How to Deal with the Ruthless Raiders | Manor Lords: On the Edge

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hey folks my name is provis and welcome to More manner Lords in our settlement of I guess it's IM and Ruth I didn't really name this one we could rename it but I'm not going to worry about it so uh I'm starting another recording session and fun fact um weirdly Enough by reloading the game the whole Raiders notification on the bottom left is gone so I no longer have any idea how long we have until the Raiders are going to hit us I'm assuming it's somewhere around 60 days that's what I seem to remember in my head so I'm going to assume that that is the case and we did not just bug the most challenging version of the game by uh reloading and then canceling the Raiders that'd be hilarious but I don't think that's how it works anyway we survived our first winter we managed to get our approval up to a decent enough amount and our population is growing up to 10 families so we have doubled in size within one year and I'm also engaging in trade mostly by selling excess iron in order to start getting some pole arms that means we almost have enough weapons to get a retinue at least half a retinue you start with this with a Manor Plus about 20 or so of my peasant men with some sort of a weapon so we can fight off the uh Raiders when they do eventually come and honestly I think that's going to be enough troops from what I understand talking to some other content creators who have attempted this I think you only get one rating party that comes by um it could have been worse if there were two or three I think I'd be dead but with only one should be all right the question is do I want to spend money also getting let's say some armor to greatly increase the survivability of my people it'd be nice kind of depends depends oh wait hey there it is down the bottom left Raiders are near it came back hooray okay so actually yeah I was about right 62 days remaining hey that's a good memory provis well done now I am having some other problems so for example right now we've only got one food source going around and that's berries it's not a great position for me to be in I'd like to have different kinds of food but we've over hunted a lot of the animals so it's not an option if I had more wealth one thing I would consider doing is adding some expansions chickens and vegetables are not bad I actually kind of prefer the chickens because the vegetables take a bit of time out of the year in order to tend to this but the larger the plot size is the more value you get out of the chickens so it really isn't too bad not to mention it's a little bit cheaper to set up and ultimately what you really care about is food diversity right it's not going to be just having like lots and lots of vegetables that only gets you so far I can have a ton of vegetables and no other food and I've certainly met one out of two requirements so you want to have diversity ultimately you want to go for both but that means I need a lot more wealth and it's more important that I get weapons right now so we're going to have to ignore that speaking of wealth anytime I have extra family sitting around and no idea what to do with them we send them to the mining pits because I need to keep getting more of that iron ore now there are some of the things we could do to prepare for the Raiders we can go to the manor and we can try placing down some Towers takes a bit of logs and some Stone this would give be garison space which I believe we could use to kind of uh shove a few families in there to start shooting at enemies as they approach I don't know if this actually comes with its own bows or if I need to supply them I've never actually used this because it's very difficult to predict exactly where the Raiders are going to be coming from they could appear on our edges of the map they could appear way out over here in a corner and if I don't know where they're going to go right and these towers have a relatively short range how useful is that to me really so I'm choosing not to rely on that that becomes a very expensive Investments for potentially no gain policies available yeah we haven't talked about policies let's go ahead and take a look at this real quick under not taxes it's up over here there it is all right so policies we've only got a couple in this early access version of the game these are all works and progress down here so we really only have these two and they're okay I mean we could go for strict fasting which reduces food consumption but also decreases approval which at the end of the day that's kind of why you want the food is to keep the approval High anyway right the other one here is hunting grounds if we started with a rich deposit of wild animals and I'm going for a trade build this is no-brainer because I will never ever do any farming this is nothing but a pure increase for me animals breed twice as fast if I had a rich deposit I would click on that in a heartbeat but we do not I'm a little concerned by the way that we're over hunting I've set this to a limit of 10 but I've seen the numbers of animals still going down we're going to pull the family off of this and let them go do literally anything else for a bit actually if I can finish buying pole arms I would like to start importing some food um there are a few options as far as food eggs appear to be one of the cheapest options meat is relatively cheap as well and at the end of the day since all I care about is food variety then going for the cheap option is often