ULTIMATE Beginners Guide for Manor Lords

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manl Lords is a big game with tons of systems  and overlapping mechanics that can be very   daunting or at least confusing the first time  you jump into the game trade farming combat   Logistics all these things are going to be  constant touchstones in your everyday labors   as a lord of the Manor in this video I want to  help you break into the game with my ultimate   beginners guide chronicling all the many things  you'll be doing or perhaps pushing you through   some of the stuff that you'll get stuck on  now this is your first time my channel the   way I do things is by up fronting the knowledge  of my videos that is a little difficult to do   with the nature of an entire guide for beginners  so what I'll say instead is that I've broken this   video down into the constituent Parts you'll be  dealing with across all the buildings you can find   all those chapters below so simply navigate to the  building topic or mechanic you're struggling with   the most um and definitely take your time with  this it it is a little bit of a mechanic heavy   game so if you get overwhelmed and you struggle  that's no big deal you just reload and try again   or you make a new game and try again it's not  a big deal to kind of fail the first out couple   outings to this game because you didn't understand  how certain mechanics work or what the timeline is   so just keep trying and you'll eventually kind  of get to a point where you things click for you   and I think that's really true of all games  but especially these larger City Builder or   grand strategy games as you kind of jump into  them and usually I make these guys as sort of   a playalong experience but manl Lords is so much  of a Sandbox that I want you to play in the mud a   bit to try and figure out things on your own first  so each chapter will just outline a specific area   and we'll bring that all together at the end of  the video I'll still be growing going this town   alongside you but using the magic of hard cuts  and editing outside of that if you've not yet   purchased Manor Lords and you'd like to support  the channel you can use the link in my description   to my Nexus store Nexus gets steam Keys directly  from the developer Greg in this case and delivers   them to you like I said it greatly supports me  uh lastly if the video ends up helping you out   with the game please don't forget to like comment  or subscribe each one of those things does have   a huge impact on the channel as well let's get  started here on my ultimate beginner guide to   Manor Lords jumping in into the game with this  beautiful music playing just kind of lulling   you to sleep um one of the first Concepts I want  to touch on and it's a really important one CU   it's going to touch into pretty much everything  that we talk about after this point and it's the   first thing that you should really be working  on when you jump into the game as well is both   your granery and your Storehouse essentially the  logistics of this game and how these two buildings   are really going to be the lifeblood of your  entire Society because this is how they get all   their food food their firewood their clothes this  is how you make sure all of your food in general   doesn't expire in the rain or any of the many many  things that can happen it's a very big portion   of your playthrough experience in manner Lords so  I'm going to bring both of these buildings up and   we can see both of them and I have manned both of  them I put a family in both and what that means is   with the granery and with the storehouse I think  it hovers over here you know workers collect store   and distribute Goods using generic storage same  thing here and they using the pantry if needed   they will will also automatically set up stalls in  the marketplace to distribute the stored Goods to   the burgage plots and we'll get to that when we  talk about marketplaces and what have you um but   each one of these is going to be important because  you're going to start with some bread and you're   going to start with some firewood some Stone some  tools and Timber is not something that's going   to be stored you don't ever have to worry about  Timber expiring in the in the rain it'll be used   well before and anything back can happen to it as  I take a deep breath but what happens here now is   your workers that are here are going to go grab  the items that are in these storage locations on   all of the other many buildings that you going to  that you're going to see across the map right so   it's like okay that's not a good example so for  example this here we go so usually I have to do   cool cool editing I have to do that here today so  the storehouse is not going to go pick up anything   from the login camp but the login camp does have  its own log storage and that log storage though   is going to go towards stuff like say the wood  cutters Lodge and I'll talk about those buildings   in specific and what they do but firewood here  is going to be stored by The Storehouse so the   person working the storehouse is going to go walk  over there grab the firewood and bring it back to   the storehouse now conversely The Granary is  going to basically take advantage of anything   that has a local Pantry so The Granary here is  going to go the guy's going to walk over to the   berries pick up the berries bring them back to  The Granary and then establish Market stalls now   why these things are important to know is that  your pops your workers your families whatever   you want to call them in whatever constraints  or whatever game you're coming from they will   carry things from location to location with their  hands and they will only move one item at a time   now when you have things at The Granary in the  storehouse they will use hand carts these little   Hand cards here I think if I hover over him it'll  tell me he might actually have just drop this off it should tell me if I sometimes like the  there's a little like magnifying glass there we   go aha there it is transporting firewood so he is  transporting 10 firewood to this location and if   I unpause he should oh he's going to go pick it up  so they can at Max carry 10 firewood so he's going   to go grab that single bundle of firewood and  bring it back maybe whatever kind of gets compiled   in the meantime and this is important because The  Granary and the storehouse are going to be where   people are going to pull the materials from for  their actual bits of crafting or refining whatever   it is um when we when we talk about Farms we'll  talk about how you basically will kind of look   at grain and flour and all that thing all those  things but both of these have an advanced Tab   and in this Advanced tab we have resource groups  and this allows us to restrict or allow what goes   to the granaries in the storehouse now in your  first for of the game when you're first jumping   on this isn't going to be as huge for you but I  do have a video on farms and how all them work   all of them all of that works and in that I tell  you to restrict grain and flour from the granery   right here and the reason behind that is when you  restrict certain products from coming into these   locations you're allowing the local storage  of whatever has that so for example since we   talked about grain and flour this has the generic  storage of wheat this is right uh right here then   it eventually that wheat gets milled into R I'm  sorry into grain so if I turn this off by clicking   these buttons then The Farmhouse which already  has a pretty high amount of storage will stockpile   these things and this allows me to kind of overlap  things that will stick together so what I mean by   that is this Farmhouse well eventually I'm going  to want to turn that grain here I'm going to want   to turn it into flour well now I'm going to shut  off flour so now there's nothing that's going to   be stored in The Granary that is flower related so  I can have my windmill right here and then right   next to that windmill I can have an oven now  of course we're going to talk more about those   things later but this what this allows me to do  is fine-tune what stays in the local storage of   the buildings that they are inherently created at  and what goes to the storage of the granery in the   storehouse so that I can maximize the distance in  which all of my pops need to go for anything so   back to this example if I allow uh grain and flour  to both come into my granery then anytime anyone   at the Windmill wants to turn grain into flour  they have to walk from let's say the windmill is   right here they have to walk all the way down pick  it up from The Granary and then walk all the way   back and then if some if the Baker wants to turn  that newly made flour into bread well first the   windmill has to have that flower transported down  over here to The Granary and then the The Bakers   are going to go walk all the way down one at a  time to grab one item at a time and bring it from   The Granary back to the baker to make it so you  see that the logistics in this game are not very   apparent when you jump in you're probably like  ah what does this all have to do with anything I   get it man this grer and Storehouse it's stores at  all but it's really about maximizing the distance   that everything has to go to do what they need  to do by allowing you to utilize the graner in   the storehouse or the local storage of a location  so that you can kind of maximize where things want   to go like so for example to where is this um is  IT industry I'm looking for what a what a great   video I've got going here huh um click through  these damn things all the time there it is so   the sof pit the saw pit will transform Timber into  planks so if I made that saw pit right there and   the wood cutters Lodge is right here well all  of my Timber is right here so this allows me to   leverage myself into not having my guys walk as  far or not having Ox transport those logs a long   distance oh picking up a log here and dropping it  off here now if I made any of those camps all the   way over here that just makes it harder on me so  just keep these things in mind when it comes to to   kind of creating a workflow and a logistics kind  of breakdown for your entire Society because those   things are going to be very important for you and  that's why I leaned in first with this portion of   the video because maybe I talked about some things  so far that you just just just went over your head   like dude I don't even know what the hell windmill  is no big deal I'm just trying to exemplify how in   the beginning you can kind of keep this stuff  all willy-nilly but eventually you're going   to want to start fine-tuning and even building  multiple granaries take for example this all the   way out here uh this um hunting camp is going to  generate meat for me I can make a granary right here and click all the buttons that are not  the right button a granary right here and I   can staff this Granary and all that meat is going  to go into The Granary but here is where all this   comes together all these goods are then sold at  the marketplace which we'll talk more about in a   bit they will magically transport from the granery  to the marketplace like that I don't know if that   snap went on on my microphone but I I snapped my  fingers is an instant weird Transportation they   just go there through Wormhole or whatever kind  of Osmosis gets the meat over there they do not   need to be transported so if you have meat up  here that's being stored and it's not kind of   overwhelming the the small local storage or the  hunting camp it allows you to immediately sell it   over here at the marketplace by immediate instant  trans Mission or whatever the hell Goku can do but   that's how all these things come together and  how they're going to be the first big steps you   take in the game because establishing