Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Ft. The Legend of Zelda - Nintendo Treehouse: Live

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Everything about this game is a match made in heaven. Danny B Zelda tracks sound awesome. Gameplay looks great. Cant wait to pick this up later.

Just read the Destructoid review which was showering it with praise. Mentioned that it only took about 8 hours to 100% a run though. I hope there are plenty of reasons to keep coming back. The game seems to be somewhat proceedurally generated so hopefully that'll be enough to warrant multiple playthroughs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Oren887 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol, the games look great, sound great, but I'm 100% sure if I ever try this game I'll never get pass the tutorial.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hippobu2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol towards the end of the video they even kind of start talking to the beat, the pauses in their speech are on beats

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is there a point in this video that shows the disabled rhythm mode? Not sure I'm into the rhythm gameplay (I'll give it a shot), but knowing what the other mode looks will definitely make it an easier decision if I want to buy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Decoy_Basket πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So many missed beat messages. That looks annoying to play

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RionFerren πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everybody welcome back to Nintendo treehouse live at e3 2019 thank you guys for sticking with us it's day three but more importantly it is indeed a here on our stream to kick things off I am here I'm Morgan from the treehouse I'm here with Sam and Audrey and to get indeed a started we're gonna be looking a lot of titles but for this one I want you guys you know get those headphones on pump those death speakers we are going to take a look at cadence of Hyrule crypt of the necrodancer featuring The Legend of Zelda Sam let's get started and I wanted to start right here on the title screen if we could get a little bit more of that music I almost don't even want to start the game Thursday morning Zelda and chill let's just sit here and listen to this for a little while oh my gosh it's okay yeah I think I probably will start the game though because I like it alright so getting started here the title is a little bit long but it gives you a lot of clues about what this game really is it is a crypt of the necrodancer game that features elements of The Legend of Zelda and it takes place in Hyrule if you haven't played crypt of the necrodancer before it's likely you've never played anything like crypt of the necrodancer because it's fairly unique this is a kind of rhythm action game you notice as soon as I started moving there the enemies started moving on a movement pattern and I need to move along with the beat otherwise I'll miss a beat like I did just there so we have a visual indicator at the bottom of the screen letting me know what the beat is but also the audio as well just just fantastic good point out right off the bat you're playing a Zelda oh yeah that doesn't happen often enough so I'm really excited that we get to do that in this game and I just took damage there so all of my movement needs to happen on the beat this is what happens if I try to not move on the beat you see yeah trail will come in and yell at me and ask me if I want to turn on fixed each mode no I don't need to do that I was just doing that for the purpose of the demonstration but all the enemies also have their own movement patterns and learning those movement patterns is one of the keys to being successful in this game so the way you attack is by tunneling pressing the control pads into the same direction that an enemy is when an enemy is either at rest or just about to attack you so the one of the ways that you take damage is either by a telegraph enemy attack or by moving into the same square that an enemy is attempting to move into at the same time there's an enemy in the bottom left there Sam the cut goes are evil and they'll get in your way and if you accidentally hit them several times they behave just as Cocos do because we're in Hyrule and they will swarm you to death yeah there's nothing like an enemy like aggressively dancing toward you yeah and you let us like that so that projectile is even moving along with the beat Isis yeah yeah it's really trippy right so yeah I used a neighbor's love which offers you a protection ability and that will allow you to reflect projectiles if you get the timing right so you'll notice that now all the enemies are gone on the screen I get I get free movement so I can just move around at will I don't have to worry about the bead and and I also received a diamond so you'll see it at the top left corner of the screen so I have 33 of those diamonds right now I did have to play up this save file a little bit to give me a fighting chance because this game is very difficult and also because it happens on the beat talking and playing at the same time is especially difficult it's like a rubbing your head and patting your belly or whatever that thing is it's that kind of thing so I'm gonna go ahead and get going here you know since you're surrounded by enemies again the music got frenetic yeah it really tells you to stay on your on your game so the the weapon that I'm using right now is a dagger and that means that I can only attack so I'm taking