All God's Children (1980) | Ruby Dee Ossie Davis Richard Widmark

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Monday September 8 242 am Montpelier School District bus depot [Applause] [Music] come on operator this is an emergency call get me the Highway Patrol [Music] you see it was one of the old buses and whoever it is is in bad trouble because they didn't let the bus warm up enough to build up pressure chances are they won't have any brakes at all [Music] [Music] they're not gonna make it we don't back off [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes judges captain Pierce Donovan old Street station house does anybody got - yes sir told you what happened no nobody talked to me a judge somebody stole a school bus one of the people sir there was that pursuit so if I were you I'd take my phone off the hook reporters are bound to be calling you I've I've already dispatched a unit to sit out in front of your place just a precaution but feelings being a size they are I'd rather be safe than sorry you understand yes yes I do understand who was killed well sir we haven't got it all together yet bodies over to coroner autopsies tomorrow morning all right thanks for the consideration and the call I appreciate it don't punch up some space between you and the next guy you punch up it doesn't look like there's anybody here just keep some space some space [Applause] the day that some said would not be allowed to happen has in fact happened busing is no longer a theory in this community it's a fact welcomed by some deplored by others one thing seems clear it stands to change the lives of our children and the days weeks ahead demonstrators you see behind me find themselves fulfilling the function that become almost traditional in these matters they know they're not going to stop the buses that's not their purpose there is to show the flag of opposition there already may have been some troubling decision mr. Whitefield good morning this isn't a public his race here why no he isn't why should he be I thought Howard you thought your hobby was staying overnight at our place and Rhys told us that you think overnight with Howard your place those Dubois night doing Lord only knows what may be they stayed out at my exhale out at Mike's house last night who might told me he was working nights at the refinery that's right he told me that too well they could have been with him because he wasn't home well where can they be gotta be somewhere okay doctor sorry captain weightings and it's been my experience that autopsies involving burn victims are best conducted without laymen observers and argument on that point okay body appears to be male it's based mainly on size height approximately 5 feet 9 to 5 feet 11 can't be more precise it's rolled up in a fetal ball black or what but Gordon the body black person white person which as of now Your Honor I I don't know the tissue involvement damage was total that I'll have to have to do some cranial measurements and have to get some help from the lab and Lincoln dental charts no the jaw was demolished this is gonna be a big reconstruction that a lot of time involved doctor did you supervise a taking of the body from the bus yeah is there any chance that could be more bodies in there under a seat or something no of course not we went over that thing with a fine-tooth comb and a dirty stinking job it was to let me tell you how and where'd you get that question it's a weird way well we've got a missing-persons report on to kit your honor boy 16 years old the officers in pursuit of the bus sawed Gloucester Road pretty sure they saw one person get out of the bus seemed likely that body on the bus might be the other kid how old were they 16 both of them dear God yeah they were friends buddies he played together on a football team at Whitmer were they both one of each Honor one did white yeah they're black [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me morning help you I'm Judge Dennis I'm looking for room 250 you replace them Dutch effort that's right second floor to lifts thank you is there something wrong what do you mean well I think the bubonic plague is received warmer greetings than the one I just got from you sorry your honor glad to meet you your honor your chambers are on the second floor you're on top of the stairs make a left your honor and left it the first quarter your honor this town doesn't need my cigar thank you very much good morning your judge Dennison yes I asked I'll have these things out of your way in just a few minutes the maintenance crew promised that they'd have the book created before you got here this morning but then they called and said that the boiler ones on the fritz or something like that I get after them as soon as I have this stuff don't get them going if you don't like to have something to eat or hungry cafeteria in the basement help me before when I'm finishing up oh that's all right but there is one thing you could do for me tell me your name we're gonna be working together and I think hey you sets the wrong tone I'm sorry Natalie can't you work for a judge ever yes and you liked him a lot I guess it shows it shows I'm sorry and please don't say you're sorry again you've got nothing to be sorry for you work for a man you liked or how long was that eight years eight years that's a long time and he's getting ready to hear probably the biggest case that ever crossed his desk or ever will cross it and then he dies I say you have