Hitman 2: Isle of Sgail 3 Ways to Play! (Phoenix Burning, Silent Assassin, Suit of Armor) Ep. 2/2

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are we gonna do snap on it real quick oh nice Oh very poetic 47 it's a gratin with an ancient Aztec necklace how that's nasty oh my god she's actually dismissing the guards this is perfect oh my god just put a face in it I am made really if you're gonna go and stand basically inside and I made it you kind of have to expect for this to happen why is she gone she's here right here we go dark saw death by Dark Souls BAM praise the Sun let's get out of here oh boy Wow slide down here pronto okay boy right where's Zoe what's she up to well I am entirely satisfied that I managed to dark souls someone to death that was great she up to look at that coat oh I don't know I mean okay so this is Genesis funeral load folded harvest okay I'm really sorry ma'am my camera seemed not right ceremonial dagger sounds okay so I don't think I want to be jebediah block anymore and the guy he lost the dagger was dressed as a custodian so probably it's something to do with these guys and I can get around pretty easily wearing this now let's find a way to get Zoe Washington time to acquire a new disguise hello this one's getting a little out of fashion all right I'm gonna be one of these military looking guards this time here he comes I want that beanie grinned there we go all right quickly stick baton lose this fiery fresh disguise now I am anonymous security militia man I know bunch of the custodians hang around down here there's a sort of archive room with a load of boxes and stuff so my money is on the ceremonial dagger being in one of these boxes there we go one notice sir but I think the rest of them are cool okay yeah all right bunch of boxes bird eye card open without a crowbar it'll be a crowbar around here's got to be a crowbar how you guys opening these boxes do you see me no we're good we're good we're good all right that's tight okay crowbar though yes crowbar finally okay good now now I can start prising open some boxes see if we can find this dagger okay what have we got in box number one it is a didgeridoo and that's no good I'll kill someone with that let's try this one once this guy stop licking me just inspecting the shipping label making sure it's all been shipped properly okay what have we got yes this looks like what I need ceremonial burial dagger perfect although here's a problem it's got an expiration mark which means I can't pick it up while I'm dressed as someone who shouldn't be carrying weapons so I need to go and find a different outfit of someone who's allowed to carry guns so a guard of some sort I like the ceremonial robes and cowboy hat look that's that's real strong would it be noticed what's going on with this big bird thing they got a torch here they're burning that money lots and lots of money oh okay that guy's spotting me they're gonna run away I'm they're gonna are they gonna put some of this Wicca man what's new is that the master of ceremonies what like the effigy on fire with so we Washington inside whatever sells so so Washington's can be inside it who's the master of ceremonies probably the master of ceremonies will be behind the thing right behind here getting ready for the show sorry sorry my mistake my mistake how do I get around there's our way around yeah I mean this is pretty easy to get through actually isn't it no don't look round right good let's just drop down here nip over here subdue this guy grab his disguise yeah there you go it's all good and dump him over the side come on get over the side mate yeah there we go off you go right another terrible guard accident it's been one of those days so Zoe Washington is the one in the white dress and she's all the way down stairs over there it's just quick job down here retrace my steps so here she is the woman of the hour how how how how right we've already agreed we're not gonna burn her to death in a giant metal bird because that's I mean I've done a lot of stuff but that sounds awful go draw the line somewhere okay up says we've got one of these guys so I think are the top level guard so that's probably a useful outfit to have anyway so let's see about distracted came with this hiding in a box and then just choking him out taking his outfit are you you carry on on your broom thank you and then you come here before he manages to do a full loop if you would be so kind get to Goldie for this never let me down Goldie okay there we go get that's on good 47 get you in the box and then we should really serve this gramophone off before we start a whole distraction chain thing going okay everyone cool everyone okay with this everyone fine with me picking up a dagger yes fine okay good we have the ceremonial burial dagger let's see now if we can find I guess where Jamie's body is there must be a root in somehow I just edged along the side here yes 47 yes ledge there we go I move move past the window yet there we go good and climb up here so I'm behind the Wicker Man