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have you ever wondered if you can dehydrate vegetable stock you can let me show you how hi folks it's darcy from and welcome back to my channel we are going to learn to take vegetable stock and make it into a vegetable powder that is a shelf stable way of storing vegetable stock without having to can or freeze those of you who are hikers backpackers and campers can use this powder to create soup bases for anything you're doing without having to lug the extra bulk in making a meal those of you have the desire to keep this on your shelf for long-term storage we can also do this as well we're also going to find out how to take the drugs of the vegetables that you use to make the stock from you can dry those and create a vegetable powder as well to add to your normal vegetable powders okay are we ready to get busy with some new vegetable stock now this stock is something that i just made out of the leftovers in my refrigerator um some of the leftovers from the kating that i did yesterday to canned vegetables talk i'll leave a link to it so that you can see how to make it and then how to can it so basically what i'm gonna do today is i'm gonna show you a quick rough chop of all the vegetables that i have here they don't have to be done in any certain order they don't have to be done in any certain size um you're just looking for a rough chop of clean dry vegetables i'm mean clean vegetables you need to make sure that there are no damaged or rotting vegetables in any of your stock and yes i could do a little better job of doing these individually but i am just trying to get this roughed okay i don't care about pretty and i don't care about the same size we're not worried about that right now [Laughter] so i will have a link down below on how to do this and i'll give you some recommendations on the vegetables that you should put in here and the ones that you shouldn't the water also doesn't matter if you have a stock pot full of vegetables you're going to fill up the top with water and you're going to let it simmer and one tip i can give you if you're going to dehydrate this part of the process of dehydrating a stock is that you have to simmer down the stock into a syrup if you want to cut down on your dehydrating time especially if you don't have a lipped tray to use on your dehydrator to hold the liquid so you can do a concentrated stock and so that you wouldn't add a ton of water you would maybe like what i'm probably going to do today is i'm only going to do about half the stock pot of water i'm going to do the entire batch of vegetables and i'm going to have a really concentrated vegetable stock so then when i dehydrate it as i add the powder back to water when i'm going to use it i can adjust the amount of powder to how much stock how dense i want that stock to be at the end because again when you're cooking the ratios matter more for flavor than anything because you're not working with the same kind of chemical reactions you do when you bake so you can just adjust things as you need to so i'm going to do a half stock pot to get some really concentrated vegetable broth it will also cut down on the summer time that i have to do when i'm getting this ready to dehydrate okay basically i have about 20 cups of white we're going to let this sit on this on the stove simmering you don't want it boiling you want it good and simmering for about an hour and a half to two hours depending on how long you want to be you're going to end up with vegetables that are like this what i have here is yesterday's batch of vegetables they're all really soft there's very little real nutrition left in these because it's been leached into the stock water but we're going to do something with these later too if you want to do something with them other than just throwing them away or if you don't have a compost pile or animals that you can feed them to we're going to dehydrate these later too but hold on to that so this is what you can see in my stockpile it's not quite full it's probably a little over half not quite three-quarters but this is going to simmer now for another hour two until it gets the point that i like it and then we're gonna go for the next step quick addition because i forgot to add this a couple of bay leaves a handful of peppercorns and if you'd like some salt i choose not to salt this because i salt my dish at the end to control the salt better but you can add salt if you want i just wanted to add when you're done i mean these vegetables are like super tender falling apart when you pick them up see i can't even keep that on see if i can find something else that's for these are going to be super super tender so you know that you've worked through it um just so that you you see how the vegetables turn out okay so i am going to now strain nice stack and here we go now if you want this to be more pure like you don't want to eat the cinnamon in there you can actually strain this through some cheesecloth or through a cotton tea towel okay so you see we have our nice rich broth so you have some some options now we can dehydrate this and we're going to but if you don't have a dehydrator i mean you don't have a canner so that you can't can this you can't pressure can this would have to be pressure canned you can freeze it you can freeze it in any kind of container that you want to freeze it in i got these super cool silicone freezing trays called super cubes um you can right here so you can freeze anything from soups to um broth or anything in uh in these squares they make it easy to stack um they come i don't know if you can see the designation in here but it comes in let me get back in the light one and two cup