every right to be a little resentful of his replacement I don't resent you I miss him as the difference there's also a similarity different judge same case I'll need your help scheduling some hearings how about you're on Monday September 8th 10:18 a.m. Montpelier police department what are you doing here the mother and the father of the black boy here boy he works the swing shift over at the refinery I don't know what they're doing here anyway they ought to be at home nothing they can accomplish here except maybe to find out which one of them still has a son yeah there is that Monday September 8th 1026 a.m. he wouldn't do anything like that blame never Thanks mischief sometimes you're but a thing like this not Reese where is the Irene out with Howie why didn't he show up if there's any trouble you can just bet Howie was in charge Reese's not a baby he taught him to stand on his own two feet and if there is trouble he got there the same time in the same way how he did it's supposed to feel good about that huh that's not what I meant he's got no reason to do anything like this and I don't think he was involved in it if that's what you want to believe and it gives you some kind of ease I'm not gonna try and talk you out of it you don't want me to lie to you do you no no I don't one got out no question about it but I couldn't tell which one we were fifty sixty yards away and when the fire started the one that could I was in front of silhouetted lighter old Norman I could see was an outline uh who's wearing orange and black jack Whitmer High School colors were both on the team looks like it might be the other kids father excuse me mr. zapatti yeah I'll take you have you heard anything no sir nothing yeah our people are looking in the hills where the bus went over the side so far no trace excuse me you need any help I know a lot of guys at the refinery no thank you but that wasn't really work the people I have out there now that are looking they know the area they know how to conduct a thorough search committee better off away it is your wife's in here yeah Mike wait is there a men's room around get around the corner first story right oh my you doing cop told me they got half the force out there look I know Mike so how you doing okay sorry I don't mean to intrude I just want you to know if you need anything anything at all I'll be right here out in the lobby if there's something you need from your house or you need a ride anywhere well I'm here to help thank you that's very kind of you you're the judge RJ yes I am I am sorry we have to meet again under these circumstances don't apologize all right I'm not apologizing I'm just saying I'm sorry doing anything to apologize for right that's right mr. nut ponic finally got my name right next speakers mr. Michael Knapp honored the party name is Parker is that with the K Oh si sorry thank you whenever you're ready mr. no punny this town has been here 200 years your honor and over that kind of a length of time the people of kind of built up their old places and they've got their own way of doing things like you know guys who work together they like to hang out together and you know guys who work someplace else and they they hang out where ever they hang out but that doesn't mean that anybody's better than anybody else just means that you know people like to hang out with the people they know now I think the same things through schools and kids but we got a situation here now where you know people coming in from the outside they're gonna toast what to do about her pardon me mister no panic are you talking about me no sir not any kind of personal way yeah I don't think I've told anybody anything I'm here to listen and to learn I hope you don't think I've already made up my mind no I don't know I really don't I think you're pretty good judge here wouldn't sit you here to take charge Everett's place and no one yes I don't want any kind of personal argument with you anything but this is a good count it's very nice here and I we want to keep it like that every time this bussing thing has been trying to cause us trouble I don't see any point causin trouble one wants to cause any trouble mr. nepata yes sir but well so what are we doing here I mean well what are we doing here besides rocking a boat hopefully we're here to try to create a little justice I'm not against justice nobody is but you sir Cuse me Your Honor I understand you wanted this to be an informal hearing and I have a few questions I'd like to ask relating directly to what mr. mnemonic is saying all right listen up I sure go ahead your name please Oh Miller Polk thank you now I miss turnip onic isn't it true that you are the secretary treasurer for the Whitmer high school athletic boosters club yeah so and isn't it also true that your son is on the football team the first string quarterback I believe yeah and is it just possible that your opposition to busing is based on the consequences which might befall your boys football career in case he should happen to get bused to a different school isn't that the fact of the matter the fact that matter is my son goes the same school I went to and I like that fact my ex-wife she's over there two afternoons a week she helps out my library she sees my boy he sees her I like that fact he's a student but it's our school we contribute to keeping it going you bus into some other part of town that's gonna change I don't want that to happen that's why I'm here do you honestly expect