Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay Harlow's Last Stand Hard Difficulty Side Quest

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[Music] for seems a pleasant enough little place for Imperium eight legs is simply too many Rebellion imperior [Applause] petrius totalis Pello be are you ready to finish har I'm ready to finish Hollow once and for all what is your plan I received an owl from Mrs ble she wondered if we were having any luck going after Hollow suggested we could gather evidence from a friend near Mana Cape but she warned us to stay out of it was rather adamant about it precisely Hollow knows that we saved Archie and that we rescued Mr Rabe the letter didn't come from Mrs pickle did it I do not believe it did H intends to Ambush us but now we have the upper hand we can prepare we are stronger than hallo and he knows it that's why he's resorting to this sort of trickery we must go agreed let's finish this brilliant Hall's rain ends today perhaps we ought to inform officer singer of eyes I already sent her an hour to let her know that we were following given to us Mrs are you concerned she might tell your mother indeed she will but so be it I am tired of hiding it from her my mother needs to understand that I will not be safe from the House Finders until everyone is I shall pursue them until they are finished and I think she knows that as do you where is he I do not know we should look around children right into us us we were right ARR can't [Music] real one incendio time to teach someone a lesson you better our you think terizing people in way arrest ior something don't do that ha you're easier to spot let imperior your eyes [Music] incendi confer exp finally interior releas incendi you fight for that what they got what they deser little nut sioni inin it and her excruciatingly loyal companion you two have done quite a bit of damage to my business interests but I must gradually give you some credit what was once a mere annoyance has become remarkably problematic fortunately I pride myself on my problem solving skills you fight like a mugle a defendo [Music] arest here sorry confuse you not try Defender [Music] moment incendi do you want to concede now must be PR long it this will not end in your favor Defender sender you fight like a mugle defend on bombard defer come now you can do better than that do you want to concede now arrest defendendo my let's get this over with shall we do don't go down easy [Music] my patri arrest [Music] moment ashamed to see such potential go to why you're not even trying sender Defender this will not end in your finger you fight like a muggle sender the ERS need now Defender come now you can do better can't you you're not even try with such potential go to away this will not end in your favor a Cy [Music] out that's no NY are you sure you are up for a visitor yes mother I feel fine and it will do me good to see my friend very well but do not overdo it not S I know mother it is good to see you my friend I'm glad to see you're doing so well I am doing better than it appears I am only here because my mother insisted just to be safe I was relieved when she told me that you were all right only because of you how are you feeling well I've had better days but nurse blay says that I am on the mint I'm sorry Natty it's my fault you got hurt what no do not blame yourself for this the moment that I saw Hollow aim his w at you well you did what came naturally I suppose it was Instinct yes I could not simply stand there and let you get hurt then I shouldn't feel guilty of course not there was nothing nothing that you oh oh my I cannot believe that it took me this long to see it he made a choice based on Instinct my father you my friend are noal to blame for my injuries today than I am to blame for my father's sacrifice years ago from what I know of him it seems as a lot of your father in you that's very kind of you to say I hope that you are right this has all been a bit much hasn't it a battle here at Hogwarts everything we have done to take down Hollow and the rest of brookwood's lot but we have done it Rookwood is dead Hollow is on his way to aaban and the rest of them are on the run a few of the drgs will still be about fighting for their Lost Cause but Rookwood Enterprise has fallen apart everything is safe now because of us because of you thank you but we make a formidable team you my fellow traveler have enriched my time at Hogwarts beyond anything I could have imagined thank you I believe your friendship to be one of the most important in my life thank you for coming to visit me it is always good to see you
Channel: GameBuzzHQ
Views: 277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AVi0sfuMKEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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