Home Automation with Tasmota using ESP32 Alexa voice control relay & DHT11 sensor | IoT Project 2021

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Hello, friends welcome to Tech StudyCell in this video will make a very useful Home Automation project using the Tasmota and ESP32 to control 8 appliances with Alexa and also from the manual switches. to make this project I have just use ESP32, relay module, and DHT11 sensor. You don't need any coding knowledge, anyone can make this project within 5 minutes. I have not used any third-party app to make this project, and I will share the complete circuit diagram and all other details but before going to that, let me show you how this project works. "Alexa turn on Outdoor Light", you can see the lamp turns on. now I can also control it from the Amazon Alexa app. now let me control it from the manual switch, and you can see the real-time status in the Amazon Alexa app. let me turn it on, and you can see the status updated. in a similar way I can control all the lamps from the manual switch and also from the Amazon Alexa app. let me turn off all the lamps. you can see all lamps are turning off one by one. and you can also control these lamps from the Tasmota dashboard. you can also monitor the real-time temperature and humidity from the DHT11 sensor. let me control it from the Tasmota dashboard. and you can see I can easily turn on and off the lamps. let me turn off the lamps from the manual switch and again you can monitor the real-time feedback in the Tasmota dashboard. now let me turn off the Wi-Fi and show you how this project works without the internet. after turning off the Wi-Fi I can only control these lamps from the manual switch. there is no specific ON/OFF position. whenever you press the switch the current state of the lamp will be changed. so you can see I can control lamps without internet. you can also use the push-button for that. now let me turn on the Wi-Fi again. after turning on the Wi-Fi the ESP32 will automatically connect to the internet. then again we can control appliances with Alexa. "Alexa turn off all the lamps" and you can control these appliances from different Wi-Fi networks with Amazon Alexa app. only the ESP32 and ECHO DOT should be connected with the same Wi-Fi network. so this is a very useful Home Automation project and I will really appreciate it if you support us on Patreon. I will share all the links in the video description. now without any further delay, let's get started... To make this project you need the ESP32, 8-channel relay module you can use your existing switchboard or you can also use the push button to control the appliance manually and this is optional if you want you can use this DHT11 sensor, and to control appliances with Alexa, you need an ECHO DOT or any other Alexa device. now I have to connect all these components as per this circuit diagram. in the circuit, you can see I have given the 5 volt supply to ESP32, DHT11 sensor, and relay module, and these pushbuttons are connected across the GPIOs and ground pin. now if you use switch, then you can refer to this circuit. you have to connect the switches across the GPIO pin and ground pin as per this circuit. and to connect the appliances with the relay module you can refer to this circuit. ESP32 GPIO will be connected with these control pins and these are the AC appliances connected with the relay module. now if you want to use a 4-channel relay module can you can refer to this circuit to connect 4 channel relay module with ESP32. as you can see there are a lot of connections to make the circuit compact, I will use this PCB for the project, but you can use the ESP32 and relay module to make this complete project. now let me connect the ESP32 with the PCB then I will connect is DHT11 sensor. now we can connect external switches with the PCB using these pins. you can directly connect the switch or any other external switch with these pins. but here I will control the relays from these push buttons. but as I said you can use both push-button or switch to control the relays as per your requirement. now I will connect the ESP32 with the laptop to flash it with Tasmota firmware. for that first, you have to visit this article. I will share the link in the video description. then click on these two buttons to download the Tasmota firmware and the flashing tool. for this project, I will use this tasmota32.bin file. Let me click on this link to download the file and I will use this ESP Flasher tool to flash the ESP32. You can download the tool as per the system you are using. here I am using Windows 64-bit systems, so I will click here to download the ESP flasher. after that let me go to the download folder, and here you can see, you need just these two files to flash the ESP32. now let me open the ESP Flasher tool. we have already connected the ESP32 with the laptop so let me select the COM port. then click on browse, and select the tasmota32.bin, which you have just downloaded. then click on open. after that click on this "Flash ESP" button. now I have to press and hold the boot button of ESP32. now you can see the flashing process started. it may take some time. after the flashing complete, you will find a hotspot name and IP. Now we have to connect with this Hotspot and enter the IP to update Wi-Fi credentials. So I will click here and here you see, I have to select this Hotspot and click on Connect. it Will redirect to this page where you can update the Wi-Fi credentials. but if you face any issue then just copy this IP then go to the browser and paste it here, and press the enter. again you can access this page then enter the Wi-Fi name and password after that click on Save. you have to copy this IP then again connect with the Wi-Fi. Then