somehow to tighten this thing and then cinch it down with these little little nuts hard though right azmerit turn the camera off good go in there sorry I was really worried that like something actually we're gonna explode I was kind of worried something explode - okay let's try this again that's why they usually put two of these cable ties on there but I don't have two of them needs to be higher still though I think that's the cable rubbing on the tree tree yeah you need to pull out as much slack as you can I think still is I don't know it's moving whole tree that's what it is the question tree need to go get that pulley in the middle and hook a handle to it and also I'm gonna rig up a stop there so that people won't hold on too long and go too far what's your plan here don't die you didn't know that [Music] please don't die please don't die Adeline go that way at least you're going into the water what do you mean why is he getting lower are you kidding don't knock your teeth out if it falls yeah I think that's okay the wind Lincoln is three years old and he learned how to swim yesterday wait for uni Galloway remember of rocketship arms and kick your feet okay good job he doesn't even need to use his arms he just kicks oh my wait for the girls go away [Music] good job Lincoln I have an old ski rope Alex Mandel bought that but it works as a perfect handle hold on it's cool see look at that moment of truth it doesn't get much more graceful than that definitely not the safest thing I've ever invented but not the least safe thing that I've ever invented either gotta pack it up there's storm coming in and mayor's kind of getting onto me because we're supposed to be going to a dinner party soon and I am wearing my sweaty shirt and smell like pool water right now new chickens okay chickens give me your honest opinions anything you would change what do you like what do you not like about this house I'm all yours if you love it don't say anything perfect lunker's and I are still running the sale on the American t-shirts we have two different designs and I think you only have a few more days to order if you want to get them by the fourth of July which is the whole reason we made those shirts so check it out link in description you're gonna love them there's two shirts one that I made one that he made if you're if the store closes it locks me in and I have to crawl out through that hole but it's for a really good cause and you guys have helped us already raised a ton of money for charity and this is gonna help that get even bigger so thanks watching race thanks for being here I love you and I will see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] oh I can't work like this
Channel: OffTheRanch
Views: 1,591,077
Rating: 4.9505281 out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged, pool, zip, zipline, line, zip line, ladder, chicken, coop, chicken coops, coops, chicken coopo, chick, chicks, hen, hens, egg, eggs, layer, layers, swim, swimming, learning, learn, to, learn to swim, learning to swim
Id: 3NTEifgyt3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2017
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