The Sophisticated Gents (1981) | Bernie Casey Ron O'Neal #HappyBirthdayBernie

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[Music] [Applause] chappie what you gotta go baby it's Saturday where you gotta go it's too late to be putting in any numbers and it's too early to be trying to sell an old rotgut bathtub gin you gotta go gotta go baby if you can't cut the mustard you shouldn't even try got a lot of nerve coming here just to rush off don't tell me you forgot about last day hey nobody no fool chappie this is 1947 the day for fools is done past who do you think you are anyway mister you're going to see another woman ain't you you don't fool me one bit baby [Applause] [Music] the tank [ __ ] what the moon Porter Richard bubbles Wiggins Sally Walker [Music] Cujo Evers Ezra chops Jackson Ralph Joplin Kenneth snake Thompson Clarence Larry Anderson all right let's show them what [Music] [Music] hey hey why don't we ask you to play I think you had a drop there okay [Music] [Music] cool I got your Grandpa's but you just want to be quarterback all the time [Music] sophisticated gents what you see is what you get and [Music] [Music] here you are gentlemen oh I'm nice wheat heart thank you very much you guys won't up here yeah I'll get one later you know if we get all the guys here and the weather is nice maybe we can play the kids you know the sophisticated Jets rides again the sophisticated gents against to hit predict this pretty thing well we'd have Nile with low yeah we didn't call these people here to play no touch football game to call them here for the testimonial dinner for chappie oh just an idea man do that the good old times yeah well did you make the reservation for the hotel banquet room for the 13th of September and the tickets will be ready next week did you get the address from snake yeah ain't gonna call me next week yeah yeah how'd he sound he sounded okay to me you know it's funny what not snake you think you come around more often wouldn't you if I relieves a different lifestyle I mean he's keep it busy down there City Hall that cat grows up he changes oh man what Shirley Reed is that he live right here in town it's not like ralph terry shops at the canyon those cats been all over the world man they've done some fantastic things but snake he just moved to the suburbs well sometimes that can be a long long way away well the urban Coalition for community action and redevelopment called at 2:15 to cancel a 2:00 appointment that blacks are as racist as with the whites they never do that go white community this mm-hmm well twin watch was infused over a quarter of a century ago in a group of local youngsters by a man who didn't know meaning of to be as paid off his prodigal sons are returning to honor mr. cope Charles chappy Davis mr Davey is 70 years old during their days at Overlook hi mr. Davis protégées to whom he talks a lot of sports one citywide championship for the Big O and football track basketball and baseball for three years running well seems as if they got that right how long has it been since you've seen each other I guess it was yeah summer after Korea the sophisticated genis didn't have any for f's we all went and we all came back we had a few drinking parties afterwards for old times Thanks and we scattered we're back here hi mom hi dad hey hey look it's a nice day outside why don't we go out and uh toss a football around sir no I don't feel like it I got homework come on please dad I don't feel like it sure sigh see you later boy oh boy slubby as big as a house coach's dream can why didn't we go to see bubbles what would we have talked about after we finished with the city and the kids now I think he was just a just trying to be nice what does anybody have to talk about besides the cities and the kids I'm tired of talking about the past for the st. Jude son well it's different it's for chappy now I've been getting ready for a whole month I'd want anything but good times got it got it [Music] hi baby I'm home hi I picked up some barbecue on the way home she wouldn't have to cook never gonna be hot in a second today you wash my hands I'm saying I got the next two days off I've had enough of that hospital for this week we got a new nurse on sixteen I've never seen a young woman so bossy I told her I am a nurse's aide not a nurse's slave why don't you quit Oh she'll be all right she's just new and scared I'm weird all these years while the kids were there now I go what would I do with myself could a big dinner oh the mayor's gonna speak at the banquet you really gonna go through yeah and the guys asked me to give this tribute speech it is I used to be president of the sophisticated gents you were always a take-charge guy what you mean is I was always a fall guy all those parties y'all used to give you know why there's almost 25 years since we were all together yeah well I got in touch with snake forget the guys addresses you know where they're at now except for moon he's not exactly there leaving a dress line at work you know 25 years is a long time to remember that takes thing would you get the potato set out or a food ready darling for you sit down how'd the game go well how else could it be what do you mean know what I mean anything bubbles Richard we can stop talking in circles I mean after that bug you laid on me this morning I asked you to go but [Music] [Music] Oh get yourself another car chop the first thing Monday morning I want to ruin your home.we this whole game oh yeah laughs oh yeah yeah what'd you say commission nothin boy this part of the city sure has changed it sure has Commissioner Mike you know I used to work over here at Open Olga you're kidding no I almost had to carry me out feet first what happened bubbles he once saved my life [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] hey how you doing man you looking great Yeah Yeah right house only on needs feeling groovy always good all right yourself how much you weigh now Aziz oh yeah exhale right a little tennis lugar hey I've been reading about the Sun rig now very good [ __ ] tada thank you go Tara I believe man you know they don't exactly play football and I believe no no I can't say that no no every now and then they turn out some pretty bad cats and rich is gonna be fun oh yeah yeah well maybe your wife exam dandy yeah you can call us and she's alright she's okay Ivan if you problem you kids but but I can take it I can take it look at you two hours were already speak been a long time oh yeah I thought I'd bring this stuff instead of mailing it hey man I'm glad you did by the way why don't you come out of Hodge I mean we in the book and neither Sherwood let us see you man well I'm gonna come I just got a trick the eyes oh I've got I mean don't stray too well tell you what we'll all come me sandy and the kids all right tell me sir how's neat gonna feel about sandwich well I mean you know how sisters are about white oh man see that into that no oh man I mean if this sandy is your woman then the rest of the world and go fly a kite you know bubbles I got a son who's gonna be as big as a tack and need to care less about playing ball funny how they turn out in it where you can't end up but these kids these day no yes well here's young here the addresses got chops and Clary brow dot but the moon I couldn't get a lead on well may just as well well this is great man we're sitting up at the house if we get started on it first thing good night yeah well good if you need any more help just give me a call cuz we got lots of secretaries sitting around City Hall ain't doing nothing but giving up some drops and the mayor he'll do anything okay baby I'll call it's not a big thing these days it's just just a little sister last time they removed it just like that Christine I don't want you driving the car you know I'm starving but it's good for the fitara sweetheart there has never been anything wrong [Music] well that is never too late [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa mr. Jackson you're inside now decide your pity time today ten minutes early oh wow I set my watch forward and forgot well that was a general idea anyway but you wouldn't lock me out would you Palmer if I was a few minutes late not after 20 years shucks mr. Jackson I'd hate to but he's upstairs watch it he has no anyway mr. Lawrence says black folks need to learn to be on time I'm not so sure he's wrong later for you Joshua Melbourne Lawrence and your plantation to Richard with bubbles Wiggles sophisticated gents deer chops I'll bet you're surprised to hear from me after all these years right how are you and Christine seems like only yesterday you were moving into the old neighborhood number of course I see your name all the time and from the magazine you shall be done yourself proud back here we're all proud of you so go to the back is your children well it miss Susie Jetson [Music] what I want to talk to you about is chappy Davis he's gonna be 70 soon and with all of us here decided we really oughta do something because he was so great to us when we were growing up when we see it in our old age if it hadn't been for Chevy's a lot of us would have wound up like some of the guys who didn't hang out good well I was a helping hand snake tuffsy he's in housing now even ready well he got all the addresses for us there with everybody except we're writing to Ralph doc hey kid yeah you come here come on I'm all over here good leg to swing a mighty bad son you play ball I'm going over there and swing the bat gone so I'm some moon let's see what he got choked up that bad some more hey don't worry about it you're