us to believe that your opposition to racial equality I'm not opposed to your opposition to racial equality is not based on some macho fantasy regarding your son's football career or you say mr. no panic is your opposition to busing based on what it might do to your son's football career are you gonna tell you bluntly one thing about that question well mr. no panic from the tone of your voice I believe it's perfectly clear what you think of the question and if I let you put it into words bluntly I'm afraid I'd be obliged to find you in some kind of contempt and I truly don't want to do that so maybe we better break for lunch sout will resume at 2 o'clock what's on the agenda for this afternoon do you finish with mr. new ponic he was scheduled to hear from the ACLU the DAR the n-double-a-cp the Urban League the United Sons of Liberty mothers for freedom and stops what's that last and stops stop totally impressive paternalism societies but they got a hell of a secret handshake hey mr. pollak looking good there never seen you at top before well cherry society should have five of the see it again where's you they're back in the tour excuse me hey watch out you don't want to get any grease on that sharp suit of yours mouth kiss the date that's a big mouth blade back here you don't start kid or a ticket for the jumps carburetor I used to be one now with a little luck be one again it's gonna bother you if I talk I'm not as much is it gonna bother you if you don't tell her what can I do right I want to organize some parents about this buzzy thing okay you have my permission I want you to be one of the parents blame a lot of people think this is a black and white thing and it's not it's not no least I don't think it is just to keep kids going to schools near where they live southern racial about that you don't think it's Rachel do you come on I'll buy you a cooler well you don't want to resuspend have this time on a school bus riding across the county do you I suppose not it's suppose not but I sure was busted Tunnel miles when I was a kid ask the white school to the colored facility if I seem to get upset about being bummed about the kids live in the country they get busted long ways because they live a long ways from the school I read any articles about how dangerous that kind of books right just kiss don't have any other way to get to school they got no choice we got a choice here Mike I'd rather have a kid at 16 on the bus heading for an equal education and a chance to make something of himself and standing on a corner at 40 hitting no way nobody's against equal education well maybe some prejudice people are Pete sakes I'm not prejudiced you know that do i Knight you think I am never say that know what you said I'm asking you what you think I don't know I kid in your kid the best buddies he the one I've ever had you're not with it on a visit that's not kids Mike I'm talking about you and me and you think I'm some kind of a racist Mike just I'm not sure any black man in this whole country myself included feels that he can completely trust white man and I think your Falls necessarily eenie meenie miney mo remember that one and if something sneaked it happened it was always a and the woodpile wasn't it and none of this is something you did my something that was done to you something now this are you gonna be this something I don't know maybe you don't know either plane that's a hell of a thing to say I would never call you or any other black guy a would you think it and even if he wouldn't would I believe you 100% if you said you were are you Toby I don't know seems like people are is black and white that back there I don't know if we are ever gonna get better all we can do is to try and not pass it along thanks for the Cola you know they bless your kid that his chance to get a football scholarship we're practically nil it's one to catch one to throw you break up cookies up either one of them's worth near as much I I don't want to shake you up but I didn't raise my boy to be your boys wide receiver [Music] hi mr. panic this is Reese it's how we there I need to talk to him what's your old man say about this uh busing thing you know at least says they're not sure whether or not it's gonna be any Bioman thinks there will be yeah mine too grown-ups really screw things up sometimes you know that they just leave everything the way it is we can work everything out you really think so so we could you know the best age for a person is 16 cuz we're not kids we're not grownups but we can see all the stupid things they let happen what would you do say you could do anything you wanted to forget about this busing thing yeah simple man I would just take all the tax money and split it up between all the schools and then it vehicle between them what's wrong with that I mean that's fair isn't it no cuz that's just good old separate-but-equal that's been trying that didn't work that's what my grandfather had to go through that's what my dad had to put up with in me too I'm not like dad yeah but still a little maybe it's gonna take a couple of three years I don't know somebody doing something they really don't want to do maybe there's a debt own maybe somebody's gotta pay it yeah but why us I mean why right now one year from now you want me to be out from under but the juniors pay if there's any pay in the video I mean it's gonna be our less seasoned race I don't know how he are we gonna hold it off not sure now but now think of