these two  are crucial so that you get all of the goods you   start with off of the ground and in storage now  since we talked about the logistics of everything   part of that Logistics is also your road system  now anything that is kind of out all the way over   here it's going to need a road to connect it  and of course you just simply bring up the R   button and you can kind of click and drag things  around and build your roads as you need and I'd   recommend to have fun with the road curvature  button holding down control and using the mouse   wheel to have these roads have a little bit of  life right like roads in the Middle Ages weren't   just like perfectly straight like this right they  they we don't have the the Roman um format of   making roads which was a whole process we're like  oh we're just going to trot in a path through this   but making sure that you've establish roads to  locations enables it so that your pops can quickly   navigate to those locations especially oxen or  any kind of Bast of Burden or the Hand cards so   ensuring that you have these little circles kind  of hit with a road in some way shape or form it   ensures that your guys can kind of move around  pretty easily you can even kind of hit these Back   Lane things too that sometimes like hey you know  what my my character is coming in from a certain   angle this might help out or hey you know what  this is where we're going to go and do a lot of   our um woodwork let me have a road to that so  they can at least Traverse these paths quicker   like I've said before a lot of this game comes  down to the speed in which your pops can quickly   navigate their basic jobs and if you can enhance  their speed by building roads that are direct not   just simply like oh I've got this huge field over  here I'm going to have the most windy path to get   to it no hey they can take the King Road right  up to it and boom they're in so you can kind of   navigate this as you see fit but definitely I use  the roads in the beginning of the game to set out   and plot out how everything works so for example  you can't see to well because of all these trees   but I've set roads here to kind of act as the  initial block for the housing that I create which   we'll go over in the burger slot section but I now  know okay when I want to expand these Burger slots   I've got this area to kind of make it a little  bit more Dynamic and cool and fluid versus just a   whole block of homes that are on a kind of a rigid  grid and that's something I just don't like while   playing city builders I like them to kind of have  a little bit of life to them also too I've built   this road around this location for my Marketplace  or I have roads that intersect over here so that   I know that I can build things that hey this is  the login Camp well all the things that I want to   leverage a login Camp are right across the street  from it so the roads kind of act as that thorough   way to keep a lot of these Logistics we just  talked about online speaking of logging camps it's   probably your next big investment outside of The  Granary and the storehouse because you need the   resource of Timber to actually do things in this  game so let's talk about the login camp and the   Camp is pretty straightforward right you build it  they're going to go and they're going to harvest   wood and that's that and you can press Advanced  here and you can press the limiting of the work   area so you can make it so they actually get  wood from a very specific area to clear wave   for um buildings whatever it is when you build  buildings they will automatically delete trees   this allows you to kind of at least Harvest  those trees so that you don't just remove them   from your Playfield which is quite nice now what  I want you to know though about the logging camp   is the relocate button so you can press this  button and have this relocate to a different   location now the reason you would do that is let's  say I I knock out the trees in this immediate area   because this isn't too far to travel right like  in fact I'm going to make a road here because   a lot of them are going over there to travel  for um um wood this isn't too far for them to   go so we can kind of keep it as is I can I could  even make this whole entire area their work area   so now this isn't too far just go ahead and get  everything in this area find and dandy um I like   to kind of just fine-tune that work area though  right like to just make like this and go bam   that's your work area either way once you've kind  of harvested these trees you can designate another   work area all the way down here if you want or all  the way over here but your pop's going to have to   make that travel distance from this location all  the way down here to get the wood and then a ox   cart has to go all the way down there to grab that  wood then bring it back to the login Camp itself   what I'd recommend is pressing the relocate button  once you've harvested the wood in your local area   let's say we decide to move over here and just  place this relocate it here and now you can take   advantage of all the wood that's local to this  loging Camp the pops can make a quick Journey back   and forth to the camp and you rather than having  your ax travel all the way over there we're going   to talk about that next in the Hitching Post  section um you can simp L go to Advanced and   assign livestock to it so there's always an AUX on  site transporting the the Timber from the field to   the local storage of the loging camp now what you  need to know though before you press this button   is you will lose anything that says local storage  so do not do this if you have local storage what   I'd even recommend is if you have local storage at  this Camp you could probably just actually have it   um uh just completely pause it temporary halts all  construction and work related tasks so no one's   going to work here anymore but people are going to  go and pull all the logs from it on that logs once   those logs are at zero uh either from the other  items that are going to be attached to this which   we'll talk about um then you relocate it so that  way you don't lose those logs now speaking of the   logs we have the kind of I don't know what to even  call them I guess the byproducts of those logs   in both the saw Pit and the wood cutters Lodge  both of these are going to be pretty necessary   for you because the wood cutters Lodge is what  produces your fuel your firewood and you won't   need firewood until you make your first burgage  slots because they need it to um be consumed to   last through winter but you'll need firewood for  other production houses or like the manor itself   and other things so they will consume this fuel  so you need the wood cutters Lodge but it's also   something that you don't need to keep um people  positioned at you can kind of swap them on and off   as long as you have like hey you know what I've  got enough uh fuel to last me a good amount of   time hint I don't five months isn't enough time  for me I'm assuming that someone's going to move   in and I'm going to have to have a higher Demand  on my Fe and food and fuel soon and I'll again   talk about that in Burger slot section so  we want to make sure we have a wood cutters   Lodge that not something I prioritize because  I want to get houses up first because there's   no consumption of this fuel until we get houses  at least in the very beginning of the game and   then we have the saw pit now the saw pit will use  use a log and turn that log into planks I don't   know the ratio of of Timber to uh plank I think  I think the wood cutters Lodge is something like   one timber will make something like 10 planks I'm  sorry 10 uh uh 10 or 20 firewood and the planks   come out in like I think it's multiples of seven  it's like it's it's a weird odd number but with   the saw pit you have again the chance to have a  permanent livestock that will just go and bring   you the logs to this thing anytime you have this  Advanced thing it's usually kind of limits that   area and such is that person sick yeah they are um  oops and the saw pit will go and grab Timber from   wherever it can and turn that Timber into planks  planks will be used as a byproduct when it comes   to producing stuff like the manor here requires  20 planks or where is it where's the where is the   church The church here requires another 20 planks  um upgrading the bured slots requires planks so   planks be kind of kind of become the the next  step in building progression when it comes to   establishing things you use timber to build all  of your basic stuff but a lot of the more heavy   hitting things cost you planks or upgrading  a lot of these things cost you planks for   example turning the Hitching Post into a stable  is planks turning The Granary up is planks large   granery large Storehouse is planks upgrading these  burgers slots it's going to oh that's just Timber   never mind shut me up I thought I was requiring  planks but either way you can see that planks kind   of become a big progression point for you but  you don't need it right at the bat but you do   have this little guy construction Reserve Reserve  will never be used for crafting so that enough ra   resources are left for construction so I can keep  a reserve of two meaning that my current stash of   Timber is 18 they will keep as much Timber is  available all the way down to two meaning that   if let's say I shut off everything and just put  two workers here and no one else did anything else   they will use 16 of my 18 available Timber and  turn it into planks and they'll leave the last   two for construction so this allows me a little  flexibility and if I'm running really like kind of   Razor thin margins on my Timber um you're probably  never going to need this to be honest you'll   probably go oh my Timber is too low and I got  to build something that's got like seven Timber   requirement so this thing just taking one piece of  Timber at a time at a very slow rate is not going   to really hurt you but it's there if you need it  um you'll kind of use this maybe more in certain   situations where you need to kind of fine-tune  smaller um Villages once you've expanded but those   are all of your wood product buildings your loging  Camp your saw pit and your wood cutters Lodge and   the logging Camp's going to be your next natural  progression after setting up all of your storage   so your storage is set up your logging is set up  now you need some food and two of the best ways to   get food in the early game are from Gathering and  Gathering can be done with either forging berries   or by hunting now the nice thing about hunting is  that it does not cost you anything no construction   cost to create the hunting camp and the hunting  camp is very cool because it is an allround for   source of food you can use this during the winter  whereas berries get locked out during the winter   same thing with uh farming right you can't really  Farm during the winter so what you do here with   the hunting camp is place it semi close to a wild  animal reserve or sanctuary and when you staff it   with people they will go and pull both meat and  put it in the pantry and leather and put it in   the generic storage and this allows you to get a  source of food and a source of clothing we'll talk   about that in just a little bit but it's a really  big portion of this game because clothing is going   to be required to upgrade your burger slots  hunting camps though are important because just   like your logging Camp they can be relocated cuz  eventually these will migrate every so often or if   you build too close to them they'll migrate or if  they get hunted down to like near nothing they'll   get they'll they'll move all sorts of things and  really the way I do this is Advanced set of work   area it's right here because that's where the wild  animals are and then I set the hunting limit to 10   because usually