doing all right choke up that fat that's better let's go we really like you and Christine the cow well we can use a hundred bucks for the kitty but the important thing is that you come yeah it's your wife well I'm all settled in now hey don't forget to give the nurses my telephone number and everything okay look there was nothing to it I know you hurtin and I'm hurting we both hurt we can get back to taking care of business real soon oh hey got a letter today from bubbles Wiggins your old flame bubbles Wiggins from back home nothing wrong just wants us to come back to a testimonial for chappy Davis let's do it okay by me okay look I gotta go now but okay look dr. Seidelman to x-rays back to your bed mrs. Jackson although an abortion isn't considered a serious operation it still requires that you remain off your feet televised okay Stanford yes mr. Lawrence wants to see you in his office right away What did he say what he wanted no I did right yessuh massa what's happenin sure so how you feel cannoli early bird gets the worm they don't call me swoop for nothing read about this in dick Friday night Saturday night - yeah big - day up there all the old boys coming back home all-stars super jocks home boys looks like it's gonna be a groovy things you oh yeah we gonna go to break sophisticated genes y'all was too good for me wouldn't a me just be pick a Joey that's how you remember it huh we're all forgets from fewer factors so young and we were it's a long time with that they [Music] say didn't you uh can you make all city once twice always measure everything I did against you guys we were in Korea by the intro where's old man Papadopoulos he'll be late today didn't feel well he said seems like he's turning more and more the running at his place over to you yeah sure hope he remembers I want first crack at this joint when he quits he knows who he knows how do you handle that liquor license payoff man you know he charged the black man five times more to the table than a white man bad y'all help some dad's been good to me it's not all peaches and cream on the force that's how I started working alone back then 15 16 years ago remember yeah I was the first black detective on the force nobody wanted to partner up with me but that was all right with me it's whenever I made an important caller I didn't have no white partner stepping in holding up all the kriti here's your bread man ah yes now we get along we got our mutual interest how come you have a countess who because I know your boss man Papadopoulos wouldn't be screwing up the program who need troubles tell him thanks I really appreciate not having any hassles and I'd like some of those Negroes on the other side of town always a hassle to collect if a white cop at that section they'd never complain just go ahead give up the bread but no me they mess with me cause I'm a brother yeah or a drink you [ __ ] show thank you something don't you Blagg arts festival sponsoring and evening people carrying on about nine tall babies nine raggedy kids coached by our numbers running woman chasing jive time lush she come to get paid man at a hassle Lena yeah September 18 what are you getting back then oh yes I've asked Carter to get hopping on some bookings perhaps longer the concert in your alma mater yeah I was a token Negro and Fine Arts at the University there was this old swishy voice teacher his name was Christine he's to chase me all around the room I did more running than I did singing really voodoo cafe machinery [ __ ] no messy Mele over but here ah oh my gosh Russia dad Oh merci Monsieur merci beaucoup Oh what well lover you mean old klippstein oh please my girl it was girls all the way and now it's girls sometimes well I wouldn't want to miss out on anything that would I swine well that's him own do you ever take her along on your little jaunt does she ever come to well generally she'd like to stay in Amsterdam but she's never been to America so here's a good time why not there's no to apologize you know she is your wife know who's being the swine besides to give me a chance to see my parents my real love it is personally I can't think of anything worse than rich adopted English parents who are forever gallivanting around from Italy Dugas la vie to Australia their Lord and Lady Morehead know how that goes because I was a lie I made them up it became quite real to me he was big ready and she she was like Eleanor Roosevelt only pretty michael i quran' with a police car slowly gliding up to my house the night that my father was a thief then redneck cops hauling out Johnny why can't you stay out of trouble boy boy my mama she's to slip around with old chappy our coach I used to have his dream that one day chappy and my mama they'd run off and they'd come back and take me with him I like that I really did anyway it'll be good to see my parents again they're not getting any younger and neither mine [Music] I'm glad you tell me about that I'm always intimidated by people who are afraid to go back to their past the past were you their past they laid him the great were you there when they live here the great [Music] sometimes it causes me to tremble [Music] tremble [Music] were you there when a crucified [Music] [Applause] that mr. mrs. Marcus used to become these pots will was a big shout out in California now listen you're gonna make the world forget all about Canada Lee Dooley Wilson and Bill Robertson before we're through I'm gonna take you under my wing we'll make this old town proud you're gonna be the next paul ropes thank you sir [Music] [Music] but Michael sends his love how did it go meaning the audience's response oh how sweet quarters full I made some martinis would you like one well that would be nice for a change Oh from cut you Simone good news it uh-huh Katya assigned me to singing a Black Arts Festival in my hometown and the 94th Chappy's testimonial dinner is more hmm and she's invited all the top critics from Washington New York and Boston listen and it enough money to pay all of our expenses Oh she goes on to say that she turned down the lesser offers based on the fact that even though I was less known in America that was a star of the first magnitude in Europe ha ha ha wonderful agent cutter I love her maybe it's the start of a new day maybe he'll let bygones be bygones bygones [Music] whatever spirit I started thank you mrs. Marcus you've always acted so distant I must have done something oh no ma'am of course when you were away at the conservatory my husband sent you two you didn't have an opportunity to get to know me but now that you're living here I expect we'll become good friends have i wronged you somehow do you dislike me so much well no I like you mrs. Marcus how much you're a nice lady mrs. Marcus how much do you like me show me but but mrs. Marcus aspiring singers have a tendency to remain so unless they you adapt to changes circumstances [Music] take a sip [Music] relax [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get dressed [Applause] mr. Marcos I ever drink now pack your things and go I left money for your fare back east and your room I want you to know that for you it's all over us today I don't dream anymore boy because I'm gonna see to it for as long as I live that you never work as a singer I don't care where you are someday you'll wonder and nobody wants you and you'll remember this day there's no place on this earth or I don't have influence get out of my [Music] no I don't think you let bygones be bygones why go back then after all these years why now well do with the truth yes of course because I magenta not that children's club you are in years ago every jet answers when another gen calls all for one and one for all [Music] agenda got sophisticated [Music] we'd appreciate it if you'd help us out on this one Clarence I bet you would wear harlot instead no one in the English department outside of you even admit stuff ever having heard of them I don't actually know the man I just read it once and that gives you an edge I think once you explain things he'd feel more comfortable with you taking my round if this institution were all concerned with black writers and black literature this would not be happening I mean just because more is black Clarence this is not a racial thing Oh cut it will you this is Miriam who walks through walls we both know better all right try to think of that good at please spare me to do it for your peoples Beach does he have a hotel the sunset the sunset now that's a third-class hotel and you know it what's the matter with the Marino the Hutchinson that's where you put a white writer the Invitational committee told me to put him up there that's where I put him up well change it Clyde you you are the chairman okay okay I'll try all right if you don't just forget about me squiring him around nothing personal against him I mean look I'll try to get everything cleared up by noon tomorrow I'll call you then all right no no not tomorrow what's wrong with tomorrow the wife and I are flying back east I'm playing hooky this weekend taking a long weekend well what about Bonnie more Monday morning first thing I'll get right on it Clarence I'll get right on it Clyde that's our Henderson professor Henderson yes I'm sorry I didn't get my paper and you need to but you got plenty covered I'm riding on Moorish influence Black is my specialty yes I heard could I bring it by your office this evening tonight I wouldn't be there I'd really like to make it up to you shuvit girder I beg your pardon shove it you know your paper under the door I don't believe it man I just don't believe it I can't