Home Pottery School Video 13 - Lockdown Learning - Make a lace resist dish and use underglazes

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hello okay I'm gonna show you how to make a small lace resist using some old pants and a jar of pesto oh and some kitchen sponges okay so first things first you're going to need to roll out a slab of clay okay so once you've got a flat piece of clay I would say if you're going to use the standard jar pesto you want to cut out a disc that is a bit bigger than the pesto what's up I don't know centimeter and a half maker something like that so once you've got your this cut out I'm actually going to show you and how to use these under glazes as well that I'm selling in packs so the first thing you can do is put on a layer of the blending medium okay I'll just show you how it goes on it's really soft brush I'm just going to give it the first coat like that I'm just turning my brush over but super simple get it nice and even because the colors do go on to the Terracotta but you'll use less of them so it's a little hot tip like if you give it a white base coat then that you'll use less layers of the color so that's first coat so it looks a bit line II so you need to leave it dry and put on the next layer here's one I did earlier put the next layer on in a different direction can you see so if you put it in a different direction like that it goes on March much more evenly okay so that's fine so once you've got two layers of the blending medium on that's like your white face coat you can then go for it with whatever colors you want to put underneath and it'll kind of become apparent as I go on so I've just chosen some red yellow and orange to go underneath okay so the lacy part I found some old lace pants that I haven't worn for a long time let's see so they're quite a nice that's actually that's one I tried earlier by the way just in case you were wondering about my parents so anyway this is quite a nice pattern it's terrible okay so get your lace put it over your painted disc get yourself a rolling pin if you can otherwise the back of a spoon will probably do and what you're going to do is you're going to roll that lace or do it with a spoon right into the back of your disc okay so you really want to kind of get it really gripping can you see how I'm doing in different directions so it will thin the clay out a little bit but you're kind of and I'm going to actually use the spoon to go around the edge just to thin I just want to thin those edges a bit you know it's going to make the edges quite wonky and uneven but that's fine okay so I can see that that lace is like really gripped in to the clay have I stuck it to the table a little bit oh let's get that up do it on a piece of newspaper okay so you can see that the lace is kind of gripped on to that clay all right the next thing oops try and keep it flat that she's a bit difficult to into um show you lifting it up all time because the lace keeps wanting to come out let's just get that back in okay so now you can put your second layer on and a soft brush again I'm just sort of quick but I can use this just but I don't know cut the purple in the blue so then we fuse all the different colors blue this blue comes out of really lovely bright blue so I'm actually sort of really encouraging it in to go you know right in in into the cracks to all the little sort of gaps you know in the lace because it's actually you need to sort of brush that around quite a lot to get that to have and ideally what you then want is for that to try off you want it to look like it is not shiny anymore until it goes to a sort of matte appearance alright so I am just going to so basically at home you would just leave that I'm going to use my hot air gun very carefully because I don't want to melt my knickers i but see I could have put it on really low and let's see if I can just speed okay okay Chuck um to be honest after this but we'll see but I might not do you know what if I still good I'm just gonna wash them and wash them maybe anyway so that's now gone to a matte color okay a matte texture right so I'm just gonna lift my pants I'm gonna peel them off what sounds so bad they go here we go don'tdon't ah so that's it's discard the knickers over there and I'm just gonna show you oh okay can you see how beautiful is that there you go okay you can see it's really picked up the pattern of the pants even those tiny little details it's really nice some once you've done that I got that worked properly so once you've done that and it's and it's a nice matte color I'm a bit worried cuz I'm I never tried it off just a tad you would just do this whole rating okay you wouldn't be rushing it like I am but anyway get you two sponges tapes together whoops that way thank you very much two kitchen sponges tape together you're going to put your round thing on there you're going to get a piece of cling film around your pot of pesto okay and you've been going to put that in the middle of there just in the middle as you can I don't really mind if it's not in the middle and then you're going to press down and wiggle it around all the way around I'm just gonna turn the whole thing around that way and press down again wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle and then you can take your pesto jar out you can take that out and you have a small dish and you'd have to kind of just decorate the back side as well and don't worry about those little stretch marks you can smooth them over smear a tiny bit of soft clay into them and just smooth them with your credit card tools something like that I'm so that's come out that's actually really sweet isn't it it's really nice and so I'm just gonna actually tidy up those edges so they're not so freely okay so I'm just kind of like that oops okay let's see okay there we go there we are so that is and you could just kind of do that a little bit more and you could always get your nut to make grater on the edges to tidy them up even more but that's essentially it I mean you could try making like flat posters tiles anything like that using this lace resist technique because you get like a lovely texture and colors everything's so detailed you know it is actually quite easy to do really um so that is how to make a little lacy textured dish what else was I going to say about that yes so in order to do that you would need to buy one of my decorating patterns that come in a box like this and you would be getting 120 mil of the blending medium and you would be getting eight basically the whole all colors of the rainbow plus black and white and also a pot of glaze and you would be able to bring these back to me obviously and have them fired and you can raw glaze them where you put the glaze on when this is dry it out a little bit more and you could do that you could do that or you can bring them to me to have them bisque fire first and then you can glaze them afterwards probably better to do that to be honest safer and once you've done that you could just paint the other side like with this one I probably just paint it with a plain color because you don't really see the other side but they're just so cute and you can experiment with different types of lace like I was looking at some other pants tried one out earlier on you know like that one's quite a nice quite a nice thing as well look that some of them are really sweet and you might just have like some old-fashioned and not doilies you know they're a bit like doilies little serving mat stuff like that look have a rummage in your drawers and see see what you can find and you can all have a go at doing these but you will need to buy a decorating kit and four to five pounds I know that sounds like a lot and here's a lot of money it's a lot of money but it's kind of what you need in order to to do this kind of work so yeah it's if they go a long way the blending mediums brilliant as well because you can actually pass two lies your colors and use this like to water down the colors so you actually end up getting at least twice as many colors than these because these are very high pigment extremely high pigment so this kind of really really helps save you money actually and I promise you these are cheaper than the market leaders stuff that's on the shelves for sale from pottery supply places and they're and they you know they are better cheaper nobody else sent that sells a blending medium and I think you'll get on great with them you know they really are they really are a good product and if you'd love to try stuff like this then or decorate your bisque fired stuff that you've brought to me and had fired as well you know you can just use them like paint as well quite a few people have done that and that's completely fine too I'm aware that my video is going on a bit now so I'm going to leave it there but essentially yeah give give it a go and if you could find like a big a bit of sponge that would help because this big bit in the middle is not really helping you know maybe like a big car washing sponge or something like that or absoulte sofa cushion will be brilliant and you've got a great big thing and also like if you've got any pieces of wood you know instead of like a glass jar in the cling film over it you know if you've got like a bare clean piece of wood you compress in then you don't need to use the cling film and that kind of thing so you could just try it out and also like I would say just try it out without before you've decorated first just to make sure that you can get that shape you know that it's all doable and then try with the lace and with the colors you know do you not I mean because you want to save your expense of colors for like your final your final piece so it's good to do a little practice run okay which is what I did shall I show you my practice run piece that was my practice run piece and I thought oh god I can't show you that because it's too wobbly so quite please this one's much nicer I think you'll agree right that's it for now have fun happy potting and see you soon bye
Channel: Jane Scott Ceramics
Views: 1,214
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Id: xkG_cQafMQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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