Holiday Cooking & Baking Recipes: How to Set a Thanksgiving Table

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- [Paula] Y'all are in for the biggest treat today. I've got two of my adorable, adorable friends here. And they are gonna show us how to set a beautiful festive holiday table. And y'all have all met Emily before, Emily Peterson that does my hair and makeup because Emily's actually done videos with me before. But I don't think y'all have ever met this most precious man in the world. His name is Chris Johnson. And he is talented. Both of them are so talented. And they have recently purchased an old farm home, and I'll let them tell you all about that later. Because it's going to be like a wedding venue and it's going to be incredible. So they're outside right now just gathering some greenery. You know, I've always been a firm believer that shop in your yard first, and then if you can't find what you need go to Stover. So I'm fixing to call them and see them. See if they're ready to come inside and get started. So y'all sit down, get your cup of coffee, because these two are incredible and they're not a couple, they're best friends. Emily is married and has a little girl named Eloise, that's adorable. And Chris is just flipping all over the country, doing his thing with his, I think it's called Christopher Johnson, - Designs. - [Paula] Designs yes. I couldn't remember if it was interiors or designs. So if you live in this area of the country, I'll make sure that you know how to contact them. So let's go inside y'all and see what they're cooking up. Yeah, we're cooking today. We just ain't cooking food. So this is the thing y'all Look at this pretty boy. He is so pretty. - He might not be as sweet as he looks. - Oh he looks like a little angel. - Oh I am an angel. - He's got the best hair and at him blushing. - Well there's a lot of product in there Paula. There's a lot holding that up. So y'all are finally getting to meet Chris Johnson. And of course y'all know Emily Peterson from all the videos she shot along with me. She did my hair, my makeup today. - And you look beautiful. - Oh well thank you. Listen, Michael said she's a magician, (Chris laughing) not a beautician. - He gives me too much credit. You're pretty on your own. - Own. Well, thank you. So I want to give y'all a little background. I first met Emily, through, a mutual friend that she worked with. And so that was fun. One of the best days of my life. - Aw, mine too. And then as our relationship grew, I realized that she had very, very good taste. And so somehow we got to talking about, can you do the house at Christmas? Because we were doing a shoot there or something. And she walks in with Chris, her best friend. And I know y'all have seen that big peacock in my living room before. Well he stayed with River Bend. He didn't come with me this time, this move. But Chris had that bird up in our Christmas tree. - He sure was. - I said "Ooh, there's a wild boy." So Chris has got very, very expensive taste. Emily is more like me and lot of folks out there. You know we like the best for the least and we'll shop in our yard or our house first, before we go to a store. - Absolutely. - So these two, they kind of medium each other out. Because they have bought this old farm mansion, was it a mansion, a plantation, what was it? - It's a large home. It was built in the thirties, so it's historic. - So yeah. - Yeah. - And he has a farm house on his own, but this is more our plantation home but this is more of like, what would you call it? - I'd say, oh my gosh. - It was originally its own town. And it had a movie theater, a bowling alley, all these extra rooms. - In this house? - In this house, on this property. - On the property. - Oh on the property. - It had a dance hall, - No. - a restaurant with a bar. - So it was a little town? - It was a town. - It was a town with its own water tower and everything. - It was actually called Charles Georgia. It was, yeah, they started construction in the Thirties. So I think that they completed it in 38. - And the family that did that own movie theaters and had a lot of other businesses too, but that was their main thing. So it's got a lot of old Hollywood feel to it. It's a really interesting property. - I have only seen pictures y'all, I can't wait to come up there and see it. But these two have purchased that home together and they are gonna make it available to folks for weddings or anniversary parties. - Engagement parties. - Anything you want to do. - Baby showers. - Anything that you want to do. - Come spend Thanksgiving with us? - Yes. Yes. So, they'll be able