believe it is this beautiful blonde she's got a body like Marilyn Monroe she ought to be in the movies then I'm here she is hauling it up and down Hollywood Boulevard selling it just because she's in love with you with you hey hey how the hell are you like I had a hell are you doing where is she Sookie I want to hear right now where is he hey did I ever tell you I'm thinking of taking my little lady Dorian to splitting quitting the business yeah well you do that but Gail stays here wouldn't miss me you're me I got a good thing going doing your boys get your bread every week on Christmas you get a treat don't I lay a couple cases on you don't judge me man no you're not to be from it business and pleasure okay no no no scum for it's okay I want you to go for it I got nothing man just thought you'd wanna a joint to cool down a bit I'd blow your head from here to Catalina I know that you nervous or something I never seen you like this I've only been partners five six years you got it bad brother who ever heard of falling in love with a hooker you love me boy I'm gonna lie going from - huh never got on to that before you guys taking a cut well that's life live and let live that's a deal but I'm in a move eat no more you garbage hey be cool yeah yeah come to Papa got fifty pounds on me and you still need to SAP I'm gonna clean me up Sookie you're not that good a man according to Gayle are we finished camp are we finished yeah yeah we're finished kill you you're resisting arrest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey papa what's happening when'd you get the haircut had some trouble Gil I had to go one-on-one with collar you'd be careful I get the chicks together and get on up to my pad in San Francisco I'll call tomorrow you're bad but he's gonna have a bad headache papa honey thanks for taking the time to hit meanness to it then always look out for Miley you sure dude okay now get the girls moving okay but be careful cuz Collins and his boys are gonna be salty for a while if you have to sell this cherry get a good price okay okay papa [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not too late to change our minds hmm sure I'd rather take a little trip to San Francisco for the weekend maybe even down to LA I spoke with mom today and just said the pool is still heated and waiting we could take a midnight swim Oh midnight swim stay out of the Sun I thought you liked this tennis tan you suggested I start playing but you've gotten so dark I'd forgotten how fast you tan I mean how could you let yourself just for anyway I prefer you the other way really wish you would come really we've had some good trips together haven't it oh yes we have remember the winter we spent in Europe everywhere we went people thought we were a white car yes it worked out didn't it what do you mean [Applause] what other reason would persuade your snooty parents one of the most substantial Negro fortunes in America I believe those are the words have been used to allow their only child to marry a poor college professor I mean what would tempt such a beautiful woman as you were a pardon as you are who have the pick of the field to tie the knot with me I mean what's so special about me oh by Jove I think I've got it black parentage light-skinned on my dark side the family raised me but hated me for my straight hair too well my buddy's girlfriends who let me have my way with them because of it too he's arrogant students on this campus for some now seem to feel that their deeper hue gives them a corner on the soul market and last my dear even you I only hope you love me some two for myself as they say okay I'll go however I'd like to spend one day in New York daddy's gonna be a little extra money job okay you know I'm a makes my parents very happy how much better shall it be going that I'll be back here on Monday when we spend Sunday in New York huh you can't shop on Sunday that listen not the reunion is only for two days it's just Friday and Saturday now if we layover in New York I'm gonna miss the first half okay the banquet Saturday night that's the big thing I will make a call and I'm telling you scratches remark actually I must confess I'm curious about your roots I never really believed that story about ghetto beginnings and that hideous nickname Clary I can't imagine anybody calling you Clary and that Club I was assumed you were joking you just assumed away babe okay you know on the starting five of a high school basketball team that was his bubbles moon snake Ralf and myself we were all sophisticated Jets but the white folks used to think that I was a white boy so they would cheer older for me I wouldn't be so sanctimonious about being taken for white Clarence I think you've helped that assumption along on occasion oh well I had a reason what sex what else I'd see a young white girl that I wanted to have and I would just cross over the line for danger - you mean back then you had to pretend to be a white man to get a white woman usually made it easier what time certainly have changed [Music] and we'll be traveling at 500 miles per hour at an altitude of 32,000 feet we'll be arriving in New York at approximately 6:30 a.m. Eastern Standard Time if you look over your right wing you'll see Las Vegas a city often called an oasis of temptation in the midst of a desert we have your captain curly only ever pleasant flight Paree hey Larry unfortunately Ferguson got a minute are you doing yes miss working on his van maybe he could go out to the lot and take a look mmm you've probably got something bad gotcha [Music] we're good yeah come on effort same as usual yep just give me a few minutes I'll give you your cut but I'm still giving out the packets from last week to take you no mind wait dude can't something come up must be some Dame you might as well wait can't do nothing without money anyway yeah just something come up are you saying [Music] well couldn't we have driven down I'm taking a plane some big-time play right you are you know I left town on a bus maybe it's full time we run a car when we get there if this is a then why are we staying at a hotel instead of with your father the best reason in the world I always wanted to give never met your famous sophisticated checks I'm nervous [Music] you know what's going on this is only your first time coming home since you've been gone that was just passing through really coming home there's a fist to get a chance and tomorrow we're giving our coach a banquet after all these years since kind of folks can't get it all together no tires gonna sing and I gotta do a piece of mind overworks except there were thousand openings with more riding on your career than tonight not really babbles I'm a baby deer [Music] bubbles is a pretend today is Friday night Saturday what's his play hooky unless you're gonna do it right hmm smells good no stupid II though thought until tonight I think you should have gone to work today you're pretty sweet just died mr. bubble then you stop this skater dudes gonna be together again ah dude thanks Mel you're gonna miss it dinner tonight though well tonight is just the preliminaries the black festival and they're getting acquainted against something he'll be here tomorrow for the banquet yeah everybody be here for the banquet with somebody know everybody except me nobody knows how to region honey even his mother mm-hmm well laid out a nine gents ain't too bad after all these years mm-hmm after all these years I'd better not catch you sneaking out after Christine trying to renew no old friendships there's nothing to renew I only went out with her once or twice yeah I bet she still expensive ever I sure hope so how about snake finally introducing his white wine now Anita you know I don't care really as Ralph's been divorced from April and remarried what not ten years finally gonna meet her finally go me clear his wife and Dartz wife is gonna be wonderful you know snake I've never said putting this out not once maybe yeah he's too big time that's naked I'd like tagged up how we doing all right don't you ever forget it whose is it negative better damn I've got to get champions black with the committee but you don't sit back down Athens eating your breakfast come on sit down hey d'Artagnan is sang in capitals all over Europe as brows please for god knows how many times he's made a professional I'm just an amateur I'm not about to be nervous you're gonna be brilliant yeah morning mr. Papadopoulos you're looking good I sure hope you keeping me in mind for when you sell this place you know I'm interested hey Cheryl I'm sorry how was our base before forget it's cool well I wish you guys lot's of luck yeah let's see if I got this straight now tonight's the Black Arts Festival right right but before that we're gonna have a special get together right here and tomorrow night's the banquet they'll be there right here everybody come in everybody can well I mean everybody come on for instance what about Mooney coming hey buddy can sue wanted right now no I got a role played it sure see you again mr. Papadopoulos Yeah right I got you yeah okay man that's phony brother with the fancy talking just call for a reservation next week asking for some chitlins sugar you're the best cook in town I can't baby well you might as well ask for a t-bone steak let's practice the chitlins I'm gone sky-high me a Mickey Mouse you ready for me to take all the show yeah we got around to bunt videos and check out the plaque for tomorrow night all right I'll be with you in a minute hey Cheryl you just cross we're going out you fool he gave us this man got in his car drove