going to be the best I could import bread but why would I pay that much right I could just get twice the amount of eggs for the same amount of money so that would stretch a lot further and keep people happier so my approval is nice and high so I don't recommend importing bread there does come a point where if you're producing enough eggs and meat on your own it might be worth either buying bread or or you can just go ahead and buy FL for three and then use a family to go ahead and start making the bread and that would be one option you could do realistically though remember every one family that is working on let's say the iron mine is getting me three value right by exporting the iron ore if I have one family working on flower I'm only increasing my net value by one so there comes a point where you need to be thinking about every single family needs to add the maximum amount of value and since there is no Dynamic pricing in the game does it make sense to focus on nothing but the maximum value like cobblers or like iron mines and stuff or is it actually worth you know importing flour for relatively cheap and just making your own food that way I think It ultimately comes down to how much extra labor do you have right if you got a lot of extra labor all right maybe it's worth it if you don't well then don't worry about it gosh dang these Bandits they just came by and stole a whole bunch of stuff you suck let's go ahead and do import and say that I want to have at least 10 all right so that's 20 there and then we're going to have another what is it 32 or so uh set aside for this so there we go okay this should be fine we've got enough wealth to go around I can import everything that I'm looking for though I am having some issues right now with storage people aren't dropping off firewood and clothing hold on uh we're going to temporarily pull some people off of the mining pits and just go ahead and assign them make sure you're periodically checking your Storehouse and your Granary so someone is dedicated to dropping resources off of the marketplace you don't want this right if you get to this point this is where your approval starts to drop significantly ideally at some point we get to a point where I could just leave families on here and never worry about it again but we are unfortunately not yet at that point by the way we have enough food right now so that's good we'll keep that going I thought I just saw us get a bunch more money so I'm not sure what happened there but okay we can open up another trade route here and I will pay to establish and I'm going to export anything in excess of 20 planks okay that is the goal right now and every log that I get can turn into another 10 wealth forestry is a pretty good way of getting sustained money generation it really is not bad now for a while you actually could go for pastures import some sheep right and then we place down a pasture and just Farm out lots of wool plus you could get yourself a point here that would allow the Sheep to breed and it could turn into quote unquote infinite money at some point though recently I think the dev announced that they were going to be nerfing that cuz it was a little bit too strong which is interesting to me cuz I feel like there's a lot of other good ways of making money but admittedly that was an extremely low labor way of getting a ton of money big pasture plus one family equals lots of money so fair enough it was a bit too strong and actually I've kind of bought everything I'm asking for here is it worth trying to get some other stuff is it worth trying to get some of the gamson so I want to maintain my population really well because after we deal with these Raiders the next thing we want to do is actually clear out Bandit camps because remember these guys are stealing from me every year so clearing them out would be very good for us survivability would go a long way here I'm going to establish this trade route we could have done male armor but I'm just going to do the slightly cheaper option and we're going to start importing until we have about 20 of that as well let's see what we can do with this I've got less than a month before the Raiders arrive if I can get some really well equipped people not bad let's do it by the way I never did explain why it's really important to go for housing plots with these little extensions the reason that's going to be important is because when you fulfill this burgage plot's needs right Water Church food and so on I'm impacting two families not only one if I had twice as many burgage plots guess what I would need twice as much food twice as much fuel in the marketplace in order to sustain them but by doing this it's slightly more efficient so I'm getting kind of double the value of happiness for the same amount of supplies also I think that when we eventually start having things like vegetable gardens two families working here I think increases the potential yield or rather it's it's less time spent you know per family managing this ultimately though it's less plots as well so I I don't know there's a bit of a trade-off there I think but anyway that's the idea behind it that's why I wanted to go for plots that have these housing extensions all right we've only got 5 days left before people are going to arrive let's go ahead and make sure we set up this polar militia and what that should do is say hey all the men of the village go to the storehouse grab the pole arms the gambin whatever else and just keep them maintained in your home so that when I raise you up you're