Hobbit Tent Camping with a Woodstove - Bushcraft, Knife, Backpack | Early Winter Camp

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well here we are finally in the woods welcome to another episode this is my first solo overnight in over a year it's been a bit of a hectic one i'll explain why later but it's so good to be back here in the woods a woodland that i'm familiar with i've got a foldable titanium stove that's super lightweight i've got my ta trekker day pack loaded with overnight gear polish lavu canvas tent we're gonna be warm tonight temperatures going down to about two to three degrees celsius i don't think it's going to freeze certainly not inside this dense woodland but yeah it is a beautiful late fall early winter day most of the leaves are off the trees and i'm so glad you guys could join me on this camping trip let's set up the tent so i've chosen this nice big open space there's no dead trees above me most of the dead trees are kind of in the distance and the ground is pretty much level it's nice and spongy and mossy as well so that's all added to the comfort hopefully when i sleep on that later i'm just going to clear some of the sticks away and just make an area general area for the tent to go up so this is my tent you guys have seen this before in so many of my videos it's essentially it's called a polish lavew but it's two made of canvas two ponchos that button together to form a tent you can form a shelter like a half tent out of one of the ponchos um but yeah i'll show you it put together i've also got the addition of a little ground sheet just to keep the moisture off my sleeping bag so you can pad and sleeping bag and in here is the metal legs that go with it and it all rolls down pretty small it is quite heavy because obviously it's traditional canvas but yeah there we go i've kept them buttoned together there's the top of the tent the poles go in the middle and obviously you would you would normally wear it like a poncho like this i've gotten the arm sleeves together now but your arms will come out oh there you go there's one sleeve where's the other one kind of there but it's all buttoned together so essentially there's a hood and that's the uh the center where the center pole goes but that's the tent i like it because it's durable it's heavy um not so much the heaviness but the tough and resistance of the material and it's nice and dark inside and it's great for retaining heat when you've got a wood stove comes with a couple of pegs on each in each pole this is from i want to say the 70s polish military it's probably not used nowadays in the military but it is ex-military this one and well you've only got to look on youtube to see how popular there are now there's the poles there's the tent pegs that are stored inside there always really tight so they've got like an angle on them the reason they've got that bend is to pinch them in the pole so they don't fall out if they're straight which is great but it also makes them hard to get out tell you what guys it's good to be back in the woods i'm going to be really rusty on the old bushcraft skills i've not done a solo camp i've been camping but not a solo camp for a long time right so these poles go together little yellow caps on them that goes like that and it goes like that and that is essentially the center pole of the tent it's not very high that's where the top of the tent comes to so it's going to be smaller than me which is why i tend to call it a hobbit tent which is why this video probably has the word hobbit tent in it somewhere because i've always just called it that because it looks like some sort of small puppet house thing all right let's get the tent set up did i press record in time to dear through there and i bet i didn't press record in time me talking loud doesn't help huh it's a shame no one's going to believe me now polish come in three different sizes so i'm told and guys always ask me what size i have i honest as i understand it i think the sizes are judged by there's three sizes one two and three i think and i think they're judged by how many rivets um are on the back of the lavu this one has two so i'm guessing it's a size two i think you can get ones with just one down here and one's with three which i guess means size three you polish with you guys out there will be able to fill in my subscribers a little more on that but i'm pretty sure mine's a size two and it fits me it works for me might not be for a really tall person there there we go the hobbit tent comes up to my chest so we're only small but ideal for this type of camping the ground shoot i have for this is really cheap and i just cut it to a half moon shape so it's only it only goes on the back half of the tent and that way the stove which obviously could drop hot ash doesn't go onto the top itself this is just purely for the bedding the bedding area the sleeping got myself a different stove this time because it's a lightweight trip and i'm not carrying too much gear this is the guys at pomely or pamoli they sent me their mini t1 folding titanium stove look how thin that is i'm going to put the specs to all of this in the description below for those who are interested thanks to pomelo for sending me that this is the stove pipe which is really interesting it's basically one long piece of thin sheet metal that you roll up and you tighten the flue sections with these rings and then you've got a spark arrestor at the top just really clever really impressed with it there's no wind today so i probably won't need to tie this out i should do but there's literally zero winds so i think we're gonna chance it normally i would tie that out unless i've already given it a test burn and burnt it in but let's unfold it and get it set up foreign so i've just taken this off to show you because you can actually flat pack this even more in the bag by taking this off this is the damper and that can just allow more airflow into this through the stove pipes more draw through the stove pipe but to pack it nice and flat obviously you take this off but i tend to leave it on because it still fits in the bag really flush anyway but that i was just taking that