around the corner he still sit back I know he's something what do you think he's up to wait not too far the best I can tell you there [Music] yeah papa we're gonna clean up and get some rest and I'll see you tonight at the play and then tomorrow we'll go see mom okay okay [Music] you know what this hotel didn't take black folks from miles coming up it's okay van it's no Taj Mahal yeah but it sure thing like it back then what's in love it I'm sorry to say lady but that doesn't quite solve all the problems I sure wish she could you've been one evil man lately I don't like the direction that directed in New York is pushing the new play listen I want phantom boo anything I can do for you you're already doing it love you girl wow thank you song you know I keep wondering about spoof why is he hanging around here and does he have a beef with moon I sure hope so cuz if that is the case he is out of luck we haven't even contacted moon right almost like this who just hang around trying to give somebody a traffic ticket [Music] 15 year you don't say what would see hidden Papadopoulos for three bills a week but I could miss the super thick and pay off and I can make him ease up on us on moon or anybody else if it comes down to that cats think they so slick and so bad but look here every time there's poop comes in the thick of his money yeah hey bubbles bang tape recorder goes on yeah you know just as hard as you come down also this way he can also come down hard on you it's risky business messing with them I'm going to do it one way another Sunday anyway brother hey shoot no need go give me that measly right money come on it hey what do you think I've been chewing sound less so you got in jail no no they go read to you guys you're gonna break out the town of my stuff come on get off me get off this is dynamite stuff when you taste the top drawer wrench oh we haven't heard from it Oh what about that light-skinned guy what's the name uh Clary Henderson that's the guy yeah fast as a jackrabbit right yeah he won't be in till tomorrow but he'll be here in time for the big banquet you coming oh right are you serious how would I miss something like that listen hey I'm bringing my kid too you know democracy you know we were friends and although we got along okay one with the kids and when I move that out of the way your friend yeah cuz I gotta show you this name later and you're gonna get nothing but the best lettering I mean first class all the way that's gonna be ready by tomorrow are you sure I know yeah Ritchie I'm telling you you know some of you guys I never knew this chappie Davis but uh well I feel like I have something in common with a man I mean beside people don't really appreciate what what this is all about what goes on I mean come on show you know what the hell I'm talking about take this thing from Tony what figlio come on oh this is your thing right I'm not supposed to know anything about this crap huh well do you remember paddle malya coach yeah my money was sticking his size-12 into our bucks I was Irish creep of a coach well that's when it suddenly dawned on me that we were a team I mean a team and O'Malley he didn't give a damn what the hell we were as long as we won miss mr. Davis if he hadn't done whatever it was for you guys I mean I'd be the poorer for us you know what I'm trying to tell you I mean it all locks together you can take your what power your [ __ ] power your kite power your [ __ ] power I mean all the power you want but it's gonna take all of us to keep it up there it down you know what I'm trying to tell you my man I'm not a big picture I'm telling you I'm just a plain old businessman I'll let you are as a very soft-hearted [ __ ] where the guys stand by [Music] all right man really the Alexandrian family used to sneak to the entrance of always feet alway always the soft feet over there yeah come on I got caught it was that what it was maybe I ought to go over there and see if any of the guys have gotten in yet Oh we'll see they're busting I have to do you got lots of things you gotta get it together we wouldn't want him to think that the whole guys they function in right man since when - Tony bun think they'll get religion always with his back but not black of a moon you know what if being the coach and I've been Catholic man he's been still sitting on the fence but was you living first thing right no game thumb finger couldn't push his way out of a paper bag and a was it all locks together [Laughter] guarding the category was crying Hey look he's not the worst white boy I ever met well we'll sent on his check coming in got to give us nothing right we will come down swoop to you give us any problem hey Cheryl I want to say something okay sure we've been knowing you know almost 40 years but we have never really known you you know what I'm trying to say sure there are lots of surprises this afternoon a lot of heavy stuff not so heavy I mean sometimes your things about a man you know you know you guys are my best friends that you'll never know oh man I want to know [Music] hey cool it buddy [Music] [Applause] now you've added yourself they all running like they've been whipping you yeah well to tell you the truth exactly yeah but I ain't so new I had a 12 year old Clary go get some booze [Music] [Music] so where are you going now well I'm gonna do some shopping and then I'm gonna go visit on folks I'm just gonna do a little leg stretching myself maybe I'll do a little leg stretching too I call my daddy just now how is your father he's fine I'll see him in there you talk to bubbles no no I talked to him Letha she said he was off getting everything ready for tonight he'll meet us at Ewa Neos he manages that joint now surely does Pepe Niels yeah snake he'll be there too he married a white girl didn't he so I understand so to dire Oh dark yeah but you're not gonna let something like that mess of things now are you hon oh really it's none of my business right just surprised you can get yourself one Ralph next time around maybe I know as it wishes he had one don't you babe drop it Chris bet you want there I bet it wouldn't be as sweet as our marriage has been [Music] there's a Jackson here guess who ain't go on playing College in fact guess whose cars parked in front of the rainbow motel where have you been I've been worried about you again and see it a lot of Omega C is jobs man wake up oh alright hey I think there's a jug shop around the corner I'm gonna give me a bottle yeah ok I'll get one too well I'm off to do my things everybody's gonna be here tonight except them all I guess so I'll need to say Claire II wouldn't be here till tomorrow he called I think it's gone suddenly being back seemed like I've only known two things in my whole life Christine and mr. Lawrence and I'm kind of tired of both of them it's late man don't sweat it it's a thing you go through at IH house kids are the monsters about as bad as their mama except one's a boy he can't get pregnant even coming with chapter good luck with bad attitude buddy hey to pass the pass I'm concerned the comparison you know the comparisons with the past man the plans we made did we live up to what chap we saw on us did I live up to what I hope for myself us all together again I don't know if I want to know Ralph I swear to God I don't same thing with that piece of money now rule for the night I wrote it straight for us for me three minutes pleasure nine months paper amen to that hey what the heck let's get the top-shelf huh yeah look bad for us returning big shots drinking right good like we used to how you doing amen twelve dollars twice 85 twice that's forty five seventy don't I know you I don't know the names Jackson yeah you played guard with overlook I played with Webster's it's - kuala krai remember yeah I don't remember you though I was in and out Ralph hey that tackle on that big fullback you guys had greased lightning lightning oh yeah that way you guys theme song wasn't it alright you got cleaned up the conference three years in a row reduce Rashad now I just work here I don't know I went off the war and tried three or four different things nothing seemed to work wife kids all of a sudden I'm getting old tired oh and by so fast tell us about it [Music] just flashed up here the little some of the old crowds do it okay listen you guys stop in again yeah well I'm from Kansas he's in New York we're out of town is now best thing yet now wish I had done it and good luck huh good to see hey right back at you [Music] thank you thank you very much listen you come highly recommended it won't be necessary well sure we get along together fine well let's just say there will be gentle with one another okay hmm oh I'm going to leave now now you know we're going to rehearse until five what your big chance he's you're too kind really too kind well you've heard and I must hurry ah symbol to be above and get the dust to give you an extra set of keys quiz okay to to this year to do that you'd haven't seen you in about ten years not more than that I was married to April more like 15 save your dog I'll tell you that better after tonight which mean there's one thing though I should have left mr. Lyons a long time ago why well I never got to be oh man you know the way a rider is you don't think of yourself as a writer anymore never did I'm an editor I killed writer it used to be fun a long time ago though you know messin with the string mrs. tough pretending we were going to be the black time magazine hey I hate you got a play nurse yeah and I may never get out of here is where those people keep messing you do mother back down south