something what my dad will having me make some kind of a team defense just won't happen kid yeah I know you said that already but you're not telling me why is it because Reese is black you know better than that okay look me and Reese move out here with you then this becomes our legal render stand what you should be last year's news that's what you'd be what would is a class three School Athletic Association no colles would go Scout a class Reese cool competition oh if we just get in touch with the big schools and let them know use your head oh yeah get in touch with the big school you're a quarterback they'll never let you play quarterback at Woodward not because the student body is mainly black they're not gonna white kid play quarterback no way oh is it that's always telling me that it doesn't matter if you're black or white boy was made of green cheese too but I think it sooner or later you'd figure out a few things for yourself so you think just because Woodward's of black school i'm not gonna get to play quarterback huh did Reese have a chance to try for quarterback the Whitman no but doesn't make any difference who is better than who I mean look you may not like that but you better get used to it hey sooner you realize the better off you're gonna be you gotta go along to get along no I am NOT but me and Reese are supposed to go along to get along weena Doulton your kids that's how come look if I gotta suck up some bung story to give my kid a cauliflower I'm gonna do that if some other guys got spend money he doesn't have to keep the city his kid across town so junking what school he's gonna do that that's not your fight just stay out of it I don't believe it 16 years old and you still touch me just trying to keep you a little behind from freezing that's all well somebody's got to go away you keep kicking off the covers I can tell you something else like what goodnight I'm heading to the job I look at that sure enough covers all over the floor I pick him up put him back and you'll be sleeping so as gospel well 16 I don't need no kisses on the cheek when I'm 48 and I do I'm not asleep so don't try it now that's not why I dropped in this is I want you to take a look at it and we'll talk about it at breakfast tomorrow what is it the school board is setting up what they call magnet schools now that that's a school that specializes on a certain kind of teaching there's one in here that deals in art and in done painting and sculpture and I figure with the way you like to draw what school is it crosstown for a fact but it's time we started thinking about what you got to do with your life I want to play football Reese football is not the only thing in life according to how it's the only thing that's gonna get either one of us in the College oh the Gospel according to Howie hmm don't you think he's right dad well maybe he is right from where he sits well what's right for Howie is not necessarily right for you now I want you to take a look at his pamphlet in the morning than me and you and your mama will talk about it but dad in the morning to eat no intercession sleep hmm those times you come in at night I'm not always so sound asleep question seems to be how do we get from where we are to where we want to be well I don't care about the how it was to be busing so be it let's bustle there's to be a different school the sooner the better if it's to be redistricting then let's redraw the lines to get it over and done with right away this is my city and I have a stake you do have a stake in how let's not perpetuate the myth that - smart - contender please mr. pond oh no let them have the floor life be short the fight with this guy he'll have to inhale eventually and then maybe I can get a word in edgewise thank you your honor I simply want to make the point that redistricting under any circumstances will not work it is reprehensible and blatant sham on the part of the establishment its sole function is to keep the disadvantaged and underprivileged from getting a piece of the pie that and only that mr. Polk I wonder if I could interrupt to ask a few questions the First Amendment guarantees my right to sign questions aren't meant to silence you mr. Polk they're meant to help you expand on your point oh of course go ahead now you said that redistricting won't work under any circumstances now that phrase under any circumstances that covers a lot of ground mr. Polk Your Honor if you read district and the white power elite doesn't like it they will simply get up and move to a place that they do like leaving economically scorched earth behind them creating more slums and ghettos I'm not permitting white power leave because you are part of an economic now I know I stress the informal nature of these hearings but they cannot be allowed to deteriorate into a shouting match mr. Polk is the speaker you'll be given every opportunity to make his point thank you I have one more question mr. Polk maybe two or three come to think of it go ahead thank you now in replying through the comment you just received from the audience I think you said the goal of the system is to keep us disadvantaged I did you consider yourself disadvantaged mr. Paul yes Oh according to my notes here you're a member of the bar past president of the University Alumni Association all sorts of memberships and awards and so on why do you feel disadvantaged mr. Paul I believe that every citizen in this nation is disadvantaged I believe that we're all under the control