Holiday Cooking & Baking Recipes: Aunt Peggy’s Sweet Potato Soufflé Recipe

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- Look at my fingernails. (laughing) - Uh-huh. Where did you come up with that? - Do you know, somebody gave me some stick-on nails. - Mm-hmm. - Like, they're soft, and so I showed them to Emily the other day when she was doing my hair, she said, "Oh, you want me to put 'em on?" I said, "Yeah, go ahead." I was sitting there napping in the chair while she was doing her thing, and then I went over to see the triplets. - Uh-huh. - And Millie picked up my hand, and she said, "Elsa! You've got Elsa fingernails." - [Eddie] You know, someone sent you those when we first started doing the videos for, you know, for the, when we first started doing the videos. She sent you those just because she knew that you weren't gonna be able to get out to a salon. - Yes, well, you know what? I love 'em. And they've been on for two weeks, Eddie, and I'm just now starting to pick off the edges. But yes, I got Elsa fingernails, and everybody knows that Elsa is from Frozen right? Am I right there, or is Elsa from somewhere else? (laughing) - [Assistant] You're correct. - But I'm standing up here picking 'em off. Look who's here. - Hi there. - Look who is here, this beautiful lady. She is so beautiful. She's 92 years old, 92 and a half, (both laughing) and she has joined us here in Savannah, because her internal medicine doctor his here. So Little George, I still call him Little George after all these years, her oldest son brought her over here, and Eddie and I are gonna get her to the doctor on Friday. So it was just really funny, because we had planned to make this dish. Have we had requests for this? I might as well be talking to Sullivan. - [Assistant] I'm sorry. I'm reading emails. I'm sorry. - When I talk to Sullivan, it's like these kids when they're on that- - [Eddie] I think that someone requested it. (Paula laughing) - [Assistant] No, this is not a requested. This is one of our most popular recipes, and because it is coming up on Thanksgiving, we like to share, yes. We like to share recipes, and you're here, which needed even more of a bonus. - And I so appreciate- - [Assistant] This has like- - Uh-huh. - [Assistant] Very high ratings with like, five stars. - Yes. - [Assistant] It's one of our highest-rated recipes. - I don't doubt that. - Yeah. - It's a very old, old, old recipe, but it's very, very good. It's just a delight. I don't know whether I want it to be a pie, or whether I want it to be a casserole, or if I just want to maybe make it a dessert. - [Paula] A dessert. - With some whipped cream on top. - A lot of people, when they come in The Lady and Sons, they will have sweet potatoes, or the sweet potato casserole as dessert. They'll say, "No, we're gonna pass on dessert, and we're gonna have some more sweet potato yams." - And it's very, very healthy, you know? Sweet potatoes are very, very healthy. - Yes, but look what all we're putting on 'em. - And that makes it a little more healthy. (chuckles) - May, it might take a little, (indistinct) for it to weigh in, (laughing) but that's all right. - [Assistant] In all this, who cares about health? - [Paula] That's right. - [Assistant] For Thanksgiving, you don't have any calories that day. - That's right. That's right. We're exempt from calories that day. So Aunt Peggy, you start with three cups of fresh mashed sweet potatoes, is that not correct? - [Peggy] Good. - [Paula] So keep me straight, okay? - [Peggy] Uh-huh. On the money. - Okay, and how many eggs, three eggs? Four eggs? - [Peggy] Uh-huh, three. - Okay, so we're gonna mix those in with our sweet potatoes. So this is to me, it's better than a sweet potato pie. - Well, it would make, it would be the filling for a sweet potato pie if you wanted it to. - Yes, it's like, sweet potato meets a pecan pie. - Uh-huh, yes. - Like, it's half sweet potato, and half pecan pie. Okay, so we've got our sugar. You have to tell me how much sugar. - [Peggy] Oh, one cup. - Okay. And what's next? - [Peggy] Oh, your milk. - Okay, and how much milk is that? - One half a cup. - A half a cup? Okay. - One half of a cup of milk. - Okay, and this might look thin, but those eggs are gonna tighten it up. - I was gonna say it looks loose now. - Yeah, it's almost like a custard. - Uh-huh. - Mm, mm, mm, mm. So good. All right, now what's next? - 12 tablespoons of divided, unsalted butter. - [Assistant] So that's actually eight tablespoons. - Right here? It's eight? - [Assistant] Yeah, and the other four are going in the topping. - Okay, there's a little of the peeling. Gonna pull that out. Oh my goodness. Look, you can tell a fresh sweet potato from a canned sweet potato. - I've never used a canned potato, sweet potato. - I have used them in a crunch. - Uh-huh. - And I can get 'em pretty