where she's happiest say why don't you and Christine and April and April oh man I mean Lill Lill hey well we sure taxi to the festivities tonight sure us all together again be like The Time Machine comparisons yeah I'm not so sure I want to know round I mean back then everything was so shiny you know I heard that [Music] [Music] my name's Hepler cold looking for bite there's nothing moving up there this time of day so they come in sit he relaxed got it hunting gear in the car no just detour huh what's that supposed to mean II need you just coming up from the city what else I used to work in the city got to be a little bit to myself you want a drink scotch it's your place yeah how long you here nine years what you do in the city you might say I was bald leisure time activity I'm in music I was a pimp they're hard to get a setup like this credit walks with money talks like I started up here - my folks gave me a hard time but I had the bread and couldn't stop me hey I'm bothered with too much now and the state troopers up here I went to City cops they overgrown farm boys small-time hustles like tie-ins with auto records things like that hmm you know I'd like to stay overnight got a cabin I'd like to little walk and looking around sure hey cold don't I know you didn't you have a couple of girls working at Chelsea red-light area about 10 to 15 years ago I told you whatever you say cope excuse me his dog parks checked in yet can you tell me yes yes I'm his wife we're in 923 are you one of the famous sophisticated gents Ezard Jackson at your service ma'am 923 that's one floor below us esra Jackson chops Bravo that's right hey where's dart he's at rehearsal and your family are they with you why why she's out visiting her relatives I had a drink upstairs I thought I'd come down here and have one too hey want to join me what you need C Mon fantastic what well you don't buy welcome to thank you sad to be back as a not sad you don't look so happy yourself you don't like America this is America yes yes it is this is really America not New York City maybe that is why I like New York City what are you gonna do with yourself while darts busy gonna go visit his folks No what are you going to do while your wife's visiting our relatives why don't you come with me Oh see some of this old town of mine what I remember no no thanks there must be something better to do yes must be [Music] mine's died to that not before five [Music] five thirty more likely that right at all afternoon [Music] and you I got time it's nice taller [Music] good vibes sorry me my papa is so glad to hear you I couldn't talk before the girls were here wait to go Mexico should I come to you in New York City papa I'll meet you in Montreal Sunday you anything about Collins is he messed up yeah that's a god on his choice papa he's dead do that I didn't think so so I'm gonna live in Montreal I work anywhere for you papa I don't want you to work anymore I got an idea well you take care of yourself you hear you probably got a bullet to that on you don't worry where I'm going it'll be cool [Music] would you believe I found in this town on fan the exact blouse I've been looking for for three months my folks say hello [Music] you get my note have you figured it out yet what's 10 times bigger than assists Oh [Applause] [Music] what where did you do that for what's wrong with you look I know you've been a little evil for a couple of weeks but you've never been never with me not like that big and I'll talk about it yeah we can discuss it straight straight get dressed it's party time [Music] [Applause] [Music] idiots knives can [Music] what kind of a man is Jackie a numbers runner the gambler heavy drinker womanizer [Music] father friend [Music] he thought it was jim thorpe but he wasn't he was there when no one else was or even cared enough to be [Music] they taught us how to learn how to hang in there [Music] Thank You Janice but that's what this whole things about sanphet thanks jack busy engines and the Jets will never miss they got one today ain't no where there go [Music] and people they jive this into the city even what some of the money folks back in Harlem paying for rent for those badness it easy buying the finding competes for started do you complain you play some kind of army platoon moving up to lie funny a lot of these guys at cups before I paid them now they paid me brother I know what you mean oh that way in the music business - yeah same way we're gonna be showing these folk from Europe and California campus that we're really into something here I don't know what Chris is like these days you've been to her oh I wonder if you'd say that if you know it's Drive cuz ya chops can pick your thing she sure used to hustle a [Laughter] long time ago wonder what Clara tourism ladies like I guess we find out tomorrow probably the theme colors darts or snakes wife pinky girl what you said hey y'all be cool now Oh cut yo yeah I don't know about everything but I'm just talking you know I couldn't care less who's married to who I'm just not as cool as you are I talk about games but I don't mean any harm you think I want to mess up all that work you and bubbles and Shirley's done [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just wanted to know that old truck was still parked around the corner probably cause himself protecting the Commissioner thanks you James Bond this side my checkbook means mama all right you boys leave me alone it did what are we haven't you we are having time ribs of beef I choose Oh and it cost a pretty penny too now y'all don't back out there and make sure Mickey Mouse got the y9t why yes I said wine good expensive French wine he played first team didn't care about it quit you know what hockey is the same way Steph he wasn't so good yeah but just upsets me that my son does not want to play ball well it doesn't mean Aviv any less manly because he don't wanna play football [Music] some do some don't some will some won't color kids today don't need football as much as you all did need it but not as much you understand it back then it was to be somebody today it's to get the money money I make you be somebody maybe that's the way it always was but when you look at the pros that's all you see colored boys at I'm bored poorest boys don't see no in the cottage of p-bodies the third anymore how you see spanish-speaking boys and help us all them crackers yeah could you change the way you brought them up mr. David Oh change the thing I know I was right and I know I did the right thing for the time can't none of us know about tomorrow you understand just do the best we can I'm positive that you're all marvelous parents it's something I feel in just a short time we envy you very much you can have our wine is talking well here we are coach everybody's here except for Claire yeah moon but Claire you'll be here tomorrow night before the banquet but I managed early here want to give this little dinner here to Mike just for us before the Black Arts Festival and stuff and well we just wanna thank you chappie and me and Shirley and Cudjoe and steak or thank you rescue guys bringing all these lovely ladies here this evening [Applause] I look around now and I am proud we've been through some rough times good and bad but at least we have been and can say so sit right here and say so and that's a lot better than what happened to whole lots of people [Laughter] [Music] the glory of love and cherry-red groups and teams you remember when we were kids [Music] [Music] member where do gouging came in for the very first time laid down on the boulevard all the dances they don't had in this town color folks ain't never had to haul their own until the few years boys had to rent somebody else these boys would take their little money and buy records every week and then this song came along and they adopted it as their theme special sophisticated gent dance that's Nick never told you took up the drums Laurence Johnson had him a saxophone always water cord around his neck so people would know he was a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Samah doesn't change [Music] but to us right when your data will not be for the black arts vessel y'all come on [Music] I am NOT dancing what it isn't but we're having a good time they tried to eat him like they all mean it all of you calm sunshine he was as big as Jack Johnson and he was in fair shape too they didn't bother him they sort of left him alone with his black family in his black neighbor with his black friends to stop some wither away this is some turnout Sun color folks haven't been together like this F outside of funerals Easter Sunday in church please I'm giving it a crap game where the trains you know what grapevine honey it struggles and struggles and it turns brown and the leaves they jet up and they break off turn the other one cyclic and you see it's dead and you stop looking at it just stop waiting for those grapes to grow you say all the hell with it ain't never gonna be no grapes and then one day yeah yeah I walk in it stumble your foot is caught on something and you look down and there it is there it is there's a young tough green vine that's come up out of all of that withering and you look at that vine right that's fine it's going pro someplace right no that vine is gonna stay away from it it's right he was not dying my father had strong roots and I am his fruit yeah and barelly I am which one drunk yes he even shadows on the Sun hmm all right [Applause] and now ladies and gentlemen d'Artagnan Fox were you bad with me [Music] when they [Music] need to tremble train you go