damage here I can only attack one square directly in front of me but because this takes place in Hyrule you have all kinds of Legend of Zelda weapons represented and I'll go into the inventory here so we can take a look we've got bombs bombs we got a bow and up in the in the bottom left-hand corner you'll see I have a shovel and a torch and those will come in to use a little bit later but those are limited time use items so those won't stay with you if you're defeated so this isn't a roguelike but it does have roguelike elements and it's much more approachable than crypt of the necrodancer was that was a notoriously difficult game but I'm going to switch to this broadsword here so we can get a look at how that looks it's cool a lot of those elements we saw on that screen will be familiar to the Legend of Zelda fans even had little pieces of heart up there in the top left corner that's right and so that's one of the many collectibles that you can get in the game [Music] oh so you see with the broadsword I'm able to attack three tiles in front of me which is incredibly useful especially if you're having having a rough time in this game ah and here we are you can breathe yeah so we're in Kakariko village and because we're in Hyrule we have all of these familiar Legend of Zelda locales and even though the music is peaceful you'll notice we still do have enemies on this screen just a little yeah a little bit showing what's coming yeah oh look at this sleeping is always let's see if we can't do something about that this is a your face yeah this is dom face second appearance on on tree house a lot of these big day he was telling us about a hibiscus potion and we might be able to use that to wake the sleepy boy in that house alright so now we're entering a a few notes so the the world map is randomly generated and that random generation happens when you start a new game and then it remains persistent even if you're defeated throughout the duration of the game but the Crips in the dungeons are all procedurally generated and that changes every time you enter a trip so if you're defeated and you re-enter a crypt or a dungeon it'll reform in a completely new fashion look at you can see yeah it matter now so I'm gonna try and dispatch everyone in here you got this and if you again we're gonna point that a lot but the music is absolutely amazing in this game it's not old that's not a church just it's not only familiar as all the tunes are also medleys and remixes that we've never heard before yeah [Music] and another thing you can tell is that looking at these enemies you really have to keep an eye on their movements because they won't give you a a tell when they're about to attack and that's really important if you don't want to take damage oh we can help it hear the dulcet tones of a familiar voice we can make our way over there oh I need it Sam you mention that it's real too like I have roguelike elements so some of the items you've collected if you were to die you would actually lose those that's all right you would get to keep that's right so any of my Legend of Zelda series items for my weapons glue that PO you need to go I got stuck in a web yeah so the the posts are almost like foods they only move when you're not looking at them you pretty well bottlenecking those enemies like strategy I just got a flail and it was a glass flail so the thing about the glass weapons is that they will they will crack or they will break if you take any damage so I'll get to use it for as long as I have it so some of these enemies are yeah they've just broke just there yeah you've said this before but it's worth playing out again you are talking while playing on the show floor of rhythm game good good on you I'm missing a few beats here in there so the shovel allows you to manipulate the terrain a little bit and to get into new areas there's nothing just watching you watch you played this a lot a lot of times we get your encounter an enemy you're actually kind of packing up a few stuff to sort of let their movement in all right all right just more like a dance pattern to you who's this beautiful voice yeah that's a lot of fun I bought a key I don't know if I'll get to use it we'll see so I have a temporary for a limited time to use item right now that allows me to see what's in treasure chest before I open them which until you okay cool so you see that Stoll icon on the floor that indicates we're better or like a challenge room doesn't that Club you've such determination to not go straight for those rupees and have a guy going for the rupees all right collecting keys so let's see if we can't find what's going on in this concrete go crib there's a locked door oh great no no I might have to dip out of this real quick in order to reset this dungeon or this crib with the music oh my goodness it's it's really amazing fans of Legend of Zelda will really love to hear all of these beautiful remixes of these classic songs and friends from crypt of the necrodancer will be happy to see their singing friends again yeah absolutely there's so many elements from both of the games represented so I could be using my bow the cool thing about the bow is that it allows you to attack enemies from far away but you still need to be doing that on the beat I love the little like nap in the bottom right it's like it's like you know your map being revealed as you go to the areas but it's like these big chunky pixels down there that just look I don't know so here we'll find out the shadow link shadow link is not sleepy no and he is the boss of the stock reeked of cribs [Music] so I can attack them from the side and