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[Music] the torpedo that sunk the Chanin and took the lives of 46 South Korean sailors was fired by a North Korean submarine Korea's weapons program continues to intensify hello surpassed 1000 this period global leaders expressed concern over North Korea's latest atomic jet Kim Jong Il's government strongly defended its recent atomic test as a rightful response to Western aggression President appeared at the UN to call for severe sanctions against North Korea North Koreans breathed their new supreme leader Kim Jong Il son [Music] today our beloved leader kim joon burns has united north and south korea farming the Korean Republic talks to enzo salvi iran war still mated once again meanwhile damaged oil wells and pipelines burn uncontrollably deeply affecting world supplies although cost at the pump are ready to break the threaded $20 ceiling intensified with the demise of the US governess is not a retreat nor are we abandoning our Asian allies under threat of annihilation by the greater Korean Republic Japan has surrendered [Applause] hours after the president ordered a freeze on bank withdrawals the Mexican government has imposed strict immigration quotas effectively closing its borders to American refugees Koreans annexation continues to spread today the greater Korean Republic launched their latest communication satellite claiming it will bring a message of peace to the entire world [Music] 3fm it's another beautiful day in the Colorado territories with highs in the upper 50s and strong winds expected from the east the days are getting shorter and every citizen at the Montrose Partnership is reminded that curfew has been moved up to 1800 hours why are you so reluctant to serve your country it's time a rule we understand that you have everything but you must take heart in what patriotism can bring you our glorious leader Kim Jong Hwan will teach you to unlock your country's natural resources bringing prosperity to all it is a gift to you you you have forced us to examine your dedication to America's cause take him away keeping [Applause] [Applause] you be a pilot to the ramming a solo for some reason my family did you hear the voice of freedoms broadcast last night he says it shit's happening all over the state every time the resistance gained some ground the kPa comes down on the rest of us more fuel for the labor camps I'm never gonna see most of those people again [Applause] first weight and without is ready to present to the police everyone so quick the bodies disappear that's great that's what I've heard look we get to wherever their tickets you gotta sit to cap it okay watch it you can thank me later pick up that gun follow me pick up that pistol glad see Connors planned and Kitsch killed I'm Rihanna let's go we need to move gonna have the entire kPa on our ass here comes the cavalry we need you in this fight Jacob start shooting there's no going back you got Korean blood on your hands you're in the resistance there's a gas station up ahead Kim juices as a beauty I know a shortcut through the suburbs we need to get out of sight until this blows over everybody in one piece count your pieces later we gotta go before reinforcements show up don't worry about it just a gas station all to slow him down we're on the way to Revere Road meet us there I don't have time to argue Connor out what was that about Boone thinks it's too dangerous to blend in with the locals he'd rather risk the entire operation than upset a bunch of squatters calm down he's just looking out for them yeah Espada on my mark look I didn't expect them to send the entire army after us what did you expect you kicked the hornet's nest I read your file Jacobs you'd better live up to him ease up Connor boom picked him for a reason [Music] we need explosives to take out that APC [ __ ] Revere Road is through these yards strange that people live so close to the wreckage stranger still they aren't out here helping us bunch of chickenshits Yee and Pema surprised their balls - you think seeing a plane fall out of the sky would have put guns in their hands maybe they're not ready to fight the KPA doesn't bother these people they're just trying to live their lives besides boom gave you an order boots not here we're gonna do whatever it takes to stay alive goddamn resistance what are you doing here rookies there are families here man you can't be bringing us let's got to everyone compact soon as others get here moving true they weren't filed believe you should all get inside it's not attract attention damn I said don't come here you risk by the SIP storm right with these people later we had nowhere else to go the area is crawling with kPa we're supposed to be fighting for not hiding behind them who the [ __ ] hi welcome you must be the time I'm home I found the US military's gathering near San Francisco they need fuel we have a plan to get oh my god we're on your side ma'am just stay down the front you have to drop