Hold Fast to God’s Promise - Faith in Troubling Times, Part 2

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[Music] welcome everyone i'm jerry savelle thank you for joining our broadcast today we certainly appreciate you watching and i also want to let you know how much we appreciate you communicating with our ministry and letting us know how much you're enjoying the teaching that you receive each and every week through this broadcast also those of you that write to us and share your testimonies we certainly enjoy them and we welcome them and please continue to do so and then before we get into our teaching program today i want to thank all of our partners partners you are such a blessing to us we could not do all that we do all over the world without your faithful support so please know that we love you we appreciate you we're praying for you and the word of the lord for this year that i received was it is a time for abundant overflow and that's what i'm praying for each and every partner that you will experience abundant overflow in every area of your life i want you to welcome once again my oldest daughter jerriann thank you for joining me today sweetheart i'm glad to be with you and we're going to continue talking about what we began last week about faith in troubling times maintaining your faith in troubling times you know the bible tells us and we read this from first peter last week that tests and trials are seasonal that's first peter chapter one you read it if you weren't with us last week read it and he talks about how the tests and trials are not permanent they are seasonal they won't last forever even though sometimes it certainly feels like they do it's sometimes it looks like they'll never end but you've got to focus on what god says and not on what you can perceive with your five physical senses the bible says we walk by faith and not by sight so if you are walking by sight then obviously it looks like nothing is ever going to change you're going to be in debt for the rest of your life you're going to be sick for the rest of your life your kids are going to be running wild for the rest of their life but you have to believe you have to choose to believe that god's word is true that it is more true than what you can see with your natural line amen and then we read from ii corinthians chapter 4 the apostle paul says while we look not at things which are seen but the things which are not seen why because the things which are seen are temporal and that word temporal means temporary or subject to change so if you can see it if you can perceive it with your five physical senses then it's not permanent even though it seems like it is it's not permanent don't let satan convince you that you're gonna go through this for the rest of your life you are not it's seasonal it's not permanent in fact the amplified bible even says it lasts but for a moment now you know god has a sense of humor sometimes his moments you know or a little longer than my moments but nevertheless what he's saying is if you won't give up then i will turn this around for you amen so let me encourage you right now make the quality decision that quitting is not an option how many times you heard me say that the theme of my ministry and she says all of her life she's heard that quitting is not an option i want to encourage you too while we're on this subject is turn that tv off you know you can watch get a little information on what's going on in the world but dad there sometimes i'm like okay enough yeah let's turn that tv off because if you stay glued to that tv then it's just doom and gloom and despair and ag agony on me i remember but if you watch the news and just stay focused and we talked about that on the previous show in this scripture my translation said what are you focusing on yes passion what are you focusing your attention on well if you stay glued to that tv then your attention is going to be on something completely different than what the word of god says yeah and you know if you haven't learned this by now god's word and the world very seldom agree on anything right god says one thing the world says something else and most of the time they don't agree so what are you going to believe whose report will you believe that's the question are you going to believe what the world says or are you going to believe what god says are you going to believe what cnn says are you going to believe what paul says what james says what what peter says i choose to believe the word of god now i'm not a spiritual ostrich i don't have my head buried in the sand and pretending that none of this is happening that that there's not real trouble in the world yes there's trouble in the world i see it every day and but at the same time i choose to focus on what god's word says i i choose to believe that god's word is more powerful than what they say and they referring to the media the natural mind and anybody else under that category so i'm choosing to believe what god says and so far for 52 years it's worked very good for me yes well that you said it he made a choice and you have to make a choice what are you going to choose to think about because whatever you think about your most dominant thoughts are going to come out of your mouth that's right and then they become your actions so again it comes down to what are you going to choose amen now if you have your bibles with you let's open them first of all to james chapter 1. james chapter 1. hebrews james all right and james chapter 1 in verse 2. this is an interesting verse my brethren count it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations now the word temptations also translated tests and trials and and and divers means diversity so it says my brethren count it all joy now this is a strange scripture count it all joy when when you are experiencing tests and trials now some of you if you're not reading your bible right here if you're not following along with me you may think i made that up that's jerry's translation no this is james talking i'm just reading james count it all joy now when's the last time you acted on that are you a doer of the word when's the last time you determined that no matter what i'm going through it's not going to rob me