Hitting The Cycle | Full Movie | Baseball Drama

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sing [Applause] a along [Music] [Music] things are sweeter when they're lost i know because once i wanted something and got it it was the only thing i ever wanted badly dot and when i got it it turned to dust in my hands absorbed in himself he continued i've often thought that if i hadn't got what i wanted things might have been different with me i might have found something in my mind [Music] set me up joe you won't know sure if you're not too busy how many of you had tonight who's counting you know i ain't gonna help your batting average from sinking below the mendota you're a team statistician now you can't even keep track of my drinks just pour the damn shot all right i'm gonna take home another golden some brown tomorrow are you my guest don't worry i plan on drinking myself to death tonight jim ripley who's asking damn i knew it was you jimmy rip hey gus weather i've been a fan of the local team for years but i never met me a former big leaguer before well i'll be back in the show soon enough there gus yeah you know i was at the game tonight that sure was roughly huh yeah thanks for the reminder hey how about an autograph media day was last month pal well it it's not for me it's just for my boy augustus jr he's a big fan he still remembers when you hit for the cycle you first came into biggs you know back in your prime well next time i'm doing a card show i'll make sure i call the trailer park and let you know i ain't trying to be a pest but it would mean a lot to my boy he gave me no it might mean even more to your boy if you went home and spent a little quality time instead of pestering the local patrons here at the pub you don't have to be an ass about it it ain't my fault you swing like a rusty gate and piss off freaking prick at least you got one hit tonight jackass he's trying to do [Music] so uh morning baby did i wake you uh no oh i gotta run i'm late for class class yeah spring semester is such a buzz kill that black eye is so sexy and don't forget you promised you'd leave me a ticket for today's game and there's coffee in the kitchen if you want some but you should probably put some pants on first because i have three roommates wait wait wait i i don't even know you i mean how old are you you don't remember last night was my birthday and you gave me quite a present i especially loved the delivery [Music] hey red phone call for you make a message [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no music perfector made well ah no problem are you the man poppy yo what up money how you feeling like a hundred bucks you look like a roll of nickels rough night whoa what the hell happened to you i fell damn did you follow somebody fist rip house i need doing today damn son nice shiner it needs fun thanks for asking yo check out real the heavyweight champion of the world you want to stink for that act okay yeah que nacho's rip the person on the phone says it's important all right look can i just get a few moments piece here somebody's grumpy yo real don't sweat it money my eyes always black [Music] [Music] [Music] are you sure he was supposed to leave a ticket for me can you check again please i'm sorry miss but there isn't anything here under that name [Music] [Applause] [Music] dad check this out both of today's starting pitchers have sparkling records so far this season so we could be in for a real pitchers duel this afternoon duke sure enough roland this game should be a doozy for baseball fans everywhere especially here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] left fielder chases it down in the corner and here's the throw into second not in time perfect throw by palmer and left but ripley got in just under the tag [Applause] what do we got we got a lot of donuts on the scoreboard that's what we got yeah i think he was talking about your knee ah i know what he's talking about well it's fine i just need to walk it off now go back to the dugout and fix me a gatorade smart ass you're paying me a visit after the game beat it will ya [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] three hits and three times up rip's having a heck of a game tonight rolling [Music] the legends still trailing by one here in the bottom of the night the tying run on first base after ayala walked on four pitches and how about this here comes jimmy rip with a chance to hit for the fabled cycle that's right single in first double in the fourth and tripled last time up all he needs now is the long ball [Applause] it's just you in the picture there's no one else here the stadium's empty just you and the pitcher one can't help but think back to when ripley did for the cycle in his first game up in the major he won that game in dramatic fashion with a walk off homer in extra innings what a game that gave [Music] it's a towering shot down the left field line oh my it looks like it could be caught on the warning track oh and this one is in the books folks so close hey duke yeah yes it just wasn't meant to be i'm making an appointment for the morning forget it i never met a doctor who didn't want to cut me and i'm not going through that again two knee surgeries is enough just let him check it out better to be on the safe side how's her boy trying to get him in to see the team doc tomorrow to check on his knee but he's not cooperating it's just a little swollen maybe you can talk some sense into him