the broad sort of thank you yes I got it we know what we can use that for but because there are still enemies in the Crypt you notice that the music didn't go back to its nice calm State yeah you've still got your beats along the bottom you still gotta keep moving to that cadence so I only briefly touched on the diamonds but the diamonds are the persistent currency yeah and they'll stay with you even if you're defeated and you don't have to spin them all in one go so you can collect them up and save them for something right but they would have lost those if you rupees my limited time used items all of those I would have lost if I was defeated by Kathleen [Music] chips out of bed already dressed ready to go at Linc I do need your help to put your bed in the middle of your room that's true he has his priorities so I'm gonna list enlist links help here when we start some co-op so how about it Audrey I want to do it alright okay cool [Music] yay alright so you have your own set of weapons and there are some weapons that only link can use I did okay you want it you want to see Zelda Jam out here I do so I just used the golden loop which is gonna allow me to work different areas of the man I love you pixels yeah revealed a lot of this already but we don't want to show too much of it off so we're gonna warp to an area called the Garuda ruins I know it's no good so when you're playing in co-op it makes things a lot easier because you can dispatch enemies more quickly but also makes things in a way more challenging because I haven't touched on it just yet because I haven't been able to maintain a good multiplier but if you defeat a lot of enemies in a row without missing a beat and without taking damage then you'll earn a multiplier and you'll start a nice combo and that can have many different positive effects you'll earn more diamonds whenever you clear the entire screen of oh this is where I got the golden lute so hey we get to say hi to cadence SAP cannon so to kind of set up what we're gonna do here I want to head back towards the Gerudo ruins and we're gonna go in here all right so we're gonna need three gears and hopefully we can find those around here so as I was saying about the multiplier there are some weapons that'll actually do more damage if you have a high multiplier those are modifiers because you can add on to your weapons and apologies I think I have a little bit of an advantage here because I have a weapon that allows me to attack mini tiles in front of me but Audrey does not exit weapon and it is punishing yeah if you guys pay attention to that triangle at the bottom of the screen if it starts to get kind of electrically charged the stuff starts happening that means that multiplier is going up okay I think I have to jump on the beat here you will get like just give me the goods all right we got one I need some hearts oh sweet shovel okay a little bit worried about the hearts of joy yeah be careful about that if we're defeated it's okay we'll just get to show you what the defeat sequence looks like okay the tempo Oh No things are looking bad Oh No okay I need to get away from the 50s we don't need to defeat all the enemies so I'm gonna head over here to the right mang can you follow me over here I am running running okay all the music make you feel better even when it's time one of the things that I like to do because once you start in motion you kind of need to stay in motion oh no okay okay so if if you were to go through Ishika stone you could revive me and the sheikah stone is just down there to your left if you can make your way there don't bump into the cactuses though it didn't fill your hearts though no oh I don't have a shovel anymore there we go that's teamwork all right oh I'm gonna need more of your help so yeah once again those limited time use items when you're defeated you lose those and it doesn't feel so good nice so you see the mark on that treasure chest there that means that work point would need to defeat all of the enemies in this area but we're gonna be able to access it one thing I find interesting is like my keys have damage I'll read from your fight co-op it's a little bit easier in a lot of regard for the other hand like you might it's almost impossible to stay out of each other's way yes you're jumping to the beat and dodging enemies or something you might need to go a certain square and your buddy's there and you're like whoa it's also much harder to maintain that multiplier because you're both working for to do so we could dispatch these enemies so much quicker since we're playing co-op but Lincoln's elbow playing together that's so cool say that it's alright I'll see if I can't finish this room off oh all right third gear and another trouble yeah so those limited time use items so don't replace the one that you have and you can choose which you'd rather keep all right so I'm gonna visit the chicest own five years there we are thank you all right cool so we got the three gears let's go inside rather I'm gonna shoot a shoot an arrow at you you're gonna charge me oh we can hear the sounds already pretty treacherous in here and stay out of each other's way all the enemies I know things I like to do it's kind of buffer my movement against the wall sometimes because that'll keep to meet the enemies moving in their movement pattern but you don't necessarily have to move here could we use another piece are we got plenty oh yes and that was enough to get us another heart container if you're watching like what salmon is you have to be if you have to move every beat you can't just stand still right so fight you can kind of bounce up