of my joy no matter what i'm going through i am not going to allow depression and anxiety and worry and fear to grip me i'm going to maintain my joy and he says if you will do this knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience now the bible says or the amplified bible says the proving of your faith will bring out endurance steadfastness and patience in other words if you will not give up if you will maintain your joy then it is going to trigger something else on the inside of you endurance steadfastness and patience and he goes on to say and if you let patience have its perfect work you're going to be entire wanting nothing that simply means here's the savail translation you win amen if you won't give up if you want to allow it to rob you of your joy then praise god you're going to come out on the other side of this test and trial a winner victorious can you say amen to that yeah listen we're going to take a break right now watch this special announcement then we'll be right back are you facing a troubling situation right now what is the right response when it comes to facing those trials how should you think when trouble comes to your life today's special offer the faith and troubling times package contains jerry savelle's best-selling book called to battle destined to win his revealing three-part cd series protect your family against satan's attacks and his daughter jerriann's single cd trusting god in challenging times in this package you will discover how to persevere when times are tough how to stand on god's word to bring victory how to pray protection over your family and how to overcome discouragement we all experience times of trouble but you can respond in faith and come out victorious don't delay call or go online now to jerrysavelle.org and request your copy of the faith and troubling times special package god wants you to prevail over every difficulty you're facing order now and strengthen your faith to walk in victory welcome back everyone before we went to the break we were talking about james chapter one where james says that if we are going through tests and trials then we need to maintain our joy in other words he says count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations testings and trials then verse 3 says this knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience now the message translation i love this it says you know that under pressure your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors that's so i love that under pressure your faith life is forced into the open and shows its true colors you know anybody can say well i'm trusting god i'm believing god you know god's going to see me through anybody can say that when everything is going well but what are you saying when it appears that all hell is broken loose what are you saying when it looks like what you're going through is never going to change well you find out what you're made of spiritually when a crisis or pressure or trouble comes you really find out and you've got to be full of the word to combat that thing when it comes because our nature wants to go with discouragement or doubt immediately but if you're full of the word then you're going to find out what you're made of that's right a good example of that is a story of joseph and i'm sure you all know it it begins in about genesis chapter 37 and read verses 12 through 28 i'm not going to take the time to do that but read those verses and you'll find out and i've i've just got it on my notes here so i'm i'm going to read the notes and make sure i don't leave anything out but this is an important story of how that under pressure your faith life comes out into the open and shows its true colors this is an example joseph now joseph obviously you remember was sold into slavery by his own brothers also eventually he became a part of potiphar's home and under his command and potiphar actually thought highly of joseph but then it wasn't long before potiphar's wife endeavored to seduce joseph and tried to you know persuade him to enter into an affair with her but joseph wouldn't do it and then she'd lied about it to her husband and then joseph would wound up being thrown into prison and then while in prison it wasn't very comfortable and then after about two years pharaoh had a dream that nobody could interpret and they found out that joseph could so he interpreted pharaoh's dream and then eventually pharaoh promoted him and made him second in command of all of egypt now notice this man faith showed its true colors when it was under pressure joseph wouldn't give up he held faster that dream that god had given him he held fast to what god had promised him and even though he went through a lot of adversity i mean most men would have given up right most men would have given up probably uh while they were in slavery the first time around after his brothers had sold him into slavery and most people would have probably thought i hate them i don't ever want to see them again but that's not what happened to joseph in fact he looked forward to seeing them again and by the time he did reunite with them god had blessed him god had had given him a high position of authority under pharaoh and he was able to help his brothers and help his father amen and then i know i remember this verse that is in chapter 50 and verse 20. this is what joseph said to his brothers when it was all said and done after he'd gone through all this adversity joseph said you thought eviled against me but god thought it unto good the message translation says you planned evil against me but god used those plans for my good so that's something you need to hold fast to even though satan means evil and and that's the reason he brings these attacks in your life he's hoping that you'll just give up he's hoping that you'll just throw in the towel so to speak he's hoping that you'll just fold up and quit turn your back on god but if you'll remember the story of joseph joseph said you meant evil unto me but god turned it into something good and if you will hold fast to that promise god will do the same thing for you well it just goes to show that he can knock you down the enemy but he wouldn't knock him out he kept getting back up getting back up and you have