don't worry skip the wheel's fine i never did have to worry about you rip tough as nails you remind me of the mick the way he used to play you know they said the same thing about you pop said he was going to be the next mantle can't figure why he never made it yeah go figure rip how long have i known here oh well i guess a long while hell i signed you to your first pro contract back when you were fresh out of playing a high school ball for your daddy yeah i remember boy you sure had that pitcher's number tonight several of his letters too yeah you know i think i'm finally busting out of this slump yeah i just hated that it had to end like that well that's the beauty of baseball skip we got another one tomorrow well you see that's that's the thing rip it it's about tomorrow there ain't gonna be none what do you mean they're releasing you what they're bringing up a couple of dominican kids from the rookie league club eh we got to make room on the roster i fought for you rip i did but word came down from upstairs there wasn't nothing i could do let it i'm gonna make some more tomorrow you know how it is [Music] it's just business [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] [Music] hi this message is for jim ripley i hope i have the right number here it's nancy ripley your brother's wife calling i've tried zoning several times now and can't seem to catch you i was hoping to speak to you directly i um i didn't really want to leave this message on your voicemail but well it's about your father [Music] here's the pitch to ripley in light jumps all over it it's a towering job down the left field line [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] license and registration please uh problem license and registration please did you know you're parked on the emergency shoulder sir [ __ ] i was uh i just got a little uh tired on the road this an emergency nap is that what we got here your regular rip van winkle huh close you been drinking sir all my life all my life funny funny guy wait here it says here you're james ripley jr is that true if that's what it says you're jimmy rip the jimmy rip jimmy rip van winkle yeah well how far welcome home what brings you back to sayerville oh right right uh i heard about your pop we're all pulling for coach down at the station house well um listen don't you worry about this little incident mr ripley sometimes you just gotta catch a few winks right thanks hey tell your pop that maddie burns says hello and we all say get well soon [Music] um [Music] hey pat hey yourself long time uh-huh here you are jimmy rip in the flesh you seem surprised yeah well um you're about the last person i expected to show up here you look good now you pin do you really care i'm patrick's wife nancy of course jim you're a hard person to reach but i see my messages found you sure did so the old man up there third floor listen uh i'd love to stick around and play ketchup but i'm late for my daughter's baseball practice your daughter plays ball you know sayerville come on it was nice to meet you jen my question dr rogers excuse me yes can you tell me which room james ripley is in please your name james ripley no hun your name james ripley jr can i say your id please i think i left it in a truck uh can you just tell me which room he's in uh room 318. it's okay judy this is mr ripley's others sign in here have you been um okay i guess uh i'm sorry have we met we went to high school together samantha work oh samantha yeah how are you i'm well oh thanks and i haven't seen you since well since high school yeah well yeah it's been a while i'm sorry it's under these circumstances yeah well uh thanks for okay no problem oh and watch out he's uh especially feisty today ah no surprising uh room 318 is down on the right got it well it was it's good to see you samantha oh everybody calls me sam teaching dr cavanaugh dr michael cavanaugh extension okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so six rbi in the previous two games and he's jimmy are you still awake no no kinda are we winning yeah five to three bottom of the seventh well good but it's time to get some rest now honey but mom it's a really important game and they're only two more innings there's always only two more innings but you've got school tomorrow and that's important too you know please mom [Music] okay jimmy but he promised me that when that game is over you will turn it off and get some rest okay i promise then what do we do with our promises we never break them and no extra innings okay [Applause] do you not even care what happens here your son was it was a couple of goddamn drinks okay it's more than a couple of drinks you need to get help you're gonna lose your no you're the one that needs help and you're the one that's got the problem hello [Music] rush three boys more out fantasy baseball meet fantasy baseball really yeah well not all of us can live the dream that's your team awful i don't stand a chance it's a long season anything can happen see your team give you a few days huh something like that how long you're for not long figures you know i'm curious why after all this time you know not for my wedding not even for mom's funeral hell i haven't spoken to you and i don't know how many years so why'd you decide to come back now i don't know why did you have your wife track me down if you didn't expect me to show up i told her not to bother she did it on her own i got those i could pay my own way thanks so