good. - Uh-huh. - I can disguise 'em pretty good, but I like a fresh sweet potato better. - One tablespoon of the extract. - One tablespoon? Okay. That looks like about a tablespoon. All right, so all this butter goes in, right? - [Peggy] I'm looking for the butter. - [Paula] Eight tablespoons, not teaspoons. - [Peggy] 12 tablespoons of divided and salted butter. - [Paula] Yeah, and that's a little much butter. You may wanna cut back on the butter a little bit. - When I, always, when I'm putting that together, sometimes I get to where I feel like it's too loose, and it's loosening up, and so yeah, it pretty much assumes all its consistency. - Yes, well, like I said, all those eggs are gonna make it thicken up, and bake off kinda custardy-like. Okie doke, now we're gonna put this in our casserole dish correct? - [Assistant] Don't forget get the salt. - Oh, I forgot the salt. Oops. A half a teaspoon of salt. And I like salt with my sweet. All my cakes and everything, I always put salt in it. Okay. So we are gonna put this in our casserole dish. - That's a pretty dish. - Isn't this beautiful? - Uh-huh. - It's a Paula Deen dish, and it's like a honeycomb. - Uh-huh. - 'Cause you know, we carry some wonderful honeys, and I'm gonna spray this, Great Great, just a little bit, in case we decide to overcook it and it sticks a little bit. - I like the way you got that drawer arranged. - Ain't it nice? - Yes, I've never seen it packed in like that. - Uh-huh, I love those pullouts. - Yeah, sometimes you might need to- - And see they're deep, see how deep they are? - (indistinct) people at sea putting different types of crocks in their drawers. - Yes, yes, yes, yes. - [Assistant] That's her baking drawer. - Yes. - Well that is wonderful, and it has a name. - Yes. - And that- - I divide my measuring cups and my mixing bowls between the appliance center and this drawer. - Uh-huh. - So I don't have to keep walking back and forth. - Uh-huh. - All right. What's next? - Well, we're going to, we're gonna take up, will the salt go here too, or- - No, the salt went in there. - Just to the brown sugar, one cup of packed, light brown sugar. - [Paula] Okay, and then- - [Peggy] One half a cup of self-rising cake flour. - [Paula] Okay. Okay, so we're just gonna do it like this, and I like to just do this with my hands. - [Peggy] Right. - [Paula] And then we're gonna add our softened butter. Just gonna put that in there, and it's gonna be like a crumbly topping. - Yes, and I like that. - Mm-hmm, this is so good. I'll tell you who else made a wonderful sweet potato casserole was Aunt Jessie. Aunt Jessie Ruth was my daddy's older sister, but she put marshmallows on hers. - [Peggy] Yes, and I have done that. - [Paula] Uh-huh, I have to, but this just works out better to me. - [Peggy] Yes. - [Paula] Okay, I'll just take just a few minutes. Would you pick up your nuts and throw those over in here please? And that is one cup. You can just dump. - [Peggy] Put it all in here? - [Paula] Uh-huh, just dump. And that was one cup of pecans, y'all. So we're just gonna mix this until it's crumbly, and then we're gonna just sprinkle it all on top of this casserole, and we're gonna bake it for how long, maybe 45 minutes? - Yes, I think about that. - Yeah. - Sometimes it's according to if it's loose you would want- - Yeah, bake it a little bit longer. - Uh-huh. - But look at this. - And that is just delicious. You should be able- - [Paula] Like I said, pecan pie meets sweet potato pie. - [Peggy] Uh-huh. You should be able to find something else that you could put with that would give out a different service. - [Paula] Yes, well, I tell you, Michael loves, his mother used to make, I think he called it an apple crisp, and I made him one, and I said, "Oh, I'm so proud of it." I said, "Now, which is the best, this one are your mother's?" He said, "Oh, my mother's." I said, "Well, you big old ape, you can't lie for TV?" (laughing) Just for a second? (laughing) Because this was national TV, and he said, "I didn't know you wanted to make me lie, I mean, have me lie." (laughing) 'Cause he tells the truth even if it hurts everybody. - Uh-huh, that's right. - He's just a truth-teller. So that's it. Can you get over in there, Eddie, and see that beautiful casserole? And now, we can't have Thanksgiving in our house without this, and possibly even Christmas, y'all, but definitely Thanksgiving. - [Assistant] Peggy, I forgot what to do, what you told me to put it on. - It says preheat the oven to 400. - [Assistant] Okay, so 400. - And so- - For how long? - It doesn't say how long. Just preheat it until it gets to 400. Lightly grease an eight ounce square baking dish. - [Assistant] Okay, does it tell us how long to bake it? - Nope. If it does, it could, because the bottom of this is not- - [Eddie] Yeah, you're supposed to flip it on the other