Walmart 1v1v1 Boat Build Fishing Challenge (Rod, Reel, Lures!)

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fishing [Applause] and we got Mason oh so mean this I have 500 to spend inside of Walmart each oh I guess we're just going to Walmart we thought Fields before but this one's different because we're at Walmart and there's a lady filling me on her cell phone so that's real cool can we accept me now maybe nope two hours you guys have a fantastic day you have a better day all right if we used to have to build a boat 500 each two hours to build two hours it gets the biggest fish if you sink you lose if you don't catch a fish you lose let's go inside Walmart all right guys we've made it inside of Walmart me Ayo and Mason have 30 minutes to grab everything we need to build a boat it's kind of overwhelming in here in other stores it's a little bit more straightforward but there's so many sections in here so guys we've done so many bow builds before I'm trying to make it different each time so what I think we're gonna use in the last video we used storage containers on the Ikea boat build this time I want to try to use five gallon buckets and make these the base of my boat that I can float on top of it looks like they have three of these but the idea would be to space them out like this see if they have any more in the back and then build a platform on top so we have to remember we only have five hundred dollars each one of these the 5 gallon HD jug orange is twenty four dollars so call it 25 75 bucks for three 150 if we can get six in the back so the goal today I want to be the first person to build a catamaran from recycled Goods on YouTube Go Dog Go For Real sometimes man you really just gotta go dog go big dog little dog big dogs and little dogs black and white dogs I felt weird saying that just because of the stick hello hello do you like my hat I do not goodbye goodbye I want to challenge myself I'm sick of building these boats faster than all these other cats in the game so we're gonna stick to the children's section that's not the boat I'm going to use but it's the right idea 500 bucks I need to figure out whole and propulsion so all I really planned out was getting these as a flotation device I don't know what I'm gonna use to cover the top but I'm sure we'll find something Walmart literally has everything one little dog going on three big dogs going out a rig dog in a blue tree a blue dog in a red tree a green dog over a tree a yellow dog under a tree think about it foreign about maybe getting like a cabinet or something that we could build on top a solid piece of wood would be nice this one's gonna have to float better than all the other ones we've made before because normally we go in ponds there's no current but this we're gonna have waves hitting it so it has to be a really sturdy build just gotta find something that can hold me up knocks in a box Fox and socks knocks on a flocks and socks in a box socks on knocks and knocks and box Fox and socks box and knocks chicks with bricks chicks with blocks chicks with bricks and blocks I thought about dude wow I really hate filled with these challenges in my hometown because I feel like I see everybody I know like a thousand people in my home today I'm going to be building a catamaran so basically it is a pontoon breeded with a sailboat we're gonna have a wide set of flotation platform then I'm gonna try to build some type of wind propulsion I think that's going to be the biggest thing today water is going to be ripping and if we can stay away from the side of the river that's what's going to take people down I know it is foreign [Music] that's me but instead of grass water that easy that is come give him a little price review real quick oh it's uh it's that three um a little more than I was I'm not gonna lie I thought it was 64. yeah not sixty four dollars leaves us one minute for like Math's sake so it is 240 and that leaves us we have a 500 budget so that's around we still have a little bit of money left so let's go see what we can find for propulsion [Music] hear me out man so these are on clearance for 44.88 so I saved five dollars what I could do is use a massive picnic table put it across the top drill down onto our flotation devices here and I feel like this would be sturdy enough to hold me so we have a six foot fold and a half table which is only forty five dollars I feel like that's a good price I kind of want to see how this thing looks but I was thinking guys 10 000 likes on this video and we'll do a Home Depot return palette build your own boat challenge you guys absolutely love the Amazon survival palette we did and you guys have been loving the boat build so why not combine the two and see if we get a 500 palette and challenge the boys to build a boat out of that 500 sounds like a lot but when you're building a catamaran not that much wine starting with our Associates dude I feel bad for you on that one I just left the same I don't even look at them bro I'm just that's the way to handle it because she was just like oh she said starting over there are social yeah or building a catamaran from storage containers I still have 260 dollars in the budget I need to figure out a generator slash power bank slash electrical thing to plug the blower into thing or I need to figure out maybe a dinghy and a boat challenge you want to do two boats in one challenge Mason what are you crazy yes come on follow me let's see here there it is let's see if you guys can see what I'm saying so this with basketballs hot glued and or duct tape all the way around it I think that's a winner if I could get my weight just like that might be perfect no oh someone already gave us women's open Instagram so what if we do it for like five more minutes