to take care of you as far as food and catering and... - We hope that we have everything there for you, whenever you come and you can just enjoy yourself and your event, we're happy to do your flowers. Anything that you need. - See, that's wonderful. A one shop stop. - Yes. - So I asked them if they would come set a table for us for the holidays. So thank goodness they said yes, they would love to do that. So I'm going to kind of step out of the way and I'm going to kind of be y'all's voice. Hopefully I'll be able to ask them the questions that maybe y'all would have for them. - Absolutely. - So Eddie helped me okay. Help me remember the questions. So y'all have just come in from cutting some greenery out in the yard. So I'm going to step away. - Okay. Are these really, for me? - That's for you. That's for you Paula. You've got two. - Y'all I want you to look at these pumpkins that they brought me. Now listen to this. They came from Lowe's, that building store. (Chris and Emily laughing) Chris found two of them. - [Chris] Two of them. - [Emily] Apparently after October 31st pumpkins are hard to come by. So they were the last two left. - [Chris] Last two standing. - Get this $9 and 99 cents. - Correct, correct. - And Chris said I could have them. - It is yours. - I love, love, love them. And who would think it flows? - Well. - I think the wood and stuff like that for Lowe's. Okay. So I'm stepping out of the way. - Okay. - So y'all tell us how you would start to pick your theme and all that. How do you it? - Well what worked for us was we actually had these pumpkins leftover from Halloween. So we thought, I think those would be perfect to set at a Thanksgiving table. - [Paula] Yes. - [Emily] For a container, that would be, instead of using... - [Paula] Yes, you don't have to buy a container. - Absolutely. So what we did is we took the tops off. We probably took out, I don't know what you would just say Emily, four inches off the top? And then I learned from a good friend of mine, Carmen Johnson, she suggested taking liquid bleach, put like a cap full in a spray bottle and spraying the inside of these pumpkins. So they would last longer. And it really does work. - [Paula] On the inside it won't rot as fast. - Correct, correct. That is the thing. And then we actually do it on the outside too. We spray the outside, it cleans it sterilizes and helps become a good container. - [Paula] A teaspoon of Clorox. - You know, yeah, a spray bottle. So, yeah. So that's what we do with these arrangements. And these are, we've got mums and roses, Magnolia that we just clipped from Paula's yard, Hypericum berries. - [Paula] I love these things right here. These little white berries. What are those called? - [Chris] Hypericum berries. - [Paula] And will they dry good? - Actually, I don't know. Eddy do you? - [Eddie] It sounds like a Cranberry texture. - [Paula] They're beautiful. - Yeah, typically there's the green and this color. - [Paula] Oh and they got yellow on them. - Yep, yep. - They come in several different colors. There's a lime green, a peach or red. So you can, depending on the holiday you can kind of, we also stuff these with the Oasis. So it's the stuff that you, it makes a really good foundation for being able to build your flowers. Sometimes it's hard whenever it's just a loose situation to be able to. - Absolutely. And transporting. If you are traveling for the holidays and you've pre-made these, that work would help to keep it all in tact. - [Paula] And of course it keeps the flowers watered? Absolutely. - [Paula] To keep them hydrated. - And you can find those at your craft stores as usual. Just soak them for 24 hours. You don't want dry socket with the flowers. - [Paula] So the inside of the pumpkin for 24 hours? - The actual Oasis blobs. - [Paula] Okay. - So what you'll do, Paula is take a five gallon bucket, fill it with water. And usually about three Oasis blocks will fit in there. But you don't want to push down and she mentioned dry socket cause the actual inside of the Oasis will not absorb water if it's forced. So you just want them to eventually just sink down. - So once they sink down to the bottom, you know they are ready. - [Paula] Okay. - Yeah. - [Paula] That's good to know, you didn't know that, did you Eddy? (cross talking) - [Paula] Well, y'all look so pretty, on camera. So y'all get going. - We'll get going, okay. - [Paula] Now talk us through now as to what you are doing. - So Paula's table is an eight place setting table. So we thought three of these pumpkins down the center would be good. - I think, yeah I think it can go down a little bit more. - Then