6 Homeless Contestants That Inspired The World With Their Auditions

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[Music] subscribe bring the notification bell and leave a comment down below [Music] okay what do you do for a living I've been singing in the subway for roughly 37 years 37 that's that's a good thing if you don't mind me asking this question tell me what was the low points the low point is on a Monday or a Tuesday you don't make that much but people get paid on Thursday and Friday and they make up fully okay it makes sense tell me why you decided to enter America's Got Talent well you know success is what you make it right but there's no better stage there's no better place to be didn't read here no that's a nice thing to say okay well good luck [Applause] [Music] my dog I hung before [Music] lonely time [Music] eight [Music] [Applause] can do so much are you still I uh-huh I Yolo [Music] speech over gee [Music] [Applause] to me [Applause] first of all I want to say I liked it even though at times it sounded a little bit rough around the edges but I didn't mind it [Applause] I can feel that really every word that you saying really meant something you know and I think that is also very very important oh my god I I gotta I gotta say whatever Heidi is referring to is the roughness is what I love that enveloped me you know word so simple so count if this show can give you the next level of fame I'm telling you the train has left the building you are on the next level gonna be nice look you do have a great incredible voice having said that there is a difference in somebody's singing on the subway to somebody singing on the stage of America's Got Talent there is that gap that you have to bridge I just don't think you're quite there if you understand what I mean you know what's ironic here Mike I was listening to something that now was playing during the break which was a piece of auto-tuned junk and this is the real deal [Applause] [Music] [Music] I graduated from school and said I'm dancing my mom kicked me out of the house why I don't know how to spoken to her since everyday I was just super fun I was like $150 in my pocket it was just like don't look at a hotel room where do I want to just dance and practice to the Sun coming up can't believe I'm actually going on - the moment is now how do you feel so [Music] [Applause] welcome to America's Got Talent thank you very much and what's your name my name is Alonzo Jones but my friends and family caught me turf turf yes turf what do you do I am a very extreme contortionist dancer [Applause] Cisco and you see a lot of guys on the street who do have talent you know that guess you're just waiting for their lucky break yeah sorry we all are and how do you make money people just put something down in a cup or something like that yeah people people donate I see some of my tippers out here how you doing you make enough money to live doing this you have a house you have a apartment something like that I was actually homeless for two years before I got my apartment just dancing on the streets just doing I had to do with it but yeah I dancing all 100% all right so you're committed to this thank you gotta get get got again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] feels here together 100% I've never done anything like this just to be right here dreams came true you know what I loved about you is that you came out on this stage and you did something I haven't seen yet you took your time every move counted you are a true original and I think you're all that dancing in the street you learnt your craft you learnt how to control people who want you I mean you have paid your dues on the street and now it's time for you to take a stage careful of me I don't want to talk to you a little bit I mean this is this is magic right now this is a moment you feel you feel a change don't you yes sir [Music] I hope every kid that's watching us who wants to dance who's ever been told that they can't do it they got that just prove to them that you can do it it's bigger than that for you in his dance for everybody out there it's whatever they want to do and you have gotten harder and longer than most people most people don't become homeless most people don't embrace something in their life and end up here and this is an amazing moment you are a star and your life is about to change I got a good feeling about this one I got one word yes that's it Vegas [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nobody believes in me I'll have any more than child support me enough you stayin here by yourself myself hey well we wish you back all day get this ladies I'm sorry I'm a man [Music] [Applause] the chirps great he really has talented he's a guy I feel for because he's been struggling which moves their that I have never seen before I just want to see his life changed forever [Music] we tried both of our lives hey guys how are you doing Johnny juice yourself my name is Ricky I'm from southwest London yeah and I have my beautiful family watching me I've got my daughter hence why I've got quite a hoarse voice cause uh no sleep sir baby star and heaven leaves the older ones he's 10 heavenly and star what are you gonna sing for us today I'm gonna sing Sam Cooke change is gonna come ok big song what does that song mean to you I was actually without going into too much I was homeless for 8 years so I really needed a change to come [Applause] my name is Ricky I'm 36 years old and I'm from southwest London life before I met my partner wasn't great I was homeless for about eight years grew up was on my own from sort of like sixteen now I've met my Alicia we just hit it off we just had this great chemistry she's given me two beautiful children and she's given me my