Movieland Wax Museum (Niagara Falls) Tour & Review with The Legend

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so right now we're coming at you from Clifton Hill and me and Molly are gonna walk around the Movieland Wax Museum first of all love the Marquis Street is a boy Captain Jack but you should see what you saw but he's also facing the street for Zach here is Taylor Swift all right guys we're not gonna take you on a walk tour experience here at movie land it is quite the place kind of a standard wifey's they stuff over here with the bay like a ward show kind of thing with Meryl Streep and Robert De Niro will say a lot of these celebrities don't quite look like the celebrities yeah but that's what makes it kind of fun and I mean that there's sometimes it looks great like I love the Iron Men exhibit here I remember II yes everyone's favorite Iron Man film iron Patriot Iron Man Tony Stark and the pretty cool exhibit any wax museum the feature is moving props who works for me I have never seen Moulin Rouge so I hate it fantastic all right moving along thee The Blues Brothers have seen better days daddy that's a rough look and now Jimmy Fallon one thing like this is a cool photo op it does it makes us feel like we're back home at Universal Orlando all right Molly what's worse his wax figure or his ride right ride okay and that hit might be his ratings now and then you got Colin Farrell for everyone's favorite Colin Farrell food movie phone booth up moving into the pumping station it's also entering like this museum has a weird collection like old characters and new characters but you have this straight up like 90s movie style Turtles movie no those are pretty solid films is secret news those are cool now they kind of took the Avengers poster and then photoshopped Batman and the Joker in do it they've got Batman stuff over here now what sound like Jack Nicholson's Joker there yeah that's a solid eh that's a solid wax figure of Batman maybe not as much Oh looks like there's people taking a boat up no if it's the same trope they do it a lot of the wax museums where these dude they're not real people but they do those the flash effect that works and one thing I like about this museum they have a lot of like laser beam style effects so when you walk by sound effects will happen or things will start moving and then you get weird stuff like Will Smith in Hancock but I also love the theming level on here like it's a pretty good job of themed entertainment you got mr. Chi and then something that kind of surprised us you got Arnold as the Terminator how does it beat the Arnold half of the face looks better than the Terminator half the face then other stuff just like stuff that doesn't age - well like everyone's favorite film swordfish I did play this game earlier and it didn't make all the sense not at all all right you got Christopher Reeve Superman and then Matt Damon from the Bourne franchise you loved those movies no or maybe this movie maybe it was the one he wasn't in yeah he still looks better than the Obamas who are sitting here on the bench next to the Godfather now you try to make sense of that and then you got some interesting stuff like here's stars of the Bollywood scene and then which makes sense being uh like we've been at Niagara Falls for about 24 hours now and there were people here from like every single nation in the entire world so to appeal to all nations makes a whole lot of sense I got a photo op over here at Forrest Gump see Molly you could sit on that bench and then be conveniently separated by Plexiglas from Forrest himself it looks even worse over here cuz there's this John him PT but still might look better than old happy gilmore here I mean there we go they got his nose in his shirt they don't even have him with like the club with like the hockey stick at the end of it move it along looks like we're going into a house and a house of Austin Powers jewelry Shack now shall we shiny 90/10 probably well I mean there's nobody here right now moving on is fatal attraction never seen it no okay moving on and then there's just like weird stuff like there's a window so you open it up and it's up oh it's that part of the museum we were just in there's running water coming from this direction so this is actually one of my my favorite effects in this video first of all you got Hercules but let's not talk about her I love the predator and then the predator is gone because it's foes predator an invisible predator that's fantastic PR running waterfall over here Indiana Jones is for some reason straddling the back of an airplane and very surprised Lara Croft Tomb Raider alright I'm gonna go in this tent and it's King Kong there we go King Kong in a tent in case you're curious King Kong was from King Kong the movie I know all right we got some cool stuff over here we've got Tom Cruise from The Mummy not good but any talking giant trying I'm all in for it and then my favorite star in Hollywood Dwayne the rock Johnson from from welcome to the jungle sequel I guess there is a sequel coming out soon and then there's a hippopotamuses eating Jack Black Rock those rock looks pretty good definitely one of the better figures I will say as a big wrestling fan there is no Brahma bull tattoo I don't think you had it in your movie you might not have had in the movie but still if your wax museum people are expecting either the old or the new probable tattoo okay maybe I alright there's probably at least one other person here is well there's they're probably used to be something there you know the theming of the caverns and stuff cuts right up against the the neighborhood village we were in earlier and now we're in a castle with Harry Potter now Molly you're the by far the biggest Harry Potter fan I know and what do you think about the resemblance to mr. Radcliffe here definitely spot on spot on yeah yeah about 100 percent they they nailed it yeah almost as much as they nailed Frodo I mean ya know it doesn't look bad and gowns too small by hiding in the corner and then what's behind us oh uh you know Harry Potter and photos