Blackjack: The Jackie Ryan Story (1080p) FULL MOVIE - Drama, Independent, Sports

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oh no he's running it oh watch out for the police defense [Music] nice run nice fun nice one all right that's it for me see you later fellas let's go Jackie it's gonna be late your mom's gonna kill me give me my watch come on watch all right why'd you let him score I would have ripped his head off oh yeah is that right smart ass man that's the guy got me in the local wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for him if you're lucky knucklehead I'll get you in the unions too I ain't ever working construction oh is that right you're too good work with your dad I never said that so you did the ground see this neighborhood this is as good as it's gonna get for us kid yeah right I'm getting out of this dump oh really what's your plan enlighten me I don't know I'm gonna be important or something yeah you're gonna join the circus you're gonna be a clown no grind it out just like the rest of us you hear me [Music] put down the pumpkin Jackie shoot it [Music] don't do it great shy thanks what'd you learn to shoot like that has Randy been teaching you basketball you know I hate that monkey ball I know I want to be a football player like you why don't you guys get out of here this isn't the brother's court so why don't you guys just go back to your neighborhood all right Dad get your ass back here hear me get the [ __ ] out of here Jackie Jackie [Music] Paul the white Michael Jordan and he's not even in the NBA instead New Yorker Jack Ryan has developed his skills while playing I'm just amazed he's one of the best white players I'd ever see it was a show he was an Entertainer if the three-point shot were in effect he probably would have averaged between 35 to 40 points a game he's only white boy other than Chris Mullen that he had the type of respect universally from Barrel to vote seen them all he's one of the best Shooters I've ever seen in my life bar none Jackie Ryan is one of the biggest wastes of talent in the history of basketball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on [ __ ] go go oh all right jack [Music] the Mind flows ice cold when I Zone it's like time froze elevated higher than it is [Music] [Music] [Music] no more [ __ ] playing now you not you all you [ __ ] white boys get the [ __ ] out of here you look half white you're so [ __ ] out of here you and your man oh my God man what I've been playing on this course since I was 13 years like a knucklehead bro what's up Hawkins Yousef Hawkins Yousef Hawkins had nothing to do with us shut up get the [ __ ] out of here take your [ __ ] bike and get off my court grab my chair bro get my [ __ ] chair there you go Marty a man foul just keep on coming put them on my tip you good Jackie sir thank you is that Jenny your Jenny holy Christ she looks beautiful she looks great what are you doing I think she's visiting her mother I thought she left you from the divorce no no really he's back for a little bit come on hey ladies hi hi Jenny Burke from the person in high school the average more points for me yeah well the only reason I scored my points I knew is because my teammates actually liked me I mean I would have passed the ball more if they were hoping hi Marty hey I mean look I've heard college does wonders but wow you obviously grown out of your awkward stage I see YouTube clowns haven't grown up at all what are you doing back I'm coaching at PACE High School yeah I'm staying with my parents for a while trying to get some money for a place in the city what about you I am you ain't doing [ __ ] I'm doing great thank you very much Marty I'm uh I'm doing construction with my old man that's nice and buy you a drink uh I don't think that's a good idea you know you might scare these girls off they're not used to the Brooklyn dogs like I am I mean Brooklyn dogs we don't bite we'll get out of here it's good seeing you Jenny you too I'll take your friends today well I look like a Brooklyn dog to you no thank you so much fantastic you still got that [ __ ] rat tail you little [ __ ] dildo I mean Dino still talking [ __ ] out of here what about you tough guy you still playing ball with the Grannies on Tuesday nights I don't know was your mother still giving free hand jobs on Wednesday dude you give him a [ __ ] when he gets called that night yeah speaking of hand jobs maybe I'll grab a couple of shots and go see your little skirt Jenny [Music] has changed hey Pete Bessie what are you doing in Brooklyn huh miss you stop I was looking for you yeah my address isn't listening oh it wasn't hard I mean you're a very popular guy blackjack all right Sherman Tom so what's going on how's it writing slow slow you know summer Pro-Am games here and there but I did catch that game down on West 4th Street the other day let me ask you something why are you working on your game if you're not playing for anything reputation I guess what if I told you that I could get you try out with the New Jersey Nets I'd say you're full of [ __ ] why not I mean I I see you run in circles around these kids no thanks you know I'm working on a piece for Sports Illustrated on Gil turner He's a real big free agent now yeah so am I it says you want to you know stick around home a lot to say about uh how important basketball was in the city we get a quote from you [ __ ] that not happening Jackie you and I both know there is no reason that you should not be playing in the league you know you come all the way down here to ask me for a quote about Gil Turner go [ __ ] yourself Pete get the [ __ ] out of the boy but the gang arms with a gun and baseball bat allegedly mistook Hawkins for the boyfriend of a white girl in the neighborhood so what now all white people are bad yeah I remember this it's like they forgot white people built the Brooklyn Bridge hey jerk off what did I tell you about that bike in the house it's gonna rain ma leave it outside please don't encourage him no your brother worked a double shift today oh that's wonderful right where's your girl with her mom sorry bro well you pipe down I can't hear the TV Chrissy how you doing I'm good how are you good good hey Susie shouldn't you be with your boyfriend we're fighting but it's for real this time you'd know more about your family if you spend less time with the brothers and the booze okay pop ma can I clean up what you got a hot date look at him 28 year old Playboy living at home with his parents friend free [ __ ] you remember Jenny Burke I just seen the rap pharaohs you believe that got no shot with Jenny Burke [ __ ] you Billy I'm glad you saw her very nice girl right go take a shower I'll get dinner going the bike [ __ ] and there was some guy looking for you yeah it's a big time reporter thinks I can play in the NBA how do you like them apples that could be the starting quarterback to the Jets yo P wait up what you're bringing me that quote now look they don't sound interested don't bank I don't want it to sound like I'm begging for a favor okay yeah do you want to know what guiltier said when I asked him about you no no it doesn't matter I'll ask him when I'm in the NBA thank you Pete yeah take your lunch now Jackie hey Jack did you hear about Jackie boy here playing for the NBA pipe dreams Nick pop you know about that I was wondering if I could get some shifts off you know so I could train now this construction site puts food on your table not Dr J yeah I guess I'll catch up to you Marty it's lunch let's go did you selling that [ __ ] you're gone oh your dad's been pissed off since months and died throw some guys some money from the event no big deal don't say it anymore help me make some money no [ __ ] way just drop me off at the Y on 14th after work all right and Marty who's your [ __ ] headphones all right I gotta figure a way out of this thing I'm gonna make some money Jack what unbelievable hope we get something out put up and make hey what's up jerk off what's up fellas what's up Joey tells me you ain't been paying your [ __ ] taxes it's news to me yeah I give you some more [ __ ] news okay one of our trucks got lifted cashmere sweaters and I heard they ended up in your [ __ ] pocket if I knew anything like that you'd be the first to know Calton hey Jackie what are you doing still hanging out with this jerk off Who's Gonna Get You [ __ ] hurt it's a good question I can't wait to bust your [ __ ] head you little scumbag cockeyed [ __ ] well [ __ ] ass face your [ __ ] ass face see what they look like [ __ ] half-assed gangsters football she gang says you know what the joke's on them because got an old box of cashmere sweaters right here in this [ __ ] trunk [ __ ] idiot you're trying to get yourself killed mom you want to see him come on give me your family check them out yeah going to my mother right grab your [ __ ] [ __ ] nice and your courage don't take any action on the mess I'm not taking the meds then he took the Mets damn you don't think we'll have our marriage so she's done she's blocking let me talk no Jackie just don't you make it so much worse and my baby girl's getting married I don't know what lies she told him but it worked drinks around the rhyme boys barrels hello yeah I'm looking for a guy named Jackie Bryant hello okay can you hear me I'm looking for guidance Jackie Ryan hold on Jackie for you yeah can you hear me who's this Peter veggie you idiot finally spoke to Willis Reed you know what the net I gave them your number you gotta try it all right yeah that sounds good you understand that they're gonna call you all right next round's on me I'm going to the [Music] [Applause] Uncle your mom said you're taking us out to get ice cream I am gonna get you two scoops each I promise okay told you that he's alive just like that that is not a liar yes he is I just need you guys right now I'm begging you okay Scoops with sprinkles oh my God just like that you got that you got that okay let's go come on just like that right there right there stay right there Mrs Burke how you doing uh it's Jen home hi Jackie look at these adorable girls I love my nieces you know well she's the same cecilious hey congratulations on Susie getting engaged thank you we're very excited we're gonna go you have a good day okay let's go we're going to church come on yo Jenny ball Jenny my mom said she was here huh hey hey look at Magic Basketball ready I just want my ice cream no she said she'd be here Jenny but what's on the Rock is here Jackie what do you do on here I come here all the time I teach Chrissy's kids how to shoot no we don't it's a good girl you tell the truth all the time go give the father a hug there he goes is all right you don't listen who's this guy who is this he's just an old friend from the neighbor some might say a local Legend but notorious is more like it I gotta try it with the Nets really Jersey Nets well congratulations thank you all right that'll be happy I'll go get the car congratulations I'll be right out Travis so what do you say catch up make old times it's been a while um you know what congratulations on the Nets but but the plans with the Yuppie oh no come on come here you'll be fine that is my father's lawyer and he's donating uniforms to the parishes Boys Club did you hear her say boyfriend I I didn't hear it no father I got a confession six years to come back to the neighborhood she just got back home she's the most beautiful thing in Brooklyn and she won't go out with me I'm about to be in the NBA I want to celebrate or take her out to a nice steak dinner and I'm wondering if you're you know professional opinion and all that'd be something the good Lord would favor but I mean it's up to the young lady not the Lord in my opinion I mean you know get down Jesse so you're saying she should give me a chance like Friday no no no don't go putting words in my mouth okay all right just get down Friday night yes father thank you Friday night Friday night do not be late I'm gonna be there with bells on we caved in pretty quick didn't you go boys God bless you bless you bless you Jackie hey girls uh give you a moment with my love okay all right bye thank you Father hey we go today ice cream time ice cream time come on Jackie it's easy money I'm not doing it training all right no more boozing no more party and I'm focused you're banging Jenny huh hey don't talk about it like that all right oh Mr Sensitive excuse me for trying to get ahead for once yeah well trying I just got to pay back these guys the money you think Gil knows I'm trying to hmm yeah Gill's shaking in his boots right now hey you know you're gonna need an agent I could be your agent no [ __ ] way you crazy oh come on man I'll go get myself like a nice suit I'll do my hair up real high I'll be like the little miniature white Don King why do you owe these guys am I supposed to be [ __ ] with the Italians I know I know remember the sweaters yeah I got a guy in a garment World who's been cutting me on these Irregulars turns out they're [ __ ] stolen nutty Italians want their cut so give it back to them I can't jack I already spent it of course he did yeah well hey Jackie where you been clocked out early sue me you shouldn't be operated can smell the liquor from here what about from here [Applause] step back what's going on eggplant here forgot his [ __ ] minutes Jackie what happened obviously Billy had a little too much too early it's no biggie it's hot out you know what