by our crew the civilian yeah hide back here we'll come and get you after everything settles down he's been hit I don't know what to do put pressure on it here we need Goliath where is it where's the lion Outback alliance outback but the target was in my back over there you just pick your target and pull take out those vehicles take out those videos on humpr let's go yesterday afternoon kPa authorities raided the town of Montrose Colorado their goal in the word the enemy was to neutralize high-value citizen targets but this was not a measured response to American insurgency this was innocent blood running red on Main Street your families and friends shot down like animals what are the Montrose resistance cells reportedly escaped after a brutal firefighter in nearby neighborhood we can only hope that these freedom fighters made it to one of their safe zone somewhere in a sea of abandoned suburbs but whatever their fate we will fight I don't believe the lives of the Korean controlled media we are the channel of truth and this is the voice of freedom wake of a shooting spree by a local insurgent group capabilities are searching for Conner Morgan believed to be responsible got-damn propaganda that's your way so you take more punishment than a man could live through come outside when you're ready I'll show you around the pilots up will be moving out during the next patrol gap come on welcome to your new home it's a little piece of America we all came together to create this place and have some sense of community not quite the future we had in mind but at least we're free from the outside it's just more boarded up suburban failure but inside we've built ourselves a safety fences to recover and that Camel strength keeps his hidden from the KPA still we've got to be careful especially got it get me out on the radio she's prepping the blade we'll talk to Connor about ammo everything need we grow water collections over there and between solar panels and windmills just enough power to get by a cell [Music] back from the dead huh this means we're set to go right I'm damn tired of sitting here we got a short window to grab those tracking devices and we shouldn't be [ __ ] around some I call you do this right and we won't lose anybody else hop I'll be checking in any minute we'll meet you at the top those bastards get what's coming to you Connor is a good man to having a fight look around everywhere let me job back I appreciate what you did for us back here don't mind those two they're always going at it I don't think Connor appreciates everything booths done to keep this place safe dinner's at 7:00 we're having leftovers you'll join us hey it's hopper patrols just cleared I'll meet you at the tunnel exit got it we're moving come on Jacob's about time listen we could use your help we're down a few minutes a night's mission is key the equipment we're after paves the way for everything that founds we'll be outnumbered now guns grab a weapon and all the ammo you can carry follow me this is Doug these comments during the early days of the occupation there's close to three miles of passages under Montrose we dug them everything except under the wall they built to keep his anthem [ __ ] that [ __ ] runs all the way down to the bedrock when we've liberated this country will dismantle its walls [ __ ] blow it up [Music] okay Jacobs great work back there thanks for your help with Goliath hang on to the target er looks like you got the hang of it Rihanna confirmed Gunnison cell deliberative and mortar but there's a sentry Tower between us in the playground why haven't we taken it out why don't here last time he's got it we can find a way around it no we can't leave any of them standing be careful these sentries have a 20-millimeter autocannon like a youth band radar fire controller shut up Jacobs just throw a grenade at the back door we got to make our way up the street wait for the spotlight to pass then move if your coordinate sites get to cover and wait these things are smart but they're not that smart I'll go first on me Jacobs I'm gonna have to take this one now Jacob move out to take it out make it a run Rene by nice one we just took down a central tower less than 100 yards from the tunnel legs stay put I will see you soon [Music] take a look controls with AMI they were next ones not due for another six hours looks like the world we're gonna attack we got to do it fast use what little surprise we've got a man on the roof Jacob [Music] clear this house I've got your back that's the last of them they must have sent out the patrols as soon as that sentry went offline used to be me patrolling these neighborhoods this way this is the drop point got us and picked the location Brooks has a weird sense of humor we worried about the KPA finding this place Jared but we're taking the fight to them tonight's raid goes right those bastards I'll have more than enough to keep you busy for a good while Rihanna's inside it's us don't shoot you okay I'm