measurements and for me i make a lot of soup that you cannot can um when i make soup or stews that i don't want a can we only have a couple of servings left but i don't want to leave them in the refrigerator so freezing is a really good option for me and i like that these are square they stack better than if i do pucks and they store better in my freezer in the space that i have without taking up a lot more room so because i'm messy i always make sure that i fill uh this way because i will make a mess so it's easy enough to use these if you wanted to do this but you can use whatever you happen to have if you prefer to store in flat zip top bags that works well too um it's as easy as that this particular one actually has a lid that you would then just throw this into your freezer and let it freeze and then when you're ready just pop these out and store them like you would store them but that's an option but what we're here for is dehydrating so what's going to happen is that we're going to basically take this broth and we're going to simmer it down until it is almost like syrup we want it to be a certified consistency to make it easy to pour onto our bowls so i'll be checking in with you as this simmers down you don't want to put a lid on it because you want that moisture to escape so the couple of hours that it's going to take for this december down will save you time and money from running your dehydrator too long so i will check back in with you through the course of this summer until this gets down to the consistency we need for dehydrating just checking in so you can see that after about two hours i've lost about an inch and a half of depth slowly but surely we'll get there so here is about three hours later we have gone down quite a bit and we're looking for a syrupy smooth and well not quite like sticky syrup but we're looking for a good syrup consistency for this so you know we've got a little bit to go all right we are getting really really close what i did at some point is that i actually went through and uh went ahead and filtered this because i found it was pretty gritty and i wanted to make sure it was out so i'll pop a photo right here to show you what it looked like when i filtered it kind of looks like coffee grounds so we are now at eight nine ten eleven twelve five hours into it and we are almost finished we are down to just the last little bit of liquid um we're not quite at the syrup stage or close to syrup stage you want to just liquid enough to pour yet not flow i hope that makes sense so we're almost there okay i want you to see this we are getting so close see how it's coating the bottom of the pan and it's still just a little bit liquidy but it's not not quite just straight liquid but we're getting so close right here but this is what it's down to after we've spent the day just letting it simmer we will not do anything big to it set it on a really low temperature after we bring it to that first uh almost boil and then just let it simmer for the rest of the day not let it get too far gone but in case you happen not to look and it gets just a little too far you've got more of a sticky syrup stuck to the bottom of your pan add a little water mix it up let it let it come back to a liquid consistency and let it dry again because i've never done that before ever not ever so i wouldn't know but you can do that all right so what i'm looking for is just less than this than this drip i don't know if you can tell but what i want is for it to be a little thicker so that when i put it on my dehydrating sheet it doesn't run that it still stays a bit of a glob and we want it to get pretty thin on the sheet we don't want it to be in a pile so you know what we're going to try that let's just see how that works shall we now see if you can see this do i have it down to where you can see it with that can you see that right at the yeah right the edge about the best i can do right there all right we're gonna drip this almost looks like taffy doesn't it or i don't know i don't know what that looks like but what we want is for it to be a very thin sheet of this syrup because any thickness in it makes it last even longer in the dehydrator so you want minimum effort or minimum time in the dehydrator so let me get the last of this in there and i'm going to spread this out just a little bit to help it turn so it's hard to believe that we've gone from that entire pot full of broth yesterday that entire stockpot but this is what we're left with and it may seem a lot of effort or something that you're not going to get a lot of but remember what we've done is we have made this into a concentrate that we are going to powder and then it will only take a teaspoon or so of this powder to get back to two one to two cups of stock to create any dish that you have we're not trying to save the nutrients from this as if we would be doing fresh so it's okay to get the temperature for this up to about 145 140 like you would do a regular fruit weather it's going to take probably at least 18 hours in your machine to dry now that could be you know it could be 12 15 16 hours it could be 24 depending on your machine depending on the humidity in your home i would suggest if you're going to do this run it with something else so you're not running a machine just for this for the full day i'm going to be doing the last little bit of the vegetables themselves um the leftover vegetables and giving them another time to dry a little bit more time to dry so here we go let's let this uh thin out just a little bit more it's already starting to get just a little gummy sitting here just cooling off all right here we go all right now if you're the one who wants to do something with these