this is like 20 so they'll hunt  it down to 10 and then I actually remove anyone   from this hunting camp we're in August right now  by the time we hit winter this should probably   repopulate up to close to 20 and I'll just have  them go and hunt them again so I kind of pull   people on and off of this location and this allows  me to keep a good income of food in the early game   um why I've got 14 months of food is a lot of it's  coming from what my early hunting had done and we   also have plenty of leather and wherever that is  I have to we got to shut that off um leather is   right there C material have 17 HIDs that's quite a  bit of highs that we could either use for trading   which is good or for using it for available um  clothing but the hunting post or hunting camp   is something you will move around and you might  want to create a like we talked about logistics   right you might want to Logistics that I said  yeah yeah you might want to create a granary   right here so you can set that Granary to only  holding meat allowing it to instantly transport   to your main marketplace but is a great way to  kind of offload the hunting camps uh Pantry cuz   the pantry here is only 36 units of meat that's  not very large most local storage for things like   the berries which we're about to talk about have a  much higher amount of local storage so this allows   you to kind of have someone faing the meat out  of the hunting camp and that meat immediately   gets transported to our Marketplace to be used  at stalls the other thing for Gathering is our   forager Hut now foraging Hut you can see over  here uh this is seasonal it's down to zero I'm   shutting this off right now there's no reason  to kind of continue to forage this even though   we're in August we we might be able to get a  little bit more out of this before the uh winter   but there's no reason to waste population on this  if I don't need to but this is again another form   of um food that adds food variety which increases  the happiness of our populations then that food   at the forger Hut 50 is actually quite a bit it  takes a long time to get up to 50 because I think   this what this is 60 yeah this is 64 so this is  almost the entire deposit into the forager Hut   so you've got quite a bit of room here you don't  have to worry about putting a pantry right next   to it as as uh crucial my Granary for example  now has 71 berries that we've just taken from   that over time another thing that the forager Hut  can do is also relocate so you can put this next   to another Berry Reserve if you so wish but also  can add an herb garden down the way this allows   you to treat people if they get sick once you  get the money to do so so you have this option   I just wanted to bring it up I kind of kind of  never touch it um I I I assume that plagues will   become a larger part of this game and having large  swaths of your Workforce being sick will be a big   thing but right now sickness isn't that worrisome  to me I just kind of blow right through it so you   can invest in this if you so wish depending on  how you want to approach stuff but that's your   Gathering let's now talk about the Hitching Post  The Hitching Post is how everything moves around   the field how you get your logs to all your  construction sites how you pull logs from the   field and put them into the timber yard a lumber  logging Camp whatever it is all these things are   done at the hitching post and The Hitching Post  has an ox or a mule or a horse I'd recommend   sticking with the ox right now the horse is  bugged for some weird reason and when you position   someone here at the hitching post it allows them  to take these errant resources that are just kind   of sitting around and put them where they need to  be local storage wise but if you have someone that   says hey I'm going to go construct something  they'll go and use the aux themselves so it's   kind of one of those things that the Hitching Post  putting someone at it in the very beginning of the   game right when you're first starting out I think  is ADV advantageous because you can actually have   people do the construction have more hands on deck  while you've got one God I feel like I'm going a   corporate meeting well you have one person fairing  around the aux to pick up all the resources that   you need to right in the beginning of the game  but as Jobs pop up I actually remove people from   The Hitching Post and eventually The Hitching Post  just becomes permanently unemployed because people   will just go take the ox if they need it so don't  worry about that now one thing that you should   do though in the very beginning is make a second  Hitching Post and at that second Hitching Post you   should press this button to order another axx that  is crucial because those Ox are going to allow you   The Oxen are going to allow you to get production  done faster Construction done quicker and you can   place those oxin into those locations like I said  over here advance place aine permanent livestock   permanent livestock I don't think these guys can  no they can or if you have the uh plows permanent   live livestock over here so all those things  things are actually very crucial to helping you   have one Ox that's pretty much set to construction  and resource Gathering while the other Ox is   interchangeably swapped out to the other locations  that you really want to have a livestock at like   I have that livestock over here at The Farmhouse  well we're not plowing anymore so might as well   remove the ox right it's not as big of a deal so  we bring the ox back and now the ox can help out   with construction in the meantime so the Hitching  Post is something that you can also relocate at   its current stage as soon as you upgrade it to  a stable though it cannot and that's why I just   recommend making another Hitching Post rather than  waiting to build a stable because making a stable   requires two planks which is not a high demand  at all but the planks the saw pit is not as huge   of a priority in the early game you're going to  get to it very very quickly but I'd rather just   get a second Ox online by making another Hitching  Post for a single Timber and buying that ox and   having that Ox available versus waiting all the  time for this to upgrade to a small stable and   then uh have both the ox there once I'm at a  point where I can have this be a small stable   I'll click this button and I'll delete the other  Hitching Post you can do that if you want or you   just keep two hitching posts around the map you  can just simply move this one and go hey you know   what we've expanded further and I need one over  here and one over here like these guys are pretty   close together right now and that's fine so really  just like a lot of the buildings we've talked to   up to this point relocate them as you see fit as  your Society grows and as your Villages grow so   that you can again minimize the distance that  your pops need to walk to complete their basic   tasks so a lot of your basic resource production  is up and going let's now talk about creating your   homes now of course you're going to go ahead  and jump into the residential portion click on   the burger slot and just drag this out to build  a home that you'd like right I kind of have a a   weird situation going on over here there we go  we'll just add another one right there so oops   actually to talk about that um when you drag  this out you'll see that little arrow shows me   where the front of the house is this is important  because I'd want this to face some form of Road   connect if it's not then they have to walk all  the way around to find that road and you can see   that if I click this over here and here and here  I can drag these out to make different types and   size of plots so as it stands if I were just to do  this one this is a single plot that has one home   then it has an expansion slot which is that little  Hammer right here right the little hammer in the   house then you see another little house over  here with a plus symbol this guy right there   that guy right there that it means that this  plot is going to be turned into a duplex so it   can actually have two families on the slot rather  than just one so let's go ahead and do that over here because this allows me to have  is this two slots oh look at that I   don't think I wanted that I I wanted the one I had before yeah that's what I want um is it  ideally I like to have expansion slots on my stuff that'll do pig I guess did I have that  before whatever what a great video this is I   did this actually realistically that's probably  the right right thing to do so again I use the   roads to kind of outline this so it has a bit of  a dynamic feel right like I did that with these   they feel a little bit cooler a little bit more  unique but once these are going to be once these   are built it'll come up and look just like this so  let me pause the game to take a look at this with   this burgage slot we have a number of things to go  through first we have the backyard extension now   backyard extension allows you to specialize this  slot or add a supplement to the lot in that I can   add a vegetable garden a Chicken Coop goat shed or  an apple orchard so what those four things do is   it produces a means of me getting food or another  another thing like goat shed which gives me hides   these four things do not specialize the burgage  slot meaning that just your normal families will   have them and they will exist as they need to so  for example here we have a vegetable garden in the   house right next to us these actually both these  houses so now we have an additional source of food   variety allowing us to be happier here um this  is the same thing that's going to happen with the   chicken coop it does cost you gold to make these  things but that is nice because it's not going to   cost you any other resource and you have a whole  thing that is constantly on year round as as you   need it you don't have to assign workers to this  it's just there now outside of that though you   have this little break right here right now these  other ones these uh well eight but it's probably   soon to be nine I would assume are extensions that  specialize the burgage slot and turn the burgage   slot into Artisans so I click on Armor's Workshop  enables production of helmets after unlocking   Advanced armor making and master armor making  enables production of male armor and plate armor   converts all inhabitants to Artisans locking them  from being assigned to other jobs so I currently   have eight families three unemployed five employed  if I were to click this effectively think of   it as now seven families because one family is  completely lost to you and only doing one specific   task and it's all they will ever do so you need  to constantly have a means of supplying them the   Boyer's Workshop is a real good early one that  you can do enables production of War BOS it just   simply cost you four planks to use and War BOS  themselves are easy to make and turning on bows   and arrows for your army is a really great thing  or you can have Taylor's Workshop to make clothes   cloaks and gambin using leather and linen and flax  and all the things that are attached to that or a   bakery extension so now they'll produce bread and  with FL from flour with twice the efficiency of   the communal oven but they'll only do it so again  just keep in mind it is going to cost you to do   these things that's why I like the Boyers Workshop  because it doesn't cost you gold to do it's just   four planks um same thing here with the joiners  workshop but all these things specialize and turn   this entire house into that Artisan house so use  those kind of not sparingly but I would dedicate   a slot and time for it like I wouldn't go oh you  know what I'm just going to turn these guys into   Boyers especially not in the early game because  I want them to work for me and do stuff because   