Homeless Man Singing to God at Mary's Kitchen - Complete and unedited

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ever since things are awesome domestic engineering now they do both washer and dryer in the same machine washes are on the bottom the dryer turns on so I have five somatic soap home oh yes I am I'd like you to go in number three okay thank you think I'm seeking our laundry it quite the system so hey I asked him to motion something self the list so then when did you first realize you see 16 million age 16 my youth director said I want you to start singing in church and I'm going to be your pianist so he didn't fight me over to his house him and his wife on weekends and our Saturdays you'd work out a song sing some Imperials one more song for you and so it was mostly like hymns or kind of gospel Li or was mostly gospel started getting into some stuff that we might hear on the radio back in those days I don't remember all the songs I just remember feeling empowered and feeling like I was making a difference the most memorable occasion was at Easter time saying a song he's alive by Don Francisco it's so powerful I mean it took me weeks and weeks to really learn it and to get into the spirit of what Peter might have felt after denying the Christ three times and then discovering that he had resurrected but I sang that song and the spirit just poured on me it was awesome and I looked out in the audience my dad used to tell me never look at their faces if you're nervous look over their heads and I remember looking out at the audience and looking peering into people's faces and into their hearts and souls and seeing men crying the men's pillars of the church that I thought it always looked up to and they were in tears so I thought well that's really and that was at 18 years old have you ever done anything professionally see I did some weddings yeah back to my younger days and then I just got into the workforce and didn't sing much you know getting after life that remember family and all that good stuff and then when I had a family and I raised the family I start to work with my my wife at the time and she was in the piano and so he started coming together and trying to make some music together but that didn't really go very far so it hasn't really been until I came out to the homeless see what they're all about just when the we started to take on I met Kenny my favorite guitar part oh you wanna sing some for us right now I would yeah absolutely Oh Lord my God when I in awesome wonder consider all the world's thy hands have made I see the stars I hear the Rolling Thunder thy power throughout the universe displayed then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How Great Thou art How Great Thou art then sings my soul my Savior God to thee How Great Thou art How Great hi doc good nice yeah that's great very cool so which I can see it here in your face when you sing I really get the picture that you're looking right at Jesus at the time you see the Lord is with you okay Lily will daily get that the nearer I draw to him the naree draws to me is true principle it's promise you can stand on and I've learned this year that through the obedience Tana constant obedience to him no matter what you're facing that's the key to getting blessings in he can't you can't I cannot outgive him he gives me so much I don't have room for I have a bicycle and a trailer and my trailer overflowing so I give it away and on and it gives me more and I give it away and it gives me more love that he just makes me smile every morning and every night all day long talking through and thanking him the thankful heart is something you don't want to overlook that's where you start thankful Harden we certainly thank you for sharing your gifts here at Mary's kitchen in Missouri everything is really awesome to have you part of our team and our family here so we'll go brother thank you so much thanks for coming by daddy where's your longer Oh got two loads or one good you guys this is Levon Leon with the highly Lonnie he hi Leilani great girl he gives them for various different places if you want to go show me I create a social media network that actually deals with online television online movies short films documentaries music and stuff like that you can always post you on that site thank you so much yes tell me why you like to do the laundry what causes you to want to well two things to me are most important for the homeless out here and that is that their bodies are cleaned to begin showers and that their clothes are clean because if they need to go to an interview or some kind of meeting they don't want to go in last night's clothes but it's it's a menial task but I love it my mom taught me the values of doing laundry when I was young and I'm a slave of God in a servant of man so this is the least I could do to pay my debt back blessed by doing the laundry every day I meet new people I'm given an opportunity to provide Ropin structure in their lives so yeah every day it's a blessing the blesser that welcomes appreciate to God be the glory yeah great things he has done you're good man honey thanks thank you God oh yeah it's good all right perfect in the kid Oh sticks twig cigarette butts stems leaves or paper in your pockets but all claims must stay in your pockets hey I'll get back to work guys all right thanks Johnny appreciate it this episode of MTV jobs smallest offices in the world there's my office but I'll tell you what we're doing 6250 loads of laundry berries every year these new machines you got laundry bring it to me I'll make sure it gets done director
Channel: JoySquared1
Views: 2,678,366
Rating: 4.8929296 out of 5
Keywords: Homeless, God, Mary's Kitchen, Joy, Joy Squared, Joy Blogged, homeless man singing, homeless man, Jesus, lord, love, grace, orange county, orange, city of orange, california, serving, service, homeless people, church, compassion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2012
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