Super Mario Maker 2 Gameplay Pt. 1 - Nintendo Treehouse: Live | E3 2019

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hey everybody welcome back to Nintendo treehouse live at e3 2019 I'm Morgan from the treehouse here with Sam from the treehouse hey Ethan from the treehouse who will be translating for our very special guest mr. Tezuka producer of Super Mario maker to thank you for being here I'm sorry we didn't have a warp pipe for you to come down I know that's your preferred method of our events now but we'll work on this that's too bad but you know maybe next time so Sam I'm going to turn it over to you to get this segment started yeah so we've got a lot of great stuff to show folks today actually here just hanging out in the title screen we can see so many new elements we've got the Super Mario 3d World game style we've got the Koopa Troopa car down there tezuka's nah I know the dev team has worked so hard to put so many new things into the game but they're actually not quite done yet they're still doing a little bit of work aren't they yeah updates you can share with us momaday atashi also if I know later in this game also know she got a llama la da de mano a taraji update Oh Monica and all and on sheerest a turkey must ahsoka I know whatever they like kingdoms good it's located in this to the wall from Tamara Dukakis and Escudo de puesta this is Moscow at all window no marching o'clock you know I just saw sister so yeah we are continuing our work and I wasn't sure I was going to talk about this today but we are planning some we're going to be making some changes to the matching with friends that you can play I was hoping to get that 50 coin well that's awesome news to be able to share and also kind of cool if we can just play a chorus right on the title screen here before we even jump into the game so let's hop in here and do some playing so maybe hang out in story mode a little bit shuffle though we got there got a story mode on I people cannot - right so I was wondering if you could share with us a little bit more about why you chose to add story mode to this game not a con Chi story model to start another unit with a fatigue like Matsuzaka a no score acutally - Tony don't ask a chaotic spoke I don't Amano seekest and a skill more the party ossobuco 20 times to mow it - Akbar Jabra style optimistic so we knew we wanted to add a lot of elements to the making side of Mario Super Mario maker - but we also wanted to make sure we upgraded the play side of the game as well nada con tomate forgot it to you you are called titled a gest on them without economist and rather than making a sort of simple map layout we thought we you know it'd be great to have a you know kind of small world for you to explore like this Kodaka so didi Nicole gave us typical panel stuff that I hit this so just this part of the game is in 3d and our staff had to work really hard to to make these graphics look the way they do what's wonderful here is we've got over a hundred courses the dev team is carefully built to help inspire players give them ideas of what they can do in the super mario maker game and right off the bat here I'm gonna try to not shame us in front of you because I guess I'm gonna try something that's very hard for me it's a course with a clear condition where I'm not allowed to really leave the ground I can't jump and every part of my muscle memory when I'm playing a Mario game is that I want to jump over obstacles but I'm not allowed to because of our nuclear condition yeah mr. Teske I was wondering if you could talk a little bit more about sort of where the idea for clear conditions came from we're obviously seeing one of them right here that you can't jump you can't even leave the ground there's ones where you collect coins defeat certain enemies if you could tell us a little bit about the thought process on the dev team we'd love to hear that monochrome Kaito music our secret Otto stay I know cRIO Tolkien no other course or challenge still in this Morken Kiowa jump the kenai Giancana on or a course in the naturalness no more small create okay need CT and notes we can eat sweetie Anoka Tata itadakimasu shoka so des Amanda moxie and all joking go to you so Ord I know I saw you have done this to the wall so don't a curio Eddy Tony couldn't convict it on up to Congress so some of the courses that we made available for people to play in the Nintendo 3ds version of Super Mario maker involved some clear conditions but we thought we'd like to try and make that available when making courses to this time una de cosas de modo que no quiero koto de number new moco a variation got a look at Obama's so adding a clear condition to a course that you may have already played or you know adding a clear condition to courses just allows the type of way you'll play that course the challenge you'll have to be almost multiplied it's interesting with the clear conditions making things that are more like puzzles and in this course for example there's a lot I have to do because jumping not being in my arsenal I have to find other ways to get around jumper dekinai Cara okano honest Megaton meets can I try can I jump to DeKnight dakichan op de Luca Cara 8-ball ugoita Adam hmm music's okay and that's really like you said earlier even more difficult than not being able to join you can't even leave the ground so that that makes things really difficult it's very creative the ways that they're they're different lifting mechanisms I've seen Monty moles here we've seen some trampolines so other things that will get me up to a platform as long as it's not that I have initiated the action and I don't like hop off too early I'll be okay but as I almost don't want to have my my right hand on the buttons because I don't want to risk it this is way too much temptation like a 30-point right there what a boy at the Correa's little Swedish name so you actually think about how am I gonna get that yeah it's your nickel you can go at that stuff hmm so whoever thought of that really