when that [Music] [Applause] to us sophisticated lady Oh daddy don't get drunk having don't die in an epic intro silly bad sleep it why did you do it know why I know I don't know why my reader I can't is it geez such a panic attack I'd be another drink [Music] [Music] let me move this out man we got a surprise the Yuga just be easy chunks detectives this big controversial brother that amount of trouble and then exile Europe because they wouldn't count on the white folks his wife but he said they'd be multiplied into a place to stay mr. Johnson what I mean is if you have any problems with housing let me know I don't make any promises but I do the best I can I got a little rat's nest over there one more thank you just the same [Music] don't you think we should circulate a bit and they have another one hey brother there was some show tonight man nah he went on man was a nice piece did you did I'm not wrong just finish the coffee darling a little bit more never drink for another when you're finished with the coffee I'll give you back the drink conscious how's it coming no problem you know chappy Mike it's a very very young now but if I could do just half the job that you did with those sophisticated Jen's I would be very very happy excuse me life is like Dorfman's she could take it down and go flat out for you got as far as you that's what I try to teach my boy it ain't all about color course you gotta get your breath to see that who is it [Applause] I always believe my man Hittle coward I guess I have been afraid no one all those years I hoped you'd never say I was afraid you know why because I was Chris I was afraid of being alone [Music] of being alone after a quarter of a century with you stupid one Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Sandra's big behind April what about no April she knows all about the worry about she's a fine-looking woman herself tonight we want to know what's going on you get what you mean told you oh hey nothing's wrong yeah we just uh talking about old time you two Negroes and surely been whispering and pulling it leaves all last night know what's going on come on come on about moon hmm well Swoopes been hanging around he still is so must be moon because everyone else was at the party last night he's supposed to come but his mother hasn't heard from him and if anybody but mrs. Porter I'd say but I just don't know Oh Lord well I gotta believe Cleary it's coming 3,000 miles just to drop dirt on folks come on now he knows that the police after him he's not gonna come here there's not a dog sugar I was that okay but moon knows it doesn't know we got these people together and that's when you use with what black folks getting together so they can say the one of them hey thanks we could have set a home style we gotta keep our piles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] like I got one I thought this was rifle country methods they use everything up there cannon missiles and hand grenades if they thought they could get away with tell you one thing I love the monkey the articulate animal to kill enough hey listen man thanks for everything you buy ready to move on yeah just gotta go to the room and change and drop a little something for the maid you know gotta be regular that way well you have a good long life there Cole's be regular and that's what all the Armstrong is to see was with us a good while you take care sir I see you well let's just the hare was wondering Richard who's going then been told the banquets not until tonight yes but they had a little get-together last night too honey at the place a Shirley one's brother Greek you didn't tell anybody hurt no Walter you told me not to listen mom I'll be there in time for the banquet tonight but don't tell anyone no Walter I want to surprise them listen I might as well tell you but I won't be able to stay long but I'm moving from the coast and when I get settled I'll be a lot closer you remember those letters over the years you got ready oh yes done I got a shoe box for upstairs in on the top shelf in the closet of your own room and and I'm to tell those boys absolutely nothing that's right I'll be here waiting Walter okay mom you get real dressed up for the banquet you're gonna be my date Walter I made a cake well you know in case some of the boys and their wives want to come by and say hello well you save me a piece of cake here you sound good Walter I'm feeling good mom pretty good bye bye son [Music] [Music] I really appreciate your hey in New York and trying to learn something you're wonderfully to catch you but this thing is soon going to be over well tomorrow I want to show some momentum of the countryside we'd be bussing down yes I got the money thank you well honey I don't know how long we're gonna be here it's not like we got a busy schedule waiting for me back in Europe what no cat you don't you understand I want to do something in New York I'm sorry I really didn't mean to yell yes please keep trying thank you very much she says she's working on a couple of things small but it is New York isn't is we welcome the return of a native son although the rigors of singing in Europe have taken a slight toll on a once magnificent voice another one of Marcus's flunkies we got the opportunity to see your parents my parents when I walked in i saw their eyes follow but i would be leading our motorcade loaded down the gold damn you Marcus damn damn damn you Marcus stop there darling you have got to forget about Marcus you love your parents my parents don't love they need money I wonder Moore's pretending that they were white wealthy and worldly how much can we afford I mean how much can we slip them when we make our escape let's go out and get some lunch hmm I really couldn't get anything now but you go ahead you go ahead and I'll be alright hello [Music] doubt every day I had to see you good to see oh there doc pops we caught your act last night mr. Fox it was interesting robear go to the bar I want to talk to dart alone go on end of the line gigolo I'll give you an act right now I can't move can it dart Lam zone get out of it [Music] it was being nasty yes I know weird Wilbur it was good very good where's Wilbur what are you doing here anyway you know whoever doesn't like this kind of thing it upsets him where is he he tend to kill him California he's also dead he has been for 12 years yes 12 years yes but I thought you thought about it and he was still riding you portent he did for a while he didn't start a day without dictating a letter or making a long-distance phone call about you but even his power was limited he didn't work out well at the studio and he became an independent and an agent little by little the bottom dropped I've been back here what five years sick father told years but I could like if I'd only known nobody paid any attention to we'll graph the first couple of years and it all figured out if they hadn't afford well how come your own ghosts maybe you needed to believe it there were things happening how would you think well then what tell me white woman you didn't have it baby you were Wilbur's ego trip maybe his way out of the guilt he felt with her loaded dice he tossed in it rapid got liquor he sold on his way up that's all [Music] I was good I was good and Wilbur did me because of you you you are lying lying [Music] a dreamless border Oh Mitchell come here when you do it it'd be far well how you do it well last hour on the phone with the chance to talk to you in a long time well it sure is good to see Richard Walter isn't he oh well I just wanted to tell him something what do you want me to tell you haven't called me please just as soon as he gets in Richard someone's been calling just about every hour asking for Walter won't leave his name do you know who that could be no ma'am sure yes ma'am is Walter in some kind of trouble miss Porter I just don't know well well they might tell Hugh I've been kind of nervous with all these goings on now you know I have got to protect my boy oh then you have heard from him then huh I made a cake come and have a piece of cake Jesus realize Richard please help me please well that's what we're trying to do miss Porter you always be well me and kajol shirt oh god what is going on bubbles I want to know what is going on well you see there's this guy who thinks that moon and his wife disguise why we're together last time moon was in town and what well there's been talk you know is that all yes ma'am oh sure Paul T can take care of himself man had been any kind of a man are you sure that's it [ __ ] yes ma'am people are acting so crazy these days so uh we just want to make sure what do you think means gonna be around he said he time for the banquet okay well I tell you what suppose suppose me encourage I'll come by and pick you up it's in you make sure you gets in touch all right which I hope will thank you sure is wonderful the way you boys still looking out for one another [Music] [Music] would you yell back there next Mickey Mouse I got a phone call yet we've been sitting for the last out if the bone that run we heard it man the time I gotta go get dressed hi Joe now you mainly got one will fit you Oh turkey haven't you learned anything yet the man are that can get you anything you want that is what make just whirl go around if you need it you can lease it rent it or buy it it's now 5 yeah I suppose it's time to get ready we'll be plumbers in some rain and peace cut yo when you ready you pick up the women and get to the hotel right and check us what the minute he walks in the place right how come we whispering I suppose we were weren't