could happen to any of us is that a fact all right everyone's going home Billy I'm driving will come by the office tomorrow if you want to file a formal complaint and come on what the [ __ ] is that watch your ass will be oh listen you heard Jackie it's hot out it's against the rules you know that it's gonna go on Billy's record ah come on happy I can ask please stick up for your family don't ever throw your brother under the bus is he ready for the best pizza in Brooklyn best best pizza and breakfast best pizza World statement I am starving though yeah you stopped this is it that's it yeah getting to meet Louise we made it he did Jackie boy what's going on fella how you doing brother good to see you good to see you it's a pretty girl pretty girl Jenny hey Jay yeah how you doing how's a little Joy Little Joey's a [ __ ] up what can I tell you I mean like you when you were a kid but now you're all grown up and good thank you thank you what do you want you want pepperoni uh yes pepper pepperoni for her cheese for me can you throw in a cold one spot me you spot me some net tickets I'll take care of that all season babies good to seeing you good seeing you kiddo wow what did you put out a local press release I got a clout in this neighborhood you know I need to take care of me why'd you leave uh because I could here you go thank you thank you thank you enjoy thanks Louis thank you um I don't know I uh I just needed to get out of New York for a while you know open my mind sound like a hippie no no my dad would kill me Sean am I doing good so far I mean this place is beautiful right it is by far the cheapest date that I've ever been on but it's not going to be the last I'm going to tell you that right now unique basketball coaches ever tell you maybe you're just a tiny bit too cocky oh every single one of them to Wall Street boyfriend can't do this because he doesn't want to wait in six years to do that really so how'd it stand up yeah it was worth the wait all right mind you enough of that Let's test out this world faint Pizza goodbye from New York the best mm-hmm I told you that stands up Jenny Burke come on Jackie let's go about Hustle all right come on pick it up you want to play with the big boys you got a hustle let's go Uncle Jackie [ __ ] you need to get it under a six minute mile you know I do a lot better when there's you know people watching what you need to do is focus Ed chicken it's true you gotta listen to him Jackie why don't you get out here and run with me you bum because I'd burn you you Irish yeah okay why don't you stop yapping and start running yeah exactly why don't you stop being so beautiful all right you ready okay all right pick it up pick it up [Music] she's doing better it's doing better [Music] trash [Music] [Music] you need to work on your defense everyone knows you can shoot everyone's gonna be looking for that foreign thank you excuse me ladies oh don't say it I already know all right tell me that you brought the ID in the paper the what the ID I'm just kidding come on hi hey how you doing come on in um okay I hope you guys take a seat we um I sent over an inquiry about opening an account okay and uh what was the last name uh Ryan it's Jackie Ryan Ryan oh yeah oh Ryan okay so Mr Ryan it says here you have uh no banking history you graduated high school about 10 years ago yeah I guess I never got around to opening up a bank account okay well in order for us to issue your credit card we're gonna have to open an account oh well he brought his ID and a letter with proof residency ID and it will fall right there for you good good well that's good stuff but um we're actually gonna have to ask for a 250 minimum guarantee because lack of credit history see I'm about to come up on a lot of money you ever heard of the New Jersey Nets yeah yeah I saw a lot of people but I don't see how that helps us here in the bank how old are you I'm old enough to have a bank account myself so how can I help you wow this [ __ ] God forget him let's go anytime you guys want to come back I'm still here absolute waste of time okay well maybe if you want a suit like I asked you to he would have given you some leeway these things matter okay I'm not wearing a damn suit all right and who needs a credit card anyways guys I don't know I figured maybe a guy your age might want one oh okay sorry I'm not no Fancy Pants lawyer look your dad doesn't like me he ain't never gonna like me that is not what I meant and you know it look I'm a ball playing right if I want money Marty gets it for me it's just the way I like things that's fine I will not bring it up again just gotta understand I'm not gonna let you down all right and all of my problems are gonna go away when I make this team you say so I'm gonna go work out with Marty all right I'll call you after yeah you know you're still gonna need a suit right they make you travel on one in the NBA now you're coming around now you're coming around those credit card to do you win Jackie that's what the [ __ ] I'm saying yeah well the government can track you and [ __ ] I promise once you make it big you don't got to do this [ __ ] you understand but you're gonna make that [ __ ] change yeah we don't get arrested first in and out Mark right yeah you watch the [ __ ] door I just want that cash register foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] get out of my house [ __ ] oh [ __ ] is wrong with you what's wrong with me [ __ ] I get a call late last night from a friend of mine at precinct77 near Utica he tells me that his son who's a big cop just changed her my gas through Brooklyn you know what I did for your mother you miserable [ __ ] I lied to him yeah I told him Jackie was here all night and God bless your mother or I'll be taking your ass to The Slammer myself well did you do it is it true no no no you can't go crying your mind now you loser you cut your shifts you call out your brother then you go drinking with your loser friend who sells drugs that buying construction site you don't think I knew about that how he is fired believe me [ __ ] this oh you don't pay rent you come and go as you please he got no responsibility left in you oh yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you oh yeah I was never [ __ ] good enough for you since I stopped playing football I haven't done a [ __ ] thing right oh so ever since you got this try out ever since you got this try out you've been walking around like this too good for this [ __ ] you hey stop cursing in front of your mother [ __ ] you get the [ __ ] out of here you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh yeah you're an embarrassment your embarrassment to me you're investment to your mother and this whole neighborhood I