it's the beginning of the of the society I  need to have things up and going so I don't   focus on these until I at least until like my  second or third year and I'm starting to deal   with um incursions from Bandits and what have  you now below that though we have requirements   now what requirements are are the requirements  that this slot needs to upgrade to the second   level of its slot and you'll see that this slot  level two Burger slots generate one Regional   wealth per family per month so big breath right  there um this is why having a duplex progressed   up to level two is nice because you'll have two  families on the slot this gives you two gold right   d it doubles the gold you get from it unlocks  new extensions though including Artisan workshops   residential requirements will increase as well  so these requirements are what this slot needs   needs to upgrade so it needs water access which  is getting right over here from my well it needs   a church so we don't have that right now and what  this is telling me is it's just needs the church   at the basic level of church if this had two  little diamonds it's telling me I need the basic   church and I need that church to be upgraded which  I see right here with the food stall it needs one   type of food actually no we need two types of food  also having more than two types of food when they   only have a demand for two helps increase their  happiness fuel stall Supply hey we need you to   have fuel in this Marketplace and the clothing  okay well I need you to have a Tannery setup or   some form of linen leather or yarn production so  that I can have um uh what's it called uh clothing   so you don't need to actually have clothing made  you just need linen leather or yarn they imply   kind of make the clothing for themselves but not  in like a marketable fork able form like you can   actually make um close all this you can actually  make uh where is it cloaks clothes candle salt   ale shoes herbs or gambin and all those sorts of  things you can actually make those things but with   the um the clothing stall it's asking for it's  asking for the byproduct to make it quote unquote   inous for themselves that you can't ever touch  and the last thing with the burgage slot is the   armaments so basically here this not going to give  me the little break down I can show you to have a   family in there well basically it's it's showing I  I the game should provide them I guess not yet oh   we have to get to a uh we have to get up to level  two I think before we get that but either way the   game will provide you with armaments and those  these houses will actually house those physical   armaments in them for the moments that you call  them to militia and the higher level houses will   actually have better implied armaments on them  like oh okay well hey we've got all these things   in the stash they've gone and they've put them in  their homes and then they've got those or they're   crafting those and they've got um full access to  them so Armament is just kind of showing you it's   more access accessible for the mili and combat  portion of the game uh it's just kind of showing   you which houses have those if any of them do but  with the burger slots we have these markets apply   so let's now talk about the marketplace so your  Marketplace is huge and I've me mentioned it many   times in this video already but the marketplace  is where all of your pops get access to all of   the byproducts you've created from all of your  resources and it's how they will allow the   progression of your burket slots now I've already  designated this location to be the marketplace but   just for the sake of showing you how to do that  I'm going to create a small little patch right   here you'd go into construction you'd go into you  know what residential there we go and you'd create   a Marketplace just like oops just like this it  shows me okay this has enough for 36 available   Market stalls we're not going to worry about that  right now I would left click and this would just   immediately it just Auto produces it doesn't  cost anything it's just there um so we're not   going to actually do it CU I have one all set up  but with these Market stalls we have fuel food   and clothing that is what is going to go out to  our burgage slots and I'm going to show you how   that Works in a second but the important thing  about the placement of your Marketplace is you   want it close to your Granary and your Storehouse  because that is where they will pull the resources   from to put them on the market and having those  readily available and quickly accessible is huge   because like I've said many times now getting  things from here onto this is instantaneous   I'm sorry uh from the marketplace over to these  is instantaneous we just need to make sure that   they can have those readily accessible and pull  them from The Granary from the storehouse onto   this Marketplace that is what's absolutely crucial  so having this all together is is is amazing this   is way they can access it and then all these  families that need it as long as there is a um   as long as there is a store of it a supply of it  it instantly transmutes to the house and I might   have explained that a little K Wampus earlier  in the video but let me show you here we're   going to click on this Marketplace I can see all  my burger slots right all let's hover over food   variety so I can see that I have 89% food variety  what that means is 89% of my burger slots have   their food variety needs met I need to Pro I need  to produce 11% more of food somehow berries meat   bread whatever it is to satisfy that one red one  up there right you can see it doesn't have either   slot satisfied it doesn't matter what those are  you can see this one got uh meat and it's got   berries and bread they're eating pretty well for  for um medieval peasants I'm not going to lie to   you now conversely too looking at fuel okay I  see that I've got 78% of my burgage slots are   satisfied with their uh accessibility to my fuel  this doesn't mean that I need to make a a market   stall here so that they can they can leverage  it it means that I need to produce more firewood   that's what that number means cuz I thought  initially this meant oh they they can't reach   it I could have had these these Burger slots all  the way over here at the edge of my territory it   wouldn't matter it instantly transmutes to those  locations as long as I have these numbers at 100%   or as close as possible it will meet the need so  take a look over here for example these two houses   fuel supply it's it's green I see it's green it's  right here it's right there uh Food Bar iety hey   it's green it's green perfect I see it lot marked  right there let's look at this one this one's red   right well it doesn't meet either of them they do  not have access to either of those Foods because   they're just not enough food to go around so I  need to add more food to my stock and you can see   even though it says food offer 12 months that's  good and fine and dandy I need more food though   to offer the varieties and what this will enable  me to do I obviously can't do it right now because   I don't have other things met but let's assume I  had here I'll choose one of the ones yeah this one   right here let's assume I had these taken care of  this would be I would it would enable me to do it   I click it and it'd be done if my food reserves  drop down and I like below the requirements   this doesn't degrade to a level one from a level  two it stays at a level two it just needs those   requirements met and then some more because this  is now going to go to two this is going to go to   three this is going to go to two I think this goes  to two as well water access I believe is is the   same as well so the Burger slot progresses with  the marketplace accessibility and the supply and   the demand it sounds super confusing but seriously  once you just place it and go oh cool that's just   the percentage of my homes that are covered with  my food variety just got to put more food into it   sick got it bingo bingo Bongo um and I have over  here a Tannery being built actually go ahead and   do that what's going to happen with the Tannery  is we have tons of hides just chilling here   they're not doing anything I don't even have a  trading post set up to take advantage of those   hides so what this enables me to do is when I  jesus uh when this gets created the Tannery will   go and take those hides and turn those hides into  leather and we talked about this just a second ago   right the leather will then satisfy their clothing  stall Supply and at 17 with only eight families it   should be enough to satisfy the clothing supply  for all of my burger slots so that's just kind   of shows you that having this Tannery here which  will have very easy access to my Storehouse is   kind of falls back into our conversation on  Logistics right then the tenner then having   quick access to the marketplace they can then sell  all those goods and it's kind of easy to kind of   one two three Wombo Combo all that so that's  how you would expand and satisfy those needs   for the B Burger slots utilizing your Marketplace  and the marketplace's placement towards all the   things that can kind of lean into it I think  this will I got to put a person here and it'll   it's usually a pretty quick turnaround like oh  we go grab some some Tanners some uh purs to tan   that's not really the term but either way not a  smart man Okay so we've we've we've knocked that   out let's move into another point of the beginning  so a lot of our basic things are established in   the game let's look at our crops and our farms  and I have a whole video on this so I don't want   to go too deep into this but as far as trying  to at least connect the dots for you here in a   beginner's guide what I will say is you want  to create smaller Fields you don't want one   big large field because your pops your families  will not have the time to sew or I'm sorry plow   and then sew all that field it'll always just  kind of mess up within the certain amount of   time that you've got to do so because everything  will live and die off of this schedule right now   we're coming into September almost into November  and harvesting plowing and sewing of crops would   happen here so basically what the game would do is  soon as September hits if you have crop rotation   selected if I click this button um the game will  go ahead and chop all this down and it will then   repow and reso the field so that it regrows come  the New Year in the beginning of the game that's   not really going to be the case here right so  I'm actually going to unclick that I don't I   hope they don't go out here and do that I might  have messed that up um but I can have these guys   force that that uh early Harvest do whatever I  want kind of on my own time but crop rotation   allows me to have the game kind of automatically  set things as I wish so with crop rotation what   I've got here is a growth a growth and a phow  so next year this would be phow phow growth and   I would just manually do this every time and this  allows me to kind of let this go all the way down   to the kind of right in November to then go and  harvest all this grain um realistically I think   it's a bug right now but if winter hits this field  won't be destroyed it'll be fine I I think that   that is a bug um this field will stay as is in  perpetuity until I harvest it or I burn the field   or or fow the field whatever it is I have to do  it the game won't just delete the field unless I   didn't finish sewing the crop if we didn't finish  plowing and sewing and it hits winter it deletes   the progress so just kind of know that jumping  into the first year here putting all three of   these fields for example onto phow is just fine  and when you do that it's going to increase the   fertility because when we go to ahead and go  press construction