off the wall so that you're not having to like if they have toward an enemy or something like that I've got them all bottleneck the slaughter that'll show them did you stand around okay looks like another let's go nice alright [Music] right your phone I know it's like a pretty breakdown happening I didn't want to talk this is gonna be challenging that is a little bomb button from what okay I'll just get her oh we got a map come on hit the bomb button well you'll see what happens you need to make the bombs will damage you also okay [Music] okay well done that broadsword is really helpful okay here we go let's get the boomerang yeah my arm is complete all right you can see over on the right side of the screen where that's where that's assigned that button assignment there I love just looking at all the stuff you guys have up in that upper left and right yeah there's so much stuff there's a lot of stuff going on say again your keys your rupees any of your limited time inside of it all of those you lose whenever you're defeated but any of the tiles that you've uh are sorry the the map squares that you reveal whenever you activate a chica stone that becomes a war point and you can return there so the word the entire world state doesn't reset every time you've defeated but that's a difference from crypt of the necrodancer we're making quick work well done another key just need to find some places use okay so now I have a sphere and the cool thing about these spheres is that it allows me to attack enemies that are a tile away from me so it gives me a little bit more each didn't help me there okay I found another locked door [Music] let's do that okay we need to destroy these Poppins bussiness calls gosh [Music] recognize this guy oh no no no anyway there we are oh thank goodness probably got half of [Music] that would be into me offer you see what you can do on your own we've got this maybe I needed that guy over here oh no come on over here got it if you go back you might be able to get that chest I think you're gonna need okay yeah so now if you step on that okay so you can actually get back to the chica stone really quickly I want to reply yeah so oh if you push that so that you can use it as a stepping stone yeah and now if you go all the way down outside of the Gerudo ruins sound sarcastic right now for some reason and if you hit that chica stone yeah we've got this okay cool thank you you seem really excited to join the boss by example yeah yeah it's like you can just go back and I'm not arguing I'm not mad this is exciting and we get our first look at the new villain of this game octave oh he thinks higher belongs to him but I I tend to disagree so he's kind of forced the King into a deep slumber and that sets up the story links jealous he's like honesty oh boy a guitar most night [Music] bass guitar most yes that's really cool and frightening why you revived said maybe I should have died and had you okay wait I need to make my way around but they're moving with me now get back seat group no I'm on the hot coals get off of that [Music] okay so we'll get to see yeah all right so when you're when you're defeated you come and you get to talk to the Oracle and the Oracle will allow you to use your diamonds on any one of these things that that might help you out I think we should probably each take a shovel but we're gonna get to go right back into the UH into the boss room and give that one more shot so we've already done all the work we have full health if you have multiple items I'm white I might go back to this broadsword although that range was really high just reach over the coals and just like poking yeah oh wait hold on I think we needed to did we need to go through here first No I thought this is where the the room was it's okay we go don't play here you're trying to get out of it that's totally intentional it just gave us an opportunity to listen to the music again and it's digitally actually the size of these bosses I think really reinforces like them their movement patterns to give you a chance to like you know if you're not playing like I'm just watching and not talking to playing a lot either way to follow the bosses movements because they're so gigantic No right now okay get off this little nose buddy one heart I believe in you though come on three hits Oh dad I'm all right [Music] let's collect our reward yes pretty sick again it's really cool [Music] that's right I do feel a magical aura it's way too much great yeah yeah that's about all the time we have that segment I'm glad we got to see that boss fight really yeah and yeah what else we have everything in closing thoughts about this game I guess yeah absolutely grab grab your headphones the litt cadence of Hyrule the crypt of the necrodancer featuring The Legend of Zelda is available to download on Nintendo eShop this morning yes this morning yes all right yes so Sam Audrey thank you guys and indeed a rolls on we're gonna be right back on intent of treehouse live with dauntless so don't go anywhere thanks for watching this one guys
Channel: Nintendo
Views: 578,492
Rating: 4.8675871 out of 5
Keywords: nintendo, play, play nintendo, game, gameplay, fun, video game, kids, action, adventure, rpg, e3, e3 2019, nintendo e3, nintendo e3 2019, e3 trailer, trailer, game trailer, Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer, cadence of hyrule, Crypt of the NecroDancer, Crypt of the NecroDancer nintendo switch, Crypt of the NecroDancer switch, The Legend of Zelda, THL, Treehouse Live
Id: lNHwgEsJCKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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