Homeless Boy Shocks Everyone By Creating The World's Greatest Chocolate

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young willly Wonka arrives Europe with the dream of building his own Chocolate Factory as he enters the city he spends almost all the money he had to polish his shoes and to pay for some pumpkins he broke Wonka Daydreams of building his own Factory and sings about on the road but while he is still daydreaming he is stopped by a police officer who finds him fascinating in the night while looking for where to stay Wonka gives his last money to a woman whose child is hungry because of this he has to stay outside while he is preparing to sleep outside in the cold he meets a strange man named bleacher he offers Wonka a place to sleep Wonka is not really comfortable with his offer but decides to take it since it was too cold outside bleacher takes him to a woman named Mrs scrit Wonka introduces himself to the woman as a magician and Promises to pay off his debt as soon as possible Mrs scrit offers him a contract and Wonka hastens to sign it because he can't read he spots a little girl signaling him not to but Mrs scrit convinces him otherwise the following day Wonka goes to the city Square to Showcase his chocolate to the people meanwhile some owners of the city's biggest chocolate factory notice his show and are unhappy the trio decide to come down to taste his chocolate and mostly to criticize the young confectioner which they did although the chocolate was delicious the three men gave a bad report of it Wonka isn't bothered about it but the candy CES he gave them made them levitate the people are excited and surprised so they decided to buy all the candies unfortunately the police arrived they had previously been called by the three men they stopped Wonka from selling his unlicensed products and seized all the profit he made but one of the police officers gifts Wonka a coin to help pay for his accommodation Wonka arrives at Mrs scit's hotel and tells her his ordeal Mrs scrit highlights some things he has toay pay for which he unknowingly agreed to in the contract since Wonka does not have that amount of money bleacher throws him into a pipe that leads to an underground space for laundry there visitors like Wonka who have been deceived are forced to work off their debt after the end of every workday the workers are sent back to their rooms in the rickety Hotel an orphan girl named noodle visits Wonka the new guy she is the girl who tried to warn Wonka about Mrs scit's deceptive contract in the course of their discussion noodle tells Wonka how Mrs scrit found her as a baby took her in and charged her for the kindness Wonka also tells her about his late mother who taught him how to make the best chocolates but unfortunately she did not reveal the most important secret before she passed Wonka gave noodle a chocolate which was her first time tasting it her also offers her a lifetime supply of chocolate if she can help him Escape that way he can go work and pay off their debt and so so they develop a plan meanwhile the police chief visits a cathedral he goes down to the basement of the church where the secret hideout of the chocolate Trio is located these men bribes the officer with chocolate in order to make him eliminate Wonka as they feel he is a threat to their business the officer is unable to resist their offer and agrees the next morning Noodle and Wonka begin to execute their plan noodle tells Mrs scrit that she saw some Prince of bleachers face in one of their top customers wall she tells him that the man said bleacher is a descendant of a noble family in Bavaria Mrs scrit treats the top of the social class with special feelings at the same time Willie Wonka tells bleacher that Mrs scrit is in love with him to get her all he needs to do is to wash up and dress neatly while the duo is distracted Wonka shows his new invention to his colleagues he just made an automated laundry machine powered by bleacher dog this released es his friends from a lot of work noodle helps Wonka Escape putting him in a bag of dirty laundry noodle takes him to him to the city and Wonka wants to pay with some chocolate to thank her but all the candy has been stolen by a mysterious person and this has been happening repeatedly to produce new ones a special ingredient is needed giraffe milk to enter the zoo noodle offers the security guard a chocolate that has a strong intoxication effect and so they enter freely without any obstacles they begin to carry out their plan in the process of milking the giraffe noodle talks about her life she has never seen her parents all she has from them is a ring after that they exit the zoo on an air ballon but on Landing they are met by a police officer Wonka tells noodle to run away the officer forces Wonka's head into a frozen water fountain explaining to him that this chocolate and candies are not needed in the city Wonka does not understand why he is treated in such manner but the officer passes the message clearly by hitting his head with a stick when Wonka returns back to the laundry he tells the fellow workers that he is a confectioner and seeks to build his own Chocolate Factory one of his unfortunate co-workers who was an accountant tells him that he worked for the three chocolate Chiefs he unintentionally found a mysterious accounting book in the book he found out that the three Chocolate Factory owners can to avoid competition from others by selling chocolate of questionable quality the secret headquarters of the notorious chocolate Chief along with the reservoir of chocolate is located beneath the temple a corrupt monk named father Julius along with his workers keep the chocolate a secret as they are served with chocolate regularly as a result the chocolate Chiefs use their chocolate for various vices such as bribery blackmail and bullying other competitors afterwards everyone goes back to their rooms that night Wonka Whispers to wake noodle up he passes her a jar of chocolate to pay for her daily supply of chocolate noodle also has something for Wonka she gives him an alphabet and promise to teach him how to read Wonka plans to sell chocolate in order to help them pay off their debt the other workers wake up join in the conversation and offers to help Wonka is not allowed to sell his chocolate without having a shop so together they come up with a fantastic plan to sell their chocolate the following day Wonka starts selling his chocolates with the help of his fellow workers they people love the chocolate and are excited about it meanwhile the police try all they can to catch Wonka and his associates but they have everything properly planned out the police finally notice how Wonka has been escaping using the drainages so they set guards in every underground tunnel after the day's work noodle teaches Wonka how to read but Wonka is having troubles understanding to lessons one night with the aid of a trap Wonka catches the mysterious Thief that has been stealing his chocolates he locks him up in a jar the thief is a creature called lofty from the