INTERIOR TOUR of our WINTER (Alaska) Live-aboard Boat!

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good morning today I want to show you how it is to live inside the boat during the winter we are here in Alaska and most of the winter we anchor out in the [Music] wilderness so let's go inside let's start from under the Dodger because this is part of our living space here we have nice reindeer pelts to sit on some of our shoes and so on our Crocs that we use to walk around on the deck when there's not too much snow and we also sometimes store things like PFD slide vest and so on in here and this thing here comes down and it zips shut so the space in here remains mostly dry we do have a small problem with the condensation though the ceiling is just aluminum and there's a lot of condensation forming here we should install some kind of liner so as you can see we have snow piling up outside and here we have our fridge or our second fridge this is where we store some of our perishables in the winter because it's nice and cool uh but I think that's pretty much about it let's go inside so I am now sitting on the company andway stairs I have obviously come into the boat through this hatch that's behind me this hatch is completely watertight it can be latched shut so it's a little bit different than on most sailboats we really like this one and this is now the main area of the boat this is where everything happens usually we have even more light in here because there's a lot of windows but right now unfortunately it just started snowing pretty hard and the windows are getting snowed shut behind me is our big seating area we have setes on both sides and those we also use as pilot births when we are underway and this area it can see 10 to 12 people which honestly is almost too much for us cuz normally it's just me and sopie it's normally just the two of us but it's a good party space the table is very big when you fold it out and under the table is the engine when you lift the table up the whole engine is completely exposed and you have really good access to the engine then in front of the setti on the part side of the boat is the navigation table and the navigation area there's also the heater and our drying area opposite of the navigation table on the starboard side is the galley which is quite nice anyway let's look at some of the specifics now and some of the more interesting things okay so let's start with s special area here on the starboard side of the boat I'll let her introduce that hello uh yeah this is my space this is where I I hang out most of the time this is where I work and and do basically everything um it's little bit lower so it's little bit colder here but otherwise it's it's really nice here we have all of my books or our books and um well here is the diesel J tank uh which we designed we still have some some Christmas decorations since since it's still uh winter time and this is yeah this is an integral part of my life nowadays it's a hot water bottle uh it's amazing yeah so the Holy Trinity to keeping your feet warm on the boat number one the hot water bottle you can put it at your feet feet and um we use this all the time literally highly recommend it uh much cheaper than floor heating and then wool and socks I'm wearing two pairs right now on top of each other and well I have down pants on as well so I guess that helps too and then this carpeting here is amazing so this is modified Ikea carpet that s made and it is pretty B and so it insulates the floor at least somewhat and the good thing is that it also protects the teak because especially in Winter if we are sailing we might walk around here with wet boots and so so it's nice for keeping the ti in better condition and this carpeting we have all around the boat all the hallways all the areas except for the heads okay so let's look at at the other side of the seating area back there we have most of my camera gear in this black bag and some storage there and then this spot here I call the wire chaos of hell um it's just unfinished but it's solow down the priority list of things to do that um it's probably going to stay like this for a while now if we go first further forward we have more wire chaos there but here is kind of like my area if that back there was office area then this here is mine so obviously when you are on a board you are very limited on space and we would probably prefer to have at least one kind of like an office room so when we are actually working and concentrating you could go there and have some piece but we don't really have that right now so this is my area usually it's quite a bit more messy I have all kinds of camera gear here on the table and so on and it's just a basic navigation table really um one thing that I want to point out is that the storage space underneath the navigation table is some of the most useless space on a boat I find because we don't really have that many um traditional charts and even if we do we don't really use them that often and I can't really store anything underneath here because there's always something on the table so you can't access any of the stuff underneath here sitting here though has its advantages and the main advantage is that I'm on the same level as the diesel stove so this area is a little bit warmer than where s is usually sitting so let's have a look at the stove and the drying area next so this is our heater obviously it's a diesel stove and if we take the fan off then we can also heat up water there and that's where we heat up all of our water pretty much also for showers and for the hot water bottles and for coffee and for everything like that and here is where we also dry most of our stuff so we have the glove drying area there and then over here behind this screen it's made so that you can hang stuff on the other side and you don't have to be afraid of the stuff um falling down on top of the stove and um catching Flames this heater gives out most of its heat actually through the chimney so the chimney can be very hot and it gets really warm close to the ceiling and so these fans here distribute build the heat those are Thermo Electric fans so they don't need any electricity they make electricity basically with a temperature difference then the galley this is pretty basic Arrangement normal Arrangement here uh not that much to say about it we do have a temporary fridge here because the original fridge is not working or we basically ripped it out this one is a really small portable fridge but it actually works pretty well for us we find that we don't really need that much fridge space we have our collection of some of the most used things here basically our whole diet there instant coffee popcorn and sourdough starter and we eat a lot of popcorn and I also just recently started drinking coffee and since I learned how to drink coffee from Sofi then um the only coffee that I drink is instant coffee cuz yeah somehow she only drinks instant coffee when she's at the boat some of the items worth mentioning here are of course the fisar sissors from Finland finish design the best scissors in the world or at least that's what we think then we have finish design um print here for the what do you call them these gloves whatever and then some of the things that we are really struggling with in America is we can't find these anywhere so we have to bring them from Finland or go to an Ikea to buy one so obviously dishwashing brush a