side. - Okay, here. (Paula laughing) Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the top end is golden brown, and serve hot. (Paula laughing) But it's just as good cold. (Paula and Eddie laughing) - It sure is! - But you gotta cook it first. - Tastes like pie. (laughing) - It does. - Oh, I could eat it just like that if I didn't put the raw eggs in it. I just can't eat anything with raw eggs, kinda makes me. - I'm about full of it before I ever get it blended. - Uh-huh, 'cause you've got your spoon eating it. - Uh-huh, (Paula laughing) because the topping is just as good as the filling. - Ooh, it is. - I say go for it. - Well, we've had some chillun show up since we put this in the oven, Great Great, and there he is. I was wondering where Big John was. Here's Henry. - [Peggy] Oh, just in time. - And John. - [Peggy] Just in time. - And Sullivan. (laughing) These are three of my boys, and y'all, where you got- - Tybee. - Mama's, yeah. That is great. Well, Cheryl y'all were headed out to Tybee? - [Cheryl] Yes. - Oh, that's wonderful. And they've come to pick Sullivan up. I just love it when I see all these cousins together. - Uh-huh. - I just can't look at 'em enough. Y'all leaving? (indistinct chatting) - I'm John. (Paula laughing) - Tell them bye, John. - Bye. (Paula and Peggy laughing) (indistinct chatting) What, baby, you love nuts? So do I. All right, Aunt Peggy's sweet potato casserole. Look at that. - [Assistant] Oh, look how gooey, yum. - I'm telling you what, if it got any better, you wouldn't be able to stand it. - No. - [Assistant] But we could put some whipped cream on that. - (laughing) All right, now, I just dipped us out a little bit, y'all, because it literally just came out of the oven. - Mm-hmm. - And we don't want to lose the skin on our tongue. - That's right, and the aroma is just wonderful. - Mm-hmm. - Yes? - [Assistant] I wish they could smell through the camera. - [Peggy] Uh-huh. - [Paula] I know it. - [Assistant] We say that every show. - [Paula] Yes. I always said if I could invent anything, it would be smellavision. - Uh-huh. - Where you scratch your TV, (Peggy and assistant laughing) and go up and sniff, like the books. (laughing) Mm, smells fabulous. Ooh, it was, you were able to put it in your mouth? - Mm-hmm. I did a little. - Mm. - Because if you try to put this in your mouth when it's real hot, you can- - It'll take the skin off your mouth. - I was gonna say, you can know that you come close to heat. - Mm, you know we're having this for supper, don't you? - That's the first thing I asked when I came in here. (Paula laughing) - [Assistant] She wasn't worried about cooking it. She was worried about whether y'all were having it for dinner. - Now, if I make this, we're having it for supper, right? Look, look at that fresh, oh yes, the fresh sweet potato is just, it's the only way to go is the fresh. - Uh-huh, and this is a dish that calls for the next bite before you can dispose of the bite you just took. - That's right. I'm gonna reach in there and get my next bite before you get it all. All right, now, clean all that out, okay? How do you like the size of that plate I pulled out for us? - I think that's good too. - Isn't it heavenly? It's like, perfect. Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. That was 425? 425 for 25 minutes? - [Assistant] No, 400. - 400. - 400. - [Assistant] for 25 minutes. - That's a hot oven, so y'all keep your eye on it. Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. Happy holidays, y'all. - [Assistant] This is just the beginning. - I know, when I eat this, I just think about holiday. How about you? - This is true. A good bite, anytime you put it in your mouth. - Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Look at it, isn't that beautiful? All right, I'll dip us up a little bit more, just in case we didn't get a good- Ooh, it's so hot. - Like I said- - What, Cary? What, Cary? I don't know where everybody went. They walk out and not say a word to me about, "I'm going, I'm doing this, I'm doing that." Bye. (laughing) Speaking of bye, bye y'all. (both laughing) Thanks, Great Great. Thank you, Aunt Peggy. - I love it. I love it.
Channel: Paula Deen
Views: 101,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paula deen, southern cooking, sweet potato casserole, thanksgiving side dishes, thanksgiving recipes, sweet potato casserole with pecans, thanksgiving sides, sweet potato recipes, sweet potato casserole recipe, how to make sweet potato casserole, thanksgiving recipe, thanksgiving side dishes for a crowd, thanksgiving recipes 2021, thanksgiving food ideas, thanksgiving recipes side dishes, sweet potato souffle, sweet potato souffle southern, sweet potato souffle paula deen
Id: x-cb9BCZ_aA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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