Homemade Banana Bread

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so today we're gonna do the banana break and this will make two loaves of banana bread it's really easy a few ingredients you don't even need a mixer okay so you want to preheat the oven to 350 and then I have these loaf pans and I'm going to butter them and just set them aside until it makes all the ingredients and just get it everywhere so the first thing I'm gonna do is mash up six ripe bananas just use a potato masher you want to get ripe once so easy to do so I have it up pushed up like this I felt it 2/3 2/3 cup of them butter so I'm going to add it to the banana mix that in okay after I mix this in I'm gonna add I put in about a cup and a quarter of sugar people can even add two cups of sugar if they want I just don't like it - you should sweet get all this sugar in there so it's not clumpy or anything mix it well next thing I'm going to do is add two eggs then I mix that in so you just keep adding in the in the order that we're doing it and then you mix it in so after the X I'm going to add two teaspoons you know what and you should do this all in the sick the order I'm doing it mix that in I sprinkle a two teaspoons of baking soda and then just a pinch of salt okay so after all that's done the last part is to add the flour in there but you want to do it like a third at a time okay so put some in here in total I have three cups of flour I'm adding to this mixture so I'll do it like one third of it and then the next third like that see how it gets on incorporated so then you do the next third in a lot of people what they do is after this is mixed in they add like chopped walnuts or any kind of nuts for they add raisins we're just going to do ours you know just simple plain but you can add after this is all mixed up you can add some nuts in American one okay so you just start with the first one then I go to this one it's kind of messy but you kind of wipe it off after [Applause] so then just take a little paper towel and just wipe the sides if you got anything on there comes right off okay so this goes into 350 preheated oven for one hour okay time to take it out it's been an hour and can you see them now I'm just gonna let them totally cool and then we'll take them out okay so you can take a spatula or a butter knife either one and you just loosen the sides okay hopefully this will come out there it goes there's one and there's no I think this one will be for Charles and Ally [Music]
Channel: Datev Gallagher
Views: 3,384,483
Rating: 4.7753124 out of 5
Keywords: healthy, cooking, diet, vegetarian, ladiedottie, Alli Trippy, Charles Trippy, CTFxC, banana bread, baking, baked
Id: EHxCmnj68ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2013
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