and then we say like targets like lame no really oh yeah I'm so so sorry but it's a no gas I could like I could say Natalie's like the best manager ever that would be nice yeah no sorry it has to be a part okay I get it I understand it's my job it's my job uh I can't blame you I don't blame you all right we'll turn it off yep you have a good one we're actually just done anyways oh I'm so lying yeah I got you all right have a good one all right so when you go find our basketballs what the heck is that where are those bad men I know it was AO how could it not be you that man went and then full sprinted to The Other Side Story are we getting meme right now so we're currently outside of Walmart taking cover from the Seal Team Six that is chasing me around Walmart lady said I couldn't film we kind of just were low-key with the GoPros but we had three Walmart employees following us all the way outside and told us not to come back in with the cameras so what I'm gonna try to do is go back in with this camera kind of be low-key I need a couple more supplies for my boat the other boys are still in there I hope they're doing good right now I don't know which tops go with which dangerous dude these things we've used them in a couple boat builds and they are so [Music] Pete's my freaking Palm meat dude they're so buoyant man you don't really have to put a lot of work in the sealing these bad boys either we can find enough tops these are going to be the most buoyant bad Brands ever I think we're gonna need three of these per side we're gonna have to have one that is close in size but not the same size kind of sucks there we go candidates all right so these are our basketballs it looks like I'm gonna need two dude I got two so y'all get the idea like pop up two two two two two two we need 12 basketballs so me and Mr replacing Biz right now on DealDash which just so happens to be the sponsor of today's video so really quick how it works so every single bit on DealDash starts at zero dollars in every bit Place raises the overall price by one cent so you can start by buying vid packs which you could buy 10 20 50 or 100 of them then you can place biz on Whatever item you want so guys the first time I use this I actually won a watch so right now I'm also gonna bid on a watch we'll just put 20 bits here just to see it's kind of fun to get stuff for good deals this watch is currently going for 215. the overall price on this watch is one thousand seven hundred dollars so if you're the last bidder you could get something pretty pricey for a pretty low price I've seen things go for up to 99 off retail value such as like a 2019 Nissan Rogue S all-wheel drive sold for 803 dollars also Nintendo switch console neon blue and red guess how much wrong 17 that was gonna be my guess oh I also saw it and go for 17 so I knew the answer new users get ten dollars worth of free Biz with their first bid pack purchase using promo code fishing with Norm save up to 99 on brand new items and there's hundreds of auctions every day and free shipping why not try it in a 90 day money back guarantee on your first bid pack purchase no questions asked so guys thank you to deal with us for sponsoring today's video they will be linked at the top of the description make sure you guys use promo code fishing with norm and now back to the regular content does we earn a top secret mission right now yeah yeah we're trying to yeah we went out no we're buying all we're told we probably lost it thank you we had it out in the we went out to go grab our wallet in the garden section and they took this car so we were trying to find where our car was we need that yeah we're gonna buy everything think about it it's only an extra foot I think if we move them around properly it'll cover everything we need to and still hold me up honestly could probably hold everybody up if I build this the way I'm planning on is there somebody throwing something at us right now going on man almost got the wrong tops could have been catastrophic pretty sure there's some young men throwing things at me and they're not dollar bills I kind of just want to start taking my clothes off and see what they throw at me chatting around time baby some young people are throwing these little stuffed animals at me give me flashbacks from elementary school so we're going to keep some ammunition might have a fluffy pillow fight with some young men from Valley Alabama we'll see what happens well guys we found our car we got it back they took it out of the garden section and put it all the way in the back I just need to get carpet and you need to get out of here my boat build is not going as planned but they are on five-star recruit to get Norm out of the store so I'm just gonna get my stuff have you guys hanging down here in my pocket and finish this Pro build all right so we have nine balls we need one two three more that's like Disney Channel like where they count they're like how many balls do we need oh we need to find propulsion guys I don't know why I feel like I'm robbing a bank right now but this black rug right here I was thinking it would be like the top of a bass boat kind of like the carpeted it'd be a nice finish and feel good on my feet while we're out there fishing more of a decorative pick but if we have everything that's stable this I think will just kind of look cool and feel good we have the flotation that's going to kind of be the pontoons of the boat I don't even know if you call them pontoons probably call them catamarans but I'm from Valley Alabama so give me now we need the pole coming up for the sale maybe the Mast I believe and then we need a thinner platform that holds everything together thinking for the platform we can use these outdoor tables two of them should be plenty