How to make a slab bottle the fast way - home pottery school - lockdown learning

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good morning hello sorry I haven't done a video for ages but anyway here we are I was gonna show you I was thinking about making um bottle forms out of out of slabs and I I was thinking like these cute little just cute little sort of I just made this one a second ago cute little bottle Falls I haven't put the base on it yet but they're so so simple and I was thinking that they could be really really cute you know you can make lots of different shapes and stuff and have them like in a row so I'm distracted by my hair it looks really bad today anyway never mind um yeah so bottle forms out of slabs um I was just thinking about different shapes different bottle shapes and you could you could have a little think about different bottle shapes and what they are like and when I show you how to do it then you'll you'll kind of get it a little bit more about what sort of shapes might work and what might not I'm just gonna stick with a pretty simple shape today and just show you the technique okay so we've got a rolled out slab of clay this slab is sort of it's quite it's quite firm another slab there you can't see what's a bit too floppy I think so you've got to roll it out and leave it a bit it's kind of it definitely sort of I can bend it but if I do bend it it will hold its shape a little bit that will really help you make a successful bottle shape so and I just think the easiest way to mark on a bit of clay is just use your fingertip you can just literally know if you can see you can't see that can you dollar if I hold love if you just make them up with your fingertip can you see how I kind of burnished shoes to play a little bit and it doesn't press in or damage the surface of the clay or anything like that so you can just use your fingertip you know I love doing that because it just if you if you don't like it you can just start again it doesn't you haven't made a mark on the claim or at least not a dent you know so I'm going to just just do a little bottle shape why should I do it doesn't really matter so I'm just gonna do a really simple bottle shape and I'm not obviously I'm not gonna be worried about can you see that I go I'm not I'm so not worried I'm not sure I like that one because it's got quite square shoulders but we'll give it a go um I might change it a bit actually I should I'm gonna change it a little bit I quite like the slow piece shoulder so I'm going to just adapt okay so let's just go through the piece of being I'm just gonna cut my bottle shape as well okay so I've got my bottle shape okay and I'm just gonna use that as a template okay so pop that back down on your plate and sipping cut really nice and accurately around the edge okay all the way around the edge all the way down this side keeping my cups nice and clean with a nice clean knife blade that really helps okay so I've got my two bottle shapes now let me just move that out of the way you move okay so they're stacked up on top of each other so I'm going to lift the top one and I'm gonna turn it over so that they're mirror images okay so we've got that because they're not symmetrical so you need to definitely turn one over so that you get it right the next thing we need to do is we need to shampoo off these edges so you're going to take your knife I hope this works with a kitchen knife so I'm using a Potter's knife if you've got a little pointy or sharp or pointy a knife it might be a little bit easier and I always find it easier if you draw the knife towards you instead of trying to you know push it away from you that's going to be really hard I'm so figure out a way that you can comfortably pull the knife towards you that it's a hot tip of the day so I'm gonna start it off let me just show you what I'm actually doing is I want to get a sort of angle over the sides down the sides so I'm holding it really steadily and I'm just taking that bit off let me just show you the difference can you see angled side not cut side okay so you're just taking off that little corner if you like so I'm actually gonna turn that around I think it's easier doing it this way so I'm just chopping down the side I'm holding it so I'm making sure it's not skidding around on the table always that my bottleneck is going to be very thin and they have to adapt that okay can you see so both sides have got an angle now that's the one I haven't cut I have cut okay popping that one down and don't forget that you've turned that one over okay and you're going to do the same to that once you're gonna cut all the way around besides wonky at the end I mean they don't have to be us with all my videos and I'm not looking for kind of some kind of perfect machined engineered finish but oh alright so I've got to I've got my turn Edge's with the with the edges kind of cut an angle and they mirror each other okay so we gotta join them together okay so with every you know join with ceramics you need to score and sit I'm just a bit like what I'm gonna actually do with the tops because there is a bit thick around the neck you can see that bit there's bit thick I'm actually just gonna squish that I'm gonna squish the whole neck a little bit and widen it and thin it because you'll see when I join it that will be better because otherwise it will close up the hole in the neck it'll make it a little bit uneven but we can um we can sort that out later so I've just kind of thinned those neck edges a little bit so they're tiny bit thinner let's get the scoring done okay so you're just going