had a good idea huh oh yeah it's so clever and one thing I love about story mode is if you're a course maker it's a great place to just go and get ideas if you feel like you've got a little bit craters block the development team has so many interesting ways of how they use these parts nah no ma story modern hike there so no idea um Mina there are a no idea why the kuru commercial oh yeah I know moto moto change some demo content that's onto the course work on the skill alone okay causes me a servant indecent giving a course of skill Talkeetna son quantity tokens yeah and we had short sample courses in the first game but we wanted to include longer more you know flushed out courses this time around to really give people the ideas they would need to make interesting courses in the making part of the game many coins as I can yeah since a big part of the story mode is something has happened to Princess Peach's castle we need to help rebuild it but Todd spent all their money so we're helping them point it's really important for me to get as many of these as I can ma non opt he may know gesture no prob regard the Saudis know their volcanion Aucoin watts may take an austrial surely giotto no no you cut it all that mean this name so I'm gonna hop into another for the save data in a second so we can show something a little bit later on in story mode but one other thing I want to show off that's really cool I think especially for folks who are coming to this game who maybe haven't played a mario game and all these different game styles is this little spot yeah memores dojo so Yamamura folks who played the original super mario maker might know he is our course making master pigeon some folks might not realize Yamamura himself is actually not a pigeon he is a veteran course designer over at Nintendo but overall here we've got a really interesting mix of new educational tools over here in Mario's move for each of the game styles I will see all my moves so if I'm not sure okay how do I use cat Mario there's there's some advanced jumps you might not even realize in some of these styles so I think this is actually gonna be a really cool thing for a veteran and new players to review yeah and in story mode I will get a separate pause menu option where I can see exactly what the controls are for the game style and playing so if I haven't seen it before if I'm somebody who's newer tomorrow maybe a younger player it's a great place to get familiar but also we have these maker lessons and Tezuka son I wonder if you can tell us a bit more about this new way of educating the players is a little bit different from the tutorials in the original game well on Okinawa Yamamura doors only hide on disk a little more mono kiku toxin notation aramis regard primo no Super Mario maker one no Toki no she told tutorial top to chicken I must know there and also during e3 Tehama state thank you master Yamuna dojo the name in Jesus name to do spoke Attica and congratulate on this video so personally I'm a fan of the Yamamura dojo name this is actually something that folks in the treehouse came up with and I really liked it you continue that my doctor music I know it's kind of over so as a Japanese person with dojo being a Japanese word we probably wouldn't think to call it that but yeah I really like it simple design you record or joke to you Kobus attendance to the are necessary to car so you wanna do at night so a dojo is a place where you would actually do some serious training and in practice but these lessons aren't quite that that severe the kuru king taksin cocconi sum up TV but the Nintendo know it whatever you design the know-how god it's a corn economy Gupta call some a commodity to countries so there's all sorts of little hints and tricks about how to make levels in here and I think a lot of Nintendo's know-how that we've you know accumulated over the years is really packed into all of these little lessons and it's there for you to find so you know particular story Craig macaron is middle wall Korra - Ikki okay they're almost like all sorts could open challenge is Vista create that and so you know I'm not sure how many people will make full use of the the lessons here but it's my hope that people really do and get inspiration in making their own courses from what we've got inside the MMO at dojo and that the writing honestly is just really fun and entertaining in them as well so what I'm going to do now is actually hop us into a different save file so in this save file we're a little further along so we're not going to show you how the castle has shaped up we're not going to show you the course list anymore but we are going to show you a few different courses and again they're over hundreds this is a tiny slice and some of the other things that folks can expect in the story mode so I'm in the first course and this one is fine yeah right away so we've seen that 3d world style mr. Takei was one of you could talk to us about this is a brand-new game style for Super Mario maker to the 3d world style what have you talked to us about adapting uh you know adding that to the game adapting that game style to Super Mario maker love to hear some of your thoughts on that hmm okay speedy Lord Oh Mario 3d World oh no I know Deborah meter industry more come Kai Super Mario maker to know a pharisee game skin tsk I dunno nice job ma moto moto 3d data game or an ode to the north Kasich you need a doctor's report Oh sweetie oh no charity to like masters okay after a summary of miracles could net up there don't happen as she's Kyoya woke up to sleep my time just get along yes I'm sticking for a mishmash so we knew we wanted to bring in some sort of a new game game style for Super Mario maker too and we ended up deciding on the 3d disc erotica you cannot Susie Mohini and it actually was pretty challenging to take a game that was originally in 3d and bring it into a 2d format like this she oh no man kara mo mo mo so you know there's all sorts of different features that this game has the