also got a call from Robert Burke don't go there don't [ __ ] go there you're not gonna ruin that yeah you know we're not gonna [ __ ] ruin that so one thing I got going in my [ __ ] life you're not gonna ruin it you know what I told him I told him you're a bum you're in no good pump so taking [ __ ] get out of here hello [Music] I see you there take this [ __ ] and get the [ __ ] out hey you forgot this I don't even [ __ ] like there you go here you go oh you forget your cowboy boots cowboy there you go those will look nice walking the streets Jesus [ __ ] Christ pop that almost hit me in a [ __ ] head [Music] choose it lock the door Miss O'Brien I love you to death but the show's over okay go go inside get out of here [ __ ] oh maybe the brothers help you out now [ __ ] mother that's it that's it all right there you go go spinning you go spinning your ball and do your tricks [ __ ] I swear to God yeah well if Marty goes to jump off a bridge are you gonna go too doc can you take an x-ray of my head so my girl knows I got a brain please take anything seriously look you are very lucky you didn't tear anything that being said there's a lot of inflammation you're going to have to ice it for a bit play though I gotta try it with the Nets New Jersey that's your heart I know you told the receptionist in fact you told everyone on the entire floor Mr Ryan unbelievable excuse me I'll be right back thank you let's talk hey there he is Jackie boy how are you man I this is my buddy Jackie Jackie this is Isabella nice to meet you yeah give me a two packs of Parliament and get me some give me some quarters laundry day thank you nice to meet you alrighty my Dominican girl okay she's gonna bring a couple of hot models around here we have a nice little party here hey yes you know I can hear you right you got to clean this place up it's disgusting and can you get rid of the booze because there's no more booze for him and you know what no more boost for you either talk but I'm not the one that's in training yeah well you're a bad influence and if you're gonna be his agent you need to get your [ __ ] together she's got a point there well there's front agents out there I've seen them all right you like the place I love it okay but I'll see you tonight all right thank you for everything hi Jenny where's my kiss she's looking good uh those two top drawers are yours just do me a favor stay away from this [ __ ] okay because people got dibs on that and that's your bed good you're gonna fit perfect watch it all right listen what here's what we owe all right that's for you if you agent [Music] yo I shouldn't be mad that Jenny wants to go to law school right the most important thing is she loves her job right absolutely this freaking Travis guy or whatever his name is is just a family friend you know he's just trying to help her out yeah you know what they say about family friends right [Music] yo you think her mother's never gonna like me that ain't happening I haven't missed yet nice no that's your boy Gill Turner yeah he's in better shape than you are yeah I noticed can you say something to him of course I'm gonna say something to him hey yo go what up yeah I know you're right yes Blackjack from John Jay oh Blackjack from John Jay long time man how you doing I'm doing good you know killing it at the cage leading scorer two summons in a row oh I didn't know to keep statistics hell yeah they do yo you should come down sometime it's a good run I think about it yo got no offense but uh I want to tell you a little surprise you on the average six assists a game last season School keeper headed out for me close me to a game at least I told you to do that [ __ ] yeah I've been watching you since your rookie years still getting away with that starter step huh that hesitation seems to be working not if I was guarding it yo listen I'm gonna get back to my workout yo yo yo yo I said that stuff because I respect your game you know we used to go hard to each other back in the day but that was a long time ago and a lot of change if you know what I mean yeah we're working I gotta try out with your nets Fitch wants to take a look I'm wondering if you can put in a word local motor mount here is saying is your local guy you know how it is put a good word for me sure yeah we'll see what I could do you could always use a backup all right let's go Jackie I'm getting your head yeah well I'm not in his head see the way he [ __ ] looked at me [ __ ] him no you're a star by the way I got a pair of sneakers in there for you they're brand new check out check him out you mind taking me to Jen's after this you kidding we got plants what do you think of the Snickers looking good yeah you [ __ ] good [Music] [ __ ] animals go blow off some steam yeah yeah do a little blow right that white lining let's just put a Dominican girl look Marty Jackie don't break my [ __ ] balls right I just sneakers or what I'm like all right good you know what [ __ ] it right I'm working my ass off yeah let's go out tonight yeah huh absolutely tie one of us see what we can get into let's have a good time let's go ahead foreign [Music] wait what's up what's your name Liz Liz Liza away from Liz you're gonna get the best pizza time yeah I think tomorrow this is like a sense foreign foreign contact let's go what do you want to do what do you want to do we got to get him we gotta get into the water yeah we gotta get out of the [ __ ] blue oh yeah baby come on come on come on come on you should wear that yeah [ __ ] let's go [Music] [ __ ] [Music] [Music] where you going you want me to go by James house right [Music] here right here right here [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] you know it's just his wedding today oh my [ __ ] my mother's gonna kill me what time is it seven o'clock Jenny's never gonna [ __ ] talk to me again we gotta go now you gotta go I gotta change um [Music] the battery's dead what can mean the battery's dead Marty let's go Jackie I'm telling you we must have the radio running all night about a light on us and [ __ ] I gotta change come on let's walk you got my lighter where the [ __ ] are we you have my lighter oh I got it what are you wearing to this thing huh what are you wearing what am I wearing yeah not [ __ ] this oh [ __ ] you don't want to get [ __ ] paid bro [Music] there you go cans on the floor this [ __ ] guy doesn't want to get paid Susan Ryan do you take Dave rylance to be your lawful wedded husband to have to hold from this day forward for better or worse for rich or poor in sickness and in health to love and to cherish till Dusty apart I do I take this ring as a sign of my love and faithfulness in the name of the Father the Son and the spirit they Providence you