Hogwarts Legacy - Pretending to be Headmaster Black

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hmm [Music] how do you feel incredible I won't forget that taste anytime soon how do I sound convincing I've taken the liberty of transfiguring your robes as we discussed you'll need the password from scrope who could be anywhere in the castle you might look for Professor Kagawa she's taken to badgering the poor elf about quidditch in the hopes that he can convince black to change his mind thus far unsuccessfully I see but what if Professor black sees me leave him to me I shall tell him where to meet a liaison from the ministry in hogsmead that should give you plenty of time thank you Professor I suppose we'll meet again in the map chamber it's rather strange to hear gratitude coming from Professor black I'll see you there now to find the headmaster's house health [Music] do you have a moment professor Professor I was hoping to catch you I I um places to be Professor sharp places to be of course sir only you've asked me about a particular potion and I well I did I did yes well spit it out sharp I don't have all day probably best not to discuss it here sir I assure you sharp you may speak freely very well I've brewed the cure for boils you wanted I can drop it by your office when it's convenient cloaking dagger simply have a student deliver it a student very well sir if you insist I do and thank you sharp I just hope you've brewed enough for all my boils now to determine which student gets this rather unenviable task really why can't we talk about potions here seems fine to me very well I've brewed the cure for boils you wanted I can drop it by your office when it's convenient none none at all move aside I thought I heard the Headmaster approaching got it uh Mr Weasley what are you doing here don't you have uh somewhere to be oh Professor yes of course all sorts of places I'd rather be right now but do you need something from me I'm looking for my house elf surely you've seen him but the little one-eared fellow I saw him heading to the Great Hall moments ago Mushroom on about your um Sterling Graces sir I hear you're getting quite good at those concoctions you brew I say why don't you bring a sample of your next batch to my office I'd like to give it a try what uh yes sir I will thank you sir thank you on your way Mr Weasley foreign for my diary when I witnessed what passes for magic in these halls I uh I simply mourn for the future of the Wizarding World Headmaster yeah what could he want Mr gaunt where do you think you're going I beg your pardon sir I'm simply on my way outside taking the day off hey typical student wasting the hours away I I have to write 20 inches on dittany and its uses was heading to the greenhouse ah mixed with uh bubu tuba pus makes a a mustache paste yes mustache paste uh I find I feeling all right sir you don't seem yourself I assure you I am quite healthy gaunt if I need a medical diagnosis I shall head to Saint mungo's [Music] something is very wrong with Professor black Disney and pubertuba pass starge paste chewing with your mouth open where are your manners Professor a word Professor black again it is not too late to reconsider your decision regarding quidditch we we could still have trials and a somewhat shortened season it would be better than none at all but the injury Madame Kagawa Professor more than one student has taken up Blood to the Head on our pitch I dare said not some sense into them and they are fine now the the fact that it happened to be a pure blood well that's no reason to do what nonsense that you would trivialize the health of a student over a silly game a silly silly quite impossible sometimes sir I have a good mind to record the department of magical games and sports at the ministry about you good idea I can even provide the parchment should you need it now where is my elf I parchment very well I will and with pleasure and I spotted scope in the Great Hall seems to be avoiding me hmm I wonder why good day Madame Kagawa what did we do to deserve him as a Headmaster I should think you'd have better things to do with your time now where's my elf I good day professor and I spotted scrope in the Great Hall seems to be avoiding me hmm you call that a shine on those boots do better [Music] oh no it's the Headmaster and he's coming this way Miss broom a word oh Professor this is an uh interesting surprise it's Bloom by the way remind me of your area of affinity broom owls are Swift approaching charms sir non-verbal spells might work on one that makes me disappear well keep at it broom and before you know it you'll be as invisible as that new fifth year seems to be They're Not Invisible I mean I've seen them about I mean yes sir speaking of invisible where's my blasted house elf [Music] something seems a little off with the [Music] if you must speak with me consult my secretaries or what have you now Move Along Professor a word please hello Professor black ah Professor Weasley how how delightful to see you sir ah since I have you here I wonder if I might um speak with you about Professor fig oh very well I've decided to give him a bit more uh leeway with his time leeway Professor are you sure that's wise I confess I do worry for his students he's rarely here as it is ah well yes he's handling some official Ministry business for me I see but sir if I may I am wary of how much time the new fifth year seems to be spending away from the castle supposedly on Professor Fig's behalf I've heard unsettling rumors of their escapades everything from sneaking into the Forbidden Forest to confronting Round Rock's Loyalists and rookwood's lot what goodness you cannot believe everything you hear Professor no no no you cannot um I mean I shall keep an eye on fig you simply keep doing the wonderful job that you're doing it's simply wonderful I well I um thank you but I'm happy to look into good good that'll be always late I mean Professor Weasley good day a wonderful job Lee wave for Professor fig I shall never understand that man foreign I realized that and I'd like to keep it that way I see but sir if I may not to give Professor figs some breathing room [Music] [Applause] wait until Master sees what a wonderful job scope is doing let him attention students I hereby decree that the Great Hall be forth with decorated in the stunning banners of Slytherin I shall be taking no questions at this time oh ever [Applause] screw oh I'm greetings Master remind me of the password to my office oh but Master made scrub swear never to tell anyone even Master himself how dare you question me I have a mind to give you a matching set of ears huh yes sir of course a scope begs forgiveness it is the black family motto master and now I'm telling you that you can tell me uh yes sir of course a scope begs forgiveness it is the black family motto Master right of course I uh Master does remember it of course I remember it's the black family Reigns his master giving scrope a test but certainly I remember it's still stronger together no master has made scrope laugh it's pure Bloods forever isn't it a close Master scrope thinks Master is indeed testing scrope it is always pure obviously and of course as Master knows in French ah of course uh I order you to pronounce it for me oh Master knows the scrubs French is most pitiful oh very well there is another matters group I confiscated this filthy diary from a student it smells of squid and sea water oh the apollonia's diary that is quite a surprise Master what do you wish grout to do with this treasure rubbish whatever you wish scrooop it's your treasure now off with you the Polyjuice Potions wearing off I best get out of sight ah made it just in time it's wearing off fig was right I can't believe it worked now to speak the password to the gargoyle
Channel: Games from Mars
Views: 206,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GjUoZn8k8Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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