off to show you how that fits on um just a really simple little device that just slots in like that and then three small pins to pin it in and they're really easy to undo and do up but it's just for those who are wishing to really flat pack the stove i personally don't need to do that so i leave this on i thought i'd show you anyway it's a cool clever piece of kit amazing what they do these days how they think of these things this is definitely designed for the kind of lightweight backpacking trips where you want to go quite far that's what this sort of stays for the lid of the stove just seals with the lid and the walls just seals with these little clips so that just slot over like that so you can remove the lid and just cook on an open fire if you want to and they do all little grill setups and everything to cook over the open fire in the box and it's all still raced off the ground so this is the stovepipe and you need to roll it and you can actually either flip it out like that but you can see how it's naturally got that curve already when i last burnt it in so it should be easy enough to tuck in together so that's it that small piece of sheet metal that was rolled up turns into a pretty much three meter stove pipe section it's a very simple design but actually really quite smart in terms of portability it was really tricky at first on the first burning to get this shape but once i got the shape and burnt the stove in it's now a lot easier and it looks like there's gaps well there is i'll just show you so for for people wandering out there it looks like there's obviously big gaps in the stove and i guess you could either get some more of these these rings here to pinch it tight sometimes i've got bits of copper wire in the stove bag itself just to pinch them tight for a bit more safety but even when i burnt this without sealing that bit there no smoke has come out of this part here it looks like it will but the metal is so tucked round that it doesn't seem to come out it just draws up and then obviously at the end there i can show you that's the spark arrestor and that just sits on the end there and it's got the holes to tight out but i've got to fit this through the arm sleeve of the polish lever and then put it on the stove yes there it is right so there's the armstead in fact normally if i was uh using this stove uh this tent story without a wood stove this would just be completely buttoned up that that button sorry would be button up there and it seals a lot tighter than that and that way the rain won't get in it's got a double flap on the bottom so that rain doesn't tend to get in at all um you can see where i had a previous stove pipe a couple years ago a little bit of ash from the stove actually burnt through there but the aim is i'm going to get a couple of sticks to open that just wide enough for the stove pipe to go in and then i've done it before on a snow overnight so i'll put a link in the description and then hopefully that should be enough to stay away from the heat of the stove pipe itself so i'm going to find some sticks first there's one just here there we go that's one actually one might do it just by using a few sticks like that and that's gonna come out there and then yep stove pipe's gonna be clear not touching the sides which is what i want all right let's get this in so i keep these little pieces of copper wire in the stove bag itself it doesn't come with a stove but i just do it for a bit of security in between these the the rings that keep stay put together and i just tied them i just leave these around like a cable tie cable fastener sorry and it just helps peace of mind knowing that the stage pipe is definitely sealed and they weigh nothing these things and it's just easy to fold and take off and because it's copy it's really manageable so you can bend all over the place especially down here like lower down where the stove i don't want touching the tent you don't have to do this obviously it's just peace of mind so stove is set up tent is set up i've done quite a bit of camping with tents and wood stoves and a bit of advice for those of you guys who are looking to try it out definitely make sure you've done all your tinkering with the wood stove before you get it hot make sure all the stove pipe sections are together properly make sure it's all sealed up properly it's all put together it's level because once you get that heated up it's really difficult to adjust you can use gloves obviously but you're just limited on how much time you can touch and hold the stove because of the heat and you don't want to have to then have your fire put out to then try and readjust it all again to then light your fire again so bit of advice make sure your stove is properly set up before you actually get it burning and get wood in it and things like that in terms of timings just so you guys know it is now ten to two i got here maybe an over an hour and a half ago yeah i know you guys probably think it took an hour and a half to set that up but no i had to do all the filming shots as well so yeah it's it it's now two ten to two and i didn't bring lunch i've had lunch before i came had an early lunch but i've got enough food in my pack for this there's only a day back enough food for lunch tonight dinner tonight sorry and a small bit for breakfast so nothing kind of fancy i'll show you that in a bit the stage i'm at now is i want to get the wood stove going so i'm going to have to go and get some firewood process it all down i haven't bought an axe with me and i'll explain why in a minute i'm going to get most of my firewood now uh hopefully enough for the morning as well and get the stove going and then we can cook and chat and just enjoy time in the woods so this for those who don't know you probably do from the previous video is my own designed ta tracker day pack it's called the ta trekker i designed it with my friend brian i'll put a link to the video on this in the description below massive thanks to everyone who purchased one we sold out really fast and then we sold out the second pre-order really fast as well so yeah i'll put links to in the description for those who are willing who