Making your first project on New Blynk 2.0⚡️

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in this video i'll let you know how to get started with your very first project using the new and advanced blink iot platform and while watching this video you'll be learning about what is a template and how to create our own template inside blink app what is a data stream and how to create a data stream how to add new devices inside our blink iot platform how to add wifi credentials over the air onto our esp-based boards and in the end we'll be making a very simple project of controlling an led using both mobile dashboard as well as web dashboard so this is kind of a very basic video just to get started with the new and advanced blink id platform so let's get started this video is sponsored by ltm which is a pcb designer based software company now if i tell you one very interesting feature of this software then here in ltm designer you can design rigid flex pcb now what is that so till now you must have designed the pcb which has like rigid like solid pcbs if you are not able to bend but here in ltm you can design a pcb in which some of the parts are rigid solid and some of the parts are flexible which can bend and the pcb can you know uh we can band it in a two-fold manner just like the modern day smartphone right so this is a really very trusting useful and unique feature of the software well you can also try out this and many other unique and interesting features of this designer software by just clicking on the link mentioned in the description yes by clicking on the link you'll get access to the free trial version of the software so go ahead try the free trial version of ltm designer software now to create a project inside the new blink platform you first need to configure your web dashboard and for that you have to go to website called as okay so here first of all you need to make an account in my case i already made it so i'll quickly log into my account so here is my blink dot cloud account basically blink web dashboard okay so here as you can see it says start by creating your first template now what is a template see previously for making the new blink based project we need to create a project inside the blink application and that project was dedicatedly made for only one single hardware device okay now in the new blink platform that concept is changed to templates so in the templates we need to add the same like variables widgets and everything the concept is same but by creating the template we can use that exactly same template in n number of device okay earlier we were able to join one single device but now by creating one single template we can implement this tablet may be in n number of esp32 boards or n number of node mcu both okay so that's the difference between the previous and this and new generation of the blank okay so now the question is how to create the blink template let me show you just click on new template now here you want to give a name to this template i will give the name as led blink because in the end we'll be making a project of blinking led okay uh the hardware device will be esp32 board in my case connection type is wi-fi and here we do add a description in case if you want i'll leave it as it is okay i'll click on the done button and it will create a template for me okay so this is the template now here inside the template we can add multiple information just like the template name hardware that we already decide or already given here we can provide a category to it is it a fan it is a doorbell is it a sensor anything like that okay so if you want to add a category you can add this category here i will give the category as light okay straight after that uh into the next section we have a metadata concept now metadata is considered to be the additional data which we are giving to our product or project okay just like what is the name of that particular device that we are using who is the owner of that device where is the location of this particular thing time zone hotspot name everything so this is all the additional data which is given to the device to make its own unique identity okay so by looking at the metadata we can you know come to know what's the purpose of this particular project okay so this again is an additional thing if you want you can you can give it if you don't you can leave it okay i will leave it as of now next come is the data stream okay so what is data stream so earlier we were having the concept of adding digital pins and virtual pins so first of all the concept of digital pins is completely removed from the new blink app so there is no more digital pins as of now only virtual pins and some more pins they have added okay so digital pins is completely remote and to add those virtual pins we have to create a data stream for that i'll let you know how to create it and in the meantime you will come to know what's the concept of data stream okay i'll click on new data stream and here as you can see there are three options available is it a virtual pin is it enumerable or is it a location as of now for our project we'll be creating a virtual pin now the concept of virtual pin is familiar to all the blink users so no need to explain it okay so let's give the name to this particular pin i'll give the name as led pin okay after that the virtual pin will be v0 you can select any of the virtual pin again same as the previous one now this time we are asked to provide a data type is it an integer a double or a string so whenever you want to just pass on the integer numbers like 0 1 2 3 select integer whenever you have to pass the decimal numbers like 0.001 stuff like that select double and whenever