Homemade Dehydrated Hash Browns, BONUS: Baked vrs Raw Potatoes

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hello everybody welcome back to my country sparkles channel i am rachel and today i'm going to be teaching you how to dehydrate hash browns the first step in working with any produce is to wash your produce so let's get these potatoes over to our sink and get them all rinsed off and ready for hashbrown making before i forget i wanted to tell you what kind of potatoes i will be using today you have your basic russet potatoes that were grown here in idaho and then huckleberry gold i idaho potatoes i buy them from a local farmer here okay here we have our potatoes moved over to our sink and all i'm gonna do is use warm water to rinse them off i have a little produce scrubby here just to get all the dirt off rinse them and then you just transfer them over to a towel and let to dry off a little bit wow you can washing all your potatoes off [Music] once you have your potatoes all washed then i just lay them on towels mostly to not get my kitchen all wet come over to your oven turn it on now we're going to bake our potatoes i bake them at 350 for about an hour and a half or until i can puncture them with a fork easily without with a little bit of resistance but not too much because i don't want them over baked just enough so they're not hard going into being processed the next step is to grab yourself a fork and then a potato and just stab it everywhere get all your stabbing out i don't think you need the sound effects but you got them so i just stab it everywhere with a fork and then i line them up into my oven and that is all for the baking so you wash rinse stab and bake it's been about an hour and 15 minutes so let's check our potatoes see where they're at so i'm just gonna poke some of the bigger ones with the fork in good there might be just oops a touch softer than i'd like they're pretty good they got a little bit of resistance but not too much so they're perfect and they are going to come out and that's it for bacon here are all my potatoes taken out of the oven i just put them on the counter to cool off some and then once they're cooled i'll put them in the fridge to get them really cold and then i because i like to shred them best when they're cold i feel like they stay together best like that along with baking potatoes to shred into hash browns to dehydrate i also want to try blanching some raw potatoes and see how that turns out and the difference between the two so here i have my raw potatoes and i've got my kitchen aid set up with the shredder blade that one all ready to go put on the top um i needed a cutting board and a knife because not all my potatoes will fit straight in here so just to make that work makes you have a cutting board on hand and then after the potatoes have been shredded i want to put it straight into my boiling water back there to help preserve the color if you let raw potatoes sit out too long then they will turn a gray or brown tint and when you put it straight into the water then it preserves the outside and its color very well and so i'm going to put it straight into my blanching bath which will only blanch for about 30 seconds to one minute tops and then from there we'll put it into my ice water bath that i have right next to my stove so let's get chopping or shredding i should say i will set my settings to not 10 it's about eight okay and take your shredded potatoes and reach up and get any extra out of there there are my shredded potatoes and let's get them blanching so after your potatoes have boiled and blanched for just like 30 seconds to a minute then you just want to take them out and put them straight into your ice bath see my ice bath there i've already got a couple potatoes in there waiting for more to be added when these are ready i'll just drain off the water to prevent my ice bath from getting too hot and stick them straight in there and that cools them off it stops the baking process so that way your potatoes don't get too soft and mushy which will make them a little bit harder to dehydrate so it's a hard balance not really hard you just can't do for too long and if you do over bake them and you dehydrate them and they are mushy and they fall apart instead of getting hashbrowns you're going to have mashed potatoes they are still perfectly fine to use but you just use them as mashed potatoes instead add some water and then you have mashed potatoes for thanksgiving instead of hash browns for breakfast here we go all my hash browns are in the ice bath and now they're gonna sit there and just cool off after your potatoes have baked and cooled i like to cool mine in the fridge to make sure they're nice and cool even in the center then it is time to shred them up and get them ready to be hashbrowned i have my bosch here with a shredding attachment and i'll just show you how that works really quick and then i'll shred up a whole bunch all you do to shred the potatoes is you put make sure you have the lid on the shredding attachment in here's the shredding disk this is what it looks like it's got lots of little holes shredding spots in it so it works out very well i'm gonna just set it to two and let it go and i shred them with the skins on and everything and the skins will either stay on top in the machine or they'll get shredded up with the rest of the potato okay now let me show you what it looks like all shredded so the top here you see some of the peels are still there on the top and there's the shredded baked potato after shredding your potatoes into hash browns let's dehydrate them so bring them over here i've also got my blanched potatoes here that were shredded before and they have been strained just in the strainer they're cooled off i've got my american harvest dehydrator here so let's get started so i got the lid off i'm going to use these trays this time on top of the normal trays they are yogurt or fruit leather trays so i've got those out because normal trays have are all trays have splits and holes in them and i don't want any of my hash browns to fall through those slits so i'm going to be using these trays to just prevent them from falling through all the holes so i've got one tray there and once right here like that then all you do is you pour it onto your dehydrating trays start with the baked potato hash browns and i just lay all those out just like that so there's a nice even layer but not too tall on the thinner the layer the quicker it will dehydrate so keep that in mind and then same thing with my blanched potatoes i'm going to test this out let's see how yeah no see how they just like fall through i don't like that so i'm i was thinking since these are a little bit bigger maybe they'd be okay with those slits but no i'm just going to use the little classic trace and then more spread them out same thing a good layer not too heavy there we go okay and i'll show you up close what these look like and the difference there they are baked blanched then we'll dehydrate these and see how they turn out and compare and i'm just gonna dehydrate them in the same batch together so all you do with that take all these off i'll show you how i will start this so let's put the lid on put it on my machine bottom i will on the side here it tells me different things like herbs nuts carrot crafts veggies and fruits that's the setting i'm going to put it on and that is 135 degrees fahrenheit or 58 degrees celsius and then let's set it over here and i'll just turn it on or plug it in and there it is it is starting now and we'll just let that sit until they're completely dry i will in a day probably all or half a day let's see in about half a day i will take off the lid and i'll fill them see how