to slash your way around down on the sides because every time you join two bits of clay together really this is the way to do it so hefty scoring okay really hacking in you can cross watch it if you want sometimes I go both ways and crosshatch it like that that's a really good way of doing it so let's go down this side so what you're doing is you're kind of keying up the surface to if you don't like this is like welding the two surfaces together okay which is what you want it's just started to rain my god I tell you my garden it's seriously seriously needs the rain so dry out there okay so um so there we are both bits scored all the way down the edges okay yeah like that easy-peasy so in order to get like a little bit of a curve yeah in our slab we need to just kind of stretch the clay a little bit so the way that I'm going to do this and because these just fit nicely in the palm of my hand it makes it really easy if you did a big one and maybe you could do it you just have to kind of do it maybe on a bit you know on a bit of foam or like a sofa cushion that kind of thing anyway so what I'm going to do is I'm just pressing that into my hand can you see I'm just pressing on cuz my hands a nice curved shape it's accepting that pressure and it's just sort of curving that piece of clay can you see yeah and I'm actually going to do it this way a little bit as well okay I don't want to it's very satisfying you know that is satisfaction right there okay and because my clay isn't too soft it's just kind of staying there and I just want to just see if I can kind of might use a paintbrush handle for this bit just see if I can kind of get that neck area a little bit Preston as well okay I'm not so worried about that and more want to get the shape and the body okay and what you'll notice is the shunt for edges yeah almost there almost kind of fact now can you see if I turn it to the side so they've gone for being an angle to coming flat yeah so it means they're gonna fit together really well so let's do the other one okay there we go just pressing the clay in press press press but I can feel it stretching out into my hand yeah which is you know deep satisfaction I see I really do need to get out more I mean this lockdown I tell you I need more than a trip to the supermarket I can't wait for the pub to open seriously harm tree in Holt we love you I can't wait to come and have a pint garden it's only like half 10:00 in the morning yeah okay so we're gonna blob a little bit of slip on the edges on the edges of there okay so we've got our two curved forms we've blob some slip around the edges and basically what you're going to do they should fit together I'm just gonna kind of tack them together just at the crucial points like just up on the shoulder and at the base and then right in the middle I'm sure because I don't want to put too much pressure on you in case it's squid she's out of shape or or it doesn't quite fit you know I just want to be a bit careful but I'm just tacking it together like that it's just standing up and here we go around oops no around the shoulders like that and then I'm just going to squeeze the neck together as well so you can see that we've already got a nice sort of bottle form and then it's just a case off refining those edges I'm just squeezing them together now properly and running my hand all that satisfying down the sides and I'm just gonna make sure that those are actually properly properly joined now okay okay that's good it's good and this side just getting that right so you want to give it a bit more rebellion at the bottom so I'm just using it together like you know kind of just squishing it together and I'm gonna do that a little bit all the way up and that will just give a little bit more internal volume let me just show you okay you see I'm so satisfying and you can tidy up these little seams and you can kind of wait till it's a little bit dry on and tidy up the top bit and carve it out a little bit but I just wanted to say basically that you're then going to just add your base on so you're going to just cut around your form on a scrap bit of clay around the bottom I feel like I want to make loads of these I'm dead excited about them I think they're so cute I think they could look really nice like in a little row terribly tasteful okay so you're gonna score a slip score and so you're just gonna join the base on to the top bit and you could decorate them you could be really cute with them can't you huh I know what else you could do you could texturize them as well you could put some really cool nice texture on looked you like my lovely mug that I made the other day this is my new my little beakers that I've been doing using um foraged foraged grasses and stuff from my walks I love it right okay so we're just gonna blow up a bit of slip on the base and which way round did it go I think that way yeah that fits so I'm just pressing that down on to the base and just giving it a bit of downward pressure um you know the only reason that these are kind of really doable is because the clay is not too floppy and soft so a little bit of a press down wiggle around I want to get a good bit pressure on just wiggling it around a little bit on its base and that's it basically that is the basic technique the rest of it is just tidying up the edges see you later bye
Channel: Jane Scott Ceramics
Views: 4,749
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Id: OhJx8uMmPwo
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Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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