smile back [Music] and they have just changed my life to the point that I didn't think I ever saw anything this beautiful and it's amazing and now this could be an opportunity where something could actually be good in our life so we can actually have something so have you tried out for anything like this before I I haven't okay good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm coming but I know Oh chase ball Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Ricki I know you might have a problem with you throw at the moment nobody else in this audience knew that I've been you that that was an unbelievable audition not only are you rocking man bun but you're rocking Wembley Arena right now Ricky your voice is so strong your personality is so strong and I'd like to see so much more from you so [Applause] the point where it almost fell apart is the point where I really really really liked you because you picked yourself up this is why we make the show genuinely to find people like you I'm gonna kick this off if they got rubber it is and yet for me I think you've just changed your life today I really don't thank you I don't be say say yes you got four yeses [Laughter] Oh [Applause] [Applause] right sunshine wait before you continue watching this video because I know you will three things subscribe when the notification bell and leave a comment down below [Applause] Anderson Hollywood Anderson Hollywood Anderson yeah I don't know they got that right but they totally coming here and just what are you going to sing today its original call my best friend I wrote about a girl with the college wit and fell madly for and I was in love with her but Siri [Music] there she goes she's the one for me [Music] we got cut off and I'm I'm I can say hey she's my power and all she's my everything she is my seasons and a reason she's my son machine monsters she's my spring that's why my [Music] there is still a she took all the trolls pain and Baxter out of Malaya and that's the reason why I I can you know in my hands clean morally right oh thank you you felt it I felt it yeah from the first note I went oh I just was like oh god I love it that guy so much oh so good how beautiful that was it's how you interpret that what you're singing yes you wrote it which makes it so much I'm so sorry cut off don't have so hype right now with it roll with it I was like I want that song I want to record that song tomorrow but the way you I don't want to I just want to hear you sing it there were so many dimensions to what you just did like every phrase had its own angle on own color and own texture and that was pretty easy so interesting to listen emotional really good unquestionably the best audition today the best audition last two days and possibly of the last run so for city far you're very talented thank you oh my and this isn't about money right this is about music this is about passion this is about love I've been living in New York by two years now I've been homeless Nami slept on trains my dream I just learned how to play guitar like a year ago is gifted to me that coming house who gave you the guitar norm lot she's out there because of the guitar I'm here today oh you don't hate your playing a guitar do you like Stevie Wonder he's like Stevie hey we just say how are you I'm Harry Jen Adam hi more puns no I'm there all favors I know you all watch TV that often first of all congratulations to you for being so dedicated in the work that you do thank you it's a formality but I think we should vote anyway congratulations that's do you know good job stop it oh did it Oh No if they go it's so good baby thank you so good job fantastic [Music] hey let me tell you that how would something special very pop yeah very very powerful stuff that was so great that's what that I wish Kate was here because he so would have went nuts for that he would've gone like this he's gonna have to watch that back boy yeah I mean you jogged in how's it going are you ready for this tell us who you are my name is Dennis Lorenzo where you from man from Philadelphia PA West Philly West Philly yeah yeah what's really in a house how old are you 26 what tell us a bunch of journey here man well man it's been it's been a long journey I grew up in West Philly where I come from they call it the bottom people are out there they have burns on the map you know my dad was murdered when I was five growing up without a dad it was it was really tough I definitely started going down the hall tab standing on the corner you know dealing with people that I'm not supposed to be dealing with I was sleeping in cars sleeping in parks storage units and pretty much anywhere I could find I would ask myself how do I go from where I am right now to where I want to be I applied for a job and it was a little embarrassing because I they asked me for my address you know I'm like hey I live around the corner they like yeah but where I like listen man I live in a tent he's like you know what I'm gonna give you a shot so man I got the job and life just turned around fast forward I met my girlfriend they're living together we got a beautiful baby girl her name is olya she's my pride and joy I think she's gonna be a singer and when she was born it was such a defining moment for me I grew up without a dad you know and I feel like this is my moment to be that man to step up and support my family just say like yo do you have what it takes you know to be the American Idol it's been a little tough but I needed it I feel like it's a prerequisite if you don't have that moving forward I feel like you can't appreciate it when you're at the top I'm very excited to hear what you're gonna do I'm gonna sing unaware that Alan stone [Music] every day the deficit grows [Applause] and you spend