the teaching rack of treating you okay so honestly nancy she seems like a pretty good catch yeah i know i live with her she's still a smart ass i see learned it from a big brother [Music] they released me path really why you know things politics doesn't really matter i'm sorry to hear it joey well i got some peelers out before i get picked up by another club soon enough yeah no what if you don't well that's not the four seasons but don't cost enough oh it's it's fine thanks uh you can thank nancy she said she'd leave me if i didn't offer well i got to teach in the morning hey pat it's good to see you just don't trash a place okay uh [Applause] hi there what's your name tyler are you the ball player tyler you can come to my game today and be one of my fans if you want tyler maybe i'll do that we're in first place welcome home jimmy how are you been better yeah i can imagine [Applause] i haven't seen your dad in a couple of days how's he doing i'm not his doctor okay and patrick's wife said you might be coming over to work out while you were in town why didn't you stop by the office when you came in what for i see you see what you're still angry after all these years any reason i shouldn't be you should be proud jimmy proud of what you accomplished in spite of you and my father and no one was pleased about what happened back then but all students here are subject to the same rules there are no exceptions not even for star baseball players am i not allowed in the weight room now you're welcome to use the school facilities maybe even work out with the team i'm sure the kids get a kick out of that that's my degeneres of you mr saunders well nancy asked i have a hard time saying no to your brother's wife if there's anything i can do to help better late than never huh you know like it or not i was just doing my job as high school principal and you and i both know you could have gone to summer session you could have made up those credits it was your own decision not to graduate well it wouldn't have mattered if i had no college baseball program would touch me after you did your job oh you could have gone to college for the education now you sound like my mother well i'll take that as a compliment we've really missed her around here you know okay well i'm around if you need anything you certainly know where my office is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] good job good [Applause] job billy now you're on it [Applause] all right great okay come on you got this all right all right that's true get out get out all right we're okay you're okay let's go let's go all right [Music] [Applause] okay there you go one of those yours oh yeah that's that's my billy oh he's got a nice looking swing what do you think for his age yeah now tell me he said so once it'll actually mean something to so well he thinks his mom doesn't know much about baseball which isn't far from the truth he'll be really proud getting a compliment like that from a real professional baseball player hello sweethearts sorry i'm late i got held up after my speech at the garden club everybody had a question or a complaint mostly complaints oh jim this is my boyfriend walter jim is an old high school friend he's in town for a visit walter mayer how are you jim can't complain i want him in my camp here have a button hey big guy what do you want to autograph sure jim is a professional baseball player of course coach ripley's other son your brother's been helping with the campaign one of my platforms is strengthening cerebral's educational system and patrick's been very instrumental in organizing the support of the local teachers really how about that you know we're having a campaign really in a few days any chance i could convince you to stop by uh politics isn't really my thing you could really send a positive message to the youth in town about the importance of education being a professional sportsman actually i doubt i'll even be around but uh good luck with it yeah enjoy the game you do can't win them no you can't babe look i'll make it up to you okay but i arranged for a sitter for billy and everything i know sweetheart it's my last opportunity to address the parent-teacher association i was just really looking forward to having an evening alone with you that's all when the primary's over this will all get better win or lose i promise okay call you later good game yeah this is pretty boring for you though no it takes me back you know i mean when i was that age playing on the same field you remember you like but you can't remember high school oh god that was that's really rude and i'm sorry that's okay you all right yeah no i'm fine look i could tell you didn't really remember me at the hospital the other day but it's fine i was just a freshman when you were a senior right drama club chorus tennis team you had a pretty full plate that year how did you and i did some homework wow you get an a-plus where's your son oh a couple of the other parents took the kids out for pizza after the game what you don't like pizza no i just i thought i had dinner plans but they fell through anyway it was a really good seeing you again hey uh listen why don't you let me buy you dinner tonight pay you back for help me out of the hospital oh well there's nothing really have dinner with me anyway we can reminisce about the old times build times huh singing was my one true passion what still is that and my son how did you like new york oh god i thought it was