before we even create our   field we can see the fertility overlay for emmer  flax barley you will eventually unlock unlock   rye and really yeah you don't need the three plus  symbols two plus is just fine you just don't want   to you want to make sure you don't do this in any  of the negative symbols right then minus over here   or there's like you can stack those up all the  way to like a two or three you don't want to touch   those even just a single plus is fine you'll be  able to to kind of change out that that fertility   with enough oh wow that was wild um with enough  um enough phow so I like to make my Emer fields on   the green or again over here on the two plus if I  can and we let them go for the first year we would   just F that or set up a very simple small crop  that we know will yield because if we do this if   I finally get to making my farm here in September  it's just not going to grow in time so only really   do this if you're right here in the middle of uh  early late spring early summer you'll actually   have a growth otherwise you're just going to waste  that time now after you make your field you also   have the ability like I said over here to set your  crop type so wheat barley and Plax this percentage   is going to be based off of the fertility of the  area and the size of your field and your size your   fields are measured in this field size right here  it's called a Morgan SO3 Morgan is this size right   there and then that field can be whatever I'd like  it to be right so I can set it to wheat barley and   fla you can see this field is a.3 I think this  one's a04 it's they're both in the green but   this one has a 59% wheat and this is a 57% so that  fertility is kind of disseminated cross the size   of the field you're not going to get a massive  field having like 60% fertility unless it's like I   don't know the the best possible fertility or you  Fouad it a couple times whatever the situation is   so you have this all set to 5940 and 30 whatever  these are for the respective fertilities and   that's the crop that's going to grow wheat  barley for making uh malt and ale or flax for   making linen linen will then go for making your  uh clothes you can also set the field priority   so if you have a larger field you can set that  priority to the highest meaning that they will   go and plow Harvest plow sew and harvest that  field in the highest priority possible because   this allows you if you have a very large field  followed by two three four smaller Fields it's   going to take a longer time to do all the things  on it right whereas the other ones will be done in   a much quicker period of time so you can go ahead  and just kind of click that priority as you see   fit I just keep it on medium to be totally honest  with you I don't really ever worry about it and   attached to each field though is your Farmhouse  this is how you actually access them and you can   actually put the populations in here and they'll  go ahead and come online and do whatever they need   to do they'll store any of the wheat over here  in generic storage and it'll thresh that wheat   into grain and store it in the pantry and then  you've got Advanced where you can actually put a   livestock here where you can leverage developments  and we'll have a whole section on development   but You' leverage this one right here the heavy  plow add a plowing station and then the aux will   come out here and plow a whole entire field for  you this is all covered in the farm video linked   in the upper right hand corner um but you can set  the farm houses working area too eventually you'll   grow to have more fields and with a certain amount  of fields you'll want to have more farmhouses so   let's say we did this let me turn the curvature  of this all the way down let's say we did this and all this was just was was another was just  another field here oops let's just use an example   say that was another field well it's going to take  time to do this field and then this field and then   this field and then this field from one Farmhouse  if rather than putting two families in this   Farmhouse I can put one family in one Farmhouse  right here and have them work this field and one   family in this Farmhouse and have them work these  fields but I can do this too I can click limit   the work area click this button and have these  work areas overlap so it creates a VIN diagram   so the this these two fields are closest to this  Farmhouse and these two Fields well this field   is closest to this one right this one kind of is  not too far away I can have that work area overlap   right here so that they will kind of help out as  they complete their tasks in that set work area so   as you expand your Fields And as you make larger  Fields you'll want multiple farmhouses rather than   stacking just a ton of families into one but this  is a pretty big portion of this entire process I   actually I never touch threshing priority either  I just kind of put it at at medium and it does its   thing that's how your Farms work and you should  be setting your Farms up as smaller Fields rather   than the larger Big Field that doesn't it's  really just not going to give you any benefit   and the crop rotation and stuff like that I again  go into more detail in that video I've just kind   of lightly touched on it here so you understand  how the crop rotation Works other than just kind   of going okay I guess I'll do some crop rotations  like this it's it's not as difficult as it as it   seems it's pretty once you kind of see things laid  out you're like okay that's clicking for me but   once you look at it initially you're like okay  I'll set this to wheat and that to fow and this   to wheat and that to fow and you're going going  to get all caddywampus just I said that so many   damn times in this video but just remember what's  growing one year should not grow the next that's   the basic principle of crop rotation and if you  have say four Fields two growing to fow you just   kind of swap those on and off developments are  going to be a big portion of the game especially   as you expand and grow each one of your Villages  and towns and what have you you're going to want   to invest more in a specific Direction now this  is really going to be up to you and how to go   about it I personally I think of every time I've  done it I've done heavy plow because I like heavy   plow it really kind of makes the farming process  a lot easier for me because I have access to Ox a   lot of people recommend beekeeping so that you can  get honey as a backyard kind of convention for all   of your burgage slots there's a lot of different  things you could do here like enables Hunters to   skillfully lay traps in the forest which give  passive income of meat that's a really great   thing here or Hunters also collect hides from  traps so now you're getting uh um passive uh   hide generation as well or doubles the amount of  meat harvested by hunters and butchers from goat   pens uh doubles capacity of all Berry deposits  all these really cool things things here's for   smithing but this is also not a completely fleshed  out system in the game same thing with policies   I've not touched them once but they exist but  most of them are not even really here only these   two really and production isn't even in the game  right so I would say just experiment with this   there's no reason to have a full set guide out  here on how to approach your developments just   choose one say hey you know what I'm going to try  this time around what trade L Logistics is going   to do for me or you know what what do firewood  and food carts really do for me in the long run   play with them and experiment because they're  a prone to change and B they're not all fleshed   out entirely right so we don't really know what  the long-term effects of them are like okay honey   seems cool but what the hell is this okay enables  the beepers to also collect wax what does wax do   candles what does that have anything to do with  anything yet like we don't have necessarily all   the parts to let you know that yeah this is a  great one and then it progresses over to these   things and those things allow for some really  great stuff it's hard to say so have fun with   developments don't get hung up on this choose one  experimented with it in your save and maybe try a   new save with a different way of going about  your development so winter is about to set   in and let's talk about having your first winter  and this is a good time to kind of start talking   about another thing that relates to farming that  we just spoke about and we have harvested all of   our crop as you can see and what we've done here  is turn that wheat into grain and with winter   time we want to take advantage of things that  are really seasonal or at least can be easily   done during the winter without having to really  kind of worry about the timeline of them right and   that really talks or it beger reason or whatever  I'm trying to say it means that we go from grain   into flour into bread and the reason or the way  that we do this is by creating a windmill next to   our Farmhouse and then a oven next to our windmill  because the pops are going to take this from the   farmouse into the windmill from the windmill  into the communal oven if and just to kind of   lean back on what we talked about logistics if  we've turned off I think this is upgrading if   in the large Granary or The Granary we've turned  off grain wheat and flour we want it all to go to   each respective building and then the communal  oven will be that final building that brings it   back to our in fact even I'm going to do a little  bit of this probably take little wrap around here make this kind of I want get a little curvature  in it now make this just kind of over to this that way I can kind of I the guy doesn't have  to go all the way around to deliver uh food bread   back and forth this is a really great thing to  do during the winter because we have got nothing   else to do in these fields they've been plowed  they've been sewed they're growing they're good   to go we're set we let this kind of New Field go  well this follows so while this does its thing we   have the production of all of our um bread and I'm  actually going to put people into these things now   we're done working at The Farmhouse that's all  set so that's kind of the first thing that we're   going to do with winter is setting up kind of our  our bread production because it's another form of   food that we could even do into the the the early  spring and what have you before we hit March when   we're going to decide what to kind of uh build  out into the proper field and what have you now   another big thing is doing a stone cutter Camp so  let's talk about that now the stone cutter Camp   is basically well you guessed it how you're going  to be getting your stone and right now we're kind   of overburdened right now with our Stone because  we just upgraded our um our Storehouse but really   what you're going to find with the stone cutter is  that it will this is actually kind of weird that   kind of thing is bugged right now that's fine  funky it'll be finished some shortly um what   you'll find is you'll get stone at a real crazy  rate like right now I've got6 363 Stone we're done   we don't need any more stone for the foreseeable  future and stone is one of those things that you   can very quickly get to sell at a trade poost for  some very quick and early money but a stone cutter   Camp is something that's great to do during the  winter because you can quickly get a good yield   of it you don't have to worry about much and you  have a lot of Pops that are maybe off off of other   things that they would be doing otherwise like  foraging or farming or other things of that sort   so now I just freed up my stone cutter Camp I'm  not worried about that because we have another   building that we can go to to use during our first  winter