must have for any finish flaged boat here are some of our storage and I want to show you that it's quite cold here close to the floor because as you can see the olive oil has turned somewhat solid that's how we also don't need really need a fridge because the whole boat is a fridge some of the other things that are maybe worth mentioning here are our fire fire extinguishers we take like fire protection pretty seriously because fire is one of the biggest dangers to a leure boat so we have different types of fire extinguishers all around the boat one thing that we have here in the main area is some bright lighting a lot of people are installing indirect lighting and lighting that looks nice we are mainly concerned with just having lighting that's really bright because in the winter it's just so dark outside and we want to have some light if we need to do some maintenance or boat work and so on so we have bright lights and one nice thing about these lights is that when you turn it off and wait over 3 seconds you need to wait at least three seconds and then you turn it on it's it's a red light so now this light is good if you are sailing and you want to keep your night vision you have both red and white light in on the same switch and you don't need to do any additional wiring and the other thing that I wanted to mention is our chart here so this chart here is pretty much the only traditional chart that we have or a traditional map that we have and it kind of shows the areas of the world that we we are interested in so now let's head forward down into the hallway and look at the cabins and the heads the reason that this space is so narrow is of course that here on the at the center of the boat this whole Space here is filled by the center board box so we have the retractable Center board the center board swings up and the center board comes inside this box here and that takes up some space inside the boat what also takes space inside the boat is that here when I'm not in the hallway yet I'm standing on top of the diesel and water tanks so there's a little bit over 100 gallons or 400 L of both Diesel and water underneath me and when you step down into the hallway that space there is actually taken by the ballast so you can't have the floor boards further down so I'm a little bit over 6 ft and starting from here to the B of the boat there's only a few spots where I can stand upright and the hallway is not one of them so let's take a look at these um doors here so the first one here on the left is the heads and the second one is our clothes storage the third one there is a pretty big um storage space and then on the starboard side we have kind of like the Captain's cabin here or the crew cabin and then at the bow is kind of like the owner's cabin which is just a slightly bigger than the starboard side cabin anyway let's take a look at the heads first so this heads compartment is pretty basic nothing really that special here we have taken the old toilet out and replaced it with an airhead desiccating separating toilet so we don't need through halls for that if you've seen some of my older videos you might know that we only have one through hall for the entire boat and all of the all of the gray water gets pumped overboard above the waterline we have started converting this spce into a shower but it is not done yet the shower pan is there but the whole project is still unfinished and I'm not really sure when we are going to finish it so when I told you that we warm up our shower water on the diesel stove um that means that we are kind of like taking bucket showers right now and we do so under the Dodger in the cockpit so then the second door on the port side is our clothes storage space it used to be a shower but we simply took the shower head out and declared it to be a storage space it's that simple it was just wasted space there was too much room for both the heads and shower you know taking like half of the boolt we couldn't afford that so now we have our clothes here winter clothes sailing clothes down jackets whatever then let's go and open this door here this is storage so we have mechanical and technical things in here it's quite full right now there's some things I need to install and they are stored over there and we just have quite a bit of stuff and I have to say that to kind of prease what's coming so the thing is for us that we do a lot of things you know we ski I Wing foil you know I surf we CrossCountry ski we back country Sky we go stand up battle boarding and so on so it turns out we end up with quite a lot of stuff and that's a problem when you live on a boat if we only went jogging we wouldn't have an issue with the amount of space and we don't really have an issue right now either but um we just end up having quite a lot of items in the boat and I'm going to show you now so here the starboard side cabin is now a dedicated storage space kind of and you can see we have couple of pairs of CrossCountry skis we have back Country Skis we have sish split board some ski boots Avalanche backpacks sleeping bag couple of fishing rods and so on this is actually quite a large cabin if we do have visitors we can actually make all of this disappear so it goes under the bed and the skis can go on the side of the cabin inside the ski bags here here the reason we have it like this is because we still want to have two sleeping cabins so that we can have friends and family come over otherwise we would probably convert the bow cabin into just a storage cabin and have our ski gear and so on in there but uh for now this is what it's like and it's just because we like to do a lot of different kinds of things let's go and take a look at the bow cabin now this is where we sleep so here in the B cabin on this side on the port side there's a small seat and a bunch of uh storage here so there's some hanging Lockers in there and then on the starboard side there is a seat and a small table here we originally thought that here at the B of the boat you know one of us could sit on this table here and work here in peace but the reality is that now in the winter this space is not really heated so it gets a little bit too cold here to be just sitting it's really just fine for sleeping we prefer to sleep in colder temperatures anyway but for just sitting still and not being under the down blank banket which is by the way one of the really like kind of like the bigger Investments that we have here in the boat but really um worth its weight in C gold almost so for sleeping under that everything is fine but just for working it's a little bit too cool we might install some heating here or uh might install some radiators here we can have radiators plugged into the diesel stove but for now it's kind of just storage space underneath here and so on in any case I will also make a technical tour video later where I'll go into all of the technical things about the boat I will do that later and if I've already done so if you watch if you're are watching this at a later point in time uh I will link the video somewhere here I think think that concludes the tour thanks so much for watching and I will see you all next time bye-bye
Channel: Alluring Arctic Sailing
Views: 1,355,682
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Id: puqyUqTrl-U
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Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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