vegetables if you can see them here they're all soft well cooked like i said there won't be a lot of nutrition left in them because they've that's been transferred over to the broth but there's some there's the fibers there's the flavor because it still has some flavor not like it would be if it was fresh but it's still it's there so if you're wanting to keep this and do something with it i suggest that you dehydrate the the leftover vegetables and make it into vegetable powder you can add it to anything to flavor it you can you know just add it to your general powder just to beef it up whatever you need to do but you can do that so some options for you are running through your food processor to mash it up and kind of you don't want you're not going to have a puree puree sorry but you're going to have these fine mashed vegetables that you can spread out on your trays you can use your vitamix your blender whatever blender you happen to have for some of you if you don't have that just go through and take a potato mash or any kind of thing that you have that you can mash with and just walk through here and mash everything that you best that you can and when done not appetizing but this is what it looks like so it's all broken down into smaller pieces and i'm just going to lay these out on my fruit leather trays and get them drying at 125 until it's all nice and crispy and dry you're going to want to spread these out on trays spread it well you don't want to clump it up and then you're going to want to go through and stir it up every once in a while to break any clumps up that are there to help it dry more efficiently okay so i have my trays i have my sheets i'm going to go ahead and do it this way yeah that one's stained it's not dirty so don't worry i'm also doing this whole thing is if i didn't have a food press processor or a blender for those of you who don't have either um that way we have you can see how this works for you but for those of you who have those things you know you've got some some tools to make this a little easier as far as breaking these vegetables down okay so what i have is it doesn't look pleasant it looks like slop but this is what the leftovers look like when you're all i'm going to use my hands to just start spreading this out some what you can do is pieces like this that after you mash you still didn't get through them all you could just break them up with your fingers they did break down pretty easily if you have a piece like this that's just too big and it didn't break down get some kitchen shears and just cut it and that way you can get it in more manageable pieces size pieces that will dehydrate better if this seems a lot of work for something that doesn't have a lot of nutrition to it it can be so you just make the choice that this is what you want to do with it after or compost it or however you want to manage it but this is a means of making it last just a little bit longer so there's a little less waste for those of you who want to try this so that is what a tray might look like that you're going to put into your dehydrator it's not perfect but i will come through and rotate mix up all the things that are in here to make sure that it all gets some equal time being dry and not touching its neighbors and getting fully finished all right so i'm going to go ahead and load up all seven trays and i'll be back with you just a minute are you ready to see the final product let's look so like i said i gave this about 24 hours to dry that is my trash tray the things that we're falling through and there we go that is our stock then what i'm going to do is i'm going to give this about 15 or 20 minutes to cut something fell through that's when i was looking at checking on it a little while ago that's just dust from the tray above it okay so i'm going to give this about 15 or 20 minutes to really cool off before i start to try to pry this off the tray but it's had about 10 minutes sitting here now and you can see look at that that is vegetable stock that's what you want you want it to shatter um you want to be dry enough that it will just crumble and shatter as much as it can and even just that that picking up of it just a little bit cracked it right here so that's a good thing we are at go okay then what i want to do is show you what the vegetables look like this is what they look like and i tasted a few to see because we all know that by the time you have um simmered this for so long on this stovetop especially if you've gone like 24 hours with your chicken or your bones there's no flavor left at all probably at all i mean i've never actually tasted those but with this vegetable stock because you only did it for two hours i taste it so basically what we've got going on is you've got a mild soup base flavor to almost all the vegetables i can taste a bit of carrot when i taste the carrot parts i can taste a bit of celery the celery is still pretty strong for having cooked that long when i taste the onion i can there's a very mild onion flavor but it has mostly a vegetable soup kind of flavor so um it's really basically a good soup base so it'll make a perfect addition to my vegetable powder we'll get to that next okay so now we have our um and i'm going to apologize for the lighting in here it just kind of stinks in this corner of my kitchen um we have our river veggie stock base and so i've got the heater just kicking in too it's cold in texas today um so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna start prying this up off of my sheet and it's going to crack like crazy it's like little tiny glass shards and ultimately that's really what i want because i don't want if this is not leather you don't want to store this as a