and that is our hunting camp again so I'm   actually going to put two people back here because  all the things over here have fully repopulated if   not overpopulated so let's go hunt some wild  animals cuz that'll give us leather and food   or I'm sorry meat food that was right once again  because if I look over this we have actually eaten   our entire meat Reserve we only have vegetables  berries and bread left so this will allow us to   tap into that resource once again and add more  food variety because our Marketplace we have a   good 100% food variety but we want to keep that at  100% that I can upgrade these burgage slots this   first winter is the best time or any winter really  is the best time to do these upgrade constructions   where you have just more people running around  doing stuff right I spent a lot of time cutting   a ton of firewood so I have people on my saw Pits  on my wood cutters Lodge CU I've got just like a   ton of Timber too so we can convert that into  planks these are all the times that I do a lot   of my big construction projects because I'm not  constantly swapping pops out of Works places to   go put them and have them do this or that over  here or something over there it just seems to be   one of the things I can quick I can very quickly  turn from one resource into another or quickly   expand um other Burger slots or a church or a man  or whatever it is to really kind of open up uh the   the future of my Society I think that winter is a  time that we look at as a kind of a dead time but   in this game it's one that you can really get a  lot of really quick growth off of because you've   got things that are so freed up another example  here would be the forger Hut I can't Harvest   berries right now because it's seasonal right  they're shrinking um this will come back online   in spring so that's when I'll swap things off of  maybe the hunting camp on the forager Hut or what   have you so really use this first winter or just  winter in general as a way to kind of push you   ahead of the curve tech-wise coming into winter 2  we should be taking a look at our population our   homes expanding whatever it is so let's take  a look at those values which maybe would have   been better described in the burger slot section  but still so going from left to right at this top   bar here we've got unassigned families that are  basically helping out with construction including   the uh guiding the oxy to transport Timber we  have assign people that are set to jobs right   now and we've got 12 total families right as  well as live living space I'm sorry we have   12 total families but we only have living space  for 12 families so we cannot expand who we have   available to us we're going to hit 12 we actually  just hit 12 before I hit record so that is where   we stand but this means that we totally we have a  total of 36 population so across all them that's   how many people are in our total Village so this  is a good time to kind of slow down and go you   know what we have three Timber we're going to  have more soon but oops let's go ahead and kind   of expand one of these slots you know what we  got some extra slots back here go ahead and do this let's see what we can get out of this here  huh that and that requires four so we need to get   like one or two more and we'll we'll build out two  more slots here to hopefully get more population   going because this is all good and dandy to have  um all this expansion time but we should also use   this time to kind of plan for a future um increase  in our population which brings me to talking about   the number of month before supplies run out don't  look at this and go oh it's a static number I've   got six months and 11 months of my food and my  fuel you should really think of these things as   Dynamic things that are going to reduce the second  you get more people so that's why you kind of plan   out hey you know know what I know I'm going  to have more population coming in so I should   really kind of think to myself what what kind of  number should I have here and right now fuel is   being worked on we have our um our wood cutters  Lodge they're making fuel very slowly and we have   the baker going making some bread and we have um  food coming in from our hunting camp all sorts of   things are bringing in food right now we have the  vegetables being produced by some of these actual   slots themselves so we do have the food at least  we just need to kind of up the actual outcome here   right or uh the um output so I could go ahead  and just increase this uh on the communal oven   for more bread or increase the wood cutters  Lodge to increase that uh fuel intake because   right now 7 months isn't bad the nice thing about  a wood cutters Lodge is it's easy to hit the fuel   as soon as you see that thing come down to one  month you can kind of halt that immediately by   putting two people in a wood Cutter's Lodge and  it will turn around within like a matter of days   um you can even see we have a ton of actual food  but still we just have a lot of consumption and   and we are up to five timers so let's go  ahead and make this little expansion slot here huh do that this will do because basically  what I'm going to do back here is make a   whole another portion of houses we  would when I've got the resources   for it we would do something like this  bring it out to there bring it over to   here connect these PL plots and make  something that works other than then do something basically the front of this house  kind of limits what you do here so we have to   kind of make this work where we create homes  without basically losing the real estate of   what we've creating right the plot's too small  here right we have to kind of make this work we   could even just build another road out some  curve curvature make this road a little bit fancier actually make this road  come around because I'll show you why have this road go here come on Pig come on Pig there build  that one out because I'm going to do   Road alt click remove it now I've got more  actual real estate to move around with this road it's just not going away I wanted to oh where was it where was it you'll  find you you'll do this quite a bit in   the game if you are any way like  me and you have to have the roads   kind of like fit roughly how they  were before or whatever it was oh man oh either way you understand what I'm trying  to do here just going to do this for the sake   of the video here so we can keep going make this  terrible ass Road there we go this allows me to   now have more room back here to expand this and  you could even just not do what I did right you   don't need to have these things be on a set like  little platform and have it be like oh here's all   the the housing I could just keep expanding this  over here as well so don't feel like you need to   kind of kind of keep things in one block they  can they can be as dynamic as you want we could   do that to add more houses if we wish but like I  said population growth and how you're expanding   that is a big portion of this and being able  to kind of Leverage these slower times to say   okay what is our fuel and Fuel and food going to  look like once we have both these slots filled   up it'll be a big portion of it and we want to  constantly have a plus one or plus two here if   we are having a good supply of food and fuel your  population growth is going to be huge because the   larger your population you can derive taxes from  them you have more workers you have more people   that you can be doing specific Artisan crafts  with just tons of things so population becomes   another crucial resource for you as you start  to grow into these latter portions of the game   all right we've just finished our church and this  is a good time to talk about it it's winter we've   done all this expansion now the wooden church  is going to be something that you'll eventually   upgrade to a small Stone Church in time well  you'll create things with the um Stone tiles   from clay but by and large you can just keep this  completely unmanned it just needs to be there you   would only man it when you start to have people  dying uh as you can see here if you hover over   provides hollowed ground for burial for the dead  villagers workers become grave diggers that's the   only reason here there there's no like pret go out  and bless people or anything like that it's only   there as a means to bury your Town's folk the  corpse pit is used to bury like Raiders and and   evil people which we'll talk about in the combat  section but that is our church I just wanted to   quickly show it off and talk about it because it  is part of the game I think it's something that   will become a bigger part of the game in later uh  um patches and whatnot and upgrading it will be   a requirement for some of your increased burgage  slot increases right so now we actually have these   uh the church level is satisfied because we have  a church but this will eventually become since   at least a wooden church this will eventually say  at least a small Stone Church it'll say something   of that sort once that once that increases on  the note of your populations and the church and   all those things they kind of lean into one very  important thing upgrading our burgage slots so   we now have all of our requirements met and we're  going to go ahead and upgrade this spot in or plot   in specific because it has the ability to expand  its living space remember once we upgrade this   level two I'm going to go ahead and click it it  jumps into this construction section they're going   to go ahead and bring the four Timber across and  they'll build it out but once it's at level two   what's nice here is that will then produce double  the regional wealth for me as means of just being   a level two slot as we saw over here it says  right there uh generates one Regional wealth   per family so having these duplexes become level  two is nice to just kind of have that increase   here for me and I'll show you the here between  level one and level two once this finish is   being built we're almost there but I would try to  focus on your duplexes first just the the two the   two family lots upgrade those first and don't do  all of them at once um I would kind of just take   your time hit one hit one hit one and don't just  think okay I'm going to do 20 all at once you can   see the immediate difference between level one and  level two slot we can now also see the difference   in our requirements I'm going to go ahead and  pause that so you can see that our now our food   supply went up by another one the uh clothing  Supply went up that church level went up and   now we need a Tavern so that Tavern needs to be  turned online and we need to produce ale and Ale   is produced through Brewing extensions produces  ale from malts and that'll also be part of this   whole situation right The Malt House Works workers  use barley to produce malts needed to be refilled   once per month so I can either use it through the  extension here or actually build a malt house so   I've got all sorts of ways that I can approach  this and have fun with expanding my burger slots   and thus all my um people so you've made enough  wood you've made enough Timber you've made enough   Stone it's now time to create your Manor now  the manor here is going to be your pretty much   your big thing right required settlement level  small village residence of you and your retinue   grants influence Rises the administration level  by one and this will allow you to have a retinue   of really cool soldiers that you have pretty much  direct command over so we're going to go ahead and   click this and I'm going to I'm going to make  it kind of far away from my Village it doesn't   really matter I we can make it right here in fact  even you know what we'll get spey and spicy we'll   go ahead and make this come like this do this  like that and I'll show you why in a second and   