Hogwarts Legacy - Must Know Beginner Tips BEFORE You Play!

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hello everyone the wait is finally over and Hogwarts Legacy is officially here and with that tons of you are starting up the game for the very first time and are about to start your adventures in The Wizarding World of Hogwarts Legacy but before you get started I've compiled a bunch of tips and tricks that are guaranteed to make your life way easier and save you a bunch of time so this video helps you out remember to hit that thumb up button it's greatly appreciated and consider subscribing so you don't miss out on any future Hogwarts Legacy videos so jumping right into things the first tip I have for you all is fairly simple but it's a tip I wish I knew about when I first started playing and it's just a stick to the main story at least until you get your broom and the talents tab where you can unlock your different abilities this is a huge open world RPG and in like most open world RPGs if you're like me you just want to go out and explore everything and in Hogwarts Legacy it is really easy to get overwhelmed or lost I mean the castle is absolutely massive the areas outside of the castle are even larger and there's just a ton of stuff to do and I spent multiple hours just running around trying to unlock Collectibles and explore as much as the world as I could and without a broom and abilities it's pretty much impossible and a waste of time because anywhere you explore without your broom or your abilities I mean odds are you're going to have to go back to that location anyway I spent the first couple hours exploring and I came across so many locked areas due to my lack of abilities and there's just so many different puzzles and obstacles that you're not going to be able to complete until you have some of those different abilities especially when you get to the open world environments traveling without a broom is pretty much impossible the world is just too large for you not to have a broom so is as tempting as it is to go off exploring on foot trust me don't do it just keep playing the main story missions until you get the broom now you don't get access to any brooms until you complete the flying class and then once you complete the flying class it does give you the option to go to a store and purchase a broom for yourself off so just keep playing the main story until you complete the brooms class and trust me you will thank me later so the next tip I have for everyone has to do with the open world and getting loot now you're going to come across a lot of water in your playthrough the lake is absolutely massive and Scattered throughout the lake you're going to see a lot of these bubbles sort of rising to the surface now anytime you spot these bubbles you are able to actually swim out to the bubbles and loot them you do this sort of diving animation and you swim underneath and you can get some goodies this is a good way to farm different materials I went all around the lake and collected a lot of Loot and then I was taking it to the store and selling it for a profit so definitely keep an eye out for floating bubbles on the lake so the next tip is something that I wish I knew about when I started my playthrough is that you must open up your outposts now in the Hogwarts Legacy there is an entire tab dedicated to The Outpost where different companions or professors or characters of importance will send you letters via the owls now what's so important about this menu is that the only way to get some quests unlocked is that you have to read the letters for the longest time I couldn't figure out why I wasn't progressing in the main story and it's because I didn't go to the Outpost and accept these letters all the letters you receive in The Outpost are pretty essential this is where you're going to get most of your main story missions and where you're going to get a lot of the very important side missions that are going to unlock new spells for you so definitely keep an eye on your Outpost and don't forget to open up all your letters so the next tip I have for you all has to do with the in-game map now the map can be a bit confusing there are a bunch of icons on the map and the zoom in feature is a little wonky especially when you're trying to travel throughout the castle sometimes it's really hard to click on where you're wanting to go or zoom in and the overall map design can just be a real pain in the butt so to help you not get lost when it comes to your quest make sure you go to your quest Tab and you hit track Quest this will then highlight the quest on your map and then you can hit the locate on map button and it will take you directly to where you need to go for your next mission and then when you are in game if you hit up on the d-pad a page will fly out of your field guide and guide you to where you need to go so as long as you remember to track your quests and hit up on the d-pad you will never get lost and then another thing about the map is that you can use the d-pad to change the zones you don't have to bring the cursor clear up to the top every single time you can just hit left and right to switch between hogsmead and the world map and then if you want to wait and fast forward time from night and today if you click on the right stick this is how you can fast forward time which is really handy for certain missions that are only available at night time so the next tip has to do with these chests that are going to be scattered throughout your entire playthrough there are a ton of these chests with these giant eyeballs that will follow you around wherever you go and it is impossible to open these chests unless you are invisible so once you progress far enough from the story that you've unlocked the invisibility spell or if you have an invisibility potion use those and then sneak up on the chest and then when you open the chest these chests give you a guaranteed 500 gold which you you are definitely going to need because the economy in this game is pretty nuts and things do cost a lot you're going to be buying a lot of potions brooms cosmetics and then you're eventually going to need to buy upgrades for your room of requirements so you definitely want to save up as much money as possible and these chests are a really great way to help you do that so anytime you see these chests remember you have to go invisible so up next when you're exploring Hogwarts you're going to notice these really weird question mark doors it's sort of this weird puzzle thing I was sitting there for like a half an hour trying to figure out different combinations and trying to guess just how this puzzle worked my girlfriend was even sitting there helping me try to like come up with different combinations we were even counting clockwise and counterclockwise we were trying to like pair a number to each symbol and I know we wasted at least a half an hour probably longer just screwing with this puzzle if you want you can go to this location