so this is going to sit directly between both pontoons and I hope this has the structural Integrity tearing my weight up I've also lost 10 pounds lately so if you guys struggle seeing me through the camera lens still here just a little bit lighter all it took was my friend's fat shaming me on the internet for three months max strength clear that doesn't matter two times stronger than whatever is two times weaker Crystal Clear again doesn't matter but also works underwater that's the big one it's two times stronger than whatever's not as strong and works underwater I'm kind of liking this tough wide get the most like grab on the basketball basketball I do remember there's a budget I'm just not accounting for it until we get up there to pay for all this stuff so dude I have no idea who that kid is but he just threw a football at me tend to get real upset I kind of enjoy it a portable used basketball goal so when you fill these things up right now it's super light used to hoop when I was younger it's kind of my thing I wanted to make it to the NBA prove everybody wrong but they were all right and my hopes are wrong we have the cell oh now we just need the actual sale I think I could use an outdoor tarp never sail before but it could catch wind so I want this thing to be manageable enough sales are supposed to be pretty big but I'm thinking a heavy duty torque so the wind doesn't tear it it's ripping out there today we do a six by eight that should be the perfect size because this can only reach six foot tall but now we're just going to need some strong enough paracord to hold this up and then I think that's going to be what saves us today I have no idea how to sail or how we're supposed to rig it up but I think that's going to give me the edge over these guys to actually steer these bows so we got everything we need basketballs tape bouncy house tub glue we should be good to go should have this boat floating I'm gonna have a few of these because I know every sailboat I've ever seen in a movie has a ton of cleats on it is this reggae it's an Airbnb or something man because I'm feeling it dude I've never felt this way about you until I heard the music still like me and you should probably just put the cameras up for a couple hours huh all right so now we have tarp rope to tie the tarp to our basketball goal then we have a platform with the catamarans structure and a way to put it all together feel pretty good [Music] all right guys we have made it to the river and we have everything we're about to build I ended up spending 230 dollars because I was scared of a lady kicking me out I took over the rest of your budget buddy appreciate it yeah and Mason has two votes so we're gonna get started building we have two hours to complete our build and then we're gonna drift down this River that is generating a ton of water and see who can catch the biggest bass you guys ready so ready all right three I'm ready two one go [Music] oh this is gonna be my dinghy that's my blow up rap come on get more zoom in real quick you guys already saw it so that's only gonna take a few minutes to blow up but first i'm gonna get these basketballs glued and taped on so they have time to dry while I build that let me grab my Gorilla Glue Oh no I got it on my fingers already low dude there's like not even near enough yeah turn yeah because when I walked up I was like I'm amazing oh no oh no oh my God it's so cool got a loser I get pranked right enough Shenanigans we are moving on to actually constructing the catamaran if you're seeing any of the boat bills that we've done before on me and Norm's Channel these little tough bin to floating down or floating on ponds rivers whatever boats we build come down to floatation this one's gonna have a little bit of style to it too I'm hoping we're gonna start out by laying out the catamarans getting them nice good Ward I actually went with slightly bigger containers than last time because I think they're gonna provide a little bit more buoyancy than the last ones that we got why don't you get right there for me huh come on yeah yeah right there so we're just gonna do one of these actions yeah bam oh that is I I yeah I just don't know like it made sense on paper but I didn't write any of this down so I don't think it makes sense at all all right so we have all the supplies here I ended up getting some Home Depot buckets sick we have one two three four five six seven five gallon buckets I was thinking about putting these at the end and then filling up the rest I didn't have a lot of time really think in the store because I was too busy feeling like a felon what this table is All I'm gonna have to stand on I probably should have got a couple but I didn't do that oh and then that action so they're touching yeah I'm not gonna lie this idea it's quickly deflating if you were wondering why I got 14 brooms this is gonna give us the structure we need to keep these catamarans together duct tape has made a lot of money off us lately all these videos we've been filming we probably made their stock price go up like double for real also I met a subscriber that told me to put dry coffee powder into Norm's boat apparently they make up a black powder powder powder and if you light it on fire it straight up explodes and I said I don't want to blow my friend up definitely would not want to eliminate the biggest competition we have all right so we're going to start by Drilling in all of these containers on the bottom kind of just like this so I have a whole line of them is a way more narrow platform than I thought it was going to be might just have to be a little bit stable on the river strut control Integrity baby we want the brooms on the side because that is going to be the weakest point of this build