fine just a little winded gun society lived in mortar rounds yeah but they screwed up they sent us the wrong one no they didn't was white phosphorus I sweeten the deal what you knew about this what is this bleeding heart [ __ ] yeah oh my god Sentret our clipping that's a lot of blood because we need to whoa take it easy we can handle it you're no good to us dead that's right save your energy for the trip to San Fran Connor take this it's my badge fine Arnie he'll take care of you I'll get broom home then meets you at the overpass guys you take care of yourselves we'll be there try not to get pulled over I hope he makes it it's probably not the first time he's been shot I know I'm just saying he's gonna be fine these must be the weapons Brooks promised us Jacobs find one you like we'll wait for you outside the play I guess we're almost there the labor camp is at the top of the next street what's the time the front gate should be lightly guarded we make a lot of noise like a few of them all draw the rest out of the camp then we sneak in the back door it calls us lightly guarded stick to the plan get out of the street [Music] this big [Music] [Music] got their attention head for the supply tunnel we need to be gone before they mobilize hold up a second sounds like the plans work they're sending out a response I hate this place people in here used to be doctors and lawyers now that working with shale mines last time I was here I saw my [ __ ] dentist coast should be clear by now let's ditch the right place you need to keep a low profile hang on your side on the sooner we find Arne the sooner we get out all right spread out and ask around I'm looking for a guy named Arnie [ __ ] Barney's in the back across the street over this couch you [ __ ] get a card I've never seen you before welcome to the Korean vision of Americans and look like recovery - you [Music] guys are part of the resistance aren't you chuckles I even Jesus sorry sir just ignore my idiot [Music] damnit are you trying to get us killed get that Korean peace and sweet away from me I'm an American I was born in open a school I don't give a rat's ass where you're from you and your kind or nothing but Rho PI K Poirot trying to get us billion they're always watching mr. you have any take anything I don't have any food piss off I'm looking for a guy named Arnie [ __ ] you never heard of it cut the [ __ ] show him this tell him Kuhn sentence hey Donna relax where's Boone who's the new guy plan changed can you still get us into the depot yeah you know the administrative buildings no no it has to be where they keep the buses the tracking beacons have to be nearby yeah yeah I can get you in but you have to stick close to do exactly like I say follow me you sure you can get my family out of here the resistance remembers its friends I hope so I got a teenage daughter bad things can happen to a girl in a place like this you ought to teach her to shoot women got just as much to fight for thank you nuts no ways my kid joining your resistance I thought there'd be more guards they must have heard you coming and split very funny what the hell is this it's a holding area for the buses you know somewhere to wait before your shift shaylen and it's just unlocked you don't need a key don't worry about it I took care of this what an inside man's for right nobody move you I got kids besides they cut me a better D it could've helped you Kinkos or face it the Koreans won eight dollars over for you wheter that now we found the beacons then let's get the hell out of here Briana we got him meet you under the highway I'm on my way he's gonna pull through we'll cut across the baseball field and go through the Elm Street drainage ditch come on it's just up ahead hang onto those beacons Jacobs the fuel tankers are only going to be in town for a couple of hours we're gonna tag them before they leave Montrose grab a helicopter and chase them just so you know your part in all this it's just a cross there let's keep going [Music] what we should turn back into a pit like garbage how many people are in this ditch [ __ ] scumbag [ __ ] [Music] happy now yeah I am take a good hard look Jesus Connor there's nothing to say Shh what do we do get it what get in popper now come on hopper get up they're coming lie down white buy-down jacobs get in down today hugging where are you guys we're gonna be late just sit tight only get back to school those photos came to me by way of a friend with contacts deep in the resistance I think we all suspected no we knew that a truck like this were happening but the proof is so horrifying it's almost surreal but we should be thankful for this evidence it reveals an enemy that wants to dehumanize us by pushing American corpses into an unmarked ditch can't bury our defiance dirt and gravel feel silent mouth will speak for them and tell their stories to the world the dead have names as long as we fight in their memory the slam will be our land again even now the resistance is