you're passing the statements select the string in my case as we want to just turn on and off the led so zero and one so we'll select integer okay now here you can decide the minimum and the maximum range of this particular variable in my case zero and one is completely fine you can also add a default value i'll add the default value as zero okay that's it i'll click on the create button it will create a data stream for me so data stream is basically that same virtual pin that we are creating okay i hope now you're clear of the data stream concept okay after that we have a section called as events now this is something which i think should be covered in maybe some upcoming videos because this is not something basic this has some like advanced features so we'll skip it as of now then comes the web dashboard so in my introduction view as i said we have now two kinds of dashboard the mobile dashboard and the web dashboard and both can be separately configured to control the appliances okay so we can control the appliances with the help of this laptop as well as the mobile phone earlier it was just using the mobile phones okay so let's just configure the web dashboard so for the web dashboard we have very limited number of widgets we have no more fancy widgets here because hey come on web dashboard are provided for all the professionals or the uh what you can say admin peoples okay so what i'll do i'll quickly add a switch here okay and click on the setting icon to configure it i'll name this as led and we'll choose the data stream as virtual pin v0 okay now i think you will be completely clear with the data stream concept okay so for the on value will be one and the off value will be zero i'll keep it as it is and click on the save button so with this we have configured the web dashboard and we can like send the data zero and one using this button but we won't stop here let us move on to the next part which is the mobile dashboard now mobile dashboard can be configured inside the mobile only okay so now what i'll do is uh before moving to the phone side i'll quickly click on the save button to save all the configurations okay so now i'll click on the info button so with this we have completely configured the blink web dashboard okay now we are left with the coding part and configuring the blink mobile application now first we'll go with the coding part let me show you the steps for that so for the coding first we need to have the latest blink library and for that you need to go to this github repository which link is mentioned in the description after that you just need to download the zip file of this particular library after downloading just open up arduino go to sketch into include library into add zip library go to downloads and here just search for the file which you have just downloaded after that select this file and click on the choose button to add the library onto your arduino ide in my case the library is already added that's why it's showing this error after adding the libraries go to files into examples into into blink into blink.agent and adjust esp32 because i will be uploading the code into my esp32 board okay i'll maximize this window now here it is asking to provide the information of template id and the device name so earlier we need to provide the authentication token now to upload the credentials over there you no more need to add the authentication token rather you could provide this to uh information which can get it by going into the web dashboard so here is my web dashboard here inside the info section here are the two details i will simply click here to copy the code go back to the arduino code and i will simply paste that thing here that's it now what i'll do i'll add a code here to uh change the status of an led as soon as i receive signal on virtual pin v0 now the code is exactly the same that we were doing inside the previous version of the blink library okay let me show you the steps so by adding this function you'll be able to receive the data coming on virtual pin v0 okay so now what i'll do is after receiving the data i will be uh directly sending this data to pin 15 of my sp32 board and whatever the data is i'll be simply sending it to my pin 15. after that here i will declare pin mode as 15 comma output okay with this i'll be able to turn on and off the led based on the virtual pin v0 data that's pretty much it now i'll select the right board which is do it as it will get v1 right port which is not at all connected let me just connect my esp board okay now i'll select the right board and directly hit the upload button so with this we are completed with the coding part as well now we are left with to configure our blink mobile application and also to add the wi-fi credentials to our esp32 board because you notice we haven't provided the wi-fi credentials inside the code because we'll be providing using the app so let me show you the last step as well so first of all you need to download the new blink application which is available for both android and ios i'll be leaving the link for both the platforms in the description so you can download it after downloading you need to log into your account so just log into the same account which you have created inside your uh blink web dashboard after logging in you will be getting a page like this okay so first of all if you're not able to see this development mode what you could do is you have to click on this icon go inside my profile and you just need to turn on this developer mode to become the developer of your particular blink project okay after that what you do is you need to click on add new device okay so now you need to bring the esp32 board which you have just