take this woman Susan Ryan to be a lawful wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse sickness and in health richopora to love and to church Destiny apart and there I take this ring as a sign my love and faithfulness the name of the Father and Son Holy Spirit put your hands in the Bible I Now Pronounce You none and wife kiss them right now [Music] thank you Father [Music] I have no idea [Music] oh yes I think your glasses off I do not want to talk to you about this right now oh Gil didn't even know who the hell I was you believe that [ __ ] what do you want me to say nothing that is what I want you to say I can't even first you don't call me back and then you show up my house drunk yeah you're all that training it's a nice Jack you're right that's where you're on starting to sound like my father if you do anything to ruin your baby sister's wedding I carry out your kneecaps not cool Jackie I'm cool Jackie Ryan I have never been more upset with you this is your sister's wedding it's you pull yourself together now I thought this was a celebration for crying out loud I don't know but your mom is sure hot and she's angry like oh Jackie Jackie no no no no foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Smarties hey baby son of a [ __ ] where's my credit card give me a credit can you check my car how am I supposed to get to work I didn't I didn't stop wait hold on a second I'm getting you called details sweetie that's [ __ ] you're such a liar it's gonna look beautiful you need a new bag go get it he didn't tell me how to fly I look you look drunk okay no get out go get it all right I'm waiting I'm waiting oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] Dominican girls [Music] can I get it give me a second I [ __ ] okay all right all right one second here you go here you go all right okay buddy follow me a [ __ ] football I didn't show you anything give me a second there's your interest there's your [ __ ] interest please I don't [ __ ] like you myself [Music] [Music] hey Jackie you think you're gonna make this team or what I don't know I told you not to hang out with that [ __ ] thief [Music] okay I think that's enough Jackie come on come on no Jackie come on let's save some of that for the fourth quarter huh please do some of your basketball tricks and I do some of my basketball tricks of course what do you want to see spin it I'll make you another one listen I'm trying to be real class here with the tying code so keep it short but I just want to say a few words about my my beautiful family as long as you're paying for dinner huh actually it's on me so don't remind me good time but I want to share this one's story no Susan she she made lunches for the kids every day and everyone was picky I mean Billy wanted baloney Susie and Christy they wanted their PB and J's and Jackie just loved his Fried Chicken [Laughter] but my sweet Susan she didn't complain once not once she never complained about those late hours or raising the kids you are the most generous grateful kind person I know I love you with all my heart bro I love you too but it didn't stop there as soon as Susie and Chrissy were old enough they started helping out when it was time for Billy to come alongside his old man and work right next to me he didn't bat an eye I'm a very lucky man so here's to my My Wife and Kids I'm gonna go congratulate him I think you can have some water huh congratulations sit down no no I'm so proud of you and Mom I just feel bad for her you know she's got to spend every day with his miserable ass now huh Jackie come on let's go get the [ __ ] off Jackie don't waste one opportunity to take a shot at me huh one let's get the [ __ ] off of me floor seats floor seats that's what I'm gonna give you one time keep dreaming let's go come on he just hasn't been drinking in a while okay he's just dehydrated okay it's okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait you have the delivery do I look like a delivery person well Jackie made it to the NFL so you have to wear these beans with those beads I will break your [ __ ] wrist you hear me baby now you want to call me baby did you call me baby five minutes ago are you out of your goddamn mind what you're such a piece of [ __ ] you know that I'm done Jenny wait just wait wait wait let me talk to you for one second please please please please please please I don't want to talk to you right now [ __ ] pissed at you right now but let me give you a piece of advice tell these people to leave and go to sleep kids on the [ __ ] leave I don't even know who the [ __ ] they are talking about you'll always [ __ ] do this well [ __ ] up again I'm sorry I love you please please so sorry you're so sorry you know what I wish you the best of luck tomorrow okay Jenny sorry Jenny please Marty Marty I gotta go I got the [ __ ] try out get the [ __ ] up we're late get the [ __ ] up stop Jackie my face is killing me we gotta go she's been like 15 minutes Marty get the [ __ ] up we have to go I'm late biggest day of my [ __ ] life come on let's go where do you gotta go [ __ ] you yeah Pete uh I'm not gonna make that try out listen I really appreciate everything you've been doing okay I'm sorry Jackie where are you I'm at the motel stay where you are I'll be right there get in B I can't I'm sorry Jackie we got half an hour to get the Hackensack and I swear to God if you blow this and embarrass me I'll make sure the only place you ball over your [ __ ] living room get in you degenerate I stay for a tryout I know you're nervous you've been running your mouth the whole month look at this [ __ ] guy it's a good ball player though so are you I mean I've been in this business a long time you've got one of the purest jump shots I have ever seen I don't know about that hey you know what you're lucky you got a chance to fix a lot of wrongs it's something most people from our neighborhood never get to do you know like me right most of the guys my age went off to Vietnam I was the Airborne Special Forces but I never even left the country now I get to write about basketball you know when I started at the post I said the NBA would never last now look what here we are here you are hey you know you didn't have to give me this shot I appreciate it what can I say I like an underdog [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] it's a lesson that I know but I never learned foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] get away welcome to the big leagues all right good morning fellas uh I'm coach Carlisle this is Coach Johnson coach uh Fitch is on his way down shortly in the meantime I want to welcome you to open tryouts for the New Jersey Nets thanks so much for taking some time now we're not expecting