Full Episode Fridays: Thanksgiving - 4 Classic Southern Thanksgiving Recipes

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hi I'm Paula Deen and I want you to join me in my kitchen today for no sweat scrumptious Thanksgiving feast from top to bottom first I want to take you on a turkey tour from buy into deep-frying and then it's back to the stove to find out the secret to my success when it comes to making the quickest cornbread stuffing ever and the gooiest chew is pumpkin gooey butter cake if this good ol southern girl knows how to make and last but not least some shortcut cranberry flavored tips that'll free up to be a part of your party instead of a slave to it so y'all throwing your apron roll up your sleeves and come on in it's time to give thanks [Music] I started cooking when I was 18 years old as a new bride I'm very lucky because I came from a family of wonderful southern cooks and at 42 years old I was faced with having to support myself and my two sons so I turned to my first love which is cooking and so I started cooking for a living I think food is such a big part of family and I hope that y'all can watch me and learn to have fun with yours while building wonderful memories around the food that you're preparing I'm so excited y'all Thanksgiving is finally here a holiday that I look so forward to because it's really all about food family and love and just being together but before we can start this meal I want to take y'all to a very very special spot where I found the most handsome of birds [Music] alright guys I'm here for my Thanksgiving turkey today I think I know what I want I think that I'm gonna serve a deep-fried turkey but I just want to know you know what my options are this is domestic turkey this is the turkeys usually buying the stores butterball yeah big fat things these we grow here though they're a lot different they're they're younger they're juicy a lot of meat they're all outside running around free-range turkeys oh yeah everything we grow here is free reign okay then you've got your wild turkeys what's the difference between this wild turkey here and the domesticated turkey more flavor which one in the wild turkey less meat put more flavor and unless you try one you'll never know what you're missing in turkey flavor how man if I just take the domesticated turkey to choice you can't go wrong I don't feed your 15 people and we're just gonna have a wonderful wonderful Thanksgiving thanks to y'all in your Birds [Music] hey how you doing no man I've got the best turkey you're not gonna believe how beautiful this birdie is you know this time of yours it's just my favorite time of the year I just love the pumpkins and the flowers and and there's just the smell of autumn in there and look at these flowers and these pumpkins reminds me of something at the end of the show today I'm gonna show you a quick tip with the flowers and the pumpkin well we've gotten our turkeys taken care of they're all settled and waiting to be cooked but before we get started with those I'm gonna go ahead and start on our dessert which is called gooey butter cake and you're gonna love this recipe it's so easy and simple to make and once you taste it you'll never ever want pumpkin pie again we're gonna simply start with a yellow cake mix and you can just use the brand of your choice along with one stick of melted butter and to that we're going to add one egg now you can't hardly get much simpler than that and this is gonna be our crust we're gonna just beat this until all the paste is mixed and moist all right we're ready now so we're gonna just ease that up and kind of spin that off of our beaters as you can see our crust to our gooey butter cake is very very thick that's why I normally just stick it in a mixer and get done with it now all we're gonna do at this point is take our crust and lay it into our greased prepared pan and to make the spreading of my face a little easier I'm just gonna rub my hands in the pot that I had the butter in and I'm just gonna grease them up a little bit you know when I started making these wonderful little gooeys I just used a very basic recipe of cake mix and eggs and cream cheese but after a while I got bored making them that way so I got into the kitchen and I just played around and tested and I bet you at this point we probably make 50 different gooey butter cakes now we're gonna move to our cream cheese filling and I'm not even gonna bother washing this mixer we can use it just like it is you can make your gooeys the morning over the day before I really prefer a fresh gooey that was just out of the oven the day of Thanksgiving and you don't even have to refrigerate these which is even nicer we're going to start with our cream cheese and our powdered sugar and we're just gonna beat these two things together until they're fluffy really it's so simple and then we're gonna slowly add another stick of butter and remember this is called gooey butter cake so we're going to add three eggs to the center we're gonna add about a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring getting there at this point now we are at our original gooey butter cake recipe now is when we're going to make our changes today because it's Thanksgiving we're going to make pumpkin and I'm using just a regular canned pumpkin and we're going to just fold this into our cream cheese and because this doesn't have any of your flavorings I'm gonna add a little ground cinnamon and a little nutmeg now I go lighter on the nutmeg than I do the cinnamon because it's really a potent seasoning and so at this point this is when you change your flavorings if you wanted to do blueberry or if you wanted to do peanut butter if you wanted to do cherry peaches whatever you want to do but as I told you this pumpkin is just perfect for Thanksgiving and look how wonderful