planning attacks that can lead to victory in one of our greatest cities this is the voice of freedom signing off you need to let that wound heal [Music] don't worry about me be careful now gun [Music] good luck [Music] you want a hell of a job which had more lucky I Drive them safely hey guys first insertion points come out alright we're gonna drop you off that hopper I'll set up in the East Plaza I'll take the band to the main gate meet up with the guys who's gonna see we're here [Music] come on Jacobs you're on sniper team bring that bike [Music] the rest of us will become then hard after the second round you to stay up top keep us covered we'll clear the way for Goliath and then hit the store together find that fuel care of it hope you're ready to put some hurt on these [ __ ] stay low keep quiet [Music] lots been cleared out but there might be some inside just doing more on the way hold back until the fireworks start no gunshots we wait until Connor sets it off they see this whole thing goes tits up never gets any easier here we go okay Connor bring it copy that going in hail the king baby damn on your left they're closing watching white phosphorus [Music] just just put them out of their misery somebody might think nothing I'm sorry your accident nearly got us killed take shallow breaths through your nose we got a few seconds before the phosphorus burns off enough to push on are you with us she just keeps on [Music] grab your gun we're hitting the store everybody form up behind Goliath we can break how many times did you leave back there they knew the risks no no one deserves to die like that why did you even get that [ __ ] stole it from the Koreans they were gonna use it in case of an uprising it wasn't supposed to happen like this listen we've got to tag those papers are you ready yeah let's go APA they haven't seen us yet walk softly take them by surprise so this is where they've been storing the fuel taken over by the show [Music] the vehicle depots on the other side of this door will create a diversion you have to tag one of the tankers before it leaves the lot we can't [ __ ] this up go go go make your way to the front of the store [Applause] let's go up the stairs to the road I can't go any further if you can hear that we've secured two troop transports that are pulling out make your way to the parking lot repeat we are pulling out you hear that we're nearly there just keep it together hopper pack it up we're almost out of this mess copy that I'm all set Stanford youth Goliath take it out of the world we've confirmed news of a daring attack today against the primary KP a supply depot in Montreux although the resistance suffered heavy losses the mission was called a success the courage and sacrifice of these men and women won't be forgotten but our enemies have also marked this day without the occupations on the KPA has increased security and pressured civilians to identify resistance members citizens have disappeared in the alarming numbers with reports of torture and execution some questioned the risks of rebellion they fear reprisal the boot to the door in the middle of the night the price of our Liberty has always been high we must stand together now or not at all this is the voice of freedom I [Applause] can't wait to tell them you pulled it off I just want to take a shower oh my god [ __ ] help me Oh God no they killed no not some [ __ ] here's your badge back a friend you do that we have to get out of Montrose we have to go now Rhianna Rhianna we have to go this is Connor Morgan - all resistance cells the Oasis is compromised they murdered boom Connor and Brooke 7-1-8-2 found the safehouse Gunness has got nowhere to go what the hell is going on meet us at the wall we're getting out of here you okay I don't want to talk about they blocked the street that's not gonna stop us stand back keep pushing forward let's move hurry up we need that tank set are you nuts Isaac take out handoff blanket hit it from the rear Jake get out there and target that I've got your back let's go [Music] leave it no yeah Breanna help me we need to move on I can fix this we don't have time to waste hold this good we're gonna need it let's go okay nobody's made it over the wall we'll find a way left for us here Connor what 3d8 we're nearly there I've been waiting to see that bunker ball since they laid the first brick okay back last night's rain so this is our fault shut up hopper got a key Boone's dead it's over it's not over rune left us a plan the best way to honor him is to see it through if we keep it together we've got a chance of punching through the wall and catching up with the fuel trucks looking for Brooks he's in the back what's the situation repented the wall taking heavy casualties what about reinforcements I wouldn't count on the kPa them burning civilian settlements killing everyone in sight the few that did survive grabbed all the c4 that we had stashed the opposition RPG teams bunch of kPa regulars back in the month