that choice too that's right and the enemy comes but you have the choice nope i'm not going to let this one get me i'm getting back up because you have that scripture you have an awesome sermon micah 7 8 when i fall arise amen that reminds me of second corinthians chapter four notice what paul said here you know i love the apostle paul i can hardly wait to meet him yeah and when i meet him i'm going to tell him i preached all your sermons praise god now let's notice this in second corinthians chapter four and verse eight we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed yet not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed notice paul never focused on the adversity he focused on the answer he focused on what he believed god was going to turn this situation into yes notice now let me read it to you the way the religious mind reads it it's a little bit different than the way paul said it here's the way the religious mind reads it we are troubled on every side we aren't perplexed we aren't persecuted we are cast down they left out the yets and the butts you can't leave out the yets and the butts because the yets and the buts change everything notice paul said we are troubled on every side see i'm not i'm not saying that if you make the decision to live by faith you'll never have any more trouble i've never preached that i never will preach that in fact it's just the opposite if you decide to live by faith welcome to trouble you are going to have trouble why because satan comes immediately to steal the word and when satan comes that means trouble but paul said even though we're troubled on every side yet we are not distressed and he says even though we're perplexed another translation says even though sometimes we don't know what to do but we're not in despair we are persecuted but we are not destroyed we are cast down but we i mean i'm sorry persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed another translation says satan you might knock me down but you'll never knock me out so never knock me out well it goes on to say in that same chapter that we live with a joyful confidence yeah that even in the midst of all of that he still lived with a joyful confidence yeah in jesus name well in 2 acts chapter 24 verse 20 the apostle paul made this statement talking about all the adversity that was was planned against him by the religious people right and he knew in advance the holy spirit told him in advance every city that you go to this is what is awaiting you tests and trials and and bonds and afflictions and so forth and he answered that by saying none of these things move me none of these things move me and then he added this i will finish my course and i will finish it with joy in other words no matter what i go through it's not going to steal my joy it's not going to cause me to give up and quit in fact the apostle paul's testimony at the end of his life i kept the faith i finished my course and there is something good awaiting me in heaven praise god i was reading yesterday in philippians and he was they say that's the most joyful letter yeah that paul that theologians call it the joy letter and he was studying in prison and the worst prison of the worst time even imagine the conditions of where and he said joy rejoice joy rejoice rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice i'm like what kind of man i mean he said he'd been beaten he'd been through all kinds of things but in that letter he kept saying joy and rejoice yeah and just wouldn't quit and you know you think well that's the apostle paul yes it is the apostle paul but you can learn from his experiences you can you can get to the place in fact the same god that he served is the god that you serve and the same god that paul said he is my strength and and and it's the same god is your strength so you're capable of staying strong you're capable of enduring you're capable of outlasting the devil that's what persevere means that's what the lord said to me years ago persevere means to outlast the devil in other words if you made up your mind that one of you or the other is going to quit and it's not going to be you right if anybody's going to quit it's going to be satan not me quitting is not an option so if you make that decision then praise god paul says that what you're going through it's temporary it's not permanent it is subject to change hallelujah can i say this about you is that i've watched that in your life over the 50 years i mean you developed that in your life i never saw you what are we gonna do and stressed out you just never let them see you sweat that's your way of living is as a family as a ministry we've gone through things but dad developed that in his own life is like i refuse to let this dictate my feelings my emotions the way i'm going to act and we would get through a trial or situation but you'd never see it on my dad's face so you did develop that and i'm i'm growing in that dad well and i learned to i learned it just following the ministry of the apostle paul i mean you know he's he's of course jesus is number one but the apostle paul is my faith hero yes i mean this man was an amazing man of faith and and he i believe god put all this in the bible and these stories of men like this for our benefit right so that they could be an ex an example to us the bible says follow those who through faith and patience inherit the promises so god raises up men and women of great faith for other people uh to follow their example right you know i've had some great examples in my life uh not only the apostle paul obviously whom i've never met but but one day i will when i get to heaven but just his stories and and his teachings have inspired me but i've also had in my life uh faith heroes like kenneth copeland he was the man that brought the message of faith to me back in 1969 and i never forget when the first time i heard him say these words i'd never heard anything like it before and i was scripturally illiterate i didn't know anything about the bible and brother copeland said talking about faith and i didn't realize at the time that he was quoting smith wilkersworth which which was a great man of faith in fact they he was referred to as the apostle of faith and if you've never