of course, we're going to fill in with some other... - And I'm gonna start with my favorite part, the placemats and stuff while you do that. - [Chris] Okay. Perfect, perfect. - These placements are bad to the bone. They are beautiful. And you know what? I think I could make things. - [Chris] I think you could too. - [Emily] I think you could too. - Michael has taken, Bamboo? [Eddie] Reed yeah. - The bamboo and he made a ship or boat out of it. Remember Eddy? Hopefully we brought that with us. But yes, you could just get all these stems and make sure they about the same size. And then of course your, your little wood sticks there. And it's just wired in. I think that would be a wonderful, easy craft. So let's try doing that next Eddy. (Eddy and Paula laughing) - Fall is very crafty. You can do lot of things. Well, sometimes the older I get my, my thinking cap slips off. - [Eddie] Now what are these chargers? - Okay, these are just some simple chargers that we picked up somewhere along the way. - Oh, they're plastic. - [Emily] Yeah, ain't that great. You'd never know. - When you said... - [Emily] And that probably makes Chris cringe. When I brought these out to use, he was like "Ah." - You know, y'all have to choose your battles. - We have to choose our battles. We've certainly had some that's for sure. - But you know what, we've survived them all. I think we're 20 years in our friendship. - [Paula] So y'all went to school together. - We did. - We did, yeah, crazy enough. But he likes to tell everybody I'm older than him. - Oh, she's much older, she's far older. - [Paula] What two months? - Two years. But who's counting. - [Chris] Who's counting. - Chris and I used to host the high school parties together at his, he had a pond house and by the time we were done with high school, most all of the cheerleaders, the basketball team, everybody was forbidden to go out there. It had such a reputation. - [Paula] No, a bad reputation? - It was definitely a party house. A good time. - [Paula] For the kids. Now this is just beautiful. And this is a little on the, - Rustic side. - Yeah, the rustic... - [Chris] I think it looks perfect with your existing table. - [Paula] I think this is perfect for my home. - [Chris] Its perfect. - [Paula] And I want some of these. - [Chris] Remember where we found those? - Well, I don't want you to cringe if I told you. - Well you know he's gonna cringe. - They're from Hobby Lobby. - [Paula] Hobby Lobby? Love it, love it. If you can't find it at Hobby Lobby, they don't make it. - [Emily] That's right. - [Eddie] And what about the Turkey plates? - These are my mom's Turkey plates. A lot of times we use... - [Paula] So these are real? - They are there, they're the Johnson Brothers, and we don't really pull them out, really ever. I don't think I've ever had Thanksgiving in them until, I was like, "I'm hosting Thanksgiving. Can I please use the Turkey plates?" - [Paula] You know, it's funny how we get these things that we just love so much. And we love them so much. We don't use him. - That's that's exactly right. So my theory with that is, if you have it, you might as well use it. You know, there's no time like the present. - That's right. - Just enjoy it while you have it. - And look what Chris is setting down. He's setting down some silver tumblers. - [Eddy] Goblets, goblets. - [Chris] Beautiful. These are Emily's as well. And I believe she's got a collection, quite a collection there. They are beautiful. - They are just beautiful. And they're pretty lightweight. They're not real, real heavy. And they are a silver plate, right Emily? - [Emily] They are yes. So they're pretty easy to clean, easy to polish. - Paula had mentioned a couple of the flowers that we would have used in the pumpkins, and this yellow one here, let's find the little guy, right here. This reminds me of a time that it was right in the beginning of mine and Emily's party hosting days, after high school. But anyway, we're hosting an engagement party at my house and we had gathered everything off the side of the road. Cause we really didn't have a budget to go out and buy. So we gathered everything off the side of the road. Anyway, at the party, we had these huge, big yellow arrangements and people thought they were beautiful. But we noticed that everybody started sneezing and coughing. Finally one of Emily's friends walks up to her, it was like we were hosting it for her. And she said, "Oh, I'm sorry. Is that Goldenrod, in your arrangements?" And if you know that, Goldenrod is, people are very allergic to Goldenrod. - So major party-fail. But we survived. - And hopefully y'all got where