we yeah like they wanted some kind of to know or something Effie's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody's here everybody's here Chuck all right let's go show him what we made us all right all right wiggins present traffic comes happy Davis moving called in short so he's going to leave a note at the house oh yeah yeah well I saw a suit by the door with that he ain't there now he's gone which you can believe from time to time he be looking over really cut it out in it yeah they're looking good I wish I could enjoy come on cuz it's gonna be alright don't worry about it [Music] you know Ralph I was very moved by your clip master very much hey you can that grease there to police last night much that I'm not sure you can put the popgun time ago oh man good luck good evening ladies and gentlemen what is it that they say unaccustomed as I am to public speaking in this case it happens to be true i richard bubbles witness president of the gents i don't know what that title means the most folks but to me it always seem to be that I was all guys well fortunately the mirrors that we doing the speaking tonight but excuse me sir I would like to introduce two guys because you know way back then a lot of people probably wondered what chappy Davis ever saw us right up to this time people are probably still wondering what do you saw in this he must have seen something and I'm glad he did cuz everybody turned out alright well enough of that first kenneth snake dumps [Applause] the Italian pop ended top [Applause] where's Larry Henderson Fat Joe 30 rock and Ralph's job you don't know what happened to Walter moon Porter he was supposed to be here tonight but I couldn't think of a better person to represent him the lady I'm about to introduce to you now because I mean her pork chop sandwiches plus many a whole moons mother ladies [Applause] [Music] I suppose for every great coach who was well known there probably are 10 coaches whom no one has ever heard of this man whom we honor here this evening worked against great odds but he never did despair that man ladies and gentlemen is coach Charles choppy Davis [Applause] [Applause] phonce Davis I'm very proud to present this outstanding Citizenship Award and let me read it presented to Charles chappy Davis in appreciation for over 30 years of distinguished and dedicated service to the youth of his community - Gerald Harrington mayor [Applause] just like oh I suppose I'm supposed to say something well thank you thanks a lot you know I just I'm not used to talking in front of people oh I'll do fine if you give me your budget but now I'm not so sure I think to myself what did I do that's the truth when these men were little boys they did all the running I didn't they were getting the bumps not me and the bruises and getting so tired they couldn't boogie-woogie but they wanted to be somebody or otherwise there wasn't one single thing I could have done the mayor was talking about how far we've come yes we've gone over around and through history and my boys ain't done yet I was richer than any parent because I had them all and it came without my calling them times was bad back then for lots of folks but they were good for me because I had the boys I don't think I can say any more than that I enjoyed nearly every moment I've disappear tonight thank you [Applause] you couldn't ever begin to give you what you've given us coach but if you ever get tired of tired of watching football or television once you put this on the wall we can look at it and think of us Oh [Applause] where they going up a back way to your place what he cut Joe tell him wasted we're gonna party at your house and I should beat the crowd well what do you think man I thought you're never gonna get here been looking for yours just last Thursday I've been calling and calling for you honey but now everybody's together know what I'm so happy to see you I don't even care about you being bad what do you mean bad mom I mean that bothers to you this morning miss Porter I've called son oh well you know that guy's wife you fool around with last time you were here but he never got over the fact he said he was gonna get even so me and Cheryl and butlers been sort of looking out for you properly don't mean anything he just forgot all about that woman already see sure had just nothing Dover in she was good to be him think you're looking good good job yes yes no that's what does it stink beats jogging hand swimming beat it [Music] this is exactly so Sam we gotta talk how you doing mr. Jopling if you look good huh Oh Ralph over there [Applause] so get season off why are you walking so funny Cujo my back yeah booty we're down here for who Joe's got the pool cake what's this line you were giving mom pooja let me ask you a question what have you done my just the usual you know my line of work that's all why you know swoop Furguson that black flatfoot strange boy fast as a whip came up behind us yes he's been waiting for you I don't understand I haven't done anything ever since me step of the way scoops been hanging around here spying troops all alone he's hanging on by your mother's house drifting in and out so it must be you moon roll what I listen to you I should've never left my ride back at the hotel gone gone gone come on cut Jill give me a lift back to my car let's turn on the Chairman brought some ice for the dream hey brother I didn't get a pool table now damn a pool team mean was just about to tell us what happened no I was what for me one for the road getting in the wind tell us man we've been putting up for you right cuz it's bad that's why Wow bad huh super bad super bad well if it was that bad why the hell did you come back here I didn't even know his bad until I called the coast and I never figured the odor would reach here you know I can't figure swoop all by himself and you can't say you haven't seen anybody but him that's all we have papers on your man if you had some papers on me would he be out here all alone I'm splitting no need for you guys get involved really just one of those things that went bad there's a mistake to come and I'm sorry I can recall lots of mistakes time at Scout camp uh fella to that all parties okay one arm is just coming up even in this Wiggins Oh mind if I come in say hello to the boys well it is a private party I just middle of it bothers me that's all right just tell me where he is you don't mind off carry on with the party this video [Music] [Music] who say moon yeah I'm the name sit down gentlemen's I've had a hard thing why are you following us who do you have papers on this man or something oh yeah what kind of papers murder papers where's the rest of the force who you know 500 cops against one black man how come the house ain't around oh yes how come no bull horns and what are the searchlights I'm so bad I don't need 499 nobody else's that's why what do you mean murder what's a fat man do you know what murder is don't you one man kills another Hey he was trying to kill me bruh it was self-defense [Music] it's all right baby join the toes the door key pains gonna be okay ain't no jive old Walter here alias silky you didn't kill Jess anybody did you moon move fat man so I can see my prisoner now wait a minute you ain't got to be sever nobody swoop don't put your hand on me again swoop you ain't got no calls to be so bad in somebody's house friend you don't even have a warrant sorry man I just want to talk to moon alone alone let the dude arrest me let me is charged then I'm showing me something don't y'all go back to your party no I'm staying right here me too mm-hmm okay surely stays that's it you to keep the party moving all right call me begins alright smooth now what you got brother tell him ooh you tell him I'm cool yeah you're so cool you killed a vice cop I didn't even know he was dead until I made the call let's just say for the sake of argument you've got ahold of something you trying to get over just saying just saying I ain't saying nothing about you alone and your offices somewhere else ain't saying nothing about you Cindy bubbles and cut you awake how come Shirley's take Charles my buddy ain't you Sheriff get into his game show don't be no turkey man go on and talk to her that's right baby you can talk to me that's what I like to hear brother you were saying yeah I was saying suppose well suppose I mean how much would it be worth to you brother you can go now Shiro no what you heard what I said thought it was your buddy Tommy would be bred in Hollywood it ain't so super big well I guess I got to be a brother I'm gonna help you over for $25 take me to jail then that Fink was taking my money you cop to something else man how much you got Turkey don't waste my time with no theater he was worth $1 but I'll give you 500 more 15 man I had to leave in a rush I mean I got to get to Europe for Saturday my problem yes it is 10:00 that's a long walk from 25,000 shut up I could have walked you out of here in handcuffs you got the ten I'd give you five and send you five I know you can do better than that I got a problem soup I lay the bread on you and get picked up when I Drive away you know you got a witness I feel the heat show so I gotta say this I can only go about what I see his uncle tom says you're his buddy so what kind of witness does that make you for me I tell you what no you give me the bread okay now it's midnight you're going to split I get it my name is Sam o'clock in the morning how's that one I'm not sure I can trust you sure - with this turkey roaming around he can call the Cossacks the CIA and the cops before morning and then come