read any of smith wigglesworth material get your hands on as many of the books as you possibly can their faith building and so brother copeland stood up in that church service at life tabernacle shreveport louisiana in 1969 and said i am not moved by what i see i am not moved by what i feel i am not moved by what i hear i'm only moved by what i believe and i believe the word of god i thought wow how could you ever get to the place where you were not moved by all these things that that most people are moved by because when he said that i was moved by what i saw i was moved by what i felt and i was moved by what i heard but i i remember going home that night and i wrote it in my journal there will come a day when i will be able to say i am not moved by what i see i am not moved by what i hear and i'm not moved by what i feel i'm only moved by what i believe and i believe the word of god yes and i made the decision that i was going to do whatever it took to develop that kind of faith and praise god over a period of time i did develop it and today that is my story hallelujah yes it's it it's it's wonderful how that the word of god can change everything in your life change your thinking change your speech change your outlook change your attitude i i attribute all of that to the word of god and if i could do it then you can do it you know jerriann has never known this man i'm about to tell you about she's only known the man that the bible changed changed his life but i was a quitter i was always looking for the path of least resistance that was the way jerry savelle was before christ came before the word of god entered my life but after christ came and after the word of god came into my life that old man died and i haven't been that man in 52 years and what people see today is is is a man of faith a man that won't quit a man who is determined to outlast the devil and if i could get that way then you can too now here's the here's the key ingredient i made a choice to put the word of god in my life by day and by night well you said john 8 31 30. that was the life changer the one that changed your life it says if you continue and that's where dad had been lacking in his life he was a good starter but not a good finisher but it's the continuing in my word then you'll be disciples that's a disciplined one right to follow christ then the truth will be known to you and that's what you made that determination in 1969 to continue in your in his word and if i hadn't made that decision way back then i certainly wouldn't be where i am today i certainly wouldn't have all the the victories that i've enjoyed if i had not made that decision so at some point you're you just have to sit down and say to yourself and i in flat way brother copeland taught me back there 1969. grab yourself by the ear pull yourself into where you have a mirror and point at yourself and say boy you are not a quitter right you do not give up quitting is not an option in your life you're a winner and you're not going to whine and cry and bawl and squall and have a pity party you're going to stand on the word of god and you're going to fight the good fight of faith and you're going to win you have to become your own best cheerleader yes i mean that's where it begins is with you nobody can do it for you you have to do it for yourself and sometimes you got to speak and and get that fight in you that you are not a quitter amen praise god say it with me before we leave i am not a quitter all right watch this announcement we'll be back in just a few moments [Music] are you facing a troubling situation right now what is the right response when it comes to facing those trials how should you think when trouble comes to your life today's special offer the faith and troubling times package contains jerry savelle's best-selling book called to battle destined to win his revealing three-part cd series protect your family against satan's attacks and his daughter jerryann's single cd trusting god in challenging times in this package you will discover how to persevere when times are tough how to stand on god's word to bring victory how to pray protection over your family and how to overcome discouragement we all experience times of trouble but you can respond in faith and come out victorious don't delay call or go online now to jerrysavelle.org and request your copy of the faith and troubling times special package god wants you to prevail over every difficulty you're facing order now and strengthen your faith to walk in victory i want to encourage you to go to the website right now and order these products don't get busy and go all do it later do it right now because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so you want to get this this is one of my favorites i mean call to battle destined to win is one of the most bestest that's not a word but it's one of the bestest that dad does i just love this this is a message i did called trusting god in challenging times and the dad does a three-part cd series on protect your family against satan's attacks the best thing you can do is put the word on every single day dad i can't go a day without listening to my word because then i started to get in my flesh or start to look at circumstances but if i'm staying in the word every day then it's building praise god get all these faith-building materials that you can possibly get your hands on amen thank you for watching today we'll see you next week remember your faith will overcome the world you
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 12,240
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Savelle, Jerry, Savelle, Favor, Faith, Blessed, Blessing, Gospel, Prayer, Heritage, Overcoming, Peace, Hope, Prosperity, Winning, Breakthrough, Glory, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Healing, Health, Harvest, Trusting God, Word of God, Faithful, God's Favor, Pray, Inspirational Message, How to have Faith, Holy Spirit, Don't Quit, Positive, Inspiration, Love, Motivation, The Word of God, Full Potential, Resilience, Positive Mindset, Abundant Overflow, God’s promise, Rise Above, Faith in Troubling Times
Id: T4ePiQmXOyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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