Elite Dangerous - Engineering Changes, P2W Update, Powerplay 2 Details

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as revealed recently Frontier are about to start selling ships in Elite dangerous for real world money and we now have some examples of the exact ships they're going to sell also a frontier have now discussed how they're going to rework engineering and additionally we get another look at a power play 2.0 with some more specifics and details so let's start with the upcoming ship sales now as discussed yesterday these are going to be pre-built ships that will be available in the elite dangerous cash shop you're about to buy these for the uh fictional currency arcs that can be purchased for real world money so on screen right now you can see two example of pre-built ships these are ships that will be available come May so we got a type 6 laser mining jumper start ship this is what the package will be called the other one is an alliance a an alliance Chieftain ax combat jump start now as you can see the builds are fairly basic to average I'd say there's a few a rated modules here and plenty of b d and c-rated modules thrown in so nothing too Hefty there these are fairly easily purchasable with a limited amount of credits where things do get a little bit tricky perhaps for some people is going to be the fact that they also include some basic engineering or otherwise if not basic engineering then other types of unlocks you you normally have to earn so for example on the mining ship is a modified mining laser this will be a pre-engineered longrange plus incend rounds layer mining laser and Frontier say this bypasses a need to unlock the LTT 198 permit and subsequent technology broker recipe for this module when it comes to the ax combat ship you'll get some Guardian weapons actually included so this will include the guardian nanite torpedo pylon as well as two small Guardian gal cannons with anti-g Guardian resistance fronts say this bypasses a need to unlock the guardian G cannon from the guardian technology broker and the subsequent trip to ramar to modify it with the agz at resistance effect so as I spoke elsewhere that when it comes to pay to win or cash shops within games there's a lot of subjective opinions here it's say gradient sliding scale some people are more tolerant than others about the types of things that you can purchase from shops in my mind this isn't too bad if fron have to go the cash shop Direction and yes I do feel they probably have to go that direction because Elite dangerous very likely does need continued funding if we want to see continued development for it in which case these cash shop items these cash shop ships are well not too bad in the grand scheme of things they could be a lot worse and could offer significantly larger advantages whether or not fron go down that route later on we'll have to see but for now these are pretty well balanced against giving players something that's reasonable value for MoneyWise not giving players to bigger Advantage yet there is another issue here and that is the insurance Reby cost and to get an answer to that I ventured into the forums the official forums asked the community manager about it and managed to receive a reply it turns out that any ship you buy from the AR The Arc shop will have a zeroc credit Reby cost you'll be able to buy that ship completely for free as many times as you like every time it gets destroyed the Reby cost will be zero credits and that will include all of the originally a fitted modules as well now the change here will be that if you do outfit and change one of the modules or any number of the modules you'll just have to pay the rebite cost for the modules that you changed essentially though this will give you a free ship every time it gets destroyed so yeah that is a pretty big Advantage clearly though it is understandable because if Frontier are going to start selling ships then they can't have players losing something that they paid real money for but on the other hand it does confirm something I've said elsewhere that the moment a company introduces a cash shop into a game where they where players can buy in-game items then that will change the fundamental nature of that game adaptions to that game will have to be made and we're seeing that already with this zeroc cost insurance Reby as I said different people will have a different tolerance towards that some will be okay with it and some not so much so that's everything we know so far about the upcoming ship sales and the newly refurbished newly redesigned cash shop for elite dangerous now in other news Frontier have discussed well very briefly mentioned rather the upcoming changes to engineering there's no date yet on when this is going to happen but Frontier have said they are looking at rebalancing engineering to make it more approachable and more predictable in other words to make it more accessible than less grindy well I hope less grindy they say that some of the things some of the areas that they are investing gating are reducing the number of materials required for engineering increasing payout of engineering materials from missions and increasing backpack capacity they also stress that these are just some examples of the areas they're investigating and they are not all of the areas that they investiga in they further wanted to emphasize that as Elite dangerous is a live service game that that probably be some more iteration over time on how to improve engineering so I think most people will agree this is very much needed Elite dangerous does need rebalancing not just with engineering but in many many other areas too but this is a really good start hopefully we'll hear more information on this soon now the other thing Frontier discussing is Power Play 2 we got a bit of a summary about this last month they giv us a broad overview of what power