graphics are different as well and so this was kind of a new challenge for us and represented you know one of the the larger things that we had a challenge when making this game show Kazuto you go to that traps book on time that pandas get on the wall what I only saying you need a continuous could achieve baskets to perfection so sometimes our titles you know are ported from one system to the other and then at times like that you're able to bring the game as it was on one system over to the other but we're bringing the game like you said from 3d into a 2d format here and it was a big challenge for us now so you got a key you got the epic digital day company oh come on Itachi go you wait to make automatic you machine but I think we were successful in bringing you know super mario 3d world into the game and i think people will be able to kind of get a different sort of flavor of play from that that game style yeah it's really fun I think it's it's not just has that new move set the new art style the new mechanics but also you saw even though it's a 2d version of 3d where you've got those Banzai bills flying into the screen you've got this sort of depth happening it really it really feels great mono graphics more that I should not be Russia and also the atashi a Super Mario must get oh I know oku Yukiko more R&D bar on Akira Cara and amo te da sorry more no Eddie - toki wa tiptoe nanometer current are a did to stay documents or agrammatic america cover tips my opening at a beautiful story and when you're making courses in the that game style you'll actually get a bit of a diagonal view while making courses then it goes back to a flat 2d style when you're playing and so this course has a couple of my favorite things a night theme which really mixes up i think about the course you tell us a bit more about the development of these because it's so interesting they change up the gameplay in some pretty significant ways maken-ki you know and all course to Sony are this character more you rule so you set they all are not typically quiet oh you don't know in fact oh god I know that occur in the scale anymore so they need to eat a potato like he must so far bigger kodachi kuno game ooh - good night solo shingo today Don Dakota Kokila captain Uwe and it fights makin things so yeah it wouldn't be very much like Super Mario maker if we just added you know night and that was it so you're gonna have to try adding the night setting to different courses and different types of game styles and see what the effect is you know you can see one here but my brain taking star on a hunt you do cook how'd you meet the taking stuff look you are I don't know so it's me I know who know him that I can stand up to - so yeah you might feel you know these types of levels make you make you feel a little bit strange but that's okay - on the fact that you know I don't know seeing of Coyote McDade don't know Coco Coco - captain you are given no me - come with me okay uh Seto and I really hope that people will enjoy adding this setting to their own stages in different game styles and and see what the effect is with their own eyes I think that's what's so exciting is I love to make courses and the fact that the night the it changes the game not just how the way it looks but it changes the gameplay and you can have a sub your sub area with that night a players gonna go down a pipe and they might not know what's gonna happen is it going to be upside down gravity is it gonna be something else but really I think is it inspires you as a creator to find new ways to surprise the your at the person playing your your level one Pony and all course is super you guys get a day I know you're really sweet home - I know I know game promotes you got the key must know they're totally back no no sweetie repost no naka de token we did some very odd with no Priya goddess Madoka in hai tera na no cacao Missoni wakaranai Cara so you about created no no from Tony Marino Easter day I don't know how much technology no school in Agoura you don't know Tommy Street at the conference so our staff you know this was one thing that they were able to try out you know all sorts of ideas that they thought they had and you know they it just inspired them as well I go what else could be add to this Chaka Khan grand design demo Sandow lost Romina oh yo Tyrone idea to make on the canvas and it's not just the person who you know was kind of guiding development of the game but we had our designers all throw ideas you know up on the board as to what things might occur when you added the knight effect oh my gosh I would have loved to been in that brain source anyway okay so the next course I'm hopping into I really love cuz it gives us a really fun look at some things you can do with clear pipes and they are an incredibly fun new course part in the Super Mario 3d World style have you guys also saw there's a clear condition for this course you can see that she needs to collect a hundred coins and there's a little counter up in the upper left counting how many Sam is collected full-time all and all Capcom line up going on I'll put a total hockey live another night we are joking I'm joking gold is on high so snake no suck my toe to toe catechu or net economic yet scary tokens uni and you don't know about them yeah and with clear conditions there's a variety of them you can set when making your courses for example needing to defeat a certain number of specific enemies things like that as well so at suppose you're creating of course the clear conditions reflect what you've already placed in a course so you don't have to necessarily plan ahead for it you could just make a course that feels really good to you and then when you're done take a look and see okay which clear conditions are supported by what I made mostly quartz good day so no no it's good Dakara oh no don't be a joke hang on yes we Kariba econo Congress to host Amanda yeah that's actually what I'm hoping people will do is finish their course and then decide okay maybe