of the oil companies and the computer firms and I believe that a politician by very definition is a liar and I don't think that the government is interested in helping us except when it suits their purpose to keep us that's all consumers what do you think about this hearing I think it's probably a sham I think you probably have made up your mind you already know what your decision will be I think this whole thing is a formality and a ritual that's what I think thank you I'm curious how many of you feel the same as mr. Pope here how many of you think I've already made up my mind that this hearing is just for show with school starting in less than three and a half weeks you folks are faced with some important decisions now I'm assuming most of you who have heard of Fifield Academy know of our reputation for excellence and I also think most of you have the little brochure I passed out earlier which contains the lion's share the germane facts you need to know about Fifield I do have to put in a brief addendum however some of the facts in our brochure do need some updating which well Pfeiffer was caught unprepared for the abrupt increase of interest in quality education and some of our facilities are a little overbooked white flight strikes again that's what the newspapers call it I think however what has actually happened as this busing thing has come along and for the first time in a long time people are taking a good look at the kind of education their children are getting in public schools that's why we're here tonight so you good people can learn more about Fifield Academy and our educational philosophy ah I don't know very much about the philosophy but I like to hear some more about these facilities that you see are overbooked or whatever of course you said some of the facts in here needed updating I was just wondering what fad well class size for instance now you'll see it listed as approximately 12:15 a class but the sudden enrollment increase raises the average rate how much well classes will average Oh between 30 and 35 36 somewhere in that area and as soon as our construction fund drive gets started we'll have the situation well under control our funds right which your fund drive start well that gets us into the which came first the chicken or the egg thing we need more classrooms because we have more students but we can't build those classrooms until we get the tuition for the students so it'll be oh about a year before construction can commence well isn't exactly like it says in this pamphlet well we anticipate some hurdles in regard to transportation funding what's that mean well again because this came up so suddenly we're short on busses and therefore some of the routes taken will involve longer than normal rides for the new students until we can line up how much longer than normal is this longer than normal we anticipate picking up some of the students at seven o'clock in order to have him to fight fuel by first bill and first bill that's when it's it at 8:30 90 minutes well I'm aware that long bus rides is one of the things you want to avoid through your children and as soon as we can arrange for leisure prolong sauce rice don't have anything to do with it I'm here because I'm scared to death they're gonna send my daughter into some ghetto school and some kid is gonna mugger a knife or worse that's why I'm here that's why we're all here and I think it's about time somebody had the guts to come right out and say it you know I I don't dislike black people or Chicano people or anyone because of the race or anything but I know how they've been treated over the years and I know they must hate us for that treatment and I'm afraid of that hate I'm afraid that they might do something to my son because of what's happened in the past I'm very afraid of the hatred that I think they feel for us [Music] [Music] [Music] hi hello you know I've seen this work in the movies I don't know if it works in real life therefore it works can I buy you a drink sweetheart it works slide over [Music] it's just a two months of four walls and the why are you having very oddly rituals like that fellow sent no they're not rituals the hearings are being held because it's important that I do this one right we say do this one right it implies that one didn't go so well every judge has those cases comes with a territory why is this one assessment yes special because the doctors told me I died [Music] believe me so am i one of the chief drawbacks of a malignancy is that you have to be a material witness to your own death is there anything I can do yes and you're doing it [Music] now wait a minute wait before I do anything out of line or whatever this rules about me talking to you mister no panic if you want to try to influence the judges that's all right sorry so now mr. Knapp onic and feel free to talk about anything you want to talk [Music] the world isn't perfect do people want it to be perfect the truth of matter is the world is never going to be perfect and so what makes you people can't stand the world here's the thing with you people now wait a minute wait a minute I'm getting damn sick and tired of this you people does this what so-called group is this you people you keep lumping me into the you people are the people this guy is singing the people make choices decisions for me all the time people never saw they were voting for nothing [Music] I don't like that I don't want somebody telling me I can't send my kid to the