you could afford more than Goldenrod, and killing your guests. - It's changed a little bit, but not a lot. - [Paula] Listen, I have actually used, what is that stuff outside the gate? It's so poisonous. But it's so pretty when it blooms . - [Chris] Let's see. - [Paula] They're pink and some are yellow. - [Eddie] Oh, Oleander. - Oh, Oleanders. - I have actually used those in a flower arrangement on the table. - [Chris] I love it. - I couldn't help it, they were so pretty. And I made sure they didn't naturally touch any of the food. - Okay. So Paula, our place settings are going to be, we're using Magnolia leaves. - Oh my gosh. - That we have taken a Sharpie marker and handwritten everyone's name. - Genius. - So very free. If you have Magnolia in your garden. - [Paula] I know Emily was smiling. - So I'm going to let you pick your spot. - Fabulous. Well, I kind of liked that chair. I like being close to the kitchen. - So you are right here. - [Paula] So if anybody needs anything, I can quickly jump up and you get it. - [Chris] Okay, perfect. - This is an incredible idea. Now these are miniature leaves from a Magnolia tree. So, they have all different size leaves on a Magnolia. And they have selected the smaller leaf to do that. That to me, that is genius and cost nothing. - Which is something that I like. So with this table setting, we decided to keep it simple because on Thanksgiving, nobody wants to go with the fest... - [Chris] I like that even better Paula. - [Paula] I like it up there on the goblet. - That's very pretty. - [Chris] I love that. - So you can see it. - You can see it much better. - And you can see your Chai. You don't mind me doing that, do you? - No, I think it's perfect. - You know why? I just love when we get to play together. I love playing. - So much fun. And that's where ideas are born. - That's right. - So we were thinking with the table today to keep it more simple, we would not do all the silverware, all the salad plates and everything. Because on Thanksgiving, a lot of times you skip the salad. Sometimes you don't have to fool with all the plates and a lot, especially in the south, you do it buffet style. So you can grab your plate, decide that you want something. And then I keep the stacks of the salad plate and bread and butter plate on the dessert buffet or where your salads are. So people can just fix it themselves. If they decide they want that. - [Paula] I think that's a grand idea. And oh my gosh, I was fixed to ask you something. What was I gonna ask? Eddie if I stick out my tongue, would read what's on my tongue? What was I thinking? Gosh, I can't remember, but it'll come to me, it'll come to me. - So that's pretty much it. We just scattered in a few small pumpkins around. - I love the green pumpkins with the orange. - Just kind of bring some more color back through. - [Paula] Yes. - Chris said that if you didn't, what was that about the aunt that you didn't like. - Oh yeah, you actually Paula this is a great idea. If you've got a family member, an aunt and uncle. I don't have any, cause I love all mine. But if you do, you can always put a bigger pumpkin there. You know. - So you don't have to see them. - Well, this is a good height because you could still sit and see the person. - And have a conversation. - Yes, and have a conversation. - And that's very important. - Yes. Oh, I know what I wanted to ask you, Emily. If you would show people the correct way for your silverware to be placed. - Sure, absolutely. - Maybe this one down here is that easier to... - So the way that I remember and I said this the last time I was with you, Paula. You put your fork on the left. Cause there's four letters in fork and four letters in left, Knife and spoon on the right, five letters in each of those. And that's just an easy way to remember it. - [Paula] How about that. - [Emily] I mean. S P O O N, five. - And I have to do it every time. I say it to myself every time. - Well, I do it like this. You know. Bread and drink. That's a D and that's a B. - That's a great way to do it too. But there's all kinds of little, it's hard to remember how to do it. I mean, and you want it to be right whenever people come in. So, and there, it's set up to function. So when you grab your fork, you know, it's functionable, but it's just, it's hard to remember how it goes every single time. - And this is just beautiful to me. Now the flowers I have a feeling that y'all went to a wholesale florist house? - We did, we did. - You wouldn't go pay retail? - We did. We did. But now the Magnolia of course came out of her yard. So we didn't have to buy the actual greenery to go