the greatest place on the planet the starving art is barely getting by but i didn't care god i loved it have you been it's where i played my first game in the majors and the team was opening a four game series there when i got called up from aaa the manager threw me in the lineup that same night it was one heck of an initiation new york's the biggest stage in baseball there's nothing that compares so how'd you do i had a great series hit for the cycle that first game the cycle single double triple and home run in the same game yeah wow pretty impressive mr ripley sounds like we both have fond memories of the big apple so why did you leave uh young and pregnant in the big city as much as i wanted to stay i couldn't do it alone and billy's father wasn't much help i mean not that i blame him and we were just two stupid kids i had to move with my mom until i got on my feet any regrets actually i had just landed a pretty decent role in an off-broadway musical so at the time it was a hard dream to give up but no no regrets i want to trade my son for the lead in every show on broadway you ever think about going back not really no life's good here and i really love my job i mean at first it was just a means for me and billy to get by but i found it really gratifying so you don't miss it the bright lights and being on stage oh that's the best part i still get to perform i'm actually the lead in the community theater's next show we open in a few days you should come yeah maybe what if i'm still around so what about you mr wrigley what are your life's passions well um baseball and um well these fish tacos sound pretty good seriously didn't you ever want anything else out of life i guess not pretty boring huh i have a confession i always thought baseball was kind of boring but it's only because i didn't understand the game but now because i have billy i am trying very hard to understand it well lots of people think baseball is boring just a bunch of overgrown boys tossing a piece of leather around on the dirt and grass right but see that's just it they don't see the little things the intricacies of the game like like the genius of the design how even the fastest of men can't beat out a routine ground ball or the art in throwing a curveball or the beauty of hitting the ball is perfect and anyone has ever hit it swing that piece of lumber and connect so pure that you don't even feel it it's like it swung through the clean air the sensation of watching the ball clear the outfield wall rounding the bases and triumph it's yeah it's all i ever wanted so have you figured out what you want uh he'll have the fish tacos sometimes i wish i went to college instead of nursing school i would have majored in theater in the classics oh what about you did you ever wish you went to college now and then you know i had your mom for freshman english yeah she was one of my favorite teachers she was so passionate about literature i think that she somehow brought that out in me she had a way of doing that that's been pretty tough having an english teacher as a parent did she force you to eat shakespeare in the dugout who [Laughter] no she never pushed too hard that was my father's specialty that's not to say she didn't have lofty aspirations for me she did but she never had to push she was just the kind of woman you didn't want to let down well she must have been pretty proud of you anyway thanks for tonight it was fun i really needed a little fun oh hey sweetie here are you billy this is mr ripley jimmy rim sometimes yes what are you still doing up sorry sam he couldn't sleep so i just let him stay up mm-hmm oh hey tina could you grab that for me i was at your game today big guy you're quite a slugger see billy i told you he said so yeah if you're lucky someday it'll be as good as mr ripley here maybe better can you show me how to hit a home run billy mister rip is a very busy man well i could give him a few pointers really sure why not i'll go get my back oh not tonight slugger okay you were way past your bedtime [Music] sam it's walter on the phone oh okay um i'll be right back just get in there he wanted to meet you that's why i couldn't sleep can't say i blame him can you just tell sam i had to get going sure anything else i can do for you nope that'll do it good night see you around [Music] [Music] [Music] bam right there [Music] [Music] hi come in billy's in the back he's so excited it's been nothing but jimmy with this and jimmy rip that well i hope i can live up to the hype oh i don't think he'll have a problem oh wait i have to get his mitten mitt what did i say and okay [ __ ] pretending to be some major leaguer or another he's good at pretending let's run the family who knows maybe someday he'll run off to new york to be an actor we're like run up to new york to play for the yankees baseball's everything to him i think he would die if he thought he couldn't play again sounds familiar hey slugger what's going on there big guy how you doing good brought you a baseball let's see let's see your bedding all right now bend your knees a little put your hands back just a little bit you're going to school tonight might have to suspend you from the team well i can't take it joe just waiting for the punch line so we're uh gonna visit dad again tomorrow yeah yeah nancy thought you might want to come along i might we'll see yeah he asked about you you know you didn't see him the other day no he was resting well you can meet us later