are wanting to get onto the waiting list anyway so it's a day package 25 liters under the this nut the lid itself oh i've got a saw as well which i'll talk about in a minute but that was tucked underneath the bottom of the backpack like that so i'll just run you through how i've packed the bag quickly and what i've got in there so underneath we've got in these front i always keep these uh there's another saw there which is always in there but these there's no this is the act sleeve there's no axe i don't need my axe for this trip no axe in there but in this pocket i keep my knife in this pocket i keep a folding saw normally i would keep my axe in there so essentially all three tools my most important tools knife saw and axe are all on the front outside of the bag they're really easy and quickly accessible to get so no i'll put my knife on in a minute but essentially those are in there and then top of the bag underneath the elastic lid here i've got some gloves um i've got some new camping gear guys because i've been cambering over a year and i needed to upgrade so i've got some lars fault hester gloves which um yeah they'll be good for the winter this is a cook pot which has my all my food in it's just a one pot meal it's already in there ready to cook keeps everything sealed i really like this i didn't like it at first but now i do quite enjoy it after that you can probably see that oh that is my sleeping pad thermarest neoair this is my sleeping bag the app kit pipe dream i think this is the 400 which i use for my winter bag and then we have my pack pouch system which again was is available now well they're sold out at the moment but essentially these are these are custom made pack pouches that fit perfectly in this bag so i've got my medium one there i'll show you what's in it in a minute then i've got a small one and another small one which is sat side by side and they lay out they layer into like that and then at the bottom i've got my large pack pouch so they all they all were in a layering system i've not got much in the large one at the moment but they sit in the backpack like that um and it's just that they're really like a snug fit they're really packable so that's it and then in the back i've got my folding canvas seat cover which i will show you in a minute again links to all this gear is in the description below um i'm going to make a seat and then i've got a plate for my food as well in the back and then a little notepad in the back and that's it that's it for the main compartment of the bag this side pouch really snug fit is my canteen titanium one liter i think it's 1.1 liter actually these the kidney face ones canteen kit and i think that's it in there and then the other one is a tupperware which has the sauce and stock and everything for my meal later forage and my first aid kit which is usually at the top of this side pocket which has my israeli bandage there as well which is quickly deployable i can just tug it really quick and it comes out so that's where the first aid kit sits so i got a saw new saw from the guys at agua agape canyon you guys will probably remember my green folding bow saw which i used for many years building a bushcraft camp and everything like that well they've just brought up that was a 21 it's called the boreal 21 21 inches they're the blade they've just brought out two different sizes a smaller one i think it's the 15 and a larger one um which is the 24 i don't know exactly but they've given me the smaller one here and they've kind of rebranded and it's coming some nice sort of cordura tough tough material and this one's got the yellow handles i won't lose it in the woods first time using this guys i have not used this blade yet wow that's do you know what i like about it is that it fits vertically that in my backpack in the ta trekker actually fits perfectly upright so that i can fold the lid over and it's all kind of concealed but it looks like there's molle webbing on the back so i guess you can attach it to your back up but your backpack but that's still going to cut a log that big so uh uh all right there you go that piece of wood is a really really good feather stick because it's so straight i don't know if you can see that but it's really really straight so if i saw off this section here and that section there it will leave me with a really nice straight piece of wood to make feather sticks for and we've had lots of rain in the last couple of days so all the forest floor is really wet so this should make really good feather sticks for this to get the stove going there you go that should make a lovely little feather stick in my summerset accent right this is just about touching the floor there so just gotta get that muscle and the wood is really dry and not rotten that's lovely whenever you see wood that's really white like that almost white that's the driest you can get if you look at seasoned firewood if you either get kiln dried or whatever if you purchase seasoned firewood for your stove inevitably it will be white so anything that's yellow like mottled brown yellow is either rotten or soaking wet but this is lovely you touch it to your lips lovely and dry just put the knife on my belt and this is the long stick i said about earlier get a quick feather stick out of it and then get the stove on so so we're losing light because it's winter i just found this old tree that's been cut um and it's got a nice flat surface on this is where i don't need my axe because of the size of the stove these this is really the only the largest size log that i need once it's hot enough i can put full rounds in the stove and because i can control the airflow um it doesn't matter too much about it being full round it will just burn a lot slower obviously i need to get it past the smoky stage to begin with but this is why i didn't really need my axe to split the wood because most of the time i'll be putting it in as a round but to begin with i'm going to need to get to the inside dry part of this wood and that's where i'm going to need to button it down with my knife with my knife that's the nice dry wood that we want a little tip where i was just splitting this kindling