in it. But the... - And to be honest with you, if you didn't want to go buy all those flowers, which I love, everyone loves flowers. Just the green and the orange would be beautiful. - Absolutely. - Yes you wouldn't even have to go to that extreme. Yes, yes. - Because it's go big or go home. - You know I'm with you. That's why I'm getting so big. And you know you can pick up flowers from the grocery store. - Absolutely. - Absolutely. - You know, the little bundles. - Absolutely. Trader Joe's always has a really good flower options, Honestly like Publix. We actually recently ordered some online the other day and... - Did you? - We did. - How was the price? - Well, actually the price of flowers, like everything else right now, is out the roof. - And having to go to the grocery store. - Yeah. So you just have to be conscious of those things. And if you can gather things out of your yard or off the side of the road, like we did with the Goldenrod, those things definitely. - But be careful what you pick. - Yes. Yes. Well, you know what? I just, I bought some fresh Eucalyptus from Kroger. Kroger has a very good floral department. - And that dries nicely. - Yes. And so I bought Bolide, but Eddie and I just let it dry. It smells so good. - Absolutely. So it's just easy and easy, easy do. And my aunt Peggy taught me years ago, how to go out and just cut greenery from your yard and make a beautiful big arrangement. - Absolutely. - It makes such a statement. - Gorgeous. Yes. - Yeah, you have the Camellia, you have the Loquat, you have even Spanish moss. You've got all the Spanish Moss. - You see I hung some moss over there on the tree. - You know, actually some Spanish moss, tied up down here, would've been really pretty. - That would be beautiful. - We might have to add that to it. - Yeah, there's some laying right out there that you can go get. I love the moss. - I do too. - And over here, I see that you've... - We added that little guy. - These are precious containers. And they look like your placemats. - Chris has a collection of all kinds of things like that. Like, if you need anything, he's the man to call for those kinds of things. - Chris has got so many things that his fingertip. In fact, when I said "I got to get me some chickens", he said, "no problem." Next thing I knew he and his sister showed up with that 10 chicken. - And you know what? He's been wheeling and dealing like that, since he was a little boy. - You just tell me what you do Paula. We'll figure it out. - Listen, you will never be broke. All right, so. The dessert table and the salad bar, I guess you could clean off a sideboard and do everything right here so it's close together. And it would just be a matter of clearing off all that. - It's gonna be self-serve. - Yes. And I think you want it as close to your food as you can get it, right? - Absolutely. - Let me ask you this. Paula. Where would your food, you would have your food up here? - Yes. - Okay. So your turkey would be up there as well? - Yes, yes. - Let me ask you this. How do you prepare your turkey? - Well, my favorite way is fried, Chris. - Well, some things you just have to fry. - Some things you just have to fry. From butter ball, to real butter balls. I've done it. - Oh good. All right. I've also fried butter. - Okay. It's delicious. I just do it and you know, balls, put it in the freezer and then let's see. I can't remember the last time I did one. I can't remember what I put them in. I may have to dipped them in little egg or something. - Okay, okay. - And did the Panko and fried one. - Oh my gosh. - And I mean you drop it just for a minute. - Okay. - And then you put that ball on top of a piece of fresh fish. - Oh my goodness. - That couldn't be anything but good. - And you could chop up like Rosemary or Basil. - Oh my. - Oh gosh. - Or Oregano, you know, whatever fresh herbs you grow. And it really is good. - That would be amazing. - On steak and fish. So if you're looking for a way to fatten up a dish, try that one out. - It's the time of year. - 'Tis the season - 'Tis the season, eat Rum balls. If y'all enjoyed the video that I did with Emily and Chris, they showed us how to set up pretty, pretty, pretty, holiday table, without spending a whole bunch of money. Probably the most money y'all spent was on the flowers, right? - Yes. and we recycled the pumpkins from Halloween. So that was the dual purpose for that. - Yes. So they're going to show you up because they had three beautiful pumpkins lined up on the table that were filled with all kinds of beautiful blooming flowers. So they're going to show you how to make your own pumpkin vase. So