much but we've been known to find a few Diamonds in the Rough so I want to get you guys through some basic conditioning drills I want to see what you do with our motion offense and then we're going to let you run up and down in scrimmage you want to see it working hard when we want to see who can play now it's one of those days fellas one of those days that could be the first day of the rest of your life so when I have half of you on this side put on red jerseys the other half put on blue jerseys hit the locker rooms and we'll see out here in five minutes for layups two claps foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] European Scouts guys looking to fill up the roster with professionals I better impress them from your lips to God's ears [ __ ] up [Music] [Music] [Applause] yourself every time baby [Applause] [Music] that's okay if you guys don't run the office we're going to be running [ __ ] laps if I say pass the ball in the post pass the ball in the post and what are you doing you understand me now run the offense Jackie Jack Ryan you want to play point guard in the NBA yes yes what's up keep going hey you shut up you're just happy to be here Ryan what the [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] everybody line up stay away from him hey Malibu stay away from him all right that's it guys hit the showers except for you too Baseline [Music] until I say so yeah what can I say I have a soft spot for him they make an introduction I like what I see now our crowds would love you yeah I'm sure but he's uh it's not popping balloons for you yet he's still mine let's go now hit the showers I'll talk to you later [Music] [Music] coach coach [Music] [Music] [Music] you little [ __ ] ass come back to the neighborhood you little [ __ ] all right Ryan that's it you're done goodbye day's over hit the showers dude okay everybody else let's get back to work let's go red ball coming down this way stay up all night drink beer wake up score 40 points like it was nothing Ryan how's the knee I'm sorry good listen I want to introduce you to Todd Davis he owns a professional team Harlem Wizards heard him yeah I know speedy and Tojo you guys entertain kids well that's part of it we are a professional team travel we offer guaranteed contracts yeah I appreciate that but my uh my head's with the Nets right now yeah I understand but you hang out of that card and you think about it okay and uh Jack when you're open shoot the ball yeah you got it coach no tell the coaches take it easy are you I told them the same thing about you don't think I forgot about yesterday [Music] I know you're a disgrace of the [ __ ] neighborhood you know that you got it easy you know that I got it easy yeah you know I got it [ __ ] easy you got it easy with your little [ __ ] ass Rolls-Royce how the [ __ ] you get a Rolls-Royce look at your skin listen I uh I know you're hurt but you don't seem like the type of guy that likes a lot of [ __ ] it's not gonna lie to you I could use a little smoke blowing up my ass right about now you ever play in Europe no that was my first try whatever all right well you didn't make it this year okay but you don't need a vessey to come back next year I'm inviting you all right good luck to you thanks stay in shape and uh keep shooting always [Music] thank you [Music] how'd it go you look like a bag of [ __ ] like an orphaned raccoon hey I tried to get your limousine but I'm not that type of agent yo you missed the show I put on in there they left you with a fishing pole [Music] the guys have Founders want to throw you a big party I'm good I'm gonna buy you a drink just want to see Jimmy do me a favor don't act like a jackass right why are you acting so nervous I'm not acting nervous like a seven pounds of weed in the car Kate just played cool gentlemen hey officer you know why I pulled you off yeah I blew the stop sign I'm sorry I was just talking to my friend here how you doing has been drinking no absolutely not what's going on with YouTube what's with the face and the crutches oh I know I I got it in the face with a basketball and he hurt his knee he's a ball playing I miss your license and registration sit tight I'll be right back stop acting nervous stop acting nervous I'm right you boys a ticket pay attention all right these kids running around the neighborhood right all right all right are you out of your [ __ ] mind relax nothing happened are you a [ __ ] idiot what'd you say you heard me Jackie relax okay I was holding the weed to pay back the Dominican remember I will probably not because you know you became such a big shot had nothing to do with me the Dominican [ __ ] was you remember did you remember dragging me into that [ __ ] again wait so this is all on me it's always [ __ ] you taking me away from training my [ __ ] girl anything positive in my life just to make your miserable ass happy oh wait so I'm the reason that you didn't make the team I didn't say that yeah well it sounded like that Jackie you know what now that we're being so [ __ ] honest with each other you know what you are you're a selfish piece of [ __ ] Romans are right about you don't [ __ ] take that back Marty right now take that back right now before I beat your [ __ ] ass take one back what are you [ __ ] fifth grade I ain't taking nothing back [ __ ] card [ __ ] out you're gonna walk well [ __ ] you for one leg [ __ ] you look good [ __ ] walk [ __ ] you [ __ ] you you're lucky I got one [ __ ] leg you little [ __ ] [ __ ] you [Music] I got it going on Jackie where to go all right well you're gonna have to start paying rent now yeah come on make the team [Music] I'm so sorry Jackie too buddy they're lost hey you all right yeah I'll talk to you about it later I'm gonna go upstairs he doesn't need your pity all right don't start with me I'm just getting a mice first knee that's right so Jackie hey you're done I gotta cut you off my [ __ ] drink one more just give me hey we're closing up shop come on we gotta go you're done foreign [Music] [Music] you know I just want [ __ ] out what are you talking about if I had any [ __ ] balls I'd put a board in my [ __ ] head but I [ __ ] care call Father bro to talk to him I don't want to call Father burn and I want to talk to you I want to talk to you right now your family I want to [ __ ] talk to you Chrissy you can wake up the girl Chrissy [ __ ] [Music] father Brandon leave a message God bless father it's Jackie Ryan really really talk to you right now you know so if you call me back you know the number and uh [Music] [Music] all right Brian we're good foreign some of them tricks man no not today man I think he too good for us now did I [ __ ] say that the [ __ ] the matter with you what you're so angry