paste the IP in the browser. and here you can see this is the Tasmota dashboard where we will do all the configuration. first, I will click on this "configuration", then click on "configure module", so here you can see you can configure all the GPIO of ESP32 from this window. let me open the Notepad file and here you can see the GPIO pins connected with the relays and these are the GPIO pins connected with the switches or push buttons. so first, I will configure all the GPIO connected with the relays. let me go to the browser, relay-1 is connected with the GPIO-23, so here I will select Relay_i as I am using the active-low relay module. if you use the active-high relay module then just select "Relay" here. So let me select the "Relay_i" as I am using an active-low relay module. and here I will select "1" as this is the first relay. now, relay-2 is connected with the GPIO-22. so here I will select "Relay_i" and this is a second relay, so I will select "2". in a similar way I have to configure all the GPIO pins connected with the 8 relays. So here you can see, we have configured all the GPIO pins connected with the relays. again I will go to Notepad. now I will configure all the GPIO pins connected with switches. as per the circuit, GPIO-13 is connected with Switch-1. so if you use Switch (latched), then you have to select "switch" here. but as I said here I am using buttons so let me select "Button" here. this GPIO pin is connected with the first button/switch. so here "1" is selected. The GPIO-12 connected with the switch-2, so again here I will select button and here I have to select "2". and as I said if you use switch then select the Switch at this place. In a similar way, I have to configure all the GPIO pins connected with the buttons. after that, I have to configure the GPIO-16 where the DHT11 sensor is connected. if you want to use any other sensor then select the sensor from the dropdown. let me select the DHT11. now after doing all these configurations, you have to click on the Save button. then click on the main menu. In the Tasmota dashboard, you can now monitor the temperature from the DHT11 sensor. please ignore the ESP32 temperature, this is not accurate. and here you will find the 8 buttons to control relays from this dashboard. let me press these buttons to turn on the relays. here you can see if I press the button respective relay turns on. let me turn off all the relays from the pushbuttons. and you can monitor the real-time feedback in the Tasmota dashboard. Thus you can easily control the relay module from this dashboard. now let me connect Amazon Alexa with Tasmota to control the devices with Alexa. for that again I have to click on this "configuration". Then I have to click on "configure other". here we have to enter the friendly names for all the devices. let me enter Smart home here, this is a project name. then let me enter the friendly name for the first device. Alexa will identify the first device with this name. so whenever you say "Alexa turn on study lamp", it will turn on the first device. In a similar way, you have to enter the friendly name for all the devices. you can give any name as per your requirement. after that you have to select the "Hue Bridge multi-device". then click on "Save" then go to "the main menu". now let me quickly configure the Amazon Alexa app to add all the Tasmota devices. First, I will open the Amazon Alexa app then go to the “Device”, then tap on this "+" icon and select "Add device", then tap on the "Light" then select "Other". now tap on the "Discover devices". during this time the ESP32 echo dot and the smartphone should be connected with the same Wi-Fi network. you can see Alexa found 8 devices. Now I will go to "Devices", and in the "Lights" we can see all the devices connected. now let me control it from the Amazon Alexa app. and you can see, I can easily control it with the Amazon Alexa app. now let me connect the smartphone with the different Wi-Fi network. let me turn off the Wi-Fi and turn on the mobile data. and you can see still I can control the relays from this Amazon Alexa app. So if the echo dot and the ESP32 should be connected with the same Wi-Fi network, then you can control this device from the Amazon Alexa app from anywhere in the world. now I will connect the eight lamps with the relay module as per the circuit diagram. as you can see I have connected these lamps with the relay module as per the circuit. "Alexa turn on outdoor light", "Alexa turn on Studio light". I can easily control it with Alexa. now let me control these lamps from the pushbuttons, and again I can easily control all these lamps. so this is a very useful Home Automation project you can make without writing a single line code. and you can also join our Telegram channel Tech StudyCell for more such Home Automation ideas. I will share the link in the video description. If you find this video helpful in please hit the like button and share it with your friends and don't forget to subscribe for more such videos. thank you for watching have a great day.
Channel: Tech StudyCell
Views: 16,820
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Keywords: tasmota, tasmota esp32, tasmota sensor, esp32, home automation, alexa, echo dot, iot, internet of things, smart home system, esp32 projects, tasmota alexa, alexa home automation, sensor, DHT11, homeautomation, sonoff tasmota, smart home solutions, tasmota devices, tasmota firmware, best smart home system, smart house devices, tasmota supported devices, alexa smart home, voice control, techstudycell, tasmotizer esp32, alexa light switch, smart home installation, internetofthings
Id: 1y0F6TipJxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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