school I want to send him to the school I went to I don't like everything has changed damn it I don't like it one little bit you need a tail on some scales my friend if you're gonna think like a dinosaur you might as well look like one we can send 50 guys to the stinkin moon and we can't find a cure for cancer now can you explain it no I can't explain that mr. no panic but I have wondered about it things used to be simple some guy took some monies and blond him and goes to jail do bad guys good guys now we got disadvantage to the then power elite you objector your son going to school with black sister new ponic no what's the busing I'm against but you wouldn't have checked that blacks were bused into your son to school right oh well then in other words what you're saying is that it's all right for minority kids to be bused but not white kids is that what you're saying what I'm saying is no kid should be bused of his parents don't want it to be accessible maybe not anymore now we got rules and then we got some more rules we got a committee to study this another one to make recommendations about that like before are you asking was hard to talk to you kind of thing is that well we did you're right but I didn't think he said okay I mean am I gonna say something screw up his decision no you could but it's the kind of rule I mean it kind of thing that keeps people from youready major ruling engine it went to the printers this afternoon you go into order busing that's the overall sense of the order correct no there's no sense to it it's just more rules more decisions more pushing people places they don't want to go you don't have to worry about that do you you be on your way you believe it's a silver bullet I'm not going anywhere I'm gonna stay and see that this thing is implemented make sure it gets a chance to work this drink to you judge because the toughest part of your job is just about starting the law in this matter is quite complicated but its objective is clear achieving racial equity within the public school system there is a demonstrated racial imbalance within the Montpelier school system and that imbalance cannot be allowed to stand the board's efforts to redraw the school district boundaries have proved to be fruitless magnet schools have not effected substantial transfers voluntary busing has fallen far short of the mark these facts leave the court only one remaining tool with which to bring about a more equitable racial mix that tool is mandatory busing I am well aware that the very term mandatory busing has become in and of itself a buzzword the utterance of which will guarantee outrage and horror but I submit to you but I submit to you that this reaction is uncalled for for every community in which the imposition of a busing order has resulted in trouble there have been 10 communities were in his work where racial imbalance has been ended peaceably because the leaders because the leaders of the community took it is there something I can do for you Tuesday September 9th 554 a.m. no word yet from the car [Music] [Music] like two peas in a pod might be better for all of us if they weren't you mean then we all wouldn't be here today hmm and the black boy and a white boy get to be friends black boys bound to lose in this trouble that white friend is going to be gone you might not even intend to but he'll be gone it must be hard living a so little trust yes it is I've had lots of practice [Applause] [Music] Whitmer High Tigers Class A champions yeah miss check out the schedule Hoover st. Mary's Taft central all on the road Carver Pearson Pulaski and austoria at home roam free Class A champions I never been champion anything before that's something something for the rest of your life you gotta be champion just once that's special that's really hey shut up Reese you talk too much you're just gonna have to learn how to listen there you hey Reese what's wrong Board of Education getting bused to another school yep hey Tim what you gonna do what do you mean what am I gonna do I'm gonna sit on the little bus sitting little seating a little bus and take a little ride over to Herbert Hoover high that's what I'm gonna do listen Reese there's got to be some sort of a letter you can ride or something and make an appeal to somebody nobody's writing any letters we requested the transfer you requested it why better school more art courses your mom and dad talked you into it huh we discussed it they didn't talk me in anything they just explained and you're just gonna give up Reese what about you and me what about us us you go talk to my old man about us he's got his own us to talk about he's got Marcus Garvey and Martin Luther King and Malcolm X and every black colored Negro that ever lived that's us that's what it's about looks like us doesn't mean you and me anymore come on how you know we're friends we're not twins maybe you can understand where I'm coming from maybe you could know what I'm talking about but you can't ever feel it the way I do no way and if you were me you'd be doing the same thing no I wouldn't Reese so I wouldn't bail out on a friend I never well I'm not gonna bail out my parents neither well at least you could try to explain to them you could sit them down don't start telling me what I got to do I got my mom and my dad and the Board of Education on my back and I don't need anybody else telling me what I got to do fine listen you just do what your daddy wants you to do okay because you're just