for after your father don't want you around no more I gotta bring up my [ __ ] father man you know I don't [ __ ] play no more come on man come on here you go here you go come on you got it in you wanna see a [ __ ] dick huh you like that huh yeah does that get you off huh [ __ ] that's what I talk about and that's the Jackie I know right there all pro baby yo don't hurt yourself man this guy's crazy foreign perfect timing I just fixed it anyone call for me no Jackie baby could you get some groceries from me don't you see he just got home from A Hard Day's Work dad I got it I'm fine I forgot to hold and I need potatoes if you if you want to talk to someone my friend Annie her sister's a therapist it might be good to talk it out I all right I should call Chrissy the other night I was a little [ __ ] up in the head I'm good all right I love you I promise you all right he doesn't need a head doctor can be fine once he gets his paychecks money in his pocket he'll feel great foreign get out of this car here put on this tie this is It's tie do you know how to tie it absolutely [ __ ] nice I'll show you is that him yeah all right come on foreign Jackie hey gentlemen how you doing today uh unfortunately Jackie already knows what he needs to do in order to open an account with us here he's told you Pops it's always the same [ __ ] with this guy but listen here you little [ __ ] I've been coming to this bank for over 40 years you hear me long before you even your daddy's eyes so don't talk to me about credit history where the Ryan family okay sir do you understand that maybe if you don't understand that I should go talk to your manager whose brother I've been working alongside for the past 20 years sir that will not be necessary Jackie welcome the banking family over here Stephanie will get you taken care of outside appreciate it just mean I got a credit card holy [ __ ] thank you have a great day Mr Ryan sorry get a little heated yeah it happens yeah all right let's go talk to Stephanie Stephanie so you had me put it in don't get many more [ __ ] action we're gonna lose money here hello barrels hi is there a Marty there yeah who's this let's try Davis yeah hold on what you [ __ ] taking phone calls here now it's for you yeah Marty this is Ty Davis owner of the Harlem Wizards oh hi Davis I understand you're Jackie's agent yeah yeah I'm his agent I'd love to have you guys here and come to speak to us about a tryout sure we're here on 34th and 7th yeah sure sure I'm down there Tuesday night 6 p.m thanks pal do me a favor I'll uh I'll settle up for you when I get back come on baby come on wait how come there's no potato chips in the casserole because Christy's counting her calories yeah belly what what are calories that's what make your mom look fat all right am I gonna be fat I mean you're not getting any skin did you see what she said I don't care I just want the potato chips in the casserole nobody's getting fat especially not your grandma magical princess [Applause] hey Dad the doc told you you got to cut that out Jesus is assault and who made you Dr Quinn all of a sudden you know Billy mentioned the guys down at work were asking when you're gonna come back it's great Jackie it's true I mean the guys at the site don't care they didn't make the team and we could really use your help okay well come on Jackie just say grace so we can eat all right thank god let's eat hello hello Ryan family oh are you hungry no no thank you what do you dress like that for someone you look like a clown oh look I'm selling Insurance to my uncle uh can we talk yeah go ahead it's a free country I don't know I mean you guys are eating in private the new clothes in the back door because I got the HDR I always shut the back door Big Jack come on to my business what kind of business I'm not buying anything you're selling looking like a car salesman over here yo [ __ ] off Marty no it's a business of me being your agent Jackie funny Marty you're really funny Jackie I'm serious on my mother I got a call today from the owner of a professional basketball team they want you to try out for them yeah I gotta work tomorrow exactly come on come on Jackie just go I'll save your plate yeah look the passage to pass between us you should do it yeah hey go ahead come on thank God the Monk's gonna finally leave the monastery all right I'll be at Pharaoh's all right yo so who called what's going on owner of the Harlem Wizards so you think he's the real deal you met him at the tryouts of course he's the real deal Jackie why else would I be here excuse me hey hey no not if I don't get my potato chips for the calorie count [ __ ] here's some [ __ ] green beans I just want the potato chips in the casserole I believe I still leave Jackie Jackie Jackie they think maybe maybe a heart attack he's gonna be fine I need you to go with him go with him I have to get the girls up baby I'm gonna meet you at the hospital with the girls come here hey Bob hey Saint Peter ain't cashing my check so you girls can relax did the bank send you your credit card yet yeah yeah I ran it up already yeah can you go find your your mother and your sister's life someone stole my lighter and get the number of the cute nurse my God all right pops you know they're putting warning labels on these things you can be a real [ __ ] sometimes too yeah she's trying to get me a real heart attack how you feeling yeah I'm all right you know when I was a kid I dreamed of being a football player not a high school I got drafted in the Navy they sent me off to Korea I was lucky enough to come back with two good knees but my old man had other plans for me no football handed me a union car drove me down to the piers I had just served my country and he said they did you a favor but that's the way he looked in life I was gonna go to work just like he did just like his father [Music] what do you want to do Jackie being a [ __ ] up look at this basketball didn't work well sometimes what we want isn't a god-given right and you got to make accommodations for reality you got to do something you love [Music] and God must have given you this ability for some reason you haven't seen me playing years what the [ __ ] you talking about well all I've been seeing is you walking around like a zombie and I hate it go make a man out of yourself [Music] come in hey pop hey found that cute nurse you were talking about yeah it was a joke it was for you yeah yeah yeah say hi to him hey girls how are you give me a kiss are you okay yeah I'm all right were you guys scared yeah I wasn't scared I told them that you're going to be fine right yeah that's right I'm gonna be fine that you're going to look after yourself yeah right that's right I'm feeling better already