tomorrow then i said i might that okay fine just asking just answered hey jimmy thanks for coming by well this seems vaguely familiar have a seat please i'm good so how the workouts going okay i guess the boys in the team seem to have taken quite a shine to you well they're good kids i was just telling the superintendent of the schools how well you've interacted with them yeah so uh what was it you wanted to see me about we've developed a bit of an unfortunate situation here we're state champs and we got a lot of returning talent this year that doesn't sound that unfortunate to me but we've also graduated over 50 of our starters from last year so we're a young team and cultivating a young team that requires a coach with a keen baseball mind so your father's illness has given us quite a setback oh how terrible for you no we're very concerned about his health of course of course but that doesn't detract from the business at hand winning another state championship we have uh quite a tradition of baseball excellence here at xavo as you well know you've been part of it yourself and we'd like to continue that tradition by having you step in as the team's head coach sup for the old man huh boy this sure is ironic propitious i'd say save the big words i never went to college remember i won't hold that against you look i'm not a coach or a teacher i'm a ball player i know and in truth the superintendent wasn't wild about this idea at first yeah well he's not the only one i think you have a lot to offer these boys sorry but i'm not looking to make a career change besides i'm probably gonna get picked up by another club soon anyway we realize that that's possibility and you know your acceptance would be subject to the approval of the school board save your breath okay i don't need your charity it's not charity jim really i can't imagine a better man for the job well you just need a better imagination hey don't give me an answer today think it over sure i'll do that that gm is a [ __ ] the outfield is weak at best well what about cincinnati two of their guys are barely hitting over 200. yeah no i know how it works yep but what am i well what the hell am i supposed to do for a couple of months yeah it's easy for you to say yeah okay yeah okay yeah okay i'll talk about you later [Music] you okay oh yeah are you sure yeah yeah i'm fine you're going on shift oh i actually just finished oh lucky you yeah look at me listen i have some time to kill before my show rehearsal you want to take a walk fresh air do you some good [Music] his father's not totally out of picture he sends birthday cards stuff like that he doesn't really see billy sometimes i worry about that you know lack of a father figure what about walter uh he really tries but you know walter's really busy and i'm not sure it's going to get any better if he wins the primary you think he will i really hope so walter's a good man and he's had a lot of accomplishments with the school board i think he'd make a fantastic mayor in your unbiased opinion of course i mean i know people have to leave their own lives you know you can't expect me to drop everything and become a father figure to somebody else's kid but it's foolish to expect that much are you foolish so how's your father doing well you should know you're his nurse are you holding up okay yeah i'm fine so uh how's the show coming along oh really great really great yeah i can't wait for opening night any chance for a sneak preview oh i'm sorry rehearsals are closed off to the public well how about right now what you mean right here sure why not no you're gonna have to wait like everybody else shy all of a sudden no maybe okay i'll tell you what you can help me practice my lines i will do my part and you can do the other characters in the scene oh no no i am not an actor oh i'm sorry shia of a second no maybe okay start there how you asked for it wait what's this oh oh that would be the part where you break into song well good luck getting me to sing oh come on there could be a voice of a nightingale in there somewhere i guess we'll never know so why haven't you seen him my father means like you said that's nerves no you don't know anything about it maybe not but it's nobody's business okay all right go see them when i'm ready okay okay forget about it i should have never brought it up no you shouldn't have i mean the last thing i need right now is some small town nurse who thinks she's a big city shrink hey then i should go yeah maybe you should excuse well hey jimmy rip yourself but i never expected to see you in a dive like this suits me okay moonlighting on your babysitting gig i was more of a favor to sam cocktailing's gonna get me through college as soon as i save up enough well better lucky it shouldn't take too long next one's on me killer too bad you didn't sit in my section i would have taken care of you all night [Music] [Music] no you're the one that needs help when you're the one that's better i have tried yours [Music] you would rather be out drinking with your friends and being home with your home every night [Applause] hello hey jim how are you no complaints did you cast a ballot i'm still undecided well then you're in an enviable position it's the undecideds that usually swing the vote actually i'm not even registered i'll be right there okay glad i ran into you jim there's something i want to talk to you about hey buddy what do you got i heard about the offer from the school superintendent