dry they fill and once they're ready i will just turn off the machine and then i'll show you what they look like side by side here we have the dehydrator going i've moved it to my laundry room because just kind of out of the way off of my kitchen counters the hash browns are done so let me show you what they look like unplug it first okay take the lid off okay we've got the um these are the baked ones so these are first baked in the oven and then shredded and then laid out here they're nice and dry and hardy here see how dry they are yummy but like even the little pieces that chopped up a little fine they also dehydrated well and oops so the long pieces so the longer pieces is what i'm going for more and i just needed to take my potatoes out a little bit sooner and it would have been better but oh each year's a little bit different and then here's my there we go here's the um raw potatoes that were shredded and then blanched and then put in here so these are the ones that were blanched long enough these i did not blanch long enough my last batch that i did off camera i was switching between videos and so i just i put them in the water before the water was actually boiling and then i took it out just a little bit too soon because i just wanted to move on to the next portion so that's what happens when you don't blanch them long enough and that's what would happen if i didn't blanch them at all then they would all be that color they're still fine it's just discolored there's nothing wrong with them just the um what is it the something in the potato oxidizes and the like starch and the potato oxidizes and when it oxidizes it just turns brown so just make sure you blanch it a good amount of time like i said not like let them still be firm not mushy but you definitely want to put them in when the water is boiling that's the key and i know exactly what i did wrong so my bad one more thing i put these in exactly 24 hours ago so they've been dehydrating for 24 hours i probably could have taken them out two or three hours ago but i had to do other things around the home so i just let them go and they were just fine they're not going to get any drier next i'm just going to take it out of my dehydrator i'm going to put them into bowls and we're going to reconstitute it and i'm going to tell you how they both reconstitute it's been a few days since my hash browns finished dehydrating so now i want to show you the different textures between the different styles and also reconstitute them for you so you can see those textures also so i'll start by showing you first bowl here is the baked potato that we shredded see nice shreds some of them are kind of little from the shredding process where they kind of clumped up and they just got cut into smaller pieces from when the skins got caught in the holes then we've got the blanched potatoes these ones look very nice and uniform and very stick like no clumping they were hard to remember from shredding them and they showed up very nicely skins and all no skins got caught in the machine or anything and then i decided to add also the store-bought dehydrated potatoes hash browns so that way you can see the comparison between those these are smaller than the homemade ones but they are very uniform it looks like some of them are yellow and some more white i wonder if they put like butter or something like that in onto the like more yellowy ones but not sure these are just normal store bra store bought dehydrated hash browns and here this is the brand they are okay so next let's add some water to them and get them rehydrating so for dehydrated hash browns all i'm going to do is i'm going to cover them with water and they'll just absorb everything that they need and then any excess water i will drain off when they're reconstituted so i've got hot water here just from my tap nothing special covering them up making sure they have enough in there so they're not left hard and this should take about 15 or 20 minutes reconstitute and then so i'm going to push them down before make sure they're all covered there you go and we'll be back here are my dehydrated hashbrowns all reconstituted i've got the baked ones the blanched ones and the store-bought ones so the baked ones have a little bit of a finer consistency but they've reconstituted and kept their shape pretty well they haven't turned into mashed potatoes or anything like that even though they're a little bit finer i thought the little pieces would but they are keeping their individual shape nicely so let's give it a little bit of a try see what they taste like all of these before i make it into a meal i'll actually put them on the stove in a pan and just fry it up a little bit to give it a little bit of a crisp texture and to make sure they're warmed all the way through and baked all the way through so let me give this a taste nice the baked baked potato hash browns that are dehydrated taste really good they're a little bit softer but that's okay i think frying them up or anything will be would be good like i think that they hold their shape decently they're not too soft they're a good amount of firmness now the blanched ones these have really kept their stick figures their stick figures and their shape really well um they look really good they look really appetizing and try one here yep like i said before the outside the blanching just cooks the outside keeps it from turning brown the insides i can definitely tell are still uh more of a raw potato and texture and so they need to be cooked for just a little bit longer to get that more soft consistency throughout the entire hashbrown but they are good and i really like how they look they are really pretty color and they just look very nice and very uniform and now the store-bought potatoes comparing those let me try one hey the store bought ones i can tell there's something added to it whether it's butter already and some salt or something like that which is good which makes them good lots of people like them they have about the same consistency as my blanched potatoes so i'm betting that they were just raw potatoes shredded and then blanched and then dehydrated so but they taste really good i feel like they are very comparable to my home blood dehydrated potatoes and then my baked potato is softer because obviously it was baked before i shredded it and dehydrated it but they all turned out well i could suggest any of these different types for um for eating for any meal i think if you're gonna do like a long-term food storage the baked potato would actually kind of be nice to bake it and then dehydrate it and put it into like a mylar bag or something like that and then you can take it out like hiking or on camping trips and just add water and then the potatoes already soft so as long as it's warmed up you'll literally have hash browns ready to go ready to eat with a good firm consistency with the shape and everything so light hash browns but just kind of easier to maybe reconstitute out in the field if you were looking for a long-term food storage ideas with a dehydrator the blanched potatoes i would put in a frying pan and fry up with some oil to get it cooked all the way through and ready to eat and same with the store-bought so all very good options i'm very happy with these and i look forward to doing more i hope you guys enjoyed this video and found the information useful we will see you next time please don't forget to like and subscribe down below thanks bye you guys
Channel: Country Sparkles
Views: 435
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Id: HfUgOrxngOk
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Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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