right we're gonna make Goliath our mule what offer you and Rihanna stress as much c4 to his chassis as he can carry Jacobs you're with me we're gonna clear Goliath the path to the wall there's a series of roadblocks to not to the wall we need to lower those up on the roll through [Music] [Applause] it worked the light's gone it served its purpose hopping got us out of this town now let's get the hell out of here everyone in the Lumbee jacobs you're on the gun guys that just running meet me in the garage get in the car all right get us out of here [Applause] the only way we'll catch those tankers the resistance is attempted to contact self beyond the Montrose area it's hard to determine what's happening outside the wall but our kPa sources report that several patrols have gone missing the ones that survived have nothing but horror stories after the PNP went off an electronic grid that sustained us broke apart our nation fell under kind of a madness I remember that first winter desperation sweeping the country people turned on each other and worse as food grew scares many beyond the wall I have no allegiance to any cause other than their own survival if you must deal with them be advised it can be unpredictable and a fair number outright insane let's be careful out there this is the voice of freedom wait here these boys aren't exactly Korean friend we trust these guys Boone set this up he knew who he was dealing with well well well what we have here Connor [ __ ] Morgan well you're the north's and your abs they keep trying so where's the chopper where's bone he's dead well [ __ ] I guess the deal's off hey help me out here we're fighting the same war now you know I'll tell you what I'll take the [ __ ] Scarface siding over there and you can walk away without a bullet in I think you're getting the bad end of that deal now we are not leaving without that chop these guys applause and not on anybody's side try and take him alive the Koreans will pay mortgage don't take it everyone on me Jacobs by the fence get over here don't fire until I give the word but when I do don't hesitate follow me keep quiet where's the plan they got the helicopter stashed somewhere we're gonna sneak through the camp and steal they must know we're here we don't know how many of them there are but these guys been prepared for the end of the world since before the y2k scare they're heavily armed and out of their [ __ ] minds we've got to get as close to that chopper as we can before they figure out we're here I want safeties on this missions over they spot us what was all that shooting probably picking off another North Patrol captain doesn't want nobody near that helicopter we have a helicopter yeah and the AI behind the church they ain't seen it I never go back there are their Korean snipers in the woods that's the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever heard hope there's a sniper on that windmill he's gonna spot us unless we take him out Jacobs when you've got a clear shot take the rifles got a zoom use it if you need to targets about 75 yards make it cannon good job okay let's move Appaji Breanna you handle the guy blocking our exit these are Americans Connor I didn't sign up for this do you want to get out of here alive or not Jakob's take them out there it's done dropped everyone into the garage you need your feet Kim then you can stop hey you guys come check this out hold your horses were coming hey we got doing we got this dumb NORC digging his own grave okay so who's gonna shoot him maybe we don't shoot maybe we bury him alive instead God tell you to stop he'd dig these guys Austin we need to get out of here eyes up got another century on the second floor just knock off sick of that Chinese [ __ ] I wanted to taste cardboard I'd smoke some [ __ ] cardboard down your blessings last week Dodson got a pack of the bullet hole clean through its north bastard must've Adam in his shirt pocket I guess thanks we'll never make it off the ground unless you take out this RPG will move at a control [Music] how much farther Connor it should be closer just keep it together this place brings back bad memories Auckland slightly Asian I got lucky they just burned my house down I'm sorry the war brings out the worst in all of us coming here was a bad idea now in case you forgot we have nowhere to go we have to keep moving more gunfire I hear it no point in being quiet now the only way through is straight up the middle Safety's off that ought to be the last of the RPG teams come on we're taking the road what about the trolls rock there's another chopper coming more Koreans no it's a stop shop we're gonna need some cover to even get near that heli yeah Sam's be heavily guarded you should be able to see everything from that belt down like the perfect [Music] we got eyes on the helicopter but there's too many of them Guardian we're gonna have to VIN their ranks first Jacobs I'm gonna walk you on your targets hold your fire I'll tell you when should