to be blunt i can't endorse you as head baseball coach what you don't think i'm qualified i don't doubt your knowledge of the game jim far from it but the position calls for an educator as well as a coach we need someone with the experience and training in both fields i'm gonna fight for that and i'll win don't worry walt i just got a call from chicago and they've offered me a contract so well then congratulations are in order that's one less battle for us both wish you nothing but the best jim just heard chicago huh yeah my kind of town that you don't sound too thrilled well it's just a minor league contract but the big club's not that strong in the outfield so you think you got a shot if all goes as planned i also heard about your meeting with saunders yeah funny huh trying to make up for the past i guess um why would he need to look we missed you at the hospital yesterday yeah well i had some important things to take care of more important than family why'd you come back jimmy what do you mean what's a simple question give me a break will you give me an answer and i will you don't understand well then explain it to me what do you think it was easy for me to come back here after all these years why does it have to be so hard this is your home this isn't my home pat baseball's my home it's all i've known something 18 years old yeah yeah i know the story no you don't you don't know what it's like to finally make it and then have it all ripped out from under you i twerked the league that first year in the biggs bad he'll think it'd hardly get me out yeah i remember we were all watching then one came from the pen it just one game shrek my knee on some flute play it's never been the same it's just it's not fair fair if you're looking for sympathy brother you're looking in the wrong place take a look around you know all your life you've been handed everything because you have this rare talent for the game that we all wish we had i never asked for any of it well and now they're trying to hand it to you again offering you pop's job without a second thought well they can keep it and why the hell would i even want it everybody knows me here everybody knows what happened back then yeah yeah everyone knows okay what is it what do you want me to say jesus jimmy you're the only one who still cares about that we all make mistakes it's how we deal with them and move forward that defines us oh nice did you learn that from your politician buddy you don't even realize do you you're like a god around here sure everyone knows jimmy rip and everyone idolizes you probably me the most why'd you come back here jimmy you know you're just like him you're just like dad don't you ever say that to me ever did i wake you no but it's a little past visiting hours hospital rules huh what is it jim chicago offered me a contract that's great i'm happy for you thanks when do you leave soon i already had a report in a few days i'm planning to stick around to see your show tomorrow night though you don't have to do that i want to listen sam um about the other day what about it i i was online yeah you were it's just there's a lot between him and me i've never really talked about with anyone including him especially him listen i don't mean to pry but i think it's really important that you see him before you go talk to him whatever it is i don't know if it'll help don't you think it's worth a try he's not doing so good jim [Music] what do you mean his liver's failing and he refuses to even consider a transplant [Music] he's not gonna get any better it's just a matter of time [Music] no regrets huh no regrets come here [Music] i should go back inside okay [Music] you take care of yourself jim my plane [Music] excuse me mr ripley visiting hours are over that's quite an entrance i'm sorry you can't be in here this late judy he's my son yes i know but hospital policy says the dying man's last wish nightmares and in center field wearing number 19. jimmy rip nice year to stop by you look like [ __ ] that's not the way i feel yeah i wonder whose fault that is right away first at bat oh boy you're something feisty as ever this really something this uh liver stuff kind of ironic just like the mick i said i used to could play like yeah yeah i know no you're gonna die like him that's why you came all the way up here to watch your old man die i got a seat for you right behind home plate i think i'll take a rain check i got other plans oh of course jimmy rip always had other plans always did things his way sometimes you don't have a choice you always have a choice you you got any choices now yeah i could take two in here to write you're a free agent they said you got prospects like you give a [ __ ] you know something you're the one decided to stop being my son i never stopped being your father you stopped being my father when i was 18 years old are a piece of work you bear grudges better than anybody i ever saw that's about all i've had to hold on to from this place i was your coach i had a responsibility you were my father i'm still your father let me tell you something if any one of my players pulled that same kind of [ __ ] that you did i'd suspend his ass just the same it's just as easy as that huh it's never easy the right decisions sometimes are the hardest ones to make listen to yourself you're such a puppet son of a [ __ ] oh for christ's sake you think i wanted you to end up like me i pissed away a chance to play major league baseball you