there y'all go. - So we started with cutting the pumpkin open and Chris did all the handiwork for that. He scooped it all out and then we put the Oasis blocks in there. Just shoved them in there. - But y'all excuse me. But didn't, y'all say y'all sprayed it with Clorox modern? - Correct, correct. We did. We treated the pumpkin and it helps with the longevity of the actual flowers growing in it from algae growth and whatnot, as well as the lifespan of the actual pumpkin. So we did scrape the pumpkin out. We mixed, just a cap full of bleach with a little. - Into a spray bottle of water. - Of spray bottles water. Correct. And then we, so it's treated and ready to go. The Oasis sat for maybe 24 hours in a five gallon bucket of just plain water. And you want to let it sit for 24 hours instead of forcing it because it could get dry socket. And that what that is, is it creates a... - Dry pocket within the Oasis itself. - Yes, like a tooth, when you get, when you get a tooth pulled. - So you don't want to shove it in, you wanna just... - You don't want a dry socket. - That's right, you don't want to dry socket, your flowers won't like that. So then I've started, we start kinda with a little bit of a base of Magnolia and if you didn't want to do flowers... - Can we just do this a little bit, so they can see how you've got that Oasis down in there. - Absolutely. - It's nice and snug in there. - It's nice and snug. - Yeah you want to make sure, Chris has always good about making sure that you have enough so that you're not sticking your flower through and it's not getting water. You want to have base that's... - But now once you put this wet Oasis in, do you add any more water? - I did. I added to about here just for traveling purposes, just in case it did rock. But I would say add about this much water. Cause sometimes you will miss your Oasis when you're poking your flowers in there and you just want to make sure it's gonna absorb some water. - Yeah. So you want it to be able to keep drinking. - Correct. - Okay. Thank y'all. - So even if you didn't want to do flowers, you could do just a bunch of Magnolia in it. And that would be beautiful too. Cause I love the color combination of the green in the lime. - I do too. - And this was all gathered in your front yard. - I know. You know I said, "you've got to give me plenty of Magnolia trees in my yard, because I use them definitely for the holidays." - Absolutely. - And even when its not a holiday. - Year-round. - And I like to find these drapey pieces, so you can find some that she can kind of plug in, and then let it kind of cascade down the pumpkin. And Chris mentioned earlier you have some Spanish moss that would be pretty cascading down. - Yes. - You want me to run out there and get y'all some Spanish moss? Yeah, let me do that. I'll be right back It. - Okay we'll keep building these flowers. (cross talking) - So just start building. I kind of like to put a mum in front of the Magnolia and I want to make it kinda like just a ball of flowers. It's kind of what we're going for, right Chris? - That's right. Real compact. If you can with your flowers. What about Arie? - Whatever your taste is with it. You can't mess it up. And I like that they look kind of wild. That's more my style. - So I'm just going to make more of these small little table arrangements that we had in-between the pumpkins on the table. So what I did is took three, basically three small clippings of little gem, Paula's Magnolia, and stuck it in here. You could use as little as one rose, two roses, but you just take your rose and just stick it in there. - Is this enough guys? - Oh yeah that's perfect. - That's perfect. That is perfect. - And you know, it's supposedly full off red bugs. So if you're worried about that, you can throw that in your microwave for about a minute and it will kill any kind of insect that might be in it. - That is a great tip for that. - There you go. - I just roll with it. - Well, I do too most of the time. I love this in containers to the Rosemary. - And the smell. - Oh gosh. - I'll go by and I'll just knock the Rosemary bush out there, oh. - Just to smell it out there. - It just permeates Michael's cigar smoke. (everyone laughing) He gets so touchy. - And that's a very nostalgic smell. I like that. - I do too. - You do? - I do yes. - I like the smell of a pipe, not a cigar they just... - [Eddy] Well there's different varieties of cigars. Some do have a... - And you know Michael smokes expensive cigars. You know, he ain't gonna smoke the cheap cigar. - That's why he smells so good. - I lost one. - [Paula] Oh, and I love him like that. There