we're going to go ahead and make our Manor right  the edge of this thing in fact actually I'll do there's only one way into the manor there  we go The Manor is now made and we jump into   this special mode the castle planner now  the castle planner at right now has kind   of it's not bugged but it's very limited  in what it can do so I can go ahead and   just press commit and we'll make this manner  as is nothing else and that's totally fine   you can place roads but it's bugged right now  it places walls don't use it um you can place   walls and Gates by clicking you can't see  it because of the the the what the hell is   it called the snow this little thing pops  up and I can go ahead and click this here   and just like roads I can increase the curvature  of this if I want and I have this go all the way around that is just kind of going  wild on me going have this kind of   build it it's kind of just jankety because I  have that curvature all jacked to high hell there   we go and I can kind of just make a little wall  around this whole thing and as I go over roads it   naturally creates little gate houses which is kind  of cool right this tells me though it's going to   take me 60 Timber I'm sorry F two Timber 60 planks  just to do this and I can go ahead and click it   and it shows me right here the construction cost  right now to make this whole situation as is is   going to be this and then I've got the outer  Tower here which will provide Garrison space   Garrison units and villagers shoot projectiles at  approaching enemies that's these little guys right here click that right there click that right there  and what it does is again it's kind of hard to see   but you can see there's this outline well these  outer Towers increase the kind of Circle of this   the kind of Z of control of our Manor right where  the retinues where the Garrison will actually go   out and protect the village so what would be kind  of cool here is eventually in due time uh in the   medieval time your Manor was pretty much separate  from your village but eventually they grew to   enccompass the Village um because the way a Siege  would work is that sieges were essentially can   we hold out for long enough right that's the big  bet when it comes to a Siege and when they would   eventually Encompass the entire Village it didn't  matter because we have the means of production   basically to keep that Siege going uh it's a  funny fact is that very few castles actually   have were breached they were actually won out in  a Siege by simply starving the inhabitants like   that's how they usually won a castle was meant to  be positioned there to last through a Siege to get   uh reserves to come to a location and you couldn't  ignore a castle because a castle usually had some   form of Garrison that could Sally out and kind  of interrupt your Invasion plans whatever it is   again fun history facts you didn't think you'd  know but now you do now you can create those   things but you also have a Garrison Tower here too  that will further increase your Garrison retinue   increases Max retinue size by 12 limited to one  per region so this allows you to to increase   that retinue quite a bit this allows you to have  more Garrison and then a tax office which is just   cosmetic right now doesn't do anything you can  place it wherever you want but you can see that   placing all these things costs a exorbitant amount  so for right now just for the sake of this video   I'm going to remove a lot of this I'm not even  going to place pretty much any of it just going to   have this thing kind of be just on its own because  I don't have all the resources to make all that   right now I mean I can do like a the walls and  the gates whatever it is but I just press commit   and now they're going to come over here and build  that and once this is built I can jump back into   that viewer and change things around as I want  add more to the manor whatever uh it's never   just like a one and done oh you didn't do it then  you can't do it now no you're fine to just do that   again at any point in the game you just they're  going to go ahead and build this and you press um   Castle planner again it'll be another button you  press like right over here and that'll be all set   to go now one subject I want to kind of touch on  here but not fully fleshed out but is also kind   of fleshed out is trading and trading is going to  come down to either trading your Commodities which   you've got access to your uh your construction  your crops materials all sorts of stuff um or   livestock so you can go ahead and add in uh  more oxen mues horses sheeps lamb all sorts of   fun stuff you can buy them and start breeding the  sheep and sheer those sheep for uh wool and what   have you this is how you would do that process  and the same thing over here when it comes to   your Trading Post so you click over on this button  and you'll see stuff like let's take a look at our   Stone well our stone is really we have tons of it  right we can also tell that you've got two prices   here that 1-11 it's telling me that the export I  can sell it for one or buy it for 11 so I've got   those capabilities or planks for example or um  roof tiles and blocks and other crops over here   or food over here uh some materials I think food  has a major trades no it doesn't materials what   have you you can see as we kind of go through it  leather is a pretty good one to sell because you   can get a ton of it pretty easily and then sell it  for a good amount it's a great way to get a little   bit and commodities we have as well so like tools  stuff like that and Military as well it's all   in this kind of section now what you'll notice  though is you have how do you really like sell   it so let's go ahead and just look at something  easy like Stone we click this little button and   we go to import it to buy it or export it to sell  it or full trade trade until desired surpluses   reach so that means you're they're going to buy  or sell to hit this number so if I press export   um the game is going to tell my Trader when  I station someone here to sell all the way down well let's just put 100 they're going to  sell 32 units I'll get 32 gold and this allows   me to pretty much just always have 100 stone for  whatever means I need but at the same time the   trader is going to see oh you've gone up in your  stone Surplus well let's go ahead and sell some   of that and they'll constantly make sure that to  kind of keep it at that amount it helps you quite   a bit it's a great way to get access to a lot  of early money in the game and this is pretty   much just leveraged by looking at what you have  surplus of and sell it you can buy and sell and do   this as you see fit but sometimes you'll need to  actually set up a major trade route and that costs   you money to do that after paying to establish a  trade route a dedicated traveling Merchant will   regularly visit your region to trade only this  specific type of good that's where the development   over here comes in this one where establishing a  new trade route always costs a Max of 25 Regional   wealth so coming back to this menu let's say we  want to set up a trade route for roof Tils well   it's not going to cost 48 anymore it's only going  to cost me 25 gold a little bit more accessible   so having your Trader here allows you to kind of  set these things up uh use this once you start   to really set up an economy this is like a year  two or three thing you can have it built and then   leverage it once you get a huge surplus of stuff  and then kind of go back and forth but once you   start to get things pumping on all cylinders  you'll use the Trading Post same thing to with   your livestock Trading Post once you really get  a good amount of income you can start to leverage   getting more sheep into uh your village so you  can get wool produced which is going to be nice   for you and if you have this one sheep breeding  sheep grazing on the pastur slowly multiply so   you can have your sheep start to grow for you so  you're not constantly buying them but it's done   the same exact way as you would with the other  one so sheep go to import and we would set that   to like two we're constantly going to buy until  we're at two whatever it is to make it work or no   trade so just kind of do this as you as you see  fit for your campaign and what makes sense for   you uh trade is something that is is not crucial  in the beginning but I did want to talk about it   this being a beginner's guide all right we've  hit Spring it's March everything's starting to   thaw we are in the earliest forms of spring with  frequent raining seasonal deposits regrow stuff   like that what does that mean that means these are  regrowing berries are now growing where they were   not before so this is when you can kind of shift  gears back to the style of setting up your Farms   yet again pulling things away our windmill our our  farmouse is completely empty we don't need to have   anyone over here at a communal oven anymore we can  remove that pop we can put them back here into a   farmhouse and go to our Fields right remember we  have these two set toow well now we're going to   go back and we're going to take advantage of  putting our uh Ox over here and we're going   to quickly regrow this field because during the  winter it blew out anything that was just kind of   chilling there that's kind of how Winter works um  and we can maybe remove stuff like okay okay our   wild animals are 11 we don't need two people over  here anymore we can maybe put them back towards   the forager camp or maybe go back towards Lumber  logging camps just kind of move things around now   that things have opened up to you a little bit  more into your first spring and after you've   done all that you've kind of completed your  first rotation around the game's um what are   they called uh seasons and your first year really  of kind of deciding how things work and that kind   of brings us to our conclusion but before we go  to our conclusion we should talk about combat the   last thing on our list and we have some Outlaws  heading for another one of my Villages so I'm   going to jump back here to our village and we're  going to see what we've got to kind of access this   so we're going to H over this location and I've  got 20 large Shields and 20 Spears that's going   to allow me to press V and press this button to  take advantage of forming militia now since I only   have Spears and shields I can only form uh the  spear militia if I had enough to form maybe the   pole arms or the Archer or the militia footmen I  would be able to do so but unfortunately I do not   but I also have access to in this specific save my  my retinue because I have my Manor that has been   built my Manor is just expanding its walls and  everything so right now if I cover if I kind of   Zoom all the way out I can see that these guys are  real far away they're going to take a long time to   get to us so I'm going to load up a portion of  this save that I have before this is one of my   very first saves I ever did um where we're just  about to get into combat so let's go ahead and   show that off all right so they are almost at my  borders let's get ready to do this um actually I   they're right at my my borders so I can see that  they're probably going to come in a straight line   about right through here and that means I need  to get my militia ready now I can sumon them up   beforehand and let them just sit there but that's  just people not working in the meantime let's go   ahead and press this unit button we're going to  create those spearm militia now when you do this   they will go ahead and go grab all the equipment  that they need but it's going to take them time   and they're going to come out a little like um  exhausted so we're going to click both of these   and click rally and click right here they're  going to go ahead and quickly run to all their   stuff grab all the things that