Holiday Cooking & Baking Recipes: Paula’s Holiday House Tour

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- Hey friends. I know I've been promising y'all for a long time that I was eventually gonna get through with the living room and be able to take y'all on a tour of the living room. The living room's nothing like it was at Riverbend. It's a fairly small living room, but I love it. I adore being back in a smaller house. And this was the house that Michael and I built 17 years ago when we married and we called it our forever home. Well, little did we know that life was gonna get so hectic after I got a TV show. Life quickly changed. And it seemed like all we were doing in this house was shooting for TV shows. So, the rest is kinda history about us going down and buying a lot down the road. But we sold it back in October 'cause Michael and I both realized it was time to downsize. And that was why we never, never intended to ever sell this house because we felt like that might happen one day as we got older. (laughs) So, we're so happy to be back here in our forever home. So, the living room is done. So, I want to invite y'all in, and I'll give you a quick little tour. So come on in y'all. Pumpkin's even brave in going outside. Come on Loo, didn't Eddie do a great job. Oh, and look at these y'all. You remember when I did that shoot at Anne's Garden Shop? Well, I bought these the last time I was home. I did a book signing at her shop. She's got just some of the most unique things, and these are the planters I bought from her. I thought they were beautiful, just simple white. And then these the last trip I bought from her. - [Eddie] Yeah, that was a great find. - That was a great fund. They're beautiful. I was hoping that I was gonna be able to hang them out in the trees, in the Oak trees over the water. But after I bought 'em, I found out they can't be out in the open. They have to be undercover. So Looloo, come on in, come on in. Let's show everybody our house. So, I want to start by doing this. I want to show y'all these beautiful, beautiful, old antique doors. I can't even tell y'all where I bought 'em from. I know I bought 'em here in Savannah from an antique shop or something that carried a lot of architectural stuff. And I saw these doors and I just fell in love with them. And these were in our bedroom when we first built the house. And a half bath is right here, and it's holding up one of my son's favorite pictures of bears. They asked me to hold on to it for them. It means an awful lot to Jamie and Bobby. So, I'm keeping it safe in the potty room. So come on in y'all. I think the living room turned out real good. Eddie and I, along with Carolyn Hultman from Carolyn Hultman's Interiors. We have worked on this house to get it completely done. So, we can just sit back and take a deep breath and enjoy the fact that we're back in this little house. And it is little compared to where we came from. So, oh my gosh, where do I start? These drapes that I have in here were in the dining room 17 years ago. These were made for the dining room, and Eddie found them winded up somewhere. And he took them to the dry cleaners. - [Eddie] They were in my apartment. (laughs) - They were in your apartment. Oh my goodness. So, Eddie took them to the dry cleaners, and had them cleaned. And did we have to cut them in two? - These were perfect. I didn't have to do anything. - So we said, "Oh my gosh, that's wonderful," because I always love that fabric. And it's the same color as our sofa that's in the dining room end of the kitchen. So, it worked out perfect and saved us so much money. So much money because custom drapes will set you back y'all. I could kick myself for not learning to sew. And of course all the furniture is Paula Deen furniture by Craft Masters. And it's such wonderful, wonderful furniture. It's heavy and it's just good stuff. And I opted to put swivel rockers in all the chairs. And I love that. I just love having a chair that moves with me. And y'all can see we got the house all decorated for Christmas. Years ago, my aunt Peggy collected these Byers Christmas dolls, and I fell in love with them. And I can't remember who gave me my very first one, but over the years I've got quite a collection. You can see them all over the house. I was so excited to do this cabinet right here, and display the Christmas dolls, the Byers dolls. And they've got so many accessories now that go with them that are so, so neat. - [Eddie] Yeah. The snowman, I think are kind of a- - Yes, the snowmen. Yes. Well, we didn't find those until what two Christmases ago, Eddie, we found them at Home Goods, didn't we? - [Eddie] Yeah. (laughs) - And we didn't even know that Byers made a snowman. So, I think we bought every one they had. And this is one of the accessories, the little gates, and course, the light post. And she is probably my oldest one that I have. Do you remember the date on her? - [Eddie] I don't. Actually, I think it's just from the early 1990s, maybe? - Oh, really? - Yeah. I don't think it's too long. - I may have some, I don't know. But the thing about Byers is they put the date on the bottom of every one