he is. - [Paula] Your Peonies is opening up. - I know finally, we never really got ours to open up. But we use all the tricks for that hot water. What all did you do to get the Peonies to open? - I did hot water. So I cut the stems about an inch. Well, a little more, probably two inches of the initial cut. And then I'd cut on an inch every four or five hours. And try to get them to suck. - So they keep drinking. - You really have to nurse them. But they're finally opening up. - And then they grow so easy in the cold don't they, up north. - They do. - We don't have a much, we don't have them here at all. - [Paula] No. - [Emily] But they're beautiful. - I mean I love that Peonies, I'm right up there with the Hydrangeas. On my love for Peonies. - Yes, absolutely. - And Paula, this is not Goldenrod. - He's telling all of our secrets. - If you don't like your guest, make a flower ring out of Goldenrod. - For sure. You can run them off real quick that way. - "Ooh, I got to go home mom. I'm allergic to something." - So you just kind of keep sticking. If you see a hole, you kind of fill it with your greenery or there's really... - And see Eddie, these will open up in probably a day or so. These are the Peonies. - [Eddie] Yeah, just keep them. - I've never seen a Peonies quite that color. - It's beautiful. It's beautiful. It looks so good with everything we did with the... - Yes, yes. The contrast. - [Eddie] Now were those out of water when you bought them? - They were, they were. And typically when you're buying wholesale, they'd been out of water for a while. So that's one thing when you're buying flowers, you should instantly cut at least an inch, two inches off of them. And go ahead and start feeding them. They need water. - [Emily] We were running around trying to find the buckets to put them in. And that's about... - [Paula] Do you ever bring your greenery up? - [Emily] Yeah absolutely. - [Paula] You know, there's almost no right or wrong is there? - No there isn't. It's totally up to you. I mean, you can just keep... - Everybody has a different little touch. - Absolutely. Or sees, the moss just makes it. - My gosh. So I love all the different textures that you bring into it. And that's what I do feel like what the blooms or the flowers do is bring that in. - I love the berries and then I love the thing that looks like a little comb. Do you know what that is Eddie? - [Eddie] What's that? - This little green thing. - I love those yeah. - [Eddie] I don't know. I mean it looks like a comb flower. You know like a comb flower. - It's so pretty. - But that's about all you do. You just keep sticking if you see a hole. - Look at this Camaeo here. - Yeah that's beautiful. - How about some Rosemary in it? - I know listen, I stick this in my flower arrangements all the time. Cause it smells so stinking good. - It does smell good. And especially with Christmas coming up, that's a great thing. - Yes it's like a room deodorizer. - There you go. - That's a little big. - Here we go. Here we go. - Thank you. - Sometimes have to bite it with your teeth. - Sometimes you just do what you have to do. Well that's it. See how easy? And you know what? I wish we had time for you to do just a green one, so people could see how pretty and you could just add beautiful ribbon colors. - Oh yeah, that would be great way. - Whatever your color scheme is. - There's really no boundaries, I mean no rules. You know. - No rules. Just right kiddies. So have fun. Putting your stuff together. - I love Rosemary, Paula. - It smells amazing. - It is incredible. And I'm just going to stick pieces in there. Just so you have the smell. So there you go. We got plenty of Rosemary. Well, y'all got to come back and see me, kiddos. - We'd love to. - Cause people are gonna love spending time with you. So until next time. Chris and Emily. Love and best wishes and pretty flowers.
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 96,346
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Keywords: paula deen, thanksgiving tablescape, home decor, home decorating ideas, home decorating ideas handmade easy, home decor diy, home decor haul, thanksgiving table decorations, thanksgiving tablescapes 2021, thanksgiving table runner, thanksgiving table decor 2021, thanksgiving table centerpiece, thanksgiving table ideas, thanksgiving tablescape ideas, thanksgiving table centerpiece ideas, thanksgiving table decorations diy, table setting decorations
Id: yao8xqS-oIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 48sec (2328 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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