~Home Canning Pork With Linda's Pantry~

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welcome back to the family so today is bringing along for another camping session and this time we're gonna be pressure canning so pressure canning is a really easy way to put top-quality food on your shelf and I look at it as repurposing because if I use my jars over and over and over again and my rings and so I feel like it's better for the landfills I'm not putting a bunch of tin cans in those landfills and we're utilizing stuff that we've hand-picked so I got these great buys on pork roast and I had them in the freezer once a shoulder roast and one was a fresh ham and I've got to make room for elk and I just got as akon food a haul in and so I need to can some of this up and have it on the shelf and this makes terrific bass for a posole it also makes a great barbecued pork sandwiches you just open a jar drain off your bra shred it up add some barbecue sauce and you're done it's that simple that's good my way okay guys so we're gonna be canning this pork now you can do it one of two ways we can either raw packet which is the simplest way at the moment right now that gets the job done pretty fast and I've done that in the past but I truly believe that if you take the extra time it takes to do one more step now it's a step you don't have to do later because what happens is that proteins that are in the meat and some of the stuff gets stuck on the jars and they're very difficult to scrub clean after they've you know it's been cooked on there basically and the meat doesn't tend to kind of mold into a big clump and it doesn't tend to stay in chunks as well plus I think the flavor is far superior if you par cook your meats first and so we're gonna Park hook it what I did with the bones out of these to roast is I cooked all night long I cooked a big stockpot to make some stock and I have a little bit of chicken stock in there as well for flavor and I put carrots and celery and onions and garlic and so I have this beautiful stock that's gonna go down over this pork in the jars and so we will have a choice we could actually make a stew like I said or we could do a soup anything you want with this so that being said I'm gonna put hot water over these lids we're gonna start packing our jars as soon as we get this part cooked it doesn't have to be cooked completely through so we're gonna stick it in that stock pot full of stock and and then we'll have to fish it out with a slotted spoon so I'll bring you back when we're filling jars all right guys don't forget check all the links that I've left for you in the description box below I'll have a link to my all-american canner which is the ultimate Cadillac of Kanner's I highly recommend that if you're shopping you go ahead and spend the extra money because it's worth it and it's the only investment you'll ever have to make this size is a 921 model and it it I can stack pints in there 16 to 18 pints 16 to 18 I think pints in there depending on whether they were widemouth or a regular and or 7 quarts alright guys we need to paint jars so now we're ready to fill our jars and we've got our pork that's par cooked you're gonna cook this till all the edges are opaque and you start getting that kind of the proteins releasing their foamy froth at the top just past that totally not fully cooked and we go ahead and get that down in our jar so you want to make sure that we have an inch of head space and that all of that pork is down below the level of liquid and here's my inch of head space perfect and it looks fantastic and head and white to inspect the rim of your jar wipe the rim of your jar and I used white vinegar grab a lid and we we're gonna do finger tight fingertip tight and that I mean that's it's on there what happens is during though pressure canning process these loosen up and I'll take them out of the canner and you can tell they're visibly loose it's mainly to hold this lid on and then when as they cool that vacuum gets created and it sucks that down and it seals and because your gasket is nice and soft during that process it seals beautifully so these are gonna go into the pressure canner I'm gonna let them come up to speed and right now the pressure canner is just at about a hundred and eighty degrees so until I get all these in there then I'm gonna put the lid on get it all the way up to speed till it's venting from the porthole on top and I'll show you that once it's Banting vent for a full ten minutes then put the weight on it and for my area I'm at forty five hundred feet above sea level I have to use fifteen pounds of pressure which brings that canner up to two hundred and fifty degrees and I don't know any bacteria that's gonna live through that so it's very safe alright so we're gonna move on to the next jar and I'll show you when it's empty so my canner has come up to temperature I've got a steady stream of steam here that I can feel so I'm going to start my timer and your timer goes for ten full minutes let all the air get pressure out of the canner so it can pressurize once you put the weight on so ten minutes and after the ten minutes then we'll put my weight on and it's got marks for five ten and fifteen fifteen pounds is what I need for my altitude so please check your manufacturer's instructions on how much water you should put in here because you never want to run one of these Cantor's dry or you'll ruin it and what the pounds of pressure you're gonna need for your altitude in the bulk eating book quite often it says ten pounds of pressure but you've got to adjust if you're higher than sea level basically so read up on that and I'll bring you back after this is done the weight will go on as soon as it comes up and this starts jiggling and my dial gauge says fifteen pounds I can start my timing and four pints it's gonna be seventy five minutes now I did have a few jars of just the stock and I went ahead and filtered that again through some cheesecloth so we've got meat and in broth and some broccoli our Tanner has come down off a pressure naturally never ever release it like a pressure cooker you can release the pressure but we've got glass jars in there all the jars would burst or all your liquid would come out of them so now we're gonna just open the canner and on these all-americans you want to open from across from each other and that is how you close these as well you've got these thumb screws and when you're screwing it down you do it a little bit and then a little bit because you don't want it caddywhompus if that makes sense let's get these off get my lid off and I have to scoot it towards me because of my clearance on the stove beautiful alright ooh it smells delicious you're always gonna have some liquid that's come out it when pressure canning already jars painting because there's so much pressure and it's boiling in there and it's gonna come up and over the lid so and that is okay by me lots of poppin this one well they're all gonna be boiling still in the jars for I've seen it boiling the jars for hours and we're gonna set these out on our towel and sometimes when you've got a lot of liquid and I think that's what I'm hearing there's three jars here that are broth and when you've got broth or stock because of the boiling look how pretty that came out I went ahead and ran that through cheesecloth sit and put it in the jars when you've got broth that's boiling it'll pop the lid up and down but eventually they seal as soon as that suction is created they're dancing alright let me get the rest of my jars out and then we'll see what we got all right guys we have 14 pints of pork that I can use for pulled pork soups stews casseroles you name it and it smells amazing I know it tastes good and then three jars three pints of stock to use in maybe one of those soups or stews or something else we may might need a little bit of stock for so I hope it inspires you to maybe try your hand at canning learn a new skill and be sure and check your resource books I usually go with the ball canning book putting food by there's the canning Bible there's a ton of resources and you can access all that online as well and through your local Extension agency so don't forget to read the manufacturer's instructions on your canner and if you don't have instructions because you bought it at a yard sale you can get those online as well alright guys I'll leave a link to the canner and maybe a bench scraper cuz I need one in the description box below and I'll see you next time thumbs up if you love tuning
Channel: Linda's Pantry
Views: 29,836
Rating: 4.9158635 out of 5
Keywords: Linda's Pantry, pantry food, food storage, food prepping, Canning (Product Category), Home Canning, Pork (Food), Food (TV Genre), Cooking, Recipe, canning pork, food, recipes, home canning, ball canning book, self reliant, Kitchen, Restaurant, Chicken, Bbq, Meat, Barbecue (Cuisine), Dinner, Eating
Id: dozvaNURpDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2015
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