of their dolls. - And they do themes. - Yes. Different themes. Now over here, is poor little precious Tiny Tim, and his mama and his daddy. And here is that, oh, Mr. Scrooge that made life so miserable for them. (Eddie laughs) - And he's here looking over him and kinda scary looking. (Paula laughs) But I do love him and look at this little fixture back here, it's a fireplace. I don't know if you can see that, but they just have some of the neatest accessories. Never in my wildest dream did I ever think I would start back collecting dolls, y'all. (both laugh) And this is some of the snowmen, and they're so cute and you can see they have the date on them. And course, this is very, very special to me. It's a thank you note from Ms. Rosalynn Carter. And I thought it was so sweet, I had to frame that. And now this is one of my favorite ornaments right here. I adore old ornaments. Well, one Christmas my Christmas tree fell over, and it had all my vintage ornaments on it. And I just wanted to cry. Well, Eddie went online, and he found- - [Eddie] These are the hand-blown Italian Christmas ornaments. - Yes. Yes. And I couldn't believe when I opened my gift, and Eddie had found the ornaments, the very ornaments that I had lost in that fall. And the triplets were over the other day, and Linton comes in and goes straight to the tree. And he says, "Batman, Batman." Batman is Linton's hero. He thought it was Batman since he had the mask on. So, he took this ornament and just pulled it straight down. So, the hook and everything is somewhere on the tree. And oh, I sucked in my breath. I thought, "Am I gonna lose that one for the second time." (Paula laughs) Now, this ottoman we found from Seventh Heaven, and this one came from Tapis. And I think it's just one of the most beautiful tables I've ever seen. - [Eddie] It's a 18th century French- - Yes. Yes. It's from the 1700's y'all. So, it was just a beautifully made piece of furniture. And of course the rugs, we finally got our rugs in. That was another thing I was waiting on before I took y'all on a tour. All the rugs came from over there on President Street. - [Eddie] The rug shop. - The rug shop on President Street. We do try to spend our money in the town that we live in. And we're trying to be supportive of the other business people here in town. This is a tilt top table and it actually tilts up, and you can just stand it in a corner against a wall. This one came from Seventh Heaven. But there's some new places that I want you to take me to, Eddie, that I've never been to here in town. 'Cause I didn't get out and play a lot 'cause I was working. But somebody mentioned a place today or yesterday that we need to go to. - [Eddie] I'll have to check. - I can't remember the name. - [Eddie] I told you that maybe tomorrow we'll go to this place called Ella's. - Ella's, yes. - [Eddie] In Richmond Hill. - Yes. Yes. That's a new store though. - [Eddie] It's been there for awhile. - No, I mean, it's just new things. Is it old things too? - [Eddie] I think they have a little bit of everything. - 'Cause you know how I feel about old things. - [Eddie] Yeah. Yeah. (Paula laughing) - I think old things are still pretty good. (laughs) Alright. So, I'll give you a quick run-through of the kitchen. This is the only room that I had toured y'all. So, it was pretty much this way, I think when we did the tour. Right Eddie? - [Eddie] Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think we've changed things around a little bit. - A little bit, yeah. And I know we added our rugs because that's what we were kinda waiting on. And I'm sure I told y'all this is Michelle and Anthony's great-grandmother's old sofa, and I'm just thrilled to have it here in the house. I'm so happy to have something that they remember from their childhood. So. - [Eddie] And then we showed them the light fixture we've kind of re worked it a little bit. - Yes, that's another thing that I've been waiting to show y'all. All of our light fixtures were made by Becky, at the Light Post in Bluffton, Georgia. - [Eddie] South Carolina. (laughs) - South Carolina. What'd I say? - [Eddie] Georgia. (laughs) - Bluffton, Georgia. (laughs) Well, it's might as well be Georgia, it's so close, right? Just over the bridge. But when they first delivered this, it didn't appear to be quite like I wanted. So, they came back and picked it up, and took my advice and made it more three dimensional. And I think it's just beautiful. And it's so funny. All the fixtures are new except for the one in that huge pantry, and the one over the sink. That one's 17 years old. And I couldn't believe what I picked out for this house, you know it has the marsh grass, and look what that one over the sink is. It's marsh grass and stars. So. - [Eddie] Perfect blend. - Yeah, a perfect blend that I didn't realize was happening. Now, our pantries, they're still a work in progress, along with the rest of the house. So, as we get each room ready, we will take y'all on a quick little tour. And of course I couldn't part with this old piece right here. It's from the 1400's, I was told. I bought this from a man up at Scott's Antique Market years and years and