I'll put a clear condition on this and what one would be good macoco sauce could be in the sorting Donna Jo can we little cut you know more minute why I thought I know it suddenly can get it's good anomaly she even dizzy could eat O'Connor in window not cookiecutter garden so you can you can make a course and have people play it and then have them help you decide what sort of clear condition would work well for this course or you can do that on your own and make that decision all by yourself so this guy kind of looks like trouble but I think I can I'm nice pathing fireballs through clear pipes is so satisfying tornado come on Katara school Sudha T Walker Applegate on this Kodomo super gotta Thomas so I'm really happy we were able to include these clear pipes from Super Mario 3d World Wow look at that that's so cool hahaha they can't just gave just be anyway and he's actin use the clear pipes to so I gotta be careful not to just have it chase me oh there we go with you just go hang out down there mr. Jessica I'm tempted to ask you how fireballs work underwater but maybe that's maybe that's a company secret so no no yet there are no sweet you know knock at the fire board odometry take Steinbeck it also there he meets commercial sweet you the Akita Milt Okun up at the world do you need who knows even it's good to talk you are they keep you know their machine the more I drink that I can optimist but that actually brings up a good point whereas in a game where we might not include things like bullet bills or fireballs in an underwater course in a game like this if you want to do that you can do it and now that's the kind of game we wanted to make yeah it really is like the ultimate Mario playground two lungs I know we've been having a blast at the office and building the Invitational courses as well watching you guys have fun iterating on that and trying out new things I still learn things I think I know everything and then I like trigger certain thing and I realized an icicle can trigger an on/off switch and I'm like I did not know that okay so this is a really tricky course largely because of the desert wind here at night so almost if I get it yeah so this is if you have desert and then turn on night you're gonna get this intermittent wind which completely changes the feeling that Sam is having if she's playing yeah so here I've got a quiet space I can just hang out I'm just gonna stand here I'm not touching anything on my controller Mario is good but then as soon as the wind picks up I'm sliding I'm not doing anything it makes platforming challenges so much trickier and it's so interesting when you're dealing with boss fights trying to make sure okay I need to time this also to the wind sometimes it's actually gonna give you an extra boost to get somewhere other times it's gonna push you right where you don't want to be a tobacco so you know you're set a nice accessory tall Cosimo de comercio neck so this very thing and here it's gonna make things that i'm israel marie totally korekara cockpits buddhist Owatonna super heinous me so I don't want to give away all the secrets about you know that what's lying in wait for you in the nighttime courses because you know people might uh might get bored but yeah there's there's a lot definitely and hooks you're watching at home might notice there's a new little icon at the lower left of my screen that you haven't seen before that's something special that we actually wanted to introduce during this segment as well and talk about a little bit so we triggered that earlier so we could show it off and it's gonna make sure I'm somewhere safe so here for example if I was having a really hard time with a course and the game noticed here maybe having a rough time my brother turns up and gives me access to a little collection of course parts so Luigi's gonna say hey you seem like you're having a hard time bro let's see if this can help you out and here we have a small assortment of course parts what's cool is I can actually use these to modify the course I'm playing so it might be I'm having a hard time with a jump maybe I'm going to use some blocks to make a platform for myself or I'm just gonna go all out and toss this guy in there but we talked a little bit about this help feature in Luigi and how this is gonna be interesting to folks who are playing the game I thought it'd take three months no they're so enormous Mariani I know given the course all say stupid are gonna miss you so they need to take no notice of the eatables book Oh Scott honestly look at this man that I corrupted simple she musta snuck a demos i'ma teach my lord a cuckoo taurima mod two koreas on this mountain I can look at this mountain biker Jim Palmer's so I was worried that you know some people might get so hooked on this mode that it would just continue playing it and just go right through it the marine biota skeptical Annamarie action game that do the nice for the moment a periodic at least I love to congressman to you but I wanted to make sure that there was something for people who might have trouble with some of these stages so that they would also be able to make it make their way through it and so include some way to help people that might not be as advanced as other players no guru game una mode a somos una cara mode suru koto sport you know like the psychology tigers and so you know this is a game about making so I thought it would be fun if there was a way to include a little bit of course making even when you're playing a course like this so we included this Luigi SS mode deke dekho Giovanni and all asudevan a cadets go to Kyoto changed again yeah I wanted people to just have a you know a light-hearted casual way to be able to add some making elements to courses while they were playing them namaste anonymous even the customers said sneak curiousity photogenic tea gentlemen yes it took the coke I think do you don't have to just persevere you know stoic Lee and make your way through the course without you know making any