My biggest Home Automation project using ESP32 | IoT Projects | ESP32 Projects | Ubidots | LCSC

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hello everyone on this video I will let you know how to make your own home automation project using which you can control not four not eight not 12 but up to 16 appliances over internet from anywhere in this world so let's get started [Music] so for making this project you will need these many components which includes one ESP 3/2 board as a central controller 16 pcs of 5 volt relay bc547c stirs 1 & 4 double zero 7 diodes 330 ohm resistors and to pin terminal connectors then you will need 1 buzzer and one socket for power input and the connections of all the components are something like this now here I have used this 5 volt 2 ampere power adapter which is sufficient for providing power to all 16 relays in the circuit diagram have shown the connection of only one relay with ESP 3/2 so that the diagram looks neat but with the similar connections you can attach up to 16 relays at 16 different pins of ESP 3 2 and I also attached one buzzer at e5 pin which will give feedback of Internet connectivity now to arrange all the components in a specific order and make the project look neat I design my own PCB on easy idiot calm and gave its order to GLC PCB directly you can do order these same PCB whose design link I have attached in the description of this video just go to that link download the gerber file and upload it on jlc PCB now after selecting the masking color just pay for your order within couple of days you will be receiving this amazing PCBs at your doorstep so try out DLC PCB wants to make your projects look neat and more professional if you want the PCB of this project or any other project then I am giving away free PCBs with every technique as masti should order to select the project name whose PCB you want on the t-shirt order form and you will get the PCB absolutely free with techie SMS t-shirt link for t-shirt order is in the description of this video coming back to the video now one by one I shouldered all the components on the PCB I have placed this puzzle in between the ESP 3 2 pins and for ESP 3 2 I have used this female bug strip so that I can easily add remove ESP three-two from it after shouldering all the components our project looks something like this neat and well arranged now let's jump to the coding part so this is the code for our project in this code you need to make very little changes first of all give your router SSID name and password here so that our yes the three two board can talk to Internet then here you need to provide one token number for ayaats account so let's first configure our widows account go to the you better calm and make an account here after making an account you get a page like this now click on devices and devices again then click on create device select blank here give a device name as ESP three two now click on create button so you successfully created the device now go inside this device here little add some variable so click on add variable button select raw and give it a name as relay fun similarly will the creating 16 different variables and we'll give them name from relay 1 to relay 16 after successfully creating the variables click on the you brats logo which will open the home page now here click on add new widget select switch click on add variable go inside the CSP 3 2 and select relay 1 now here right the off message as 0 and on message as 1 and in the end give the button name as delay 1 this will create one on/off switch for relay 1 similarly we will be creating all 16 switches for different variables so that's it this is all you need to do under your rubrics account now we have to enter the token in the code and for that click here and select API credentials now click here to copy your account token go back to your core and peace that token here that's it this is what you need to change here in the core rest of all the things will remain same the relay pins are defined here so make sure you attach all the relays at proper pins now in the end the buzzer is attached at defy pink here the buzzer gives the feedback about the immunity broker connection if our device gets successfully connected to immunity broker then it will give a long burst of one second and if the device is not connected to the internet or to the servers and the buzzer will burst for two times with a 200 millisecond dealing rest of the code is for receiving the data from ng DT brokered and giving command to the relays according to the data received now let's the selector ace23 to board and click on the upload button now if we haven't used the east with youtube or before and don't know how to program it using you already know then kindly watch out this video in which i have explained how to get started with ESP 3 - using arduino ide so the code is successfully uploaded now here I inserted the yeast we 3 2 on the PCB then also made the electrical connection between the planes' and the relay according to this circuit diagram so here for the demo purpose I have used the 7 appliances right now but you can go up to 16 now before closing the box let's see if the code works or not as you heard a long beep which reveals that it got successfully connected to you but not server now when I tried switching the relays I found that the 7th relay was not working and when I opened the PCB design I found one very silly mistake in my design here this two parts are getting short and due to this the seventh relay is always on and not getting signals from my ESP three - so what I did is I just scratched and remove the paths from here and here then I connected one jumper wire on the back and then the 7th relay was also started working but you don't need to worry I will connect the PCB design and then upload it on my area account so that if you order with my PCB design you be getting any mistakes now let's close the box connect the appliances and see everything in action so our project is perfectly working I hope you like this project and got to learn something new subscribe my channel if you haven't to watch more such amazing project tutorials other than project tutorials I also used to upload some getting started videos on electronic components or products some explained videos on different technology or sensor and some short but useful tips and tricks so just wait for my next video until then explore learn share with me take ESS [Music]
Channel: techiesms
Views: 630,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esp32 projects, iot projects, internet of things, esp32 tutorial, ubidots mqtt, ubidots projects, ubidots tutorial, esp32 home automation, mqtt esp32, ultimate home automation
Id: HK3qpyeSOcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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