broom's gonna sit there it's going to stop these containers from just floating apart from each other [Music] foreign so first step of this build is to drill in every single lid to the bottom of our boat each of them comes kind of connected and we're gonna have to kind of screw all of them in and screw the lids on just because we're out of the supplies that we got but I think they took out of my cart because we do not have them here I think we can fit one two three four five six maybe eight of these things on there but we'll start by making sure these are secure and then drilling these in sideways just to hold it down to the table my only thing is this might be too buoyant and I might just tip over side to side I'll have to be extremely balanced first a single top and middle pulls together by balancing them on a scrap piece of wood on the ground okay I don't know why these guys are talking about how hard their boat bills are I definitely have the hardest one that is actually gonna maybe be a problem but other than that she's looking spectacular dude that's not even fair bro come on bring it up hey wipe the shoes off only the front pores Little Neck area you know probably like to hang out post up on my slide what's Up shorties this is like my casting platform who's eight pound or a pounder there's a little plug there I could let water into here this could be my live well it is leaking a little bit of air so I do think I actually have to leave this thing running which is unfortunate but that's all right it is gonna go scary wrong whether it floats with me on it is to be determined it's so not cool it's like you want to be invited to his birthday party as a kid and then you get invited to my birthday party and this is what it looks like [Laughter] all right have fun figuring that out dude I'm just gonna keep screwing things into my table so we are putting together ah the six and a half foot tall kids basketball goal which is going to be our Mast it's gonna sit in the middle of the boat we're gonna put the sail on it we're gonna fill this thing with water and hopefully tape it down strong enough so it doesn't flip over did you did you tie it off it's not that though like the material is porous so that's supposed to like stay plugged in yeah your birthday party lasted like 10 minutes bro so now what we're gonna attempt to do is screw on the main adjusts which are five gallons each to end they're gonna be 10 gallons the thing is I bought a lot of longer screws at Walmart for part of this and the lady took them along with a lot of my other supplies so we have some that Mason had in the back of his truck but they're only this long so we're gonna have to go in diagonal see if we can get through the orange and the white and the black to hold this thing together so we don't have them busting off in the middle of the river all right we're gonna go a little diagonal angle oh yeah yeah yeah girl yup you know I feel like I was kind of hated on this video the Walmart employees kind of preyed on my downfall but you know what in life you're gonna have haters and you're gonna have motivators but you got to learn not listen to any of them but yourselves yeah I think that's actually gonna do it my only worry now is the entry hole from the screws letting in water slowly over time I'm gonna make one from Crazy D's oh [Music] [Music] bro bro that was coming straight from my face this one's for you [Music] subscribe doesn't work out Trick Shot Channel Dude Perfect watch out ready oh dang that was close here we go that's what I do bro it's what I do I'm so serious with y'all man not even joking anymore did you say extra wetness that's exactly what I said all right so yes I'm working on screwing in uh my boat so how we have it four screws on the lid then four screws going around sometimes five on these bigger ten gallon ones couple things I'm worried about one when I'm screwing in these holes it's making holes inside the containers if I would have been able to seal it a different way probably would have been good other concern was these holes right here obviously you have to press the button for them to open but not necessarily watertight but what's really cool is I found when I'm drilling these things there's a ton of foam on the inside which I think will help me stay buoyant other not so cool thing these two are taller than all six of these so I'm afraid I might be doing a little bit of wobbling to left and right but besides that it's looking good I just gonna screw in the rest of these flip it over we're gonna add some carpet afterwards all right I'm taping every table up so that we don't have the issue of them coming undone also I'm going to tape this lock in place and hopefully it won't come unlocked give us a word tax evasion tax evasion my man's been over there I see his crack hanging this be going so hard my ears banging but it's gonna be in the water fish sliding in bite me on my net with them long teeth [Applause] Fame oh all right so bottom of my boat is done Zoo so we're gonna flip her over I want to see if there's screws sticking out how good my feet are going to be feeling I think these are going to be secure at least for a little bit yeah yeah there is so many screws there the problem is everything that I just screwed in they're gonna be secure but we got a lot of spikies a lot of potential tetanus so I got carpet which is going to be clutch we're going to cover this whole entire thing up won't even know they're there all right the platform is attached and weight test pretty big deal okay so don't jump just float if I if I step on this one it this is how we're gonna get down friend dude my biggest fear was these tables aren't going to be able to hold me and yeah we're just not gonna jump anymore because when