programmed closer to your mobile phone after that click on the ready button now it will automatically find the nearby hotspot created by the esp board let's click on join button after that it will join the hotspot of the esp board and now we can easily enter the wi-fi credentials of our wi-fi router in my case i'm having only one wi-fi network nearby i'll click on it and i will add the password of this particular wi-fi network after that just click on continue and now this will be sending the wi-fi credentials directly to my esp32 board and after that as you can see now it is asking us to name the device i'll keep the name as it is click on continue and click on done i'll click on exit to app because i don't want to add new device and we are done with adding the wi-fi credentials to our esp32 board now our esp32 board is connected with the wi-fi network and it is now ready to talk to the blink cloud server okay so now we are left with the very last step which is to configure our blink mobile dashboard and for that you just click on this icon after that just step on the screen and as you can see here are all the widgets which you can use they've removed couple of widgets and they've added a couple of widgets as well for our basic project i'll be adding the simple button here and after that i'll tap on the button to configure it so it's exactly the same as previous one you can name this button so here previously we were asked to add the digital or virtual pin but now everything is changed to data stream so i'll click on data stream and i'll select virtual pin visor which is the led pin i want to change the mode to switch and on off label will be on and off that's it okay and here we can also change the color so new blink platform has all the widgets customizable we can change the color we can change the text size everything okay so yeah that's pretty much it click on the cross button and click on the cross button again and we have successfully configured our blink mobile dashboard as well so now we'll be able to send the data using the blink mobile dashboard and when you click on the back button you will be redirected to the home page where you'll be able to see the number of devices as of now we have only one single device that's why it is uh in displaying only one single device here okay now here's one very interesting thing inside the new blink platform you can add a single button or a display inside the main device screen let me show you just click on this button just long press on this icon and here you'll get a window like this now here you can also change the icon of this particular thing i'll change the icon to bulb if it is available so it's not available so i'll change it to light maybe yeah bulb is here okay so i change the icon of this main device now here i can tap on this three icon and i will click on change style type here i can choose any of the type now i'll be choosing the type as button because i want to i make this icon act as a button i'll select a button here i select the data stream as v0 because i want to send the data to the virtual pin v0 and it will be acting as a switch and we can change it to square or circle if you want and we can change the on and off colors as well that's pretty much it i'll click on the cross button click on the cross button again and as you can see now i can also control the led by just clicking on this button i no longer need to go inside the device i can control or interact with my led by just clicking on this button so this kind of useful feature when you want to you know control only one single device you no longer need to press this and go inside and scroll the widgets just tap here and the things will be done so that's pretty much it everything is done like web web dashboard is done mobile dashboard is done and the coding is done now we just need to see this project in action so now here i have connected the led to the digital pin 15 of my esp32 board and now let us see if it can be controlled with a mobile app or not as you can see i'm able to control the led from this uh we can say tile you can see okay and when i go inside this device i can still control this led with the help of mobile dashboard so yeah it's perfectly working now let's just test it with the web dashboard okay let's check it out for the web dashboard you first need to click on this icon and you need to go inside the device as you can see the led widget appears here let us test it out if it works or not okay as you can see i'm able to control the led with the help of the web dashboard as well and along with this i'm also getting the real-time status of the web dashboard onto my mobile dashboard okay so this all is in sync because all widgets are connected to the virtual pin v0 okay so i'm able to do my first ever project with the help of the new blink app so yeah that was all about our very first video on how to use the blink app to add a new device and a new template i hope you enjoyed it and got to know something new from it now are you interested in learning more about using the new blink app and learning its new features well if is it so consider subscribing this channel because i will be definitely creating way more videos of this new blink platform that being said do like the video if you really loved it and now just wait for my next video to explore learn share with me techy sms
Channel: techiesms
Views: 51,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blynk 2.0, New Blynk, Getting started with new Blynk, Datastream, Blynk dashboard, Blynk edgent, New Blynk library, Esp32 projects, IoT projects
Id: IKbbvEzZ7wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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