more than your own and pop up to me keep a close eye you say that you care [Music] was on way [Laughter] you say that you care yes you do and I was unaware it's I'm smiling the whole time video it's refreshing I really do the way you sound I love your delivery and you're bringing your attitude yes sir you know you you're delivering all my check box some short shake in that we see a lot of people and we like are they going to develop into an American Idol like we don't have to convince ourselves that this sounds good it just does thank you thank you how long do you have that guitar I've had this for a living yeah we see these kids come in and their parents have bought their write the nicest guitar money can buy you just took the guitar with a hole in it with a hole in it and you made that thing with three quarts have all the soul that it needs you did it well you just proof that ain't that what this is the absolute thing you use it for yeah I mean your deal is why I signed up for this just this feeling like I said it's your journey and what this shows about American Dreams I'm a excited happy fired up yes Katie tell what you think I am a cat cast and I am standing up screaming a bit okay you guys appreciate it thank you very much thank you Sara [Music] enjoy the ride thank you it's definitely gonna bring you know he's just gonna [Music] and next interface the judges is Robby hands hi what's your name sir Robbie hunts tonight's told ya 26 and how long have you been performing music since I was a kid are standing in the middle of the street and I'll sing and it's the every second thought you know and why'd you live Robbie everywhere what you mean everywhere my current status of the moment is I am homeless ah okay I've been a homeless for about six years on enough two nights of every fortnight like I'll stay somewhere like a friend time to rest time that kid Mountain Street I sleep in doorways alleyways just trying to keep driving as a child I felt like I was a big burden on people I grew up in a single mother family she had three jobs that she used to work every week you know it took its toll in there so I was parents account at 13 years old I never really gelled with any of the families or any of the people that I got with and so it was easier for me to just shut myself away and just put my brain into things I love to do I have always sung I don't think there's anything else in my life that I do with such you know such passion this competition is obviously a big thing it could add the element of security it could change my life yeah definitely you've obviously had a difficult life as music help too yeah it showed me that I'm worth a little something okay what are you gonna sing for us today Dania rice coconut skins okay I hope it's gonna be good [Music] Robbi good luck [Music] now you can hold a hand [Music] how you cry explain where your weakness so she understands they're all over and you can repair systems before you crumble up inside its me your time asking everyone else's permission then run away and hide you can sit on chimney put some fire up your eyes no need to know I charge you in all they employ but if anyone should I tell em I'll be like oh god nut skins we've been hanging out selling out just drop by - pokey about sales ever leave us are down oh now you can hold her reins but your basket has a hole you can have between al a single looking for tell they are searching for us so here you can wait for a jail watch your composter Nicole but time is contagious and everybody's getting no thank you [Applause] okay greeter what do you feel like when you listen to music you know when you listen to music and when you listen to that song at the time and the place where you remember that song and it creates the scene yes with us I think you are more than capable of doing that for other people [Applause] I am really glad that you came today someone that's been lost for a while and I think you've lost your confidence in your skill and I think you need to realise the potential you have and how good you are yo Robbie I think you're very talented I adulting you've had a break in life you know and I think you absolutely deserve that Bob yes I think you've got lots of talent and absolutely zero confidence and that's the only thing to work on from my perspective probably we're gonna vote right now Louie Robby I think your talent is am I going to give you a chance am I gonna say yes [Applause] Bobby I am going to say yes okay I say yes [Applause] Bobby you've got four yeses [Applause] [Music] graduates or you good job I feel like he's here ready to turn new page given time given the space and given some of your knowledge yeah we will come back with a babe you're gonna bring it to me [Music] hey guys I'm Alesha Dixon I was your favorite judge on Britain's Got Talent and I'm over here in America doing America's Got Talent you know what it kinda looks like I'm really good friends with Simon Cowell for more of these videos from talent recap all you need to do hit that button below to subscribe [Music]
Channel: Talent Recap
Views: 18,932,455
Rating: 4.8562169 out of 5
Keywords: agt vote, kodi lee, agt finals, v unbeatable, America’s got talent, Americas got talent, agt videos, agt auditions, got talent, golden buzzer, danger, fails, epic fail, simon cowell, Julianne Hough, Gabrielle Union, Terry Crews, Howie mandel, BGT, Best auditions, Best of talent, 18+, tv shows, got talent fails, got talent global, compilations, angelica hale, shin lim, agt winner, Philippines, india, american idol, x-factor uk, turf, mike young, ricky john
Id: AsOF0cFRepU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 26sec (2126 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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