had a gift you had thunder in your bat you had lightning in your legs and you were ready for pro ball so you had to teach me a lesson to clear your own guilty concept it was for your own good had nothing to do with me it had everything to do with you i made mistakes okay and i've lived with him my entire life okay so what i couldn't make one mistake you and i know god damn well that was not the only mistake i got a kink in my neck from turning my head the other way because of you okay so why then why pull the trigger right before the state championship huh the cops weren't pressing charges and the school they didn't have to know anything why couldn't you just forgive me that one last time i forgave you son a long time ago yeah what about mom huh you think she ever forgave me you know what she wanted from me she was being a mother jimmy for christ's sake she was worried about what would happen to you if baseball didn't work out if you weren't that good maybe who knows you just don't get it do you it it meant everything to her don't you see that your mother loved you son god what the hell do you know how could you possibly know anything you were hardly ever sober i'm sorry i really am i'm sorry for everything this this was a mistake i shouldn't have come here son wait nothing's changed you're just a saddle drunk still as full of [ __ ] as you ever were jimmy hear me enjoy what's left of your pathetic life it was her decision what it was your mother's decision what are you talking about your mother was a beautiful woman i'm not just talking about looks she was goddamn near a saint because she had put up with me all those years she never asked for much but when she did i was obliged to listen she was scared for you jimmy oh my god you were a wild kid and that's what gave you your fire on the field i was not going to let you lose an opportunity to take advantage of that so i covered for you again and again and then that night the cops brought you to the door i was gonna let you slide i wasn't full i knew we weren't gonna win state without you but your mother wanted to make the call and i let her no you're you're just trying to cover your own ass no she made the decision herself the decision i have always been too weak to make he made it for both of us she always regretted it because she knew it drove you away don't leave it like this if you have to go go but just do me a favor okay kid find your heart to tell an old bastard something that he's been waiting me here all these years dying man's last wish well well aren't we becoming quite the regular well no one seems to notice one of my chop liver hardly i'll take that as a compliment mind if i join aren't you on the clock nope just here to pick up a paycheck one step closer to college you're not much of a conversationalist are you you say so probably not much on foreplay either i'm guessing i'd like to keep him guessing i like to guess well guess what you want me to leave you alone guess again that's where you brought your date after senior prom never went you didn't go to your prom oh my god you have no idea what you're missing those are like some of my best memories from high school well memories are overrated sounds like you just need to make some new ones tiger well here's to erasing the old ones come on they can't all be bad i bet you have some awesome memories tell me one a good one okay when i was about 10 years old the only thing i wanted in this whole world was my very own louisville slugger baseball bat i remember i used to ride my bike down a sporting goods store damn near every day just a whole one in my hands so i asked my old man if he would buy me one and he said when you're old enough to have your own bat you'll get that's a good memory no i'm not i'm not finished go on so at the time i was having a little trouble with english in school so my mother told me if i brought home an a on my next grade report she would buy me that bad so needless to say i worked my ass off in that english class and i brought home the a and the very next morning there was a brand new louisville slutter propped up at the foot of my bed well see that's a nice one let me finish i'm sorry please continue thank you so my team had a game that day and i could not wait to give that bat a try and i remember my first time up walking to the plate i felt like i was invincible there wasn't a pitcher on earth could get me out using this bat man i felt like i was in the big leagues so what happened i struck out oh rip i said a good memory and two head bats later i hit a home run and mind you it just barely made it out of the arch scraped the back of the fence as it cleared [Music] i remember my mother stood up in those bleachers and cheered for my entire trip around the bases she was just beaming [Music] that was my very first home run you loved her a lot didn't you i don't understand why she would ruin it huh nothing you know your mom was a pretty popular teacher a bunch of us from the high school with turf you know it was really sad you weren't there where are you oh why didn't you go i don't think she would have wanted me there she was your mom that was just a disappointment to her found that hard to believe sad but true i couldn't face her even after she was gone i let her down did she say that i never gave her the opportunity how did you know she told me a thousand times no matter how good a ball player i was there was no substitute for an education and she made me promise