ready to go ahead and join the fry so we're going to go ahead and set that up now so that these people go get everything they're able to they'll get their armor they'll get everything that's currently sitting in the Trade Post at least I hope they do and in 4 days the Raiders are going to arrive okay they were spawning in hoston or wherever it was where are you guys there they are way up over here all right so they're about as far away from me as they can be and it is only one group of briggins we should easily be able to handle this 100% we can deal with this we're in really good shape one thing I would like to do um if we can I'd like to go over to our Hitching Post which I guess I left right here and I'd like to upgrade this to a stable and then get myself another ax the reason I want to get another ax you wouldn't know this but it's surprising how much one Ox is a bottleneck when it comes to dropping off logs it really does make a difference to have a second one that can be better dedicated to things like the logging camp or the sopit or whatever else it's going to be that way when you have to do construction projects not everything comes grinding to a halt having a second ax really can make a substantial difference so now that the stable is built and has slot for two animals I'm going to order another ax cost me 20 wealth we have to wait for somebody to drop it off but it's way cheaper to do this right now and build uh just buy another ax that way as opposed to going to trade and getting myself a livestock trading post this is another good way of getting a lot of animals imported but like I only need one Ox I'm not worried about sheep right now just not important so forget it so I'm keeping an eye on these Raiders getting closer and closer I think now is not a bad time to go ahead and start marshalling our forces so let's go to our retinue we're going to Rally them close to the manor the same thing is going to be true here with the pole arms let's rally them get them close to the manor so now everybody is going to grab everything they've got and get ready for us and while they're doing that let me show you something cool I got this right here is a very legitimate metal and leather helmet sent to me by a hooded horse as a part of the campaign for this game oh which is obviously awesome it's just a shame that my head is so freaking big and barely fits nonetheless thank you hooded horse very cool so I'm going to try to play with this I bet you can't hear a word I'm saying right now and this doesn't even line up with my eyes because my head is too big well that's a shame dang oh well it was worth a shot still really cool though you got to admit anyway everyone's getting together we're ready the brigin should be here in just a bit they are on their way to me they're not running at full Sprint and I don't really want to go meet them because then I'll be exhausted we're going to wait for them to get a bit closer to me and then we'll take care of them probably the retinue in the front with the PO arms to immediately come around and flank gosh dang the freaking Raiders just went and stole a lot of other stuff stop stealing my meat all right here come the brins yall ready yall ready for this I think you're all ready for this retinue go get them pull arms go get them and now we just watch to see if we are going to be good and we kill the people or if we are going to lose men I really hoping not to lose any of my men I like these guys sitting in the back here they're like oh yeah we'll cheer them on go get them boys they're not actually contributing at all this is a coward's game what are you doing anyway apparently I have The High Ground we can see some bonuses here I'm fatigued we don't have the best cohesion but I have that High Ground which means we're able to slightly fight back more effectively we've killed off three of the bandits I've lost nothing so far let's hope it stays that way just going to speed up we're just trying to break them that's all I want do I lost a man dang it I was really hoping not to lose anybody in this but we did lose somebody all right we're pushing them back though they're almost gone come on break you fools break yeah they're going to run away Perfect all right apparently we just stopped fighting and we let them go nice all right we're going to disband our units for now and let them get back to work I should probably have somebody go and work in the wooden church for a minute just so we can bury this guy that' probably be best by the way before we can get up to level two plots for our burgages we do you need to upgrade this church that means more Stone and it also means some roof tiles I could buy roof tiles that's not a terrible plan honestly if I had started with a rich clay deposit I would make roof tiles though because they're worth a pretty good amount of money for not much effort you mine it and you refine it boom I've got more than I know what to do with by the way speaking of which freak me we've got a lot more planks than I know what to do with well that's pretty cool by the way also notice by winning that fight we gained a fair bit of influence we had 250 and now we're at 610 so the more fights you take the more influence you get the more influence you get the faster you can claim all these regions which is one of the reasons if you're going for a conquest Victory where you have to claim everything fighting actually kind of speeds up the game as long as you don't take any significant losses by the way I would like to know why nobody um got any armor