see you getting your pumpkin e color now so all we do now at this point is pour it onto our crust in about 45 minutes we're gonna have the most wonderful pumpkin dessert you've ever put in your mouth and we're ready to go into the oven [Music] our cooking time is up now on our gooey butter cakes and they should be ready and they are they look just perfect now normally I would let these cool for about 20 or 30 minutes but I can't stand it I'm gonna go ahead and cut them now cuz I want y'all to see them I'm gonna just slice this and I love to eat and I can't eat a real big piece so cut them to suit your preference and these down here a little bit bigger so we'll give this into the men and I tell y'all before I put them on the platter I don't think anybody all know if I just sneak one real quick like so I've just got to taste it because it's been a while since I've had the pumpkin but look look look at that beautiful beautiful warm gooey pumpkin and I always top mine with a little fresh sweetened whipped cream and if you like when you go to serve it you can also just sprinkle it with a little cinnamon just dust your plate I don't think anybody I'll notice if one little tiny piece is missing it really is Thanksgiving stay tuned because we're gonna make the most wonderful southern cornbread stuffing you ever put in your mouth [Music] [Music] one of the best parts of our Thanksgiving meal today is gonna be our southern cornbread dressing and I've got my stockpot going here and it's filled with the giblets from our turkey and good fatty rich pieces of the chicken like the back and the wing and I've got this going in it smelling and looking so good but just just to make sure that it's good and rich I'm going to add a little granulated chicken bullion but it's looking and smelling wonderful and I'm gonna add a little bit of pepper and a little bit of salt now if you use very much of your chicken bullion you'll just want to be careful with your salt because it is just almost nothing but pure salt itself and while that's cooking we're gonna put together our actual cornbread I'm gonna start by chopping a little celery and always use the green leafy part to your salary it's so pretty flowing throughout your dressing and we're gonna saute this in a stick of butter always a stick of butter too if you need it you know I always love cooking Thanksgiving I'll never forget the very first one that I cooked I was 23 years old and it was 1970 and I found myself without a mother to cook my meal for me so I was responsible for doing that and I'll never forget the day before Thanksgiving I stayed on the phone all day long with my Aunt Peggy she helped me through my whole entire meal I'll never forget uncle George saying damn it get off the phone with her I'm not gonna get my meal now we're just gonna let this kind of song take we don't want to brown it all that sauteing we're going to move on to actually putting the bread part of our dressing together and I've got my dried out toast this is just plain old white bread and I'm just gonna crumble it up but this is a fun dish to make you can work out all your frustrations if you have any and then we're going to add a sleeve of saltines wrappers and these saltines just give your dressing such a nice little punch this is a trick that my grandmother Paul taught me now this is just a simple cornbread recipe here and we're just going to crumble that up in there and you can see our celery and our onions are coming along nicely and while those are going we're going to go ahead and beat up our eggs because our eggs are gonna make our dressing bind together and it's gonna fluff it up and just make it so light and delicious all right we're ready here I think with our celery and our onions so we're gonna just dump this into our Bowl when you start doing this make sure you have a nice large bowl but because before you know it you've added all your ingredients and they're your ingredients go from here to here very quickly so as you can see I've kind of misjudged my pot size so I'm just gonna mix this up and pour it into a larger pot I hate to give up this beautiful Bowl it's one of my favorites but we'll have to pull it out and use it another time now we've got plenty of room because we're gonna be adding a good bit of that wonderful rich stop now just fill this dressing straight from the stockpot all right we're gonna stop now and stir this it's almost time for this baby to go in the oven that's almost perfect right there and now I'm going to add just a little sage and then we're gonna put a little poultry seasoning just to make sure it's got enough kick and a little bit more black pepper I really really like pepper in my dressing and last but not least a very important ingredient and that's our eggs if you're gonna make this up ahead of time be very very careful because this is one of those dishes that can if it's not refrigerated properly it can really sour on you so we're ready to go ahead and transfer this now into our casserole dish doesn't that look so so good all right this is ready to go into the oven [Music] look perfect southern cornbread dressing I think I'm gonna sneak a taste out of here and I'm actually gonna go from kind of underneath so nobody will know that the cooks been in it ain't Peggy you'd be proud and y'all hang around because the best part of the meal is coming up deep-fried Turkey [Music] [Music] at last I'm fixing to spend a little time now with our guest of honor mr. Tom Turkey we're gonna start with a clean bird now he's been washed and cleaned and we've removed all the giblets and don't forget to check the neck I never will forget one of my friends fix their first Thanksgiving meal and she was so proud of her turkey it was so beautiful took it to the table went to slice it and out came all these raw giblets in a paper bag and we've