see that's why it doesn't make sense i mean why the hell would she ruin it kind of what i i i promised her you see i gave her my word that i would go to college and get a degree that i never did well maybe i'll pack you up take you to college with me never too late you know now batting center fielder jim ripley you're loaded you are correct i'm loaded and the bases are loaded full count two out bottom of the ninth [Applause] here comes jimmy rip with a chance to hit for the fabled cycle [Applause] [Music] here's the pitch to ripley and [Music] i ruined it i ruined everything yeah you okay killer where did it all go where what i'll go it's just you and me you okay baby you're a million miles away i think you better drive me home [Music] [Music] [Music] 318 please oh mr ripley call me jim my father's mr ripley yes of course um no i i know the drill hospital policy right so where do i sign no it's not that sir i'm really very sorry sorry he mr ripley your father has passed away what he expired a little over an hour ago what expired yes sir i'm really very sorry i had something to say [Applause] [Music] [Music] every night [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] jimmy you've been drinking [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] mr ripley that you that me what are you doing out here so early just thinking what about the father died last night oh geez i i hadn't heard i'm real sorry he was a good man yeah i think maybe he was hey somebody left the bat over here it's one of yours oh man yeah um so this is what a real big leaguers bat feels like yeah that's what we use in the show the show hey that sign sure needs replacing well i should get going oh well don't forget your bat you know what why don't you keep it oh thanks mr ripley but it it's against regulations for me to accept gifts on the job well i didn't give it to you you found it remember that's true you sure you don't need it yeah i'm sure [Music] [Music] [Music] jimmy how you feeling okay a little nervous maybe to be expected i suppose i was gonna have somebody clear out all those things i thought maybe you'd want to do that yourself that's fine you want me to walk you down no need i remember where it is right well good luck yeah i could use some of that hey hal [Music] thanks thank you coach ripley uh [Applause] oh i thought you might could use these boxes this is kind of a mess same as always huh yeah pop wasn't big on change hey remember how superstitious he was probably thought cleaning up would be bad luck well he sure was lucky some of those years you remember that time in the regional final when catholic's pitcher balked in the time run yeah or against madison when the ball bounced out of the center fielder's glove and went over the wall that won the state championship that year wait you remember that you could have been more than five years old remember the victories learn from the defeats yeah some things you never forget well maybe i should leave things the way they are i don't know sometimes change is good or at least you won't have to change the nameplate remember the victories learn from the defeats that kid he's got a nice looking swing so i'm told brings you out here today coach scouting for new talent oh he's on the lookout any prospects there's some potential here [Music] you know it's real surprised when i found out you took the head coaching job yeah well i kind of surprised myself i heard the school board really put you through the ringer walter and a few of the others were pretty strongly opposed don't you want them over with your charm and personality i doubt that had anything to do with it but the fact that i'm going back to school to get a teaching degree probably did i think you'd make a wonderful teacher just like your mother so how is the education party's newly elected mayoral nominee he seems to be doing fine seems to be walter and i whoa he got pretty busy after he won the primary you know i've got billy in my work so it was pretty difficult but i think maybe it was the right thing to do you miss it it's strange to think that i'm never going to play again but coming back here back to where i started the game was still pure i don't know kind of feels like home so how's the team looking this year coach saver gonna win another state championship maybe maybe it's a long season anything could happen when's your next game saturday double header double what we're playing too i know [Laughter] hope you're not busy you should come bring billy let him see what he's in for that's a long way from high school jim well that's okay i'm not going anywhere [Music] good job good job [Music] in the night i'll turn this all around i'll set the lights [Music] say good night [Music] good night song i guess some answers [Music] some fears [Music] years [Music] the song i stars some answers [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i'll be alive what matters most [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 79,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, b-grade, bigtime, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movies, popcornflix, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, J. Richey Nash, Courtney Henggeler, baseball drama movies, major league baseball 2022, movies like field of dreams
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 13sec (6193 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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