do I not need the armor am I wrong on how this works I'm going to stop importing it for now since it's cos me a lot of money and it may not be getting me any value by the way we're getting a notice of bodies needing burial it's not just the people in the hollowed ground I think technically speaking we need to get like a body pit or something uh where is that under residential yeah there it is a corpse pit that sounds a lot better we'll just go ahead and place this over here this is where we dump the bodies of Raiders that we don't care about and aren't even worth burying uh we're going to gather up a bit more Stone and need to get to 20 so I can upgrade my church that is enough thank you kindly that that'll do the job and then yeah I'll go ahead and get myself a Clay Pit just so that we are able to build up our own clay Tiles at the end of the day clay tiles are still pretty good right what we can do is we can import the where is it the clay there it is for only one gold and then we can turn them into tiles and sell them I'm pretty sure this is literally one of the best value trades we can do with our people so I'm going to make it a regular part of my economy I think which means we should go over here to our industry and we should get a clay furnace and place it over here close to our Storehouse go to our materials this will let me import clay I'll just go ahead and pay to establish this now since we have some money and actually since I'm not really buying much except for some food now is not a bad time to go ahead and spend some money and get some extended plots so I will get let's say a vegetable garden here and maybe another one here and another one here all right that spends most my wealth but now six families will be able to start producing food which is another food source for me and remember when you get to level two burgage plots you need to have three different sources of food so between the meat that I can make and import the berries and hopefully the vegetables that should easily meet that requirement at least for our current population over time we're going to need a lot more food than just that burning through a lot of our Timber by the way I got to be careful about that if you're looking to figure out quickly by the way where all your people are employed here's a trick hold down the tab button and there we go we can see a lot of things I can also see that a lot of my houses apparently are missing stuff wa the marketplace is not getting enough why not uh apparently not The Granary and such hold on stop with the Tannery and go ahead and deploy someone here yeah I don't know why my Marketplace is suddenly not holding on to enough Goods but we need people over here because this is giving me a quick little look and saying hey look you're not meeting all your needs quickly get some people in there to work the marketplace anyway it's helpful to see I've got one family employed over here at the logging Camp I've got two families employed to get me some clay two getting iron stuff like that right it's it's a very helpful little tool yeah here come the families working the vegetable plots this is the downside man it does take a while for them to get these things ready still if it results in a lot of extra food it ends up being worthwhile okay we have our 10 roof tiles let's go ahead and upgrade our church okay and then as long as we can get enough food from things like vegetables and trade and whatever else I think there's a couple things we need next we need an upgraded uh source of clothing that means I'm going to need to have enough people to work things at the Tannery pretty consistently so I have a lot of leather and I want to start turning that into shoes that is the cheapest and easiest thing that I can do right now that's going to get me shoes that I can sell the marketplace then we need to make sure we have consistently at least three different types of food again we'll take care of that and then the real killer ale at a Tavern yeah for that we can either import some barley and and then convert that into some malt so two value becomes four and then The Malt gets turned into a bunch of Ale at a house an artisan and that's going to be worth eight so at least two families to convert two value into eight and then we just start consuming it at the tavern but that's the only way to make people happy then you need a third person working the said Tavern so yeah it's a lot of Labor required so I'm going to need at least I think two more families just to make sure I feel good on on the clothing side of things plus another three to feel like I've got the tavern taken care of so once I'm up to about 18 families I think that's when we are ready to start upgrading to level two and we should be good to go we could just buy the ale and the shoes out right I mean that would also be an option clothing is technically cheaper so like those are options um if I was making an absolute ton of money I think I would consider that well I'm going to go ahead and place down the tavern we'll have this set up over there I'm running low on Timber so there's not a lot we can do there but I want to at least have that in place so that we are ready to start constructing this we just won't do anything with it for a bit okay that's all the ingredients we need at the church we should now be converting this into a proper Stone Church so that's going to meet some of the tier 2 needs also we get a little bit more influence as a result thank you very much that's beautiful apparently a lot of my people are transporting