down nice and thin the ground's so wet that if i just put this straight on the ground it's going to instantly start sucking up moisture it already is from the air but i've just laid two pieces of the first piece that i split there's almost sacrificial pieces that the outside of the bark goes down on the ground as soon as i split the kindling these go on top even if it's for five minutes just so that they stay nice and dry it's amazing the difference it makes keeping them off the ground i just thought i'd show you what's in just one of this is a medium pouch but this is where i keep pretty much all my fire lighting gear so i've got a lighter in here just because you know i need it then here is flint and steel kit in this tin just magnifying glass as well pieces of flint there's a steel underneath and some jute twine if i want to go old school with fire lighting i always carry a number of different fire lighting methods with me um the good old light my fire swedish swedish uh like my fire still this is the army version then i've got paracord sorry bank line all my cordage essentially is all here and in this kit is my actually that normally goes near that lighter but i'll put it there that's my knife and tool sharpening kit in that little pouch there and then i've got my head torch which i'm going to put in my pocket now because it's going to get dark fairly quickly i always reverse the contacts on the batteries so that it won't accidentally turn on so that's going to go in my pocket and then we're going to light the fire today not so much bushcraft style but with these really cool i saw these the other day uco or yuko storm kind of matches they've got a strike surface there which i think is replaceable but they're the sort of waterproof ones that last underwater um in the rain and everything like that so eventually these will run out and i'll just put normal matches in there or other storm matches but i'm gonna give it a go with this today i'll put a link to this in the description i paid for it but i'll put a link in the description for you guys so just to show you because the lighting isn't great in here but essentially i've got it's got a little glass window here so you can see the fire and then it's got intake air intake at the front and then a little handle here to get into the safe so very awesome piece of kit let's fire it up so check the dampers open last minute check of all the stove pipes because once this is hot like i say that's it really it's quite tricky to try and light it from the angle on that but we will get a never never let one of these matches before they look like absolute tanks oh it's like a flare look at that that's insane oh my days i need to get firewood in there quick that's ridiculous look at that thing go geez did not expect that at all right so the stove's gonna smoke a lot obviously to begin with because it was wet and also when the door opens the smoke's gonna draw the smoke out and not up the flue all right i don't want to overload it too much so that'll do make sure the air intakes fully open smoky okay wow that's roaring i'm amazed with that match absolutely beasts how many are in there three four five six seven eight nine there's ten oh stinks actually smells like a firework well we're on we're cooking on wood so i don't know if you can see that little shimmer now trying to get it here's the green but it's burning so efficiently that there's this no smoke it's a little shimmer so this is dinner like i said i i wasn't a fan of this pot to begin with i don't know why um it's stainless steel so i guess it's maybe it was the heaviness but that's the handle on the top and it clips in like that and then the lid you can just sort of slide off and that folds out and then you've got it locks into place which is really cool so i've got uh this is the wife thank you m she was cooking using the slow cooker we had a roast beef last night so she's put up the stew basically she's been using the slow cooker today but it's basically beef sweet potato uh pass what is that what should we put in there looks like a parsnip actually we'll go with parsnip um red onion and there's something else in there at the bottom and i can't remember but pretty simple nice and chunky and then i've got um some guinness which i'm going to put in this as well but not too much but be a guinness and a stock vegetable stock and things like that to give it a bit of flavor but it's just handy but this just having a handle like this oh actually it goes like that sorry because of that that's it um because it seals it all in all the food so it's already in the cooking compartment itself which is cool and actually for those wondering about the smoke seeping out of the pipe if you look there it's all being drawn right out the top and as i come down the pipe there's no smoke coming out so it just shows that it does work with it all tucked in but i'd advise bringing a carbon monoxide alarm with you just if you're worried but there's no smoke coming out there and no smoke in the tent either it all just gets drawn up as long as you've got the valves open it just gets drawn at the top and thanks to everyone like i say who ordered one appreciate that guys they're gonna be back out soon hopefully i was just blown away by the response to that to that launch it was just amazing uh just yeah thanks so much i never expected so many people to want one but we spent over a year designing it all and to come up with that and then to be able to launch it and everything after two prototypes and a lot of testing it's just awesome for it to go down like that and we've got some really cool things coming out stay tuned and head on to the website to outdoors.com to sign up to the newsletter and be informed of all of that but enough of that i've done enough plugging god mike you've been plugging all day let's just enjoy the camping and we are quarter to four so it's gonna get dark in around about half an hour but it's starting to get towards twilight i've just got the low light lens on and yeah then we can cook away i really want to cook now but it's four o'clock so i'm just gonna have to snack on something until actual cooking time