Thing you use the master of ceremonies as the master of ceremonies have a secret room up here is just like the green room here we go yes good jobs are so many broken windows in this place yeah okay this looks good backstage hydraulic door safety reports might be use for sabotage hydraulics oh okay so I sort of need to trap her in there maybe there's a wrench here oh right you two a bit too much for a problem for me so you can live in this box now together there you go this is your new home now oh there he is since down at the morgue with dad there's a lot of guards guarding a dead guy not 100% sure how this could work but I assume I want to clear this room out and then do something to the body oh wait we're worried there we go there's a burial outfit right perfect I can wear his weird burial outfit and then they'll think that I'm the corpse and then I could be like a hard burial dagger between the eyes all right fine but to do that I am gonna have to clear this room out right so I've got the wrench sabotage the electronics for the escape door system that seems to make sense good hmm hmm this is all working quite nicely actually now I just need to find the master of ceremonies guy get in his robes and initiate this this whole Wickham and deal hmm how about it do you think she's gonna walk close enough no maybe not maybe not also lot of collateral hmm okay knockout chain commence let's just get the fuse off move out of the way wait for this guy to come around and then probably just uh choking this time don't alert anyone with some head crunching sounds okay knock you out turn that back on keep myself a little extra time and sweat we put you here looks good just get big unconscious body where I'm going I'm conscious body cold storage this is the last guards just knock you out get you in the body storage nice and easy and then it's just us and the mortician ah there he is Janus is there a screwdriver puncture mark in his neck probably not sorry about this I know you're just doing your job but I really do need that weird burial outfit and you'll probably like it in the body storage room it's nice cool temperature lots of other people to hang out with so any more backstage area that I can get to you as a hole in the wall Oh creepy and the Crypt can we climb up love work men and stuff here on the heavy but I've completely turned myself around have no idea where I am now ah okay okay yes that's it look I can see him that's him I just need to get in through that door but he's locked himself in the jerk I don't know what key I'm supposed to have for that maybe I can maybe I can hop out through here and hop in through another one definitely not supposed to be here there must be a window they must have lots a cracked a window or something here we go this is what I'm after yes yes it would be awfully stuffy in there if they hadn't cracked a window right all right time to get this burial outfit on this is worse worse somehow the skull is on the back this time I've got a kind of listened old man face on the front so what is the matter with this society seriously all right well I'm all dressed up let's find a funeral skatey now I guess the idea is I'm supposed to get in the coffin without were that's right I told Russ about anyone seeing me just got to deal with the people in this room as quietly as possible was that bust yeah that's good I'll have one of those all right let's see if we can tempt someone underneath that chandelier who wants to go I the guard well you'll do why not let's drop that through there nice nailed it right let's get that bust right you're down and then master of ceremonies yeah silent takedown brilliant chapel key yes please disguise master of ceremonies I don't often do these story missions they're kind of fun I mean I've got a really cool mask now they try clubbing up okay that weights so good no one's looking directly the coffee and accept this harpist wait the harpist was blindfolded so that's fine she can't see anything so I can just go and get oh no I can talk to it to let it wobble get to digital okay okay goods now she's gonna stop playing harp I'm gonna just hop up here like the real corpse around dot no all right everyone's turning up for the funeral I guess they'll do the eulogy and then maybe II though II will stay behind so say a few words and I can just pop out and jam a ceremonial burial dagger through a rye it's that sound feasible Diana I'm talking to you we're very quiet this mission Diana okay as predicted people are coming up as I'm still paying their final respects and then leaving so I think I've just got to stay here doing nothing until the crowd thins out enough for me to do a unnoticed murder okay that's pretty much everyone the guards are leaving now perfect so all I need to do is wave the constants who I'm not allowed to kill to finish paying his respects and then Zoe Washington's all mine okay the constant hasn't actually left yet finish speaking a while ago but he's still here just staring at me I mean maybe he's really really sad he's just sort