pole arms around not sure what's going on with that but all right something I didn't show by the way in the uh introductory video to Mana Lords did you know that you can engage in like a little third person view of your city right it doesn't have to be just like this of the camera which by itself does look pretty good what if I uh click on visit mode right here there we go hey I can look around in first person I mean it's it's prone to some bugs so you got to be a little bit careful about that you can literally fall through the ground and stuff like that but hey you know as far as like being able to see your village this looks pretty good oh Raiders have been spotted where where do we speed wa Raiders where did you go hello oh they're like right here holy crap they spawn like right in our territory right hold the phone all right I need you guys to all rally over here please this time I'm A Little Bit Stronger Than I was before so I'm hopeful that we'll do even better than before all right I've lost sight of them they went into the tree line wait oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I think I found them there they are hello hello briens how are you oh you think that you're about to find this defenseless Little Village but you are wrong all right they're going to come to me and then they're going to smash themselves up against my retinue and we are going to run in there and try to deal with them now I wish that I could kind of get these guys to spread out and flank a lot more because I feel like they'd be a lot better than doing this whole like one-on-one combat we've got right now and the main problem I have with pull arms actually is that they're not the most defensible things this is where I prefer to have the Spearman Spearman are pretty good right you got the long range plus they got some Shields so their survivability is not half bad alas though that is not a thing that I've got one thing we could consider doing is trying to get ourself a missile unit Archer militias the reason I don't usually go for the archers is I don't really like them um they don't kill enemies very rapidly when they get the first few volleys off and then once your units are engaged unless you specifically tell them to like go ahead and fire at will and ignore the potential of Friendly Fire they don't do anything so they just sort of sit here and you could have had some Shield men up there doing more damage and that might have been even better oh now these guys are running in for the flank hello there we go we lost absolutely nothing and we dealt with all of them perfect all right tell you what next thing we do we start dealing with some of the bandits I need to start walking over here all right now a weird thing is as soon as you arrive in a uh region I think the bandits immediately leave their Camp to come and attack you so they're on their way over here already and we're just going to wait for them for a little bit while we try to regain a little bit of my energy cuz I am very fatigued at the moment and this is really going to Slow Me Down gosh dang it now they're all Al stealing stuff I was hoping to kill them before they could get another round off on me but all right sure whatever all right we'll just go ahead and start pushing we are dealing with them and they're already gone perfect the next thing to do come over here and clear out the Bandit Camp notice we got a lot of influence for doing that by the way I'm now up to 1.5000 influence which actually I think means that we could go over here and claim claim a region yeah we absolutely could do that well I mean wild animals plus a rich clay deposit both of those are really soft follow it together this is a very good region for me I think we go ahead and claim it do it I can't do anything with it for a while so don't get too excited if we want to actually set up some Villages over there I need like 500 wealth technically less than that but 500 is a good amount so until I raise up taxes it's going to be a while hey did I just see some more Bandits spawn over here excuse me where did you guys come from hello well let's hopefully kill them off before they have a chance of doing anything and there we go all right you know what I think they didn't actually die I think they retreated back here and somehow got reinfor I don't know somehow they got reinforcements anyway message Spoils of War we can send resources mainly I believe it's going to be Regional wealth to your nearby town or we could send them my treasury I'm going to send it to my treasury that was 116 not bad guess what that is that's a few more men at Arms we're going to do that again I'm going to go and find these brigin and we're going to deal with them is this banit Camp not actually gone it's still here was there a second one stacked on this somehow did that bug that'd be weird let's see if we can clear this out again we can I think there might have been a second one weird all right no it's my treasury go ahead and take the money yay another 159 the bandits are on their way over here whether I like it or not okay tell you what can we find a position of high ground is that an option uh we're going to try to Ring Around The Rosy these guys a little bit and then turn around and hopefully we can deal with them and we get a slight Advantage maybe not hopefully we just just don't lose anybody that's all I really care about we are slaughtering them we lost one person dang all right fine go and clear out their Camp though get rid of them there we go another message for me and that also