I step on this one now so the platform is attached to our pontoons but what makes this an actual catamaran sale we're going to use this six and a half foot kids basketball hole this medium 10 by 8 foot torque is our sale I know nothing about sailing not claiming two I'm just gonna try to utilize this with absolutely no previous knowledge try to make this tell me down the river to get her arrested because these ideas are so good okay [Music] this is these are going to be my biggest advantage or my biggest disadvantage because if we have like a crazy Windstorm push in which it just got mad cloudy out here there's like 30 40 mile an hour winds I'm gonna have no control and have no idea what I'm doing and my mask can come over and just knock me my Snogging dude so guys I got to thinking we got the carpet done on top but these are going to have so much it's gonna be so buoyant I'm not gonna be able to stabilize especially if I said all kind of fish so what we're gonna do this could be the game changer this could keep me afloat or this could do the exact opposite and seeing me imma drill holes in the Middle with the thoughts that they'll fill up with water all over this point and hold just half the amount of air probably not gonna work but this is my only shot at floating I really wanted to get a couple more tables that lady kind of freaked me out when she came up and I built a boat one third the size that I should have so hopefully this works foreign [Music] I'm gonna try to make sure the holes are uh even just that way the water level is stable so I'm not you know a lot of water on one side not a lot in the other all right she's done you about done yeah yes sir all righty then you should touch his daddy decorations just want you to know that I'm better than you [Music] all right so all of our boats are built we have like 45 minutes to drove two miles down this River at full generation which means water's moving as fast as it does In this River at all times the water is freezing and our boats are not looking too amazing besides maybe yes mine's gonna deflate in five minutes like the value of the US dollar all right I guess uh three two one go I might just sit back and relax a minute and enjoy the out oh this is oh my God okay so far I think we're good thank you it's the tree dude no way that generator dies it's on half battery the whole thing's gonna go under like 30 seconds oh no come on girl all right it is deep land a little bit no no oh no oh my hook went immediately into the wrap all right I might have you help me out here okay grab my paddle and my rod and then give me a push okay oh goodness all right oh goodness it's your business partner oh no no oh I'm gonna stop I'm getting stabbed there's so many screws in my leg oh they're just not gonna work it's not going soon you sure I'm positive yeah you're flipping already dude come on dang it no no no no no no oh it's so cold it's so cold I should just grabbed a screw all the current is actually ridiculous I'm trying safer all right all right here dude that sucks man dude that's not even funny stay before my birthday this is my last day is 24. at least you're not dead well that's two videos in a row two boat build to grow I've been too buoyant and I've been on top and it's flipped me side to side I promise you guys if we do another one of these boat builds maybe that Home Depot palette I'll learn my lesson I think ao's is good enough for the two of us to hop on we might need to go see how Mason's doing he's either surviving or thriving or he's under the water guys I got two miles I have to go with this thing and uh I really don't want to get in this water so getting a little nervous uh luckily I think if I get out in the middle that'll give me enough speed to get just down these Rapids because this is kind of sketchy but kinda very sketchy yeah I was getting stabbed by Nails you see on my legs rude yeah let's get it dude let's get some fish ready come on girl float for me oh gosh all right oh she's chilling you want me to hop on first yes all right ready caught something good cool I'm so sorry dude oh I need to lose weight bye [Laughter] dude you are innocent let me grab the fishing poles because it's like 10 foot off the end of the boat I have an idea that we can make this work 40 minutes we can fix it yep well the more and more unconventional we try to go with these boat bills and do things we haven't done before the tougher and tougher they get because the more and more things we've run out of to build boats that might have been like a step like I maybe misstepped a little bit trusted my weight on the wrong part of the boot that's on me we're gonna try to fix it up and see if we can drift again so the problem that we had is the tables didn't distribute the weight enough we just gotta move to pontoons further in yeah that was down on my half but dude I'm glad you stepped in on me I really just I don't think I could ever be cool after that I could do the coolest thing in the world that clip will always be there and I'll never be cool Walmart employees knock you down you get back up you build a boat you get knocked down you get back up you hop on your buddy's boat you break it you get back up roll the story is never let anything knock you down and if it does knock you down don't be afraid to get back up freaking tell him bro put that on the T-shirt all right so closer together yeah you gotta find that happy medium too wide you lose your stability too close you lose your stability selfish man work two minutes all right new tactic oh dang it oh I'm getting wet oh oh there's this tree no no no no no no don't tuck me that way don't suck me that way oh golly oh my Booty's getting wet so I'm floating like in this little this is really pulling me in quick