back and get the bread oh he gonna stay right here to there I ain't staying nowhere [Music] [Music] sit you oh come on I'll take it hold it son sit down agility everybody old man ain't got no time for city I'm the police remember I got the stick yeah you're covered ain't you legal or illegal yeah it stick so roughly nobody knows that better in black folks come on so now swoop come on okay for a minute [Music] we ain't had much chance to talk some [Music] oh just little private problem Simone you get boy here a little black coffee thank you is Walter already Walter's just fine man brothers while we all go downstairs come I'm waiting right here for Walter will you guys see that everybody gets home or back to the hotel safely well thanks everything is gonna be fine Chevy it's gonna be cool it's cool and we've had a good time I thank you now the gents got some business to take care snake you and Ralph give these folks home and now don't you worry none me the boys alright we just have to straighten out a few things and boy down there's a cop any chappie why would a cop be here is everything all right coach I said it was okay coming in tight let's not call you first anymore what's out two rebels let you guys get back here start to clean up come upstairs later these are Jesus I sure my boys all right don't worry about it mrs. Porter I'm sure everything's gonna be all right and he'll be home soon it's just some of that gent business Wilden Kenneth why didn't you stay oh you're going back well I think it's just for those who are there now mrs. Porter of course he's going back thank you good night dad come on give me a hand because they honey you can tell somebody come here and have ice cream he's drunk as a skunk let's leave him in there hey I'm thinking about going back anyway how about a gents you in yeah I'm Claire come on hey why not Clarence it's late why don't we go up take a listen you really shouldn't have said that no I know I know I had to tell her something Oh mom I don't know she kept talking about how you all stuck together when you were young huh bubbles Cujo Anu I didn't tell her you hadn't seen each other in years now you all got together to look after moon and his problem how black people didn't stick together and the Jets were unusual wait a minute what do you mean moon in his brows Oh bubbles told her that there was a jealous husband I better get started the sooner I get over there the better and the sooner I get over get some sleep [Music] [Music] steak Oh chitlins little nightcap to sleep okay well they all came back didn't it well well the chat secretary I a little better we came back for the meeting yeah well it's heavy I mean really heavy how heavy about as heavy as it is ever gonna get hmm new it's nice not to get something well let's get it off why not Shirley wants it okay how heavy is it killing heavy Oh Lord oh so it doesn't matter but it was a cop but move is gonna meet sweet surprise you mean he's gonna pay him off hey why don't you put some sausage on curse is on that moon dragging his dirt in here and surely mr. big-time Savior if the shoe were 11 foot he know we just go on about his own business you see the rest of them came back to half-past one and bubbles is talking about sausage y'all help me put some food together the next meal might be in jail killed a cop that man is something else Yola and else this ain't no club meeting all your boys come stumping in here get him out of here now what's a boy coach coach what's going on what's this police officer doing here Misha this doesn't really concern you it'd be better if you weren't here AUSA Ferguson are you are you taking a bribe are you arresting this man what are the charges I want to see your warrant oh right do it snake do it what's he taking ten snake and don't mess it up ten thousand give me that tape machine lose again super ain't giving you nothing you give me the bread I gotta go get where is it give him the keys where's the car back to the hotel parking I need to drive you I'm gone when I was a young boy I thought all I had to do was swim the river of life and climb the mountain of faith not be alright all through here's another river another mountain but we can handle it right we can em well you need that machine for I don't get foolish son if you'd have been five years old you'd have been one of my boys and for one thing you would have learned some manners but the car didn't follow that way I sure would have made you better than you turn down listen old man let the coach talk chopped ya better than you are you see these boys here they scared of you and they hate mean for flying out of the night the landing here with a problem that could destroy us all yeah okay they scared but they are together do you know what that means hardest things are outside no black person should be alone I think maybe I've taught them that I hope that they taught their kids they're talking about together you you alone I'm sorry coach if I would have thought they were gonna track me down here I would have never forget it mean it's done listen boy when chops get back I'm gonna give me your bread and we're gonna all sit here until 7:00 and now to give moon time enough to get halfway around the world that he wants to mean I'll talk to your mama so Ferguson gets ten thousand let's moon go read about it that's a deal that's all there is to it I don't want to make it tough for anybody I just want a little bit of what everybody else's guy that's all hey don't fool with me fat well I've been gay most of my life and well I'll bet I'm the baddest [ __ ] you ever met why'd you know big thing know it ain't no big thing okay son that's the dealing is it alright with everybody all right okay cars here hold it mr. Davis mm-hmm you go with sure pass the bottle please ready two three oh six seven eight No can you give it to me in you with the road son don't give it to him all just take that money man and split wait a minute surely we made a deal I make no deal coach just a minute bad your day up sir it's not all peaches and cream on the force always a hassle to collect you lousy here you want to do this Cheryl yes whoo I'm sure yeah we get along we have our mutual doesn't see because I know your boss man Papadopoulos wouldn't be hogging up the program who needs troubles tell him I said thanks I really appreciate not having a hassles this guy's taking the whole world well take the money and leave man and swoop you and your leeches get off my back or this tape get to the state investigators you hear me what do you mean your back tell him she'll gone tell him I'm saying my back because that restaurant is my place apart from the old man he fronts for me oh I am sick and tired of being ripped off tonight you walk out of here empty-handed brother at all no yes no didn't you guys hear the tape yeah we heard the whole police force is on the tape you think they're gonna let you get away with it I don't care I'm tired of being messed around with what ain't gonna be the most shovel for white folks ain't let no Uncle Tom's hold it oh you say I should get my hat and leave here and not lay the bread on him right oh yeah then what tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock you turn him loose then what you'll be your neck it'll be all your necks yeah you bubbles cut though surely you too commissioner you live here and you know no look just give me the bread you know be cool I'll give you something you be cool what are you gonna tell your colleagues there's some crazy [ __ ] running the restaurant it's got tapes on you and he ain't from payoff no more that's nice up you'll be lucky they don't rub you out being so dumb that somebody tape you shooting your mouth boom don't be foolish now don't be uncool moon ain't a fool coach you said it yourself they got to speak now what you're saying to us is if we let this man go and if he talks to the police the cops are gonna have their revenge right not if when well what are we supposed to do with him then nothing not a thing shut up thank you guys trying to help but you need to help unless somebody's got a better idea oops coming part of the way with me no I didn't raise you like that boom there's got to be another way can't do it move you can't I agree with snake it's not worth it man okay I'm leaving the peace you all the tenser don't give no money man so maybe you think three or four times before he turns the Wolves loose on you all but it's impossible I think you're wrong no that's a lie that's a lie I know your son when you pick here be strong well long live the sophisticated tense [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's like a lifetime's as I heard him say it seems like [Music] I think maybe we ought to get together again real soon if you do wrong I mean we're gonna be seeing each other anyway me you Joe Shirley I'll hold you to it a try California next time hey they're not wait too long or you be one shot no coach you gonna be around a long time I wonder where all moon is by now I'm going [Music] [Music] I'm gonna see you real soon every one of you sophisticated chance it's gonna hear from swoop [Music] hey guys let's go upstairs on that mask cup of coffee together all right come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody show mean businesses boy [Applause] [Music] [Music] personality [Music]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 116,549
Rating: 4.7739406 out of 5
Id: tH2KrYO-HJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 40sec (10600 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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