goes to my treasury I've got 474 gold yeah all right let's get back into my territory and we can go ahead and disband units as long as they're in regions that I now control so I'm waiting for these guys then we can send them back home I'd say only one loss for what we were able to accomplish not half bad let's go to my retinue and we want to customize and I want to recruit some more Menat arms boop boop boop boop boop there we go we're now to full uh 12 retinue we can increase that further if I go to the manor and say that I want to build up a Garrison Tower for that I need more Timber and I need some more Stone but we could arrange that let's go ahead and go to The Malt House over here and I'm going to go to the trading post and we're going to start importing some barley now I feel like the trade strategy is kind of a necessity in this game because of barley specifically your people consume so much ale it's kind of ludicrous and I don't know if you've noticed but when you play this game if you want to grow your own barley good freaking luck there's only ever a couple of regions in the entirety of the map that have any real fertility and also in my opinion Farms are kind of weak in this game they're not great I mean you can get the heavy plow and the fertilization and that helps a lot Rye cultivation is great for food but besides that barley is always going to be hard to grow enough of to keep up with everybody so at some point the trade strategy really is just that much better than anything else and you might as well do it I also feel like in general my families just aren't doing a great job of transporting things around like I'm sitting on all these roof tiles for example why are you guys not just you know selling the roof tiles they're worth a heck of a lot more wealth in the planks are I've got 40 sitting here go pick the dang things up what's wrong with you one thing we could do is actually upgrade our Storehouse to make it large uh we're not really at our cap yet but I mean a bigger one could help maybe a little bit I don't know okay we are up to 18 families now so maybe now is an okay time to start getting my upgrades and such do I want the tavern now if I had somebody working over here what I need is one family dedicated just to Brewing ale now all right tell you what in the interest of time let's go ahead and get that upgraded to level two same thing over here two level two houses we're finally getting back up to that point there's no one currently living here which could become a problem but hopefully somebody moves in soon get the brewery and at this house we will get the Cobblers Workshop take leather make shoes unfortunately you can't reassign families to a brewery here which actually makes me think that I need to demolish this house just to force them to move into the house that I want them to so that they can work in the brewery there we go all right so now someone's going to start making some beer which means it's going to get sent to the tavern which means my approval is about to jump here we go yeah there we go the tavern Supply is met okay so all I'm lacking now is a family to work in the cobbler's shop and start making the shoes that I'm asking for which will be fine because I am currently importing enough High to make a ton of leather so that we'll be able to make shoes and then we'll go to the Trade Post and I'll probably go over here to Commodities buy a route for shoes and say if we get to a point where I have more than let's say 20 shoes start selling them and if I can start making enough of these things that'll be enough money to keep buying hides to make more shoes and the more family eyes I pour into this the more profitable it becomes this is the power of the trade build now that we are committed let's just go ahead and get some stinking level two bird plots that will passively start generating some Regional wealth and I need that also we can go ahead and start taxing people now well do I want more approval I'll wait until I get my Cobbler Shop filled in but then we want to go ahead and start taxing people again another family moving in boom now we have a cobbler okay so that's good that means we're about to start meeting our second clothing need which means we're now at a point where all tier 2 houses are going to have their needs met no reason now not to just go ahead and upgrade everything to level two and we did this without creating a death spiral of approval yes this is how you're supposed to play the challenging difficulty guys and honestly from here on out I think it's going to be not exactly a cakewalk but kind of close I mean really the economy is building up pretty nicely we've dealt with the first round of raids I've claimed another territory that I could theoretically take pretty soon I can clear out more of these Bandit camps for some money to make sure that they aren't stealing anything and I will be doing that in the next video but otherwise we're in really really good shape folks so I'll end this video here but thank you all very much for watching I hope you enjoyed and you've been finding this helpful in some way if so I would ask you hit that like button leave a comment subscribe make sure you hit that notifi Bell and I will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Pravus
Views: 23,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, zombie, they, are, billions, strategy, gameplay, frozen, highlands, guide, max, difficulty
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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