gonna be the best little baby boy in the whole wide world and your daddy's just gonna be so proud of you [Music] Hey nope what are you doing in here your kids aren't supposed to be in here how'd you get in here to climb the fence anything we got any well you can get right on out the same way just get ahead allow I mean it get dawn I'll call the cops right now hey mister what you don't care that we were fighting no I don't care to a fight don't kill each other if you want just don't do it around here but while I'm on duty anyway blonde [Music] to the September 9th 6:23 a.m. [Applause] ready yet in a second the watch spot looks like I think I've got something I know what to say to you go ahead and I'd better say it now because I might not be able to later on depending on I think you made a good ruling you're in the minority wouldn't be the first time the Lord on one side you know why I decided in favor of busing law morality justice all that aside put all that to one side I'm not sure what's left what's left is the fact that I'm 58 years old and in all those years I don't think I've ever come to be friends with a black human being I've known of ælis here in there man who takes care of my car we smile they call me judge I call them by their first name that's all yes that's the way it usually works I guess so some people would say how come you forcing some eight-year-old kid to go carrying your banner for you that's easy in order to avoid having that eight-year-old someday be 58 and you having the same sort of conversation I'm having with you and experiencing the same sense of loss how many days till school starts two weeks 13 days actually sorry for hurt you didn't mean by you're right so we're split down the middle still we ought to give him something on our way out I mean the best long bond combination in the whole wide world we shouldn't just peter out you got to give us something to remember us by wouldn't you want to do something depends on what something you're talking about got any ideas well I might like what well we don't not hurt anybody now we don't want to do anything really raunchy right you know that school bus depot on the tail end of Balmer Park yeah you could sneak in there some night sure what do you think would happen if we snuck in there and hot-wired a bus and took it somewhere and painted it pink you just left it form the pond yeah when will we do it before school starts got it you know I think that would really give them something to remember us by Mandy Tuesday September 9th 703 a.m. I'll play em for the last four months man dark Airlines a couple new things to report folks but nothing too changes the overall picture one of the search teams found some footprints on a trail leading up to summit this rain is no telling who headed up that way might be one of the boys might not but somebody's up there everything else in the paper if anybody is interested yeah you got to see what happened our first day of a super social experiment five suspended at Roosevelt for fighting to black history whites plus driver complains about unruly students on Little Rock teachers car vandalized good we're joined your high high your sleigh see what other goodies we can find in here all there's plenty in there you'll find all you want that's what I thought well you got a lock on it the same thing happens every year when school starts back up again there's fistfights and problems usually just kids coming off vacation feeling their oats or else they're picking on a new kid which kids tend to do like it or not or or sometimes it's because a Peggy Sue broke up with Johnny and now she's pinned to Joe I don't think I've ever seen this much stuff in a paper before them well it wasn't that much in there last year there's no question about that I mean there's more happy now then no I don't think so just if there's more reporters Seamaster that be five white kids and a fistfight this year's three white kids and two black kids that's not just kids finding any West junior race riot according to the paper you put black kids and white kids and brown kids together you're gonna have more fights you're also gonna have more friendships you're gonna have more of everything between them the good and the bad I don't know why anybody surprised your squad 3 captain Pierce line 3 sure makes a better headline we can put a racial handle on it so Pierce here okay thank you lab in Lincoln expects to have results on the remains couple hours and they found Howard's car past 10 Mile Creek near the busty [Music] mom dad I'm going yeah I will don't forget to thank mittens in the phonic I won't see you tomorrow I'll take it easy any bunch of lunch money yeah [Music] okay and you'll be at Reese's all night right from there you got a clean change of underwear underwear clean shirt you got my toothbrush all together good boy just watch see you trying a kiss I really think I'm getting to go through all this by kiss stuff [Music] you know it fun isn't it so far yeah beer my help matters you got my vote let's go [Music] [Music] we're gonna make [Music] [Applause] Tuesday September nights 8:20 a.m. [Music] [Applause] you know I think I know what happened on that bus no one got burnt up in that thing no what's your theory people don't do something without a motive right now how he did not have a motive to do anything I mean this resource getting bus I figure it's Reese who took the thing well the officer saw two people mister no panic bombs bombs yeah