FIRING a Bisque Kiln - A Guide for Beginners! Day 38 Quarantine Distraction Video
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: KaransPotsAndGlass
Views: 27,693
Rating: 4.977169 out of 5
Keywords: Beginner, Novice, easy, simple, learning, show, how, learn, teach, demo, demonstration, tutorial, showing, Fire, Firing, firing, program, cone, thermocouple, pyrometric, cones, 04, bisque, vitrify, water, dry, vapor, bubbles, steam, explode, correct, understand, understanding, programming, preheat, glaze, best, video, beginners, for, youtube, channel, pottery, potter, clay, ceramic, ceramics, high school, teacher, class, classes, explain, explaining, teaching, teaches, student, students, advanced, intermediate, technical, advice, Karan, Witham, biscuit
Id: LjsKTEQX3lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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