years ago. But all these are interchangeable. You can take them off depending on how much height you use. It's not a nail in it, not one nail anywhere. And I just think it's beautiful. And from what I understand, it was where, back in the 1400's, people would put their bread to rise, or their cheese to ripen. So, it's very handy and it makes it so easy for me to just come out here. I don't have to bend over and look in cabinets. And I just found these beautiful things from another one of my favorite shops here in town. And that's Clutter. My friend, Lincoln has some of the neatest things. She has a store full of things that people are ready to get rid of and get something new or they're moving. Or regardless, they want to get rid of it. Well, I found these two the other day, and I could not believe it. I mean, they look just like this. We didn't have to paint them, do anything. All we had to do was hang 'em. And we were able to use one of the shelves from our rack, our dish rack, to display some of our chickens. (Eddie laughs) Some of our chickens, I just love those chickens. So that's about it. I'd love to show y'all the porch. So, let me take a little break and then I'll come back, and show you the back porch. How's that? - [Eddie] So, it's all right here. - (laughs) Yeah. - [Eddie] A lot of people comment about your kitchen and they want to know where all your copper. - Yeah. 'Cause I had a lot of copper. - [Eddie] You had a lot of copper. - Well, guess what y'all. I still got a lot of copper. Look what Eddie and little Mike has done. They have hung my copper from when I had owned a pot rack at Riverbend. They hung this on that strong brick wall, and it won't come down. So, when this is clean, y'all, it's so beautiful, and it'll shine like a new penny. But Eddie and I have had a few other things to do besides shining copper. So, we promise one day, we're gonna get to ya. (laughs) And over here in this side is my cast iron. Cast iron is so heavy, so heavy. And if you have to lean over and get it out of a cabinet, if you can stand back up straight after you reach a certain age, you're doing good. So, this is so handy. I can just come over here and get whichever one I want. So, these two guys that are here with me, they're just geniuses. They're so good. So, okay. I'll give you a quick look on the porch. It is still a work in progress. And, ooh something smells so good. - [Eddie] That candle right there. - Oh, it smells yummy over here. So, if y'all will remember this house, this room ended right here. And from here back, that was part of the porch. So, we had them take that wall, push it all the way back. And so we have a lot smaller porch now than we used to, but it's a gracious plenty. It's a gracious plenty. So, I don't have a whole bunch of flowers out here 'cause kinda not that time of year. But these beautiful Ivy trees I got from Anne's Garden Shop. And these, I found at Anne's Garden Shop. And you know what? Eddie and I have talked about 'em and talked about 'em and talked about 'em. And you know what? I think that we have finally figured out the use of these. You know back long time ago, when someone passed away, they kept them at home, either in the bed, or in a coffin in the living room. And Eddie and I believe that these held flower arrangements that sit on either side of the coffin. Is our guess. If y'all know better, let us know. But that's our thoughts on it. And course, the little Wicker furniture, I've had it for years and years and years. And I got an extension cord for our little Christmas tree, Eddie. (Eddie laughs) And these are Paula Deen furniture. And they are just handy, handy, handy, but we no longer have, all of the Paula Deen furniture is now cloth. It's soft. So, that's it. I found this at Clutter. And where did I find this one, Eddie? - [Eddie] Clutter, as well. I mean, Tower Place. - Tower Place, yes. So, and this is the same swing that we hung up here 17 years ago. And I got me a Stag Horn Fern that I want to see if I can get it growing on a tree. Well, I hope y'all enjoyed the little tour, and I thank y'all for y'all's interest, and the love and the support that y'all have shown to me throughout this year and all the years before. And I certainly return that love to y'all, and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year. And we just pray that 2022 will be a better year for our whole nation. I'll see y'all on the next room tour. (laughs)
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 350,386
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Keywords: paula deen, paula deen house tour, paula deen house dogwood, paula deen house 2021, paula deen house renovation, love and best dishes, love and best dishes paula deen, paula deen love and best dishes youtube, michael groover paula deen, michael groover paula deen husband, paula deen savannah georgia, paula deen savannah home, love and best dishes youtube, paula dean, paula deen's house, paula deen new home, paula deen home tour, paula deen renovation, paula deens house
Id: 0GWJHdm0CV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 25 2021
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