good friend Braveheart let's go without any makeup stoolies gotta make Simon yeah like that those kind of make sense of nerd culture but uh man they're not the only odd bedfellows as we go over here as things keep getting weirder here there's a whole bunch of large bears which kind out one of these I feel like those were in like those bunch stores and maybe they got it from a fudge store that went out of business but here sharing a porch for some reason is dr. Doolittle and Twilight okay you got me and and thumper good bird definitely a Disney funny or a knockoff Disney bunny you've got Hunger Games ET mr. Beatty looks good all right as we move along let's see what's next we've got Garfield solid right across from Garfield is the seven dorms and they have kind of a cool feature here where you push a button to find out which one's wish thinking she wouldn't know I mean obviously Yomi except for grumpy you should have to figure out who's grumpy is man this is quite the thing oh my goodness that insane looking Ace Ventura doing weird hand stuff to its white light yeah all right let's see what's up next The Wizard of Oz fabulous except that works for you she looks very mannish now that I won that's a really cool like Pepper's Ghost hologram effect that is really cool oh no no I I don't even know what happened here this is like act like a twisty drug dream of what this Susan's look like mark is the baddest Elsa yeah I mean at least you get to sit in the couch with them so that's cool yeah I grab a bit other things like the chalkboard and then of course the Simpsons share a room with the alien from Mars Attacks another cool interactive here where you get to see who voiced who won The Simpsons so like fancy car ride was Bart and Ralph Wiggum a Maggie dan Castellaneta was a whole bunch of people tonight that's a really really neat feature all right now we move on to everyone's favorite Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks next to Darth Maul first we walk past Batman and Darth Vader's here and Yoda and I don't know what's going on with Chewbacca he's hiding in a box and looks horrible Jar Jar he's here yeah they really dull down on the episode one didn't they I'm guessing probably that's supposed to blow up her dress and it's not working yeah all right we've got Ocean's eleven no not the strongest of wax figures yes like Brad Pitt doesn't look terrible yeah now we'll say like Vinnie's foot over here looks pretty solid I will say yeah I am quite thoroughly enjoying this wax museum as we move into classic comedy theater and there's like benches and stuff you can sit down and watch do with it old timey comedy were talking we're slowing because museums about Laurel and Hardy the next room is the music room oh yeah I think out of everything in the museum this terrible Justin Bieber might be my favorite thing pretty cher is falling over Miley Cyrus's I don't know vo she's Hannah I'm sorry it's Hannah Montana Shania Twain is looking boob tastic Reese Witherspoon and Elvis the Katy Perry's exhibit is pretty cool with all the flashing lights and then we take a turn to the dark side and I don't know who this is hi it's Elvira I'm a spokesman she has birth or nation we're affiliated with the Indian it looks like more monsters up now it's Captain EO himself thriller of Michael Jackson next to a nondescript alien and The Creature from the Black Lagoon but you can't really see em Boris Karloff's mummy it's like the universal all the universal classical monsters in this section and this guy that's there oh I think it's you like pity unfortunate with bread or something like that all right Frankenstein over here cool Oh move all right [Music] that's pretty cool all right let's move along see what else we've got here all right Freddy liked his fingers look good and I love this shadow it makes what else do we got Wow the Cryptkeeper enter at your own risk excessive fear well of course you gotta go through there all right it's creepy skull my little big fan of haunted houses that sort of like Hornet scary [Music] [Music] great this is very dark in here so I'm sure the it's working great on camera hey you'd see what people will be scared in here isn't very dark that's true the little ones in this part arena corner no oh that is yes okay move it along we're in the pitch black something breed that me know what that is all right and there's a dude yeah dude it moves this is uh this is creepy you tell I don't do haunted houses you'd also tell that I have not uh oh well you wanna get electrocuted sitting chair throw the switch meet your maker those are the instructions I gotta push this button oh [Music] that is all kind of [Music] well you lost Molly in the wax museum the death portion upside down demon here and that'll that'll wrap up movie land I believe yes you exit through this door yes thank you gentlemen do an exit and just like any other attraction you exit through the gift shop the giant hand all right Molly what do you think of the movie lab ah I quite enjoyed it oh man it was anything like I heard why I love like the theming the good stuff I love the theming elements oh yeah I love the triggered effects at the end yeah the whole I've never seen like a hot announced type yeah nobody even knew there wasn't like there was no real wax figures and they're not street like low-rent haunted house yeah and even that like some of the wax figures were so bad they were good yeah that I really really enjoy yeah he's on the Clifton Hill fun path so if you're betting that it's like 30 bucks you do whole bunch of attractions I had a good time in there
Channel: In The Loop
Views: 15,865
Rating: 4.8837209 out of 5
Keywords: movieland, wax museum, movie land, movieland wax museum, tour, review, worth it, walkthrough, walk through, walkthru, walk thru, 2019, figures, people, wax, wax figures, movie, movies, haunted house, movie stars, vlog, of stars, niagara falls, clifton hill, canada, ontario, CA, house of horrors, king kong, fun pass, iron man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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