which is really annoying so i'm hungry and i want to cook the main dish but god this feels good to be back out camping again i can't believe it's been so long since i last lasted it yeah back in the game back in the game well folks i brought some firewood in night time well not night time but darkness is here we're after four o'clock about half four quarters five actually i think it's five o'clock i'm gonna get some food on okay we're on the stove and we're cooking well folks food is well and truly on and it's time for one of those perfect time of year for guinness as well and i looked at the forecast and it's due to get down to zero degrees celsius tonight but like i say i don't think it will in this particular woodland because where the trees are so dense that that'll be out in the open where it'll get down but the trees are so dense here so i don't think it'll get down to zero but stew is bubbling away if you can hear that in the background and yeah this is uh let's let's actually let's add a bit of guinness to this chew this will kill off that boil a bit but you can't go wrong with a bit of guinness in anything gravy stew it's a really still night which is why i didn't tie down the stove pipe but in hindsight i probably should have done just in case if you move the stove or knock it or you know it a log falls or the saucepan moves and it just changes the angle it's worth tying down your stovepipe especially once it's red hot so fingers crossed nothing's happened yet and there's no wind so we're all good there but this yeah first it's the first one i said first overnight in over a year it's the first like camping i didn't think i did one in the cabin and then i did one with dustin in the viking house and this is the first camping sailor overnight that i've done in a year about a year anyway which is mad just being so busy birthing my daughter eve which was mental as soon as she was born life is just totally totally different so yeah it took about a year to get adjusted to that i'm sure parents out there would would know that how much of a life change it um but she's doing great for those wondering my wife emmy she's doing really good eve my my daughter eve is she's just mad like she was walking she was crawling at six months she could pull herself up at seven months on furniture and now she's walking at 10 months full on walking at 10 months and she's just been past 11 months she's gonna be a year old on the 20th of december and yeah she it's just full-on like you you do one jump and then she like you just get used to it and then she's on to the next one and it's madness she's just like climbing the sofa can't leave her on her own having to pen her in she's trying to pull down the christmas tree it's mental gotta say you camping guys have been mega patients so thank you for that i do appreciate it my channel totally changed direction during that time oh that is looking good guiness goodness geez is gonna take off oh my god there we go you better gotta open that front valve and it just rips a little firelay for the uh jesus for the food um beef so tender mmm oh some bread we got enough wood to go all the way through the evening and most of most of the night but to be honest where this tents a canvas and b it's not gonna probably get to freezing i'm gonna just let it burn until about 10 o'clock at night um which is five hours to four hours time and then um yeah just let it burn out it's so warm in here i know i'm wrapped up with my coat and stuff like that but i've got all the front front of the tent open anyway we'll finish this let's catch up with you guys then well it's nine o'clock not too early not too late but a good time to call it at night certainly for the filming otherwise i'm just going to waffle on got my sleeping pad sleeping bag sleeping pads set up uh and i'm probably just gonna put a few more little logs on the stave and let it burn out i heard a deer stomping past the tent really close like galloping which is really awesome and loads of vowels not sure which type but yeah i'mma i'm gonna hit the sheets i'll catch up with you guys in the morning so well that's it folks i've packed up a bit earlier today um it's just got light it's about seven o'clock i started packing away when it was dark i did think about getting the stove going but i've got quite a few things to do this morning gotta help out the little one and a few other jobs and i thought if i got the stove going i've then gotta wait for it all to cool down before i can pack away so unfortunately no breakfast i just had a cereal bar and that was it but i'll have a bit more of a substantial meal i think when i get back but yeah thanks so much to everyone who's tuned in and if you're still tuning in this far through the video good on you i appreciate it uh it's a beautiful morning i don't know if you can see there's like a mist well more of a fog really just low lying across across throughout the woodland and it's lovely it's really nice it's cold though and there was a frost i went and walked out into the open part of the glade of the forest nice open bit and there was a frost there but like i said there was no frost here where it's so dense the tree cover um though it's just it's not exposed to enough sky really so there wasn't enough rust it's been good enjoyed it and uh yeah it's nice to get back in the camping game just watching folks i'm gonna head off now and i'll see you in the next episode oh and links to all the gear in the description below you
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 440,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, winter camping, bushcraft, solo bushcraft, hobbit tent, hobbit, woodstove, solo, solo overnight, bushcraft camp, solo winter camping, canvas tent, canvas lavvu, polish lavvu, hobbit tent camping, camping in a hobbit tent, cooking, frost, sub zero, forest, woods, alone, alone in the wild, wilderness, off grid, survival, bushcraft skills, survival skills, ta trekker, backpack, ta outdoors
Id: kkSLlG-tCB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 29sec (2849 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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