Hogwarts Legacy - ALL ENDINGS | Good, Evil and True

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the problems had somehow evaded the Castle's defensive charge [Music] [Music] they got this [Music] explosive [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the one quickly [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we made it I'm relieved we got here before ran Rock can't believe this is it the repository has been under the castle for hundreds of years think of all the pain created it this is what Miriam George your friend Lord God and countless others died for Miriam believed this forgotten magic could be used for such good but she did not know the risks she did not see what the keepers have shown you what is a Dora showed you you are now the keeper of whatever power it holds what do you intend to do with it I plan to leave the repository as it is I'm pleased to hear that I've been thinking what is it Professor I spent all year trying to keep our journey a secret from everyone including Professor Weasley but now I wonder if I should have shared it with her and the others sooner trusted them more the keepers wanted this secret to be locked away forever how long will you keep it I plan to keep it secret for now but in time when I'm ready plan to tell those I trust everything and accept their help I believe that is what Miriam would have wanted we should trust in others if anyone can rise to this challenge my friend it is you oh my God the arrogance of wizard kind goblins built this repository he belongs to us enough renrock who is never yours I've been wanting to play with this Miriam's wand if she'd simply handed over the container for the place could have been avoided foolish self-important witch seems foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] that's okay [Music] [Music] food [Music] professor Miriam ah ah Miriam would have loved you my young friend The Wizarding World could not be any more capable [Music] [Music] I have decided to open the Repository its power cannot lie dormant for centuries more after Dora wasted her ability trying to save people from themselves I will not let others dictate what I do with this my power you cannot possibly mean that you have always a kind are wholly aware of the misery and pain that that could cause [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Professor to many of you certainly a long-standing colleague to his peers a famed Adventurer and seeker of knowledge he built a reputation charging into the unknown brazenly disregarding both discretion and safety providing perhaps a rather unfortunate lesson for us all his Devotion to Adventure was rivaled only by his dedication to Hogwarts and of course to his wife Maddie um whom we lost much too soon as well um [Music] Professor fig represented the best of all of us He Could Be deviously Clever possessed a brilliantly inquisitive mind and was the most loyal of friends [Music] but perhaps it was his remarkable courage for which we will all be forever indebted to him if not for Professor fig [Music] well I can say with confidence that if not for him many of us let alone Hogwarts would not be here today those that knew him best will agree that we must now honor him as only Hogwarts can by wisely resourcefully justly and bravely facing all that lies ahead to Professor fig [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] never imagined we'd attend a funeral for one of our professors glad Weasley spoke for fig she honored him he'll be well remembered I only wish we could have done the same for Solomon sallow I need to go and see Anne soon ominous there's something I need to tell you it's to do with Victor Rookwood I heard a rumor that he confronted you outside of olivanders sounds as if you faced quite a fight the room is true and I did but it's not that just before Rookwood attacked he uttered something familiar the same words Anne heard before she was cursed children should be seen and not heard wait what are you saying it wasn't one of ran Rock's loyalists who car Stan it was Victor Rookwood it was Rookwood all along this can't be the night Anne was cursed all she saw were goblins you see since feldcroft was of interest to ran rock it became of interest to Rookwood as well that's why Rookwood was there the night and was cursed he was working with ranrock when he saw Anne well he didn't want anyone to know so he cursed her oh so cruel Rockwood got what he deserved thank you for telling me Anne and Sebastian deserve to know and it should come from me as we discussed I spoke with black Sebastian's with the Headmaster now but perhaps there's a way to get word to him when I find out I'll send an owl thank you for coming ominous I received your owl what's happened with Sebastian he's been expelled and will soon face trial at the ministry although Anne wanted to turn him in I think now she's torn I confess I know how she feels as much as we all wanted Sebastian to face the consequences of his actions it will never be the be the same without him here in the undercroft without Sebastian feels wrong [Music] I never thought things would end this way I hope we did the right thing I hope so too were you able to tell Sebastian about Rookwood cursingham I was black let me talk to Sebastian before he left at first he wouldn't believe it and he realized it all made sense fortunately his anger only grew towards goblins and dark Wizards Anne was shocked too but in some sense relieved to know the truth about who was responsible I think it brought us some peace I'm glad to hear it she deserves peace she does steer was my best friend [Music] I can't imagine Hogwarts or anywhere without him I know you two had grown close that you were helping each other with more than just finding a cure for Anne he never gave specifics but I know it was important he he meant means a lot to us both I hope we get the chance to tell him that one day I know we had a bit of a rocky start but you've proven yourself as a friend [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this year we have seen our students exemplify The Bravery of godric Gryffindor [Applause] allow me to finish the wisdom of Rowena Ravenclaw [Applause] the ambition is [Music] answer the winner of this year's house cup excuse me Headmaster if I may [Music] one particular student's heroism during the attack on Hogwarts not to mention the level to which they have excelled in their coursework as a new student no less [Music] well it would seem that it certainly merits oh I'd say 100 points to their house did you agree ah thank you Professor Weasley I suppose we have our winner [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yeah yeah [Music]
Channel: Northalix
Views: 101,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new harry potter game, hary potter legacy, hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy choices, hogwarts legacy choices and consequences, hogwarts choices matter, hogwarts legacy ending, hogwarts legacy all endings, hogwarts legacy endings, hogwarts legacy good ending, hogwarts legacy bad ending, hogwarts legacy evil ending, hogwarts legacy true ending, hogwarts all endings, hogwarts legacy all endings scenes, hogwarts good or bad ending, ending scene hogwarts
Id: Jmg6WqT9mPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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