what are you doing it's my hair huh yeah Hey where's my lighter Hey where's my lighter how you doing I'm great you yeah I'm playing again yeah you belong on the court still seeing that guy how's your dad I'm just saying if you weren't seeing that guy would you grab a song I like to tell your family I said hello okay wait wait I'm sorry okay I [ __ ] up you did sorry you should get back jerky hold up hold up just hear me out I regret most things in my life okay mainly because I can't keep my mouth short of my ego in check the thing I regret the most things I didn't say to you you are the most important thing in my life guess what a credit card that's disgusting get a wallet okay yeah I know yo ball up so you're so relaxed you got this in the bag right yeah that's what Dad said and he didn't [ __ ] get the job so hey you've been on this site since you were 18 years old I'd be lucky to have you as a foreman remember that I think I'm gonna ask Tammy to marry me what yeah yeah we talked about it and I just think it's what's best for my girl you know I just want to do good for you you know I really need this promotion Jackie have you told Mom and Pops yet I mean mom will be doing cartwheels I ain't told nobody yet but I could really use the best man though are you serious yeah I'm too nervous right now Jack you need to go smoke a cigarette okay go ahead you know my brother's got this in the bag you might as well go home Mr strong said how you doing what are you doing here Jackie sorry barging like do you mind if I sit down yeah nice go right ahead I know Billy's coming in next let's choose something wrong no no I just wanted to say that I really think he deserves this job well you and I both know that he's a strong candidate but uh he has some marks against him I understand that ah you see my family my dad says we're not management material that's probably true for me and my dad but Billy's different you know he's not perfect but he's got the respect of the guys like no other always been by my dad's side he knows the business suit to nuts and I think your boss would be lucky to have him as a foreman that's all I wanted to say thank you Mrs thank you appreciate it we got a four minute in the car I can't believe you offered me the job in the room you deserve it looks like I'm gonna be bossing people around them oh I'm so proud of you I'm Gonna Make You casserole with chips tell me tell me everything Olsen called me after he left the room he told me what you did you're a good brother you would have done the same thing about it I like that oh that was touching I mean that was like a really true Ryan filling me moment I think I think my prayers what do these guys doing where are they going you see this [ __ ] Marty oh they're in a hurry yo where you guys going so I'm going down at the park huh the [ __ ] you got the box yeah I got the box let's go some shit's going down yo pop we're going to the park all right all right all right thanks everybody [ __ ] yo hit me let's go what do you think about being back in this city girl man I love the city man and a little kids yeah looking forward to this season of course man we win and everything yeah yo where you from kid Brooklyn East 5th Street you want a team or something not yet gonna make it to the NBA hopefully I'll make it hopefully come on man they're gonna let you run the floor Peter let me run the floor yeah of course [ __ ] you know me starting point guard baby you know that easy work you're gonna run that floor I'm running everything I do everything man can I quote you on that quote me on everything everything I'm tired of being [ __ ] the underdog you feel me well let's go comes back to the neighborhood what once a decade aop oh hey hey how are you and you uh we're just uh finishing up a peace on guilf it'd be a good idea to bring him back to the old neighborhood you gotta be kidding me this guy never comes back to the neighborhood hey what up blackjack yo Peter you should get some quotes on them no thanks I'm good hey you know Finn said you turned a lot of heads hey sorry about your tryout man you seem kind of shook is that right that's all I remember is busting your ass we all know why you keep getting Second Chances man easy right I put in the call yeah we both know lots of black guys that'll bust Jackie's ass but never get a second chance right about that Peter Well I earn that tryout all right you ask anyone in this neighborhood oh yeah yeah and I'm down here trying to be a good example to these kids Jackie we oh man was that necessary it was necessary foreign baby me and you I'll play for free yo this is your neighborhood everyone plays for free around here right right yeah I will bust your ass in front of make them proud then baby let's go one on one ball up back there what you waiting for one on one one on one you might want to tell those camera guys to quit you know you're about to get embarrassed in front of everybody come so this [ __ ] was coming one-on-one hey what's going on hey your brother Jackie is playing Gil Turner at East 5th Street park but right now yeah right now I'm gonna finish our base oh let's go come on you ready [Music] come on girl everyone's watching come on [Music] baby don't forget that ball baby as well Jack ET [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] thank you [Music] baby what is that what is that [Music] [Applause] here guys [Music] [Music] you can't hold me man you can't hold me too many weapons baby too many weapons let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay come on games you can't hit it huh foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] felt so right then we hit in the club until the sunlight then we do it again and again yeah we had a kick game to the ladies every now and then and then it's back to the action the main attraction back on the Court Street brought assassin weather one on one a five on five street balls light till the day that I die in New York City will never be the same I earned my stripes now say my name [Music] New York City where I left my mark [Music] my mark New York City where I left my mark [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gravitas SPORTS | Free Movies
Views: 665,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gravitas Films, Gravitas Movies, Gravitas Ventures, Gravitas Free Movies, Gravitas Free Films, Free Movies, Free, Movies, Films, Free full films, Basketball Movie, Free Basketball movie, Hoops, Black Jack, Jackie Ryan, Black Jack the Jackie Ryan Story, Story, Doc, Documentary, Basketball Documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 41sec (5921 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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