on your map and you can find a cheat sheet which will be added to your in-game Journal which you're definitely going to need to unlock all of these doors now all these doors are worth opening because they have chests inside that have some really cool Cosmetics that you can earn for your room or requirement or for your character so you're definitely going to want to open these doors up I recommend you just take a picture on your cell phone either take a picture of this video or go find it in game for yourself but I highly recommend you take a picture on your cell phone and just pull it out whenever because it's way easier to pull out your cell phone than it is to constantly be pulling out your journal and trying to memorize what each of the symbols mean so to unlock the door you have to match the symbols to the numbers and then do the math and figure out what the question mark is going to be so the doors are definitely a pain in the butt but once you have that cheat sheet they're pretty easy so next up I want to talk about the skill talents so once you unlock the skill talent tree you're probably going to be wondering what the best talents are to unlock and in my opinion early on in your playthrough it is best to unlock the spell knowledge talents first the spell knowledge talents will unlock different grids for you to insert more spells and trust me this is going to be very handy if you don't have this you're going to have have to constantly be pausing the game and re-equipping spells and unequipping spells and it is just a huge pain in the butt so definitely 100 unlock those two abilities first and foremost and then after that I would unlock the basic cast Mastery uh basic cast impacts reduce the spell cooldowns so every time you use a basic attack which is all the time it's going to reduce the cooldowns of all of your abilities so this is really handy in combat then after that I would get the protecto absorption successful protecto blocks will contribute to the ancient magic meter perfect protecto blocks contribute even more so you're going to be blocking all the time in combat and this helps to fill up that ancient magic meter and once that meter is full you will one shot most enemies so you definitely want to fill that meter up as fast as possible and this is the best way to do it the next couple tips I have for you guys all have to do with customization options the next tip is that if you head over to hogsmead in the center of the town you will find Madame snelling's tress Emporium which has a scissors icon so at any point you want to change your in-game customization maybe you want a haircut you want to add or remove scars you want to change your eyebrows or your facial features you can go here and change the way that your character looks so the next tip is to complete as many of the Merlin challenges as soon as possible now as soon as you unlock the broom in your playthrough I highly recommend you fly around the map there's a handful of them right outside the castle so they're pretty easy to find and when you complete these you're going to unlock Extra slots for your inventory which will allow you to carry more gear and trust me you're definitely going to want this because you have very limited space in my playthrough I was hoarding a bunch of clothing items and I really quickly ran out of space and doing all the Merlin challenges is going to open up a bunch of extra space okay so the next tip I have for everyone has to do with loot now in this game the loot is different for everyone if you see a YouTuber telling you to go to this certain chest and you will find X item that's not how it works in this game every single chest is is different every single chest is randomized so if you come across a chest your chest is going to be different from mine and what I discovered is if you do a manual save right before you open the chest if for some reason you want to farm a certain item or you open the chest and it just gives you a clothing item that you don't want you can just reload your save and open the chest and you're going to get a different item every single time you open a chest so if there's a wand handle that you're wanting or a scarf or a robe set and you just want to keep re-rolling the chest over and over and over just put down a manual save before you open the chest and just keep reloading endlessly until you're happy with what you get then the final tip I have for everyone has to do with the transmog system and I really wish I knew this when I started playing but there are a bunch of different transmog options for example when you hover over your cloaks you have the option of turning the hood on and off so every single outfit that comes with a hood you can turn on and off the hood and then if you go to the change appearance menu you can make your outfit look like like any other outfit so the problem I was running into was I just had a crap ton of clothing items because I like the way that some of them looked but I can't confirm once you get an item in your inventory you can safely delete it because you have unlocked the schematic for it for example I was carrying a bunch of gloves and glasses just because I like the look of some of the gloves and some of the different glasses you could wear but you don't have to hoard a bunch of outfits what I recommend is that you put on all the clothing items that have the best stats and then you can sell all of your other clothing items and then you can always go back and change the appearance to make it look like whatever you want so if you find a really cool scarf or an outfit don't worry you don't have to carry it on your person forever you can safely delete it and unlock the schematic so this really helps when it comes to saving up space in your inventory so that is going to do it for all the tips and tricks that I have for you guys in this video I wish I knew all these tips when I first started playing so hopefully these tips and tricks will help you guys out if they did then please give this video a thumbs up and consider hitting the Subscribe button that way you guys don't miss out on any future Hogwarts Legacy content and that is going to do it for me everyone and I will talk to you all in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: SwanyPlaysGames
Views: 72,159
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Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy review, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy drama, hogwarts legacy trailer, hogwarts legacy tips, hogwarts legacy tips and tricks, hogwarts legacy ign review, new harry potter game, harry potter game, harry potter, hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts, hogwarts game, swanyplaysgames, Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts legacy new info, harry potter hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy harry potter
Id: LChh_O8SLDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2023
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