leather you want it in small pieces oops and it's going all over the place you want it in small pieces i can get some bigger pieces off but i wanted this super dry to make sure that it was there was no moisture left in it whatsoever i also wanted to show you what these look like these are i have two quart jars now full of packed veggie stock leftovers so i put all of them in here and kind of packed it down a little bit to add more so i had one two three four five trays i believe of that veggie stock leftover vegetables that i've stuck in both of these jars that we will be powdering in just a minute all right all of my shards are broken down so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take these into my coffee grinder i'm not using my bullet blender because there's not um well i probably could but i'm going to go ahead and just do it with my coffee grinder first for right now it's a smaller amount oops and i'm making a big mess all right so this is the coffee grinder i use it's just a kitchenaid um i like it because mostly because it has this removable bowl that makes it easier to clean i want to make sure to get all of those shards that i can not let any of this go to waste a little bit of static here pull it off the sheet this way all right you can see what it looks like [Music] inside so occasionally you're going to see when you're using some of these coffee grinders you're going to get some of the powder on the outside and it might stick to the inside lid right here that is what this is for these machines were not made they weren't created to do the fine powder of dehydrated goods they were made to do coffee grounds which are much thicker much bigger which they aren't as uh they were just made not to do this so i have this little brush that i bought from hobby lobby for like a dollar it allows me to get into the crevices of anything that i'm working with this as well as my blenders and my uh my bullet blender so all i do is just clean this off and save all that powder i don't let it go to waste because with this powder you feel like you've gotten nothing and in fact it is a lot of work for um going through what we went through just to get this powder um now this is what we have left over in here now you can see it's already starting to clump a little bit that is from you see that is from the heat of the grinder going through here to grind this up and we've still got some some lumps so what we're going to do is just take this in small pulses and just allow it to have time to to grind everything up fully and then we'll do the next step which is drying the powder all right so i'm transferring this to a larger bowl because what i'm going to do is i'm going to put this back into my oven i'm going to heat my oven to 150 or 170 the lowest that it goes and just let it warm up and then i'm going to turn it off and then i'm going to put this powder into the oven and let it dry it's kind of like conditioning that you would do for your vegetables you want to make sure that any moisture that they get from being in the room being open if you didn't get everything completely dry this is your last chance to do it before you store it so i'll get that done and we'll be back in all right now we're going to be working with our vegetable stock leftovers my fingers are still a little dirty from the powder so and there you go vegetable powder this will just get added to my vegetable powder i'm going to go ahead and run it through the um the same process that i did with the with the stock powder to get it in the in the oven and dry the powder before i go and add it to anything else that i do but that's how you do that so once we get back to the stock powder let's talk about how we use it okay so we have our powder it's about a quarter of a cup maybe a third of a cup of powder left over after we've done all that work so something that happens even after you've dried it this stuff will clump a lot because it is hydroscopic meaning that it will absorb as much moisture from the air that it can possibly absorb because of the sugars from all of the cooked vegetables so two things that you can do three things that you can do either store this in a container that's just the right size that's airtight to have that there's no moisture and no extra air in the jar that's always the first thing you should do with most of your dehydrated goods and powders is the jar that you stored in the volume should be about the same as the volume of food that you have but of course i don't have anything that small with this so my two options are i can add a moisture absorber or i can add some arrow powder now this makes uh it works like cornstarch or anything else that it uses it's a desiccant to help absorb the moisture that's in here and help stop this from clumping you only want to use about a quarter of a teaspoon to a half a teaspoon at the most if you wanted to use it and it looks just like this but remember when you use this it works just like any other thickener in a in a soup so it might be a little cloudy sorry i'm not getting that centered it might be a little cloudy and it might thicken up your base just a little bit but that's okay that's up to you and if you don't want that then go ahead and use your moisture absorber inside of your jar all right there we go so the lid that i'm using to make it airtight is i'm using a regular canning jar and i like i have one of these little zinc old canyon jar lid that i love to use so i can get the most of the best of both worlds where the lid now of course i'm doing it for the camera it won't go on correctly but the lid works as the airtight and the zinc the zinc cap just works as something cute there we go all right we have an airtight