teased her unmercifully about that so make sure you watch for the giblets now we're just going to all him down and then we're going to cover him in salt black pepper and garlic powder and you can do this part actually early in the day and let him sit around and be soaking up all those seasonings and then we're going to turn him over and give him a very very nice back rub get him ready for that wonderful hot peanut oil how you like that massage mr. turkey don't get him good back here in his backside and now we're gonna finish up with just a rotisserie chicken and this has got your paprika and some more spices in it and this is going to give him that nice brown color and just rubbing good all over under his arm we use peanut oil at the restaurant we don't fry anything in anything else but peanut oil and I tell you it's a little bit more expensive than your regular oils but it gives things a flavor that you wouldn't believe we've got him rubbed down good now the last spot we're going is inside he's gonna come out so beautiful in brown and if you've never had fried turkey before I just can't tell you how wonderful it is it's like having one great big piece of fried chicken and that skin gets brown and crisp and succulent and when you cut into your bird all the juices are trapped inside from that crispy skin and they just come rolling out and you just gonna be so pleased with your Thanksgiving meal alright we're gonna pick this baby up and we're gonna just drop him into our basket once you fried a turkey you're gonna find it to be so much easier and so much better than an oven turkey your oven turkeys can have a tendency to dry out on you plus they take longer and you can't get any more simpler than this we're going to cook this turkey for three minutes of pounds we have a 13 pound turkey that's 39 minutes and always no matter what size turkey you've got always add an extra five minutes after you've completed your three minutes a pound and you can see he's down there sealing himself up in that hot peanut off and he's just gonna be so good if you're not gonna believe it in just 44 short minutes we've got the most delectable looking turkey you've ever seen he's brown to perfection his skin is already starting to crisp up now that we've taken him out of it all and we'll let him sit there for a few minutes and let the oil drain out of him good then we're gonna take him out and put him on a platter and it's gonna be time to eat so when we come back I'm gonna have a couple of more quick Thanksgiving tips for you and then I'm calling my family to dinner [Music] [Music] doesn't our table look beautiful today I'm just before I call my family and I've got a few last things to do and one of these things that I want to share with you is a very very easy cranberry sauce that looks like you've gone to a lot of trouble in actually and I'm gonna use just a whole buried jellied cranberry sauce and now I'm adding just mandarin oranges and then I'm gonna toss in some nuts now I like walnuts but you can use pecans or almonds any of your favorite nuts but the bonus on this cranberry sauce is it tastes as good as it looks and I'll show you another trick that I did today my table was so full that I didn't have room for a big arrangement so I took some little bitty pumpkins and trim the bottoms so that they would sit flat and I went out into my garden and I just picked a few wild flowers and all you have to do is stick your flowers in there and you've got instant flower arrangements and the last tip I want to share with you today when frying your turkeys a great way to measure how much all you're gonna need is by placing your turkey into your deep fryer and covering him with water then lift your turkey out and the line that the waters at lets you know how much all you're gonna need it's very important that you have enough and it's also very important that you don't have too much because too much could really cause a grease fire look how beautiful this turkey turned out I can't hardly wait for my family to eat it I'm gonna start carving it and look at that gorgeous leg and if my children came to the table and couldn't find a leg they would be real mad with me so I'm not gonna cut him I'm just gonna disjoint him and put him on the platter and maybe taste him a little bit who's so wonderful I can't really wait for y'all to try the fried turkey and I'm gonna take him like this and then I'm gonna slice him just like this and he's so moist and he's still so warm when you try it you're not gonna believe how easy and simple but delicious this turkey is usually white meat can be dry but not on the fried turkey you can see the moistness of the white meat he's so scrumptious just look at everything I've got on our table I've got our cornbread stuffing in our fancy green beans pumpkin gooey butter cakes for dessert tangy cranberry sauce and delicious mashed potatoes but more important the guest of honor this fabulous fried turkey you know I've had such a wonderful time with y'all today I appreciate you joining me for my Thanksgiving dinner and until next time America best dishes from my Thanksgiving table to yours [Music]
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 195,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, thanksgiving, full episode, turkey, cornbread stuffing, pumpkin gooey butter cake, cranberry sauce, southern cooking, classic southern recipes, thanksgiving menu, paula deen thanksgiving, paula deen turkey, thanksgiving cooking shows, thanksgiving cooking, paula deen full episodes, paula deen turkey recipe, paula deen thanksgiving turkey, thanksgiving dinner, paula deen thanksgiving dinner, thanksgiving shows, paula deen stuffing recipe, paula deen dressing recipe
Id: FitIyX5cKxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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