umaluma tribe Wonka interrogates him and asks why he is being pursued lofty accuses Wonka of ruining his life but the young man doesn't understand lofty reminds Wonka of a time he stole cocoa beans these cocoa beans were special and put in the care of lofty but while he was sleeping Wonka took it as a result the tribe excommunicated lofty until he returns what he lost Wonka felt sorry about this and offered to compensate him for the incident taking advantage of this lofty steals the remaining chocolates the next morning Wonka tells everyone what happened but no one believed him nevertheless his friends still prepare a surprise for him they rented an old store this way they don't have to run from the police anymore and so they all begin to work to make the place look more beautiful meanwhile the police officer and the trio of the chocolate cartel stalks Wonka and monitors him they are not happy with the new happenings and so one of the trio Arthur slugworth goes to Mrs scrit to tell her what her debtors have been up to and also to ask for her help to shut down Wonka's business the following day Wonka opens his store for business and a lot of people troop in Amazed by the beauty and quality of his products as they have never tasted anything so delicious before suddenly one of the customers hair started growing rapidly Wonka finds out that someone added a Yeti's sweat to the chocolates the visitors are Furious and Chaos Begins the store is destroyed and left in flames and slugworth is very much happy about this Wonka's friends are aware that this was done by the chocolate Chiefs and they promise to help make everything right and build the store again Wonka is frustrated by this event after a lot of of hard work when Wonka is alone he is approached by the trio of the chocolate cartel they offer him a deal that they will pay off all the debt of his friends but in return Wonka will leave the city and never make sweets again Wonka agrees to this because of his friends and so the three men along with the police officer leads Wonka to the ship to see him off on the deck of the ship Wonka meets lofty who is still after him lofty advises Wonka to keep making chocolates but he refuses since he has signed a contract and other to save his friends while they were discussing Wonka notices the mark of slugworth ring on his hand as they shook hands while signing the contract this is the same Mark he saw on noodles Family ring Wonka feel that the girl might be in danger so runs to the captain to ask him to turn the ship around but it turns out that there was no one in the ship except some explosives which is about to explode the duo speedily dive out of the ship meanwhile at the door the chocolate Chiefs and the police officer watch in excitement as the ship explodes after that the officer who has become very fat is given a big load of chocolates for finishing the job the next day Mrs scrit permits all her debtors to go except noodle slugworth paid Mrs scrit a heavy sum to keep noodle as a slave for Life angered by this noodle reveals to Mrs scrit that bleacher is not from a noble family and that it was all made up Mrs scrit is is angry and locks noodle in a mini cell but fortunately Wonka and his companions come her rescue they tell her their new plan to steal the chocolate cartel's secret book in other to expose their evil deeds in other to carry out their plan Wonka makes way with a giraffe while noodle secretly puts some special candy in Father Julius Pockets the giraffe is brought to the church and chases father Julius because of the candy put in his pocket this causes all the priests to run away the animal finally gets the candy he calls Animal Service not knowing that it is Wonka's colleagues on the phone and so the team goes to the church and they split into two groups one catches the giraffe and brings it out while the other group finds the elevator leading to the secret headquarters they drop an intoxicating chocolate before the guard who later passes out and then they sneak into the Vault trying to locate the chocolate cartel's secret Ledger book meanwhile slugworth heard on the radio of some suspicious activity is happening in the church he quickly understands that Wonka is behind it noodle manages to find the book but the trio is already there slugworth tells them that noodles is his niece when her father died his wife brought sick noodles to him he promised to take her to the doctor but took her to Mrs scrit and lied to her mom that she is dead he did this to deprive noodles of her inheritance and take it as his own after that Wonka and noodles are taken to the chocolate store storage to do away with them but Wonka's Last Wish was that they help him give lofty the last chocolate the trio exit the room and open the hatch to fill the room in a few minutes the hatch is already almost full and the duo are at the ceiling level no one is there to help them but the chocolate Trio who wave them goodbye Wonka apologizes to Noodles for putting her through all of this while accepting their lot they are covered in chocolate lofty arrives and knocks off father Julius with a jar he then goes down to the Vault and lowers the chocolate level saving Noodle and Wonka outside the church the trio of the chocolate cartel meets the chief police officer who can hardly fit into his car for eating too much chocolate immediately Wonka and noodle come out of the church and gives the book to one of the police officers after checking the content of the book the officer orders the arrest of the owners of the chocolate cartel he also arrests the police chief who because of chocolate kept their crime a secret the trio tries to escape but they had eaten the chocolate Wonka gave them making them to levitate in the sky slugworth holds unto a fountain but not for long as Wonka commands chocolate to start flowing from the fountain pushing them away the whole society is excited and begin to have a treat of the chocolate Wonka sits on the quietly with smiles on his face he takes out the special chocolate bar made by his mother a long time ago after opening in it he finds a note from his mother stating that the main secret of the chocolate is not the chocolate itself but the people you share it with after that he shares the chocolate bar with his friends he also announces to Noodle that they had found her mother he takes her there and the family unites meanwhile lofty tell Wonka that he won't leave until he gets all the chocolate from the stolen cocoa beans Wonka quickly hands him the final chocolate and lofty reluctantly takes his leave but Wonka calls him back and offers him a job as the chief of the tasting Department Wonka takes him to an ancient castle where Wonka intends to build his Global Chocolate Factory Wonka excitedly presents to him how his Factory would be designed and emblem of the Wonka Factory is shown at the top
Channel: Colosse' Recap
Views: 1,066
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Id: kYozljF2sxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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