Connor sit tight there's truck coming Jakob's take the shot hey Briana move up after Jacob stakes out the guy by the warehouse drop you haven't or death just a little farther take okay [Music] what's the plan hold on we're going through all right this is why you're here everyone [Music] this message is to all cells in Utah Nevada Korean tankers carrying jet fuel or nearing the Lake Tahoe area these distance operations are underway to intercept our soldiers need any and all resources we can provide to help them defeat the occupation use these encoded radio channels to communicate I will as always be here as your conduit this is the voice of freedom then fine pull your foot down and don't stop until we reach San Francisco we're taking a detour there's gotta be another nearby just follow my lead train comes cover us we're gonna push through this neighborhood I see another on red we're almost there [ __ ] they'll be honest all the way to Frisco hopper play all the c4 you've got on the bridge we're gonna make sure we're not followed all right but it's gonna take a minute jacobs cover me holy [ __ ] that oughta slow the [ __ ] down this is kind of Morgan of the Montrose Colorado resistance we have three fuel tankers to deliver to the US Army copy that you're just in time we've got a Forward Operating Base set up in Sausalito meet us there over Roger will arrive in three hours but air escort resistance out it's upon a time in America our military was a well-oiled well-funded machine capable of projecting massive power anywhere in the world the crumbling of our nation finished with the hammer blows of a cunning enemy changed all that but this country strength has never been solely weighed by its guns and treasure to another 50 years ago farmers and shopkeepers printers and blacksmiths fought a mighty empire armed a little more than courage and a dream of freedom today a new generation of civilians would join our armed force to tear San Francisco from enemy hands I am the voice of freedom but you're it's terrible Swift sword this is a war of the people by the people let freedom reign hell of a job getting us at jet fuel now our troops can get their air support yeah but first we got to knock out these AA's hey we good to go all right you do you're with me you two follow him ruler check throttled the 70% an avionics are ago Raptor this is warpath you are cleared for takeoff happy hunting crafter one one copy to solid copy keep the beer cold for us Tokyo Milan music we've got a couple unidentified aircraft headed toward your position to that one of official [Applause] copy that $3.99 at the base of the North Tower 15 plus 2 RPGs down laughter one providing cold air to boy copy prepare receive additional elements 440th ID forma we're gonna set up a new command post in the clock where are you - we're making our way toward the bridge with the 185th we got blown a little off course we'll see you up there come on we're gonna have to fight our way up the tower SEAL team 1 poppin victory smoke out trans has been secured I repeat you've taken the take the lead [Music] Parvez Bravo this is your actual fire perfect care around our target grid I've come back nectar Juliet four five nine our job easier actual DB I see a minute back ten rounds ow warpath this is Rubio for for our positions been overrun he bailed tsk I ain't multiple wounded when he tastes back immediately we can either leave average five Navy destroyers have broken through the san diego blockade USS John Paul Jones and movies are honored to help secure the Bay enemies on the overhead good to see you guys again likewise you four with us we're clearing this bridge everyone back away from the game we're gonna bust it down scramblers now there's a friendly you have on-site patching you through KBR McCallum headed toward your position advising using you cab good you know to kill you gather that bingo fuel returning to base [Applause] [Music] this is Connor Morgan enemy armored called rolling in from the south request immediate air strike at the mouth linear strike friendly unit Danger Close [Applause] [Music] this is your open news in London the underground voice of freedom network reports that American resistance fighters have joined us military forces in a major offensive in occupied San Francisco at the Golden Gate Bridge the coordinated attack may prove to be a turning point in America's guerrilla war against the Korean occupation meanwhile the EU Defense Council has called an emergency session to plan support for our allies across the Atlantic [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 169,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, homefront all cutscenes, homefront game movie, homefront full movie, homefront ending, homefront walkthrough, homefront intro, homefront all cinematics
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 56sec (4976 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 29 2018
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