of reflecting on our times together he's really taking his time taking it all in I don't think anyone's gonna come in here are they really this is like the private master of ceremonies room Hockman in there anyway okay I've been here about ten minutes now I'm pretty sure this is bugged rather than just the constant being very upset about the death of his friend so not sure what I'm gonna do now this is this the script has for you that Intel moments moments scheduled descends to the muddy pit he makes a short statement and lights the money on fire the master summoned Zoe Washington on stage Zoe makes a speech whereupon she enters the cage beneath the effigy the master states the stage and lights the effigy on fire so he slips out the back door before the structures engulfed in flame well we all know that's gonna go badly wrong yep this is definitely above I've been here for absolutely ages so I guess I'm gonna have to reload and try something else so thanks a lot hit man no it's fine I didn't have anything else to be doing let me just reload redo everything take a Wonder 47 clear your head think of a plan regroup yeah soda can why not treat yourself when we got around here there's a lot of militia hanging out they've gotta have some goodies some sort of lethal goodies the helipad right right I knew that ah we got crates weapons cases flares hmm Oh oh yeah sometimes you just got to think what would Mike do Mike would take the propane flasks all right okay starting to form a plan okay so I like some money on fire do I do that now yes ignite the money pit let's burn all the money he's already gained into it he's going full method 47 you are loving this on you absolutely adoring it it's the role you were born to play all right reloaded thanks hit man so I guess we're just gonna go with the burning Phoenix better G thing because I'm in no mood to fight another way of doing this right who's in here I'm coming in to tamper with your Phoenix flame thing right yeah come around investigate I know nonsense from anyway I'm not in the mood you go and investigate good knock your friend out thank you you as well we could have done this the easy way but no you had to be all vague oh no this is gonna work so now now this is happening you only got yourself to blame where's Zoey Washington she's there - does she know that the money pits been put on fire yeah I think she's on her way down right I mean she must have a copy of the script what no comeback so are you supposed to be on fire about now wait she's looking at why is she looking at the body oh she comes in through the back rides well how much did that guy see he's not an unconscious witness is he it's fine well the guy's got his gun out no Zoey come back come back you've got a job to do and that job is to be on fire yeah yeah I think she's fine now right no everyone's waiting look look at their expectant faces man this is why I shouldn't try story missions I reckon she's gonna come back around this way because that's how video games work and if I can get us on we're sort of isolated reduce the kind of collateral damage somewhere around here maybe I know this is a bit public again back in the old gallery returned to the scene of the crime oh where else is she gonna be where else is there we gonna go again another crowded room there's a lot of crowded rooms in this level right tampering with the gas pipes there we go gas pipe tampered with now now just need to dress as the master of ceremonies whoo pretty sure it's through here out of my way no time for you our society lock door doesn't matter I've got a master key I'm so done with you the arc society all right open up which have used the master ceremony this is you you this guy here in the dress is the Phantom of the Opera probably him isn't it right sorry everyone else you getting knocked down yes come on Zoe do your bit do your bit here she is this is gonna work this is gonna work after all right fine not everyone's knocked out just this guy to go yeah yeah oh no please don't knock me out well yeah you should have thought of that before you you boat that the funeral mission shouldn't you welcome come on you're gonna make a speech you know make a speech everyone's waiting mmm maybe being distracted by that body means she doesn't want to do a speech Oh Mike what's the matter with this society seriously what are you dressed like doesn't matter let's get out there and get this stupid ceremony started yeah yeah it's me master of ceremonies uh-huh yeah yeah yeah drink it in so how do we how do we start this thing take the torch burn this money sure why not hurry up do it burn the money money is bad the end of the world etc Zoe Washington get out here [Applause] seriously get down here I mean are you kidding me Oh oh this is uh so this is where this comes out all the worlds interconnected again if I were Mike I would describe this as being like Dark Souls but it's not really is it sorry Mike no shade intended okay the game crash that's fine though I'm fine with it so Zoey Washington's you want to get in