play 2 will be about so I'll go into some detail now on all of this although some of it is a repeat of what we've seen before so if you don't want want to watch that thanks for watching all the way up to this point and if you're still interested here is that information so for those of you not familiar with it power play allows players to align with Galactic factions it allows players to influence the dynamic political landscape through your own actions the revamped version of power play will simplify the entry point for new players while providing somewhat new strategic layer for veterans at least that's what Frontier is saying so this balance should ensure that with the you're a Trader Explorer or combat type orientated person your contributions should help steer the tides of power in the Galaxy so how is this all going to work well you'll be able to help your chosen Power by conducting various activities and from what it seems you'll be to do pretty much any activity that's actually available in Elite dangerous for the most part this will all connect directly back to Power Play and the influence gained for your respective Powers so one of the pillars of power play two is the methodical expansion of territory and we can see that on the new map here this is going to make things a lot easier to see at a glance players can now influence unoccupied or rival controlled systems through a series of strategic decisions and actions expansion involves fortifying existing territories extending influence into new areas and directly competing with other powers for control this process is governed by various system states which are called exploited fortified and strong hold each offering unique challenges and rewards and each different system state will actually be reflected in the appearance in the stations and other activities and other things going on inside each of the respective systems now the transition between the different system States under cor underscores power plays depth or so Frontier claim players must navigate these states wisely they're going to have to put some focus into doing this and whilst players can certainly go out there and do this on their own it seems likely and perhaps preferential that players will need to collectively work together in order to get their power to expand and now um just for reference Sega I know I've used the word faction a few times here interchangeably with powers and I just want to clarify I'm not talking about bgs or background simulation factions here um when I say the word faction I am talking about the uh Power that you have applied to so sorry for any confusion there so turning an exploited system into a fortified system is going to require a substantial commitment to resources and strategic planning the ultimate goal is to achieve a stronghold State here and this means that the system becomes a Bastian of your power and that will significantly boost your influence and defensive capabilities now Power Play 2 is also going to introduce a refined reward system which would help re incentivize players involvement loyalty to a faction is rewarded with escalating benefits including economic bonuses and advantages and these rewards are tiered so that they will ensure a continued dedication to your power which in turn will bring ever greater B benefits so to assist players in navigating all of these systems Power Play 2 features significant UI enhancements and these improvements provide clear realtime information on the system stat power conflicts and personal contributions and this is something that's very much missing from the game right now the Galaxy map in particular has been overhauled to offer more intuitive visualization of power territories and influence making strategic decisions and more straightforward and informed so you can see straight at a glance here which power is controlled in which system and this is much easier than the unusual and rather IA get bubbled that we see now so a crucial aspect of Power Play 2 is going to be the ability to undermine opposing Powers players can engage in a sabotage Espionage and direct combat to weaken at the other factions controlled over systems and this Dynamic not only adds a layer of depth to conflict but also ensures that the Galaxy remains a vibrant and unpredictable Battleground at least that is the claim that Frontier putting out there essentially what I think we're going to see going forward then and this is my speculation is you may have noticed that as the thargoid war starts to wind down there's been less and less gallet articles over there on the storage side of the game and my speculation just maybe is that ultimately all of this is going to be replaced with the player driven story and player driven action player action in terms of the influence they uh provide to their powers is going to dramatically impact the Galaxy the Galaxy will be everchanging and I for see there being a lot of potential stories here just maybe Frontier will use these to fill out and galet and write some narrative around all of that could be pretty interesting if so for the people who actually enjoy that type of thing so that's all the details we have so far on ship sales the cash shop coming to Elite dangerous the improved AR arcs shop that is as well as Power Player 2 and the uh well revisiting of Engineers do let me know what you think about all this in the comments section below I'd love to hear from you as always what particular part of this really stands out to you as always thanks for watching all the way to the end very much appreciated do take care and I'll catch you next time
Channel: ObsidianAnt
Views: 24,979
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Id: etg3ek3jfws
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Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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