you know they say work uh smarter not harder Mason definitely worked a little bit smarter oh dang [Music] oh dang it this is not what you want out of your bouncy house boat oh we're sinking oh crap [Music] I made it probably a quarter of a mile eighth of Mile if that that's way out there the bridge and we were probably about 100 yards from the bridge this way and uh yeah so now I am stuck on this log oh you all right for real yeah all right guys it is the next day we tried fishing in this overnight we get something to fall a little bit slower in the water column it could help us out be in this dark only thing about a jig is it sits on the bottom maybe if we can put the moon between the bait and the fish we might have a little bit better luck didn't catch anything and we lost one of these main table pieces because a tornado came through last night right next to his house and ripped it off and just sent it flying to who knows where anyways Mason has work and it was working on cleaning up trees out of his yard it's gonna be a solo rep we're here at the river right next to a dam and there's so much dirty water from all the tornadoes coming through mudslides on the water it's got super dirty so I have a round trap tied on but I couldn't leave you guys without fish catch in this video so I'm gonna try to go out here and see what I can do in ayo's boat that's halfway together after the tornado let's do it oh man what we're flip on this one so there's like five different splits in the river the more I say the left the clearer the water's gonna be so I have to be doing a lot of paddling I got a lipless crankbait on just to try to cover a ton of water see what we can do I'm gonna try to grab battery out of the camera you guys looking at me now but you cannot see what I'm about to hit but it looks very gnarly I just don't know if I can even walk over there we're approaching a big thing of Rapids I did not know was here hey who dropped me here and said it's a good spot oh yeah we're getting sucked quick oh no I've made like one cast and we're already approaching a fat rapid oh dang it dang it dang it dang it I'm gonna put you guys on my hat cam oh oh got you guys on my head Mount I'm getting sucked into a tree right now oh I'm going down I'm supposed to go that way and I'm getting stuck down the wrong way no no I'm gonna hit the rapids oh that's oh that's not good okay oh Rod stalking the Rope over there golly dang it I'm supposed to be going that way my lipless crankbait is stuck in the rope tied around the front ah started oh my gosh I had one oh it was so hype I did not think I was gonna get bit oh my gosh I don't know what it was I don't know if it was like a crappie or a little striper or a spot it didn't feel giant but I had them on and he was right here next to the boat guys I got bit that is crazy dang it all right that makes me happy though it makes me know that at least they're not completely turned off dang it ah also apparently they're spotted bass in this River so there's like largies spotted bass like swanny Bass all different types of bassai I haven't really thought before or if I have my PB isn't very big it would be crazy to break a PB on a Walmart raft that's halfway working oh my calf is cramping all right guys I can't believe is this a fish oh I got one I got one again no way let's go let's go yeah stay on stay on please stay on please please I need you so much I need you so much yes [Music] it counts it touched the boat oh I gotta get back out there oh they're like loaded up on this point but there's no way I can paddle back to it that counts I caught one guys that counts that was about a three-quarter pound spotted bass and my boat just broke extra when I did that oh my gosh that so counts I don't even care what you gotta say it touched about I could have grabbed them I just didn't want to go in myself before this rapid oh it's like white cap and going down the Rapids boats all together surprisingly well and unwell at the same time it's like kind of hanging on for dear life but still working kind of like me anyways my birthday was like a couple days ago and uh Trey's birthday is today too he's coming up later today we're gonna film some videos so drop some happy birthdays for Trey down below he's turning the big 21. so yeah I'm sure that would make him really happy uh I'm in kind of like a dead area right now I feel like just by looking at it just super muddy water and Rapids I'm gonna wait till I get to the next like little pocket but I just want to say I appreciate you guys so much for watching my videos you guys truly make me super happy for being able to come and do this stuff I'm just floating down a river on some tubes and I just appreciate you guys so much for everything you've done for me and I can't wait to show you that's what we've been working on for this summer this year we've been really working to make some good videos I really hope you guys like them so just thank you guys once again for the uh for the opportunity you guys give me I've only gonna drift for a few more minutes looks really muddy up here and I hope that we find like a little clear section A lot of times this mug comes up then it dips off into a river I might cast this for fun but don't think anything's gonna happen
Channel: FishingWithNorm
Views: 402,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fishing, bass fishing, fishing challenge, 1v1v1, walmart, Walmart fishing challenge, fishing videos, outdoors, adventure, big fish, how to fish, fishingwithnorm, fishing with norm, how to, fishing tips, boat, boats, build
Id: h3M6CvjZ4JY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 11sec (2771 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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