changes this gives you the ability you know if you want there to be a block here you want to make a small change you gotta go ahead and do that put it you'll know what to do yeah this little music and animation you're seeing is something from like a Japanese festival that we thought it'd be fun to add it's really cheery about one of the new sound effects it's really cool okay I think we got time for one more so I can pull one more course okay that one's hard you're gonna stump me put a desert wind in there and suddenly I'm flying all over the place where I'm overcompensating because I think the winds about to start and I'm gonna jump the wrong way cause it's good time with Cassie cause you will never use a root of all this mmm but you know if if that's a you know difficult course that you have made yourself you'll be okay with something like that you know whether it being that difficult there whatever I got you always that's good cause it was a car seat oh yeah got it I do think that you know you know we made those courses so we're okay with them being hard there may be other people who are a little bit upset with us for making some difficult courses it's a really nice mix in there which is good and especially once we get into people sharing their own courses is going to be such a variety of additional courses people to play and if we're lucky I'm gonna try to pull this off in one shot this is another clear condition all we have to do is beat one enemy you think they'll take with it I mean that's my problem just beat a pompom but the problem is where I'm fighting the pom-pom is a little complicated so I've got these blinking blocks and she wants to use them as well as me so if I don't give her somewhere to stand she's not gonna end up somewhere I can fight her come on and I like that the key Becky that key what blocking right there very clear you cannot move on without this is it really classic looking boss fighting myself and here so I've got the low flag above my head I manage the clear condition and it's almost like forgiveness the slow blinking box like it's okay let's just take you up to the top ha so thank you I'm going to make sure while you're here that I play okay and I think it's about all the time we've got but thank you so much for joining us and as you said the dev team is still working on things in the game wrapping things up and that new ability that should be coming with an update to be able to play with your friends online I think is something that hopefully folks will really enjoy when the game launches and then we get some of the update work at done well I know I know Takeo to eat peony and oak I had cigars I know my Amana demacia Cindy take their online to manage store on on multiplayer the kiriona updated Ikaruga I know mommy Netanyahu she would recycle more Oh - oh no oh no given a unique not to pour over whatever a girl he gave us abuse could come in a conch you took him apart it's good it's good policy hmm so you know the point we really wanted to score with this game was to make sure we had an ability to create an environment where people could play you don't nest O'Connell Surat Scotty you don't know for sorts good day so do mean initiative so do matter - okay oh you say ooh God Jan - big tail Parvati I'm okay no a big account yesterday hmm and so you know this game really is completed when we're able to create a cycle where people get ideas use parts create courses share them with others people play those and that cycle continues and that's when we really feel we've done our job of creating a complete experience Subash dakara nonde whoo yeah so far I look up to what about able to go to work water steam and so we're really looking forward to see what people are gonna do with this game once it comes out and that's something that we're super looking forward to mother mother podiatric I have to according to me she cannot see minna-san well somebody could pay you don't have midnight Sonico assume there is total area poisoning Oh more you take a mint and I have to so we're continuing our work with development and we're really looking forward to seeing what people say about the game and and hearing their feedback and and continuing to think about it as we go forward well I know just any time we've given our fans a chance to make their own creations they never cease to amaze us with their creativity and their inventiveness so from our side we've been having a wonderful time with this game in the office but I can't wait to get out there and see what the world does with these tools and these parts and all the cool courses that they're gonna create sekai de sade root oh oh no mom second ominous Angad oh no Yanina no Pato discarded oh no Kosaku ta-dah no no Leo Nicastro second Nisha suru koto mo I know whatever I'm all tarnishing understand Master neck and longer I know June 28th this game comes out in a two weeks and change so yeah I hope you guys are excited to get your hands on it we certainly are excited to show it off here and I can't wait for to come out myself to start making courses and making people play them yeah so from here us a treehouse live I want to say thank you Sam for all that nice gameplay no problem Ethan for translating and mr. towns gonna thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and passion about Super Mario maker to with us so yeah so we'll be right back with some more gameplay we're actually going to pivot from here to Luigi's Mansion 3 so don't go anywhere and thank you guys
Channel: Nintendo of America
Views: 1,590,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker, Super Mario Maker 2, Super Mario Maker 2 nintendo switch, Super Mario Maker 2 e3 2019, Super Mario Maker 2 gameplay, Treehouse, Nintendo Treehouse live, Takashi Tezuka, e3, e3 2019, nintendo e3, nintendo e3 2019, e3 trailer, trailer, game trailer, nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg
Id: kMxmq3bhSuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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