container so are you ready to make some stock after i clean up the mess that i just made okay so for about every cup of broth that you want you want about a teaspoon to a quart and a quarter to a half depending on how how you want it it's all really how strong you might like it how weak you might like it you want some really good hot water about a cup i didn't put my glasses on so now we're going to stir it we want to make sure it is good and dissolved pour this into a jar so you can see a little better but that folks is one cup of vegetable broth that has been dehydrated and rehydrated for broth again now this richer color is going to come mostly from how i did my stock and what you put in it so if you don't put a lot of onion in it and a lot of onions get in it it won't be quite as dark it will change some from just the heating from simmering on the stove all that time it's going to really refine those sugars into now your color will vary no matter what kind of stock that you use if you use a little bit more powder it's going to be darker depending on what you put into your broth like right now i think the broth that i started this from has celery onions carrots some parsley and i don't remember everything else that i put into it but it really was not a ton of variety of vegetables in this particular one um it was just like a basic recipe i'll have a recipe down below in the description box in the i cards above to my website where you can download the recipe for making the broth from scratch and then i'll also have the directions on this uh in written form for you but that's it so don't expect your broth to be dark all the time don't expect it to be light all the time you may have a dark broth you may have a light one it doesn't matter but here is the broth so you ready to see the end product here we go here is the vegetable broth it's a cup of warm broth that i can choose to drink now i can use to make anything um if i wanted to make more of this i could have used more powder but this is not a short process and i want to warn you about that so why would you even want to do it so let's say that you're a hike or a camper you want to be able to create meals in bags that you can take with you and just add water and go this is a stock base that you can use that doesn't require you lugging soup in anywhere in any fashion or using a bouillon cube that may have way too much salt for you so this is you control the salt this has no salt well it has a little bit of salt in i think i just put a little bit um but you can control the salt completely so that you don't you can salt it at the end for your taste at the end of creating your meal if you do meals in a jar uh if you're putting meals in a jar from dehydrated and dried goods that you want to keep that are just like pour some some pour it in some water let it simmer on the stove and you've got a meal already prepped in your pantry this is a good soup base to start with that as well so that you're not having to add chicken stock at the end you don't have to stock stock for that or if you just want to have some emergency powder available to you that you've got ready anytime that you need it when you might be out of stock in the in the first place now if i wanted to make this a meat stock um when i simmered the original stock i could have added the bones and things too but then technically by the safest standards it's not shelf stable it should be stored in your freezer because it's got fat and proteins from the meat you don't want to store this on your pantry shelf okay it's best stored in the freezer this is shelf stable on your shelf all the time and just to give you a quick look at the vegetable powder in the end um you can see what it looks like right let's see if it'll focus on that instead of on me there we go i'm going to go ahead and just powder up the rest of those two jars and add it to my regular vegetable powder i will leave a link to everything and i card's above in the description box below um it will be a link to the basic how to make vegetable stock recipes so that you can print off that recipe there will be a link to the canning video that i did last week for january so that you can see how to pressure can the stock for this for this shelf there will also be a website a blog post for that so you can look at it and print out anything you might want to print out and it will also have one for the dehydrating post down below as well or in the icard tower you'd like it so that's how it goes there is your vegetable stock on the shelf available in a powder form that you can have at any time so i hope you enjoyed that let me know if you have any more questions in the comments below i'll answer all of them um and just ask away so thank you for joining me today i hope you've gotten some really good information out of how to preserve a vegetable stock you can either use it and freeze it you can can it you can dehydrate it you can have it available in a lot of formats for you whatever works best for you and your lifestyle so thanks for watching and i'll see you again next time
Channel: The Purposeful Pantry
Views: 14,725
Rating: 4.9651794 out of 5
Keywords: the purposeful pantry, dehydrating tips, easy dehydrating, dehydrating vegetable stock, dehydrating vegetable broth, dehydrating broth, dehydrating stock, dehydrating chicken stock, how to dehydrate, dehydrating stock for hiking, dehydrating for long term food storage, dehydrating food for long term storage, dehydrating for your pantry, stock your pantry, dehydrating pantry staples, excalibur dehydrator, dehydrating for backpacking
Id: QkFv2lVsf74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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