like the guy who was guarding that Depot Oh winos it's only kind of guy you can get do job like that and I let the wine old buddies sleep it off and the buses you know no well sure it's common knowledge jadvyga retook the thing us what schoolboy stun it some kind of it and then he loses control of it he's scared half out of his wits when some old Lionel wakes up starts screaming bloody murder that's what caused it get to run off the road and then you know oh why not he could burn up and the thing a tree she's scared he takes over the else do you seem very sure it wasn't me who got caught in the fire kid is quick as spit at this hour you never get trapped like that but an old wino though you know an old drunk never have a prayer well where does that lead your son it was his car they found down by the depot I wouldn't want to say anything in front of winning that's my ex and she's got feeling I figure how he lit his car Therese and then how he hops a bus Frank's accident oh now you wouldn't know you don't live around your extras town about 20 miles minutes full of bars and houses oh I feel you how you got all steamed up cuz he's not gonna be with Reese this year right so he takes off for accident it's just start of a senior guy he just takes off to Exeter goes over there get to be a man you know what I mean yeah I know yeah I figure how he would little in this Carla Reese hey get on the bus to Exeter do you think it happens to my boy I don't know [Applause] almost time better get shakin suppose you know exactly thrilled about what sorry not exactly why look we talked about it before you thought it'd be a kick what if it was your idea well the thing is if your dad yeah you'd really have a fit if you knew I was doing anything to screw up the busing look they'll just find the bus they'll wash the paint off and they'll have the bus back on the line by Wednesday we want to hold it up for more than a day my dad say that's too much I say there's been too much waiting for us already another day is another day too much wanna back let's do it this way if you decide to tell some guys at school about this leave me out okay don't get me wrong I'm not mad or anything I'll go on in there with you and help you snatch the bus paint it from front bumper to tailpipe did you take the credit okay what that well sure my dad will never find out it's only a joke not when you're inside this Guinness net just show me how to hotwire it I'll do the rest myself no I've come this far I might as well play it out let's go we get the paint on the strip side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you must be deaf [Music] [Music] [Music] not a breath rennet I'm out of breath because I'm scared out of my bird so she need you be I am I figure we've already trespassed and broken in we might as well go for the whole enchilada come on biscuit you know just keep an eye on that Shack higher oh hi Tuesday September 9th 857 am [Music] [Music] [Music] song's getting high now yes it's good it'll be warm up in the hills with the Sun no those jackets the boys wear out of any use in the cold I bet this stomachs grumbling and growling like a grizzly bear Maurice loves breakfast hmm oh I can't get that boy to touch anything in the morning a little milk and a little juice and he's off and running doesn't matter how I keep it after him yeah yeah at least tell me more hold it steady man just about there okay get behind the wheel and put the clutch where's the emergency brake okay Quartet emergency back off okay he's coming don't man you flooding the thing just leave it alone turn the headlights [Music] okay okay Oh didi lights right we actually did it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sauce he's turning around lights going no painful Quarry Road we can turn in there and kill the lights we might be able to ditch [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Tuesday September 9th 952 am [Music] corners here this pill that's all I'm starting to hear it folks this is dr. mutter he's the carter i don't know anything yet the lab in lincoln said they'd call around 10:00 I told them to put the call through to me here so there won't be any more waiting than is absolutely necessary is there an office or something I could borrow for a while sure thing I'll tell you if any of you would like to wait with me whatever happens in there it'll never be the same you change this town I'm going back the apartment I'll call you later I know who died in the fire Natalie a boy died and what does it matter if he was black or white and what does it matter what color that kid is somewhere up in those hills right now crying his guts out so scared he can't even come home it doesn't matter to me what color is or isn't what really matters to me is that somehow we've we've gotten to a place in this country where trust is the exception and fears the rule well we like our doors have machines that turn on the lights to make people think we're home and we're not that's not the way we used to be it's not all the way we used to be we're changing and it's scary the fact is the only people who completely trusted each other through this whole thing were those two boys got embarrassing dr. Gillette [Music]
Channel: reelblack
Views: 163,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DTWkgMCl40Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 6sec (5406 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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