they need to  oh that was weird you can see they're coming around retinue comes out from its little  hidey-hole the guys are the guys are coming   through these these uh Forest right now so the  spear militia we're going to put right here I don't know where they're at but our  Effectiveness is a little bit low because we're   going to be a little there we go we have to get  our cohesion up and everything so let's go ahead and pause take our other guys and we'll put them  like over here in due time basically I want to I   want to use these to do like a hammer and Anvil  so our spear militia as they're ready you can   see we're on the top of a hill too right slight  decline they'll probably be coming oh just saw   second ago they'll be coming through the these  Woods any any minute now and with this we've   got some stances we can go ahead and give ground  meaning slowly pushes the formation line backward   luring the enemy to follow we can do a missile  alert soldiers watch for enemy missiles chance   to avoid or block enemy missiles is double  but melee defense is haved balanced they're   just there or standard ground we'll go with the  standard ground we can have them also push forward   but this is kind of an auto thing they will push  into this if you have them move uh we're can go   ahead and also disband the unit run to position  or hold so right now they're going to hold there   now this is our militia unit I can go ahead and  press Tab and now I get a lot more information   right so they're waiting orders the morale is high  they're in the home region and their effectiveness   is going to start increasing because we have them  on stand your ground their fatigue is going to   fall off because they were just recently mustered  so that's no big deal but you can see that they   also have a characteristic called impaling so  since they're standing to your ground they can   lower their Spears and basically impale uh things  on their spear Spears impale quote unquote it's   basically like an armor penetration on charge type  of characteristic is what it seems like um but   conversely if I look over at my retinue they don't  have impaling but they've got a charge they've got   big heavy armor they've got good attack they've  got anti- armor they also have 31 Shield so you   can see that there is quite a difference in these  two characteristics you just hold down tab to get   them and you can also see at a glance okay these  guys are um in stand your ground versus my retinue   is unbalanced so this allows me to kind of see  all the information I need at a glance so we're   going to go ahead here and unpause we'll see where  these guys come out they might come out a little   over here we'll adjust as needed sometimes this  gets a little wonky too like these two guys are   hanging back for some reason just go ahead and  reform the line I'll speed it up a little bit   watch they're going to come out  over here my whole video's been ruined there we go but we can see that they're  coming it's nice thing is they're going to come   just right down the pipe just like we want  them to what was that noise this game just   made and I'm going to take these guys right when  they make hit contact with the line we can split   across so let's pause there but this is going to  happen right we we're holding down tab we can see   Now They Are Climbing they're having to March  uphill into my units um they have a good amount   of fatigue on them their effectiveness is  already low though so we can see that we're   in a good position the balance though you can  see it's kind of not that like they're they're   18 we're 20 and they're like brigin we're militia  one thing to to note as well is a lot of these   guys are coming from level one houses the guys  for level two houses have these these sick ass   wicker baskets on their head with the bracing  of the of the iron over them and they I think   some guy has like a gambison this guy has a a  cloth qua as it was called and no one's got a   gamon because I don't have any gamon these guys  my retinue they've got chain they've got gambin   they've got nasal Helms all sorts of fun things so  what I'm going to do now is while this is going to   take its time I'm going to position these guys  over here I'll show you how this works that's   going to happen they've they've met already an  immediate amount of damage was taken hit their   morale impaling doing all sorts of cool stuff um  again impaling is something they're not going to   get skewed on the spears it's mainly just like an  AP bonus for things that get that get charged like   like a um counter okay so now we have these guys  in this really cool position let's go ahead and do this they're going to jump right into it and  this immediately puts their effectiveness at   30% they are they are fatigue low ground they have  The High Ground against my guys cuz they kind of   wrapped around a little bit but now they're  surrounded that's just not good for them my   guys though my retinue says uh fatigue low ground  cohesion climbing all those things are stacked up   against them but it's not a big deal it'll it'll  kind of make sense as we push around I should have   actually had them attack on the side over here my  guys too at the top 121% Effectiveness these guys   are going to start tanking their morale um and my  retinue is is going to be just fine I could even   probably like do this and keep him over in this  direction but it wouldn't be too big of a deal   I think we can actually we're going to keep stand  your ground but we could probably push for to try   to like cause some sort of issue here they had 18  now they're at 15 I'm going to go ahead and speed   this up I don't know who died n of my guys cool so  they went ahead and fled now if you know anything   about medieval history uh the majority of warfare  medieval history was actually won by making the   other Army route especially at this level of  Engagement um it the feudal Lord squabbling that   happened throughout the Middle Ages typically  dealt with small militias and men-at-arms that   were part of the household guard of the manor of  the lord of the Duke of the baron whatever it was   and then a bunch of mercenaries which you can  leverage in just a little bit I'm going to talk   about so you can see that we've gone ahead and  we've had a bunch of success here but now we've   got a bunch of corpses before we deal with those  corpses though one thing do want to talk about   is pressing this button and then pressing that  button so we could have hired mercenaries had   we had the money to take advantage of them so  we could have gotten the battle brothers here   light mercenary infantry or mercenary Spearman  or mercenary archers whatever it was I just   don't have any of this money so I can't make that  that fly but if I wanted to you could instead use   um the treasury here your treasury to buy these  mercenary just you got to keep in mind they will   arrive at certain locations so if they're not next  to you and you're really pressed for needing some   additional forces they might across the entire  map and not be able to really help out so we've   got all those things we're all good to go here  um what we want to do now with these corpses is   we want to bury them so if they are our corpses  but thankfully they're not we are 20 and 20 and   five out of five we can go ahead and just disband  they'll all go back to work um we want to be able   to put these into a corpse pit if they were our  corpses they would go over here to the church   we'd want to employ someone but we don't need  to do that we're going to go back to residential   and go make a corpse pit corpse pit can be really  wherever you want it to be I'm just going to place   it right here for now they'll build the corpse pit  and then they will move these corpses into there   if you don't they'll get pissed off at you they'll  say ah there's corpses on the ground what's up   what's up with that man so this is a great way  to take care of that the corpse pit Will it'll   construct it'll do its thing you'll put people at  it and they'll they'll move those corpses one of   the last things I do want to say about uh these  fights is those guys they've routed off the map   they're completely off the table they're not going  to come back they're they're not going to uh you   don't have to worry about chasing them or anything  like that so it's a pretty easy simple system in   the beginning it does get more complex as soon as  you start adding more Armament and having bigger   locations and bigger uh bigger armies to deal  with and going to deal with those Bandit camps   stuff like that but just for beginners that's how  you would go and kind of Leverage uh your militia   to deal with all of those um uh to deal with all  of those uh banded incursions and whatnot see this   says bodies need burial villagers required to  be villagers requireed to be buried on Hollow   ground of the church while Raiders may be dumped  into a corpse pit know why this taken so long but   either way this corpse pit would be built and you  employ a worker here and he would just scoop up   all these corpses and put them into the corpse  pit so after that first year you really kind of   have a base understanding of the game right I'm  actually going to unpause this you know what to   do for this point going on you understand how to  kind of disseminate what your pops need and how   to create those things we didn't go into creating  stuff like the tavern and where that Tavern should   go it doesn't matter Place The Tavern whereever  the hell you want but this gives you access to Ale   okay well now I need to know I need to what do I  do with that ale well we have to make a malt house   and a malt house means we need to have barley so  maybe we need to expand one of our Fields here to   add barley in oh all these are all crap we make  a barley field up here here if we want or we just   turn one of these fields into barley even though  it's 39% yield that's not terrible it's not bad   at all so you now know a lot of the basics to  navigate a lot of the demands the game has on   you and hopefully this video was a way for you  to kind of break into some of the mechanics that   are a little bit scary a little bit confusing at  first maybe you didn't know that the pops only   use their hands to transfer one thing at a time  and they use hand cards to transfer 10 and that's   how that's why we keep certain things in certain  locations to help maximize everything together   we didn't talk about the Weaver Workshop which  produce wool into yarn or flax into linen but   again now you know how to address those situations  and go okay that's how that works let me go figure   out how to do it like next thing up is probably  to work on our clay meaning we would need to make   a mining pit and we would drop it over here byy  our clay deposit and we would create the means to   have the transportation of that item over to  those locations so if you have any questions   or there's anything else you're still struggling  with with the game go ahead and let me know in the   comment section below um and I'm more than happy  to help you out and get you started in the right   direction but as always thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 74,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE Beginners Guide for Manor Lords, manor lords walkthrough, manor lords early access, manor lords tips and tricks, manor lords news, manor lords early access gameplay, manor lords best start, manor lords what to do first, manor lords do this first, manor lords beginners, guide, manor lords, italianspartacus, manor lords gameplay, manor lords guide, manor lord beginners, beginners guide, manor lord help, manor lords beginners guide
Id: 1Uirr7cigzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 53sec (5513 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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