the thing please so getting the thing getting the thing get the things being in the thing I wonder if but you're in the doghouse now what have I done wrong wait she's going away okay well I guess there we go that'll do oh she's not dead there is the there's the detonator and the penthouse key card and the torch has gone out it's unfortunately but that's fine we just dragged her into the effigy like this does this work I feel like these people deserve a show Oh security camera okay here she comes it's show time all right I guess yeah all right we've we've walked the patrol route this looks like as good as Fosters any to lay the trap when I say trap I mean propane flask right I've got to get up I've gotta go upstairs to do this so thanks Zoe I'm in no mood get into the Phoenix thing I'm gonna set on fire and thank you right now how do i light this thing on fire I just taught you straight away no go rounds some sort of gas pipe in the floor oh there we go right fine light her up as the world it's ashes not just to survive but to live [Music] sorry Zoey sorry Zoey but this is kind of your fault you could have been probably painlessly knife to the funeral but no you had to not do that didn't you so sorry it's you're going up it's a big Phoenix think anyway we're done she's down everyone's gonna notice me now apparently this is fine oh no it's not that fine let's just pop her in here there we go no one will know I don't want to trigger the kill switch that's not a good idea uh oh I could I mean I could do this here we go it's not quite what they had in mind but uh yeah I brought this along you know okay everyone yeah some slight modifications to the to the proceedings but yeah enjoy this oh my god it worked Oh Oh everyone Oh everyone's angry Oh better get out of here oh boy now we just need to go and find this is the kill to Constance and taken to the boat in the harbor right got it well there's a lot of people but I've got this kind of wall to conceal me and if I know propane and I do it's explosive and it is here she comes all right this will be your finest and thoughtless moment yet 47 Wow oh I didn't do it again that while she while she's thinking about it there we go yay target the second almost is almost a suavely executed as target the first right now I'm stuck in it chest freezer it's quiet what everyone freaks out runs around and I'm being told not to eliminate the constant who is this whole other dude and I can optionally extract this whole other dude for bonus points I expect so let's try and do that shall we um fine fine just get around that guy just just just just that slight break the sight line good great cool only one note sir only no notices she got blasted clear of the effigy but there you go I can probably come one of the workmen or something right definitely need to not be wearing this stuff any gay job done job done what's her from screaming about oh yeah oh yeah the murder where is this constant then I must not kill him remember 47 no killing it's gonna be tough for you but I believe you can do it and not kill the constant he's over here closing 20 meters 19 18 15 12 10 here he is and stop sir please sir stop like haider I have the kill switch did you say how could you know about that you will head towards the harbor no sudden moves no signs or warnings I will trigger the device if I need to I know you time for a bit of story you can't ruffle me the constant i'm unruffle keep moving oh do I have to go and bother the oh I have to go and bother the constant now let me just take a moment to admire my work that's pretty good one little rubber duck did all that where's he gotten to that's like an optional mission he's only 20 meters but he's directly above me and I assume I'm not allowed up here where am I apparently that's fine cool okay why didn't I use this outfit before oh I had did I have a disguise in here was it useful I remember not useful not useful but here's the drainpipe right okay here's the drainpipe I might be have to get my suit of armor back oh that would be amazing there it is in its little laundry bag that it definitely would not fit into I'd only eight meters away come back come back to the constant wherever you gone where is he oh he's just impossible to catch hi Tok the Washington's are dead I have the kill switch you will head towards the harbor no sudden moves no nice 47 I will trigger the device so smooth now I should probably deal with the security tapes before I find the constant cuz otherwise that's gonna be really awkward so I'm heading in here to deal with that guys if you could just see your way clear to not looking at the security machine but instead this corner for about 15 seconds that would be really helpful brilliant thank you guys so much for your cooperation I will see you next time right now just the constant to go who is over there don't don't look at me are you going to the harbor or not what is happening boy okay go on in the constant I'll see you at the harbour I have a little bit of unfinished business you know I've got a kill switch right if I accidentally pull the trigger then you're dead and also I lose this mission I expect I think we're wending our way back down gradually very gradually to the harbour where I came in we're gonna get out in the boat and then I guess um Lucas gray is gonna do stuff to the constant I can't believe I'm gonna do this oh it's compromised as well what a surprise right what's my best route out of here where's the harbour it's over that way I'm just gonna have to run for it ah no basically right here we go then Yolo hey you we're going I've got a kill switch down to the boat no time to talk dealt with your dumb society yes that's right I've got a kill switch actually it's probably more intimidating flow holes in there we go this kill switch so yeah get down to the boat no funny business no paying infinite respects or crashing I'm glad you know the way the constant well I forgot there we go kill switch detonator what we should have it out just so he knows I'm not bluffing I can just put my trigger finger on the trigger show you I mean business me he'll I mean that's why he's been quiet now isn't it oh my god are you not gonna move because if you are not gonna move I'm press the O right fine good good good let's go quick stroll across the dance floor nearly out and this is a an exposition rich walk the constant well thanks for this little strolls of the beach the constant I think though we're just gonna bundle you into the speedboat and and we'll be away man didn't even get any canapes terrible party food that's us done let's just quickly kidnap the students see how many stars I've gotten hey there yeah that was the Isle of scale okay you wait here I just remembered I said I'd go back and get my tuxedo I made a promise to Diana so stay there don't do it don't leave got the honor system here I should keep moving oh I am being shot at yes I am somewhat being shot at I'm in combat oh there's a lot of people there that was a grenade that's not so great I'll have to miss a few Simon's in Dark Souls as well yeah yeah well hopefully the armors gonna keep me a little bit safe from bullets okay I'm outside now this is a good start oh boy but I am being shot at a lot open this door pop out here oh there's another person with a gun in fact all these people are very very angry with me okay keep going keep going again hope this armor will absorb it it wouldn't fire into a crowd would they surely not surely not okay gosh ah as a real gauntlet of gods down here I've been flashbangs as well that's not so great excuse me gents just leaving I'm just leaving mate I'm just leaving gosh I must be knackering we've we even dodge and we've now we go yes yes we're in the main party now this is fine people in suits of armor should be allowed to this party surely oh boy Oh everything's going great it's fine it's fine I've walked it off I've walked it off right yes good down to the harbour yes just need to escape these last few people run away and goes down here oh gosh oh there's a couple down here oh all right okay gonna have to kill these guys sorry sorry really sorry desperately sorry about it right off we go let's leave let's leave exit just ricocheting off the armor come on get in the boat I'm protecting him yes look at me look at me driving a speedboat in a suit of armor amazing even if I get no hit man's whatsoever for this I feel like I won look and the effigies on fire as well brilliant okay thank you very much the constant for waiting I don't know what the range on this trigger is but I seem you could have just jumped into the boat and sped off we didn't so very impressed with your honesty it's good so let us get off this hellhole of an island and never return what do you say you with me that's right let's go and two stars well it did take quite a long time about it and oh yeah there's that time I put the body through a window and it was instantly discovered so on reflection I will gracefully accept my two star mission rating thank you very much oh oh my god okay five stars at Silent Assassin but that was that was hard going that was hard forts five stars well that was completely ludicrous and it does not surprise me at all that I've got zero Hitman's for that performance yet - ninety thousand non-target kill penalty so that's a big fat zero but I have a sense of achievement that cannot be represented by a mere number all right thanks everyone for watching hope you enjoyed this like and subscribe for more hit man from outside Xbox and we will see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 221,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, hitman 2, hitman, hitman 2 outsidexbox, hitman 2 3 ways to play, 3 ways to play, three ways to play, sgail, hitman 2 sgail, isle of sgail, silent assassin, suit of armor, knight armor, phoenix, ark society, phoenix from the ashes, burning, story mission, opportunity, challenge, funny, funny moments, hitman 2 funny, hitman funny
Id: rE3frElBOhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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