Home Automation System using ESP32 with Blynk IR remote & Manual control Relay | IoT Projects 2021

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Hello friends, welcome to Tech StudyCell. In this video, we will make an ESP32 home automation system to control the eight appliances with the Blynk App, IR remote, and also from manual switches. and I have used just ESP32, a relay module, and IR receiver to make this project. so you don't need any custom design PCB for this project. let me show you how it works. First, I will control these lamps from the Blynk app and you can see I can easily control these lamps. I can use this button to turn off all the lamps. now let me use this IR remote to control the lamps and I can easily control it with the IR remote. and I can use this button to turn off all the lamps. and you can see the real-time status in the Blynk app. now let me use the manual switches to control these lamps. again you can see the real-time status as ESP32 is connected with the Wi-Fi. now let me turn off the Wi-Fi and show you how it works without the internet. now if Wi-Fi is not available the blue LED will automatically turn off. so I can control from the manual switches. as you can see I cannot see the real-time status as ESP32 is not connected with Wi-Fi. and I can also control it from the IR remote if the Wi-Fi is not available. now let me turn on the Wi-Fi again. now ESP32 will automatically connect with Wi-Fi and as you can see the blue LED turns on. so I can control it from the Blynk app again and you can see can easily control it. I can also see the real-time status in the Blynk app. So this a very useful IoT-based home automation project as you can control the appliances from anywhere in the world through the internet. and during the video, I will share all the details, circuit, code, so you can easily make this project after watching the complete video. so let's get started. to make this home automation project you need an ESP32, 8-channel relay module, and to control the appliances manually you can use the existing switchboard or push buttons. now we have to connect all these components as per this circuit diagram. in the circuit, you can see I have given the 5 volt supply to ESP32 and a relay module. These switches are connected across the GPIO pins and GND pin and the IR receiver connected with the GPIO-35. now if you use the push button, then you can refer to this circuit. To connect the appliances with the relay module you can refer to this circuit diagram. the circuit is simple, you can easily make the circuit. but as there are a lot of connections so to make the circuit compact, I have designed a PCB for this project and order it from the jlcPCB. but as I said you can also make this project without using any custom-designed PCB. but still, if you want to use this custom design PCB, then download the Gerber file from the video description and order it from the jlcpcb. you can easily order any custom design PCB from JLCPCB with three simple steps. first, upload the Gerber file of the PCB, then select the parameters like quantity, masking color. then place the order. if you select a faster delivery service, then you will receive the PCB within a week. and as you can see the quality of the PCB is very premium in this affordable price range. so you can always try out JLCPCB for any custom design PCB projects. These are the components required to make the circuit on the PCB and after soldering all the components the PCB will be looked like this. now I will connect the ESP32 with the PCB. Before programming the ESP32, I have to set up the Blynk app for this project. I will open the Blynk App, then tap on "New project". here I have to give the name for this project. you can give any name. then choose the device as "ESP32 Dev board", connection type should be Wi-Fi. now I will tap on "create". Blynk will send the Authentication Token to the registered email id which will be required in the code. now I will tap on "OK". Now I have to add 9 buttons. So, I will add 9 buttons from the "widget box". after that I will tap on the first button. In the PIN, I will let virtual pin V1. With this button, I will control the Relat-1. As I am using an active low relay module, so to turn off the relay I will send "1" and to turn on the relay I will send "0". and the MODE will be "Switch". Thus, I have configured the first button to control relay-1. in a similar way, I will configure the next 7 buttons with virtual pin V2 to V8 to control all the 8 relays. Now I will configure the last button with virtual pin V9. Let me tab on the button. and here I will select virtual Pin 9 or v9 and the mode will be PISH. I will use this button to turn off all the relays. and here I will type "ALL OFF". now I will exit from the setup. Let me resize the button. We have created all the widgets required for the Blynk. Here you can see I have connected the IR receiver with ESP32 as per the circuit. now I will connect the ESP32 with my laptop. These are the codes for this project. to download the code you have to visit our website iotcircuithub.com. I will share the link of the related article in the video description. then you can download the code from this button. now if you use the push button then you have to use this code. For the Switch, you have to use this code. and with this code, we can get the HEX code of the IR remote buttons. so first, I will upload this code to get the hex code of the buttons. you can see the code is very simple. Here, I am using GPIO-35 to receive the hex code. I will select the ESP32 board and a proper port. then I will hit the upload button. after uploading the code you have to open the serial monitor and select the Baud rate as 9600. now you can easily get the hex code of the IR remote buttons. you just have to press the button and you can see the hex code in the serial monitor. Here, you have to ignore the "FFFFFF". after getting the HEX codes, we can modify the main code. so this is the code for the switches and you need these libraries for this code. you can download it from the given links or from the include library menu. here you can see these are the GPIO pins, I have used for this project. and now I will update the Wi-Fi credential. here you have to enter the Wi-Fi name and the Wi-Fi password. now to get the authentication token sent by Blynk, you have to visit the registered email ID. just copy it and paste it here. now I have to update the hex codes for the remote buttons. so I will go to the Notepad file where I have saved all the hex codes. so this is the hex code of button-1. I will copy it and here I will paste it. in a similar way, this is the hex code of button-2, this is the code of button-3. so you can use any remote buttons. you just have to update the hex code of the button to control the respective relay. So after doing these changes we can directly upload the code to ESP32. for that, I will go to "Tools", select the board as "DOIT ESP32 devkit V1", and the proper PORT. After that, I can hit the upload button. I have connected these 8 lamps with the PCB as per the circuit. now let me turn on the supply. you can see the blue LED turns on. so I can control it with the Blynk. let me show you. now let me control with this IR remote and I can also control it from these Switches. you can also use the push button to control these appliances instead of switches. so this is a very useful project, you can control it with Blynk, IR remote, and from the manual switches. You can also join our Telegram channel Tech StudyCell to get different Home Automation ideas. if you like this project, then please hit the like button, and share it with your friends. don't forget to subscribe for more such Home Automation projects. thank you for watching have a great day.
Channel: Tech StudyCell
Views: 21,666
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Keywords: esp32, esp32 projects, internet of things, blynk, esp32 wifi, home automation, ir remote control, smart home system, iot, esp32 ide, blynk app, iot applications, iot platform, iot technology, home control, homeautomation, blynk esp32, home automation devices, relay